• Member Since 24th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago



Displaced story. Guy went to a con dressed up as Knight Blazer. But he has been hearing about how people have been disappearing from said convention, but he went anyway. He soon purchased some items that he felt would help complete his costume. Next thing he knows, he's in Equestria surrounded by humanoid ponies. More specifically, the Royal Knights.

What the hell just happend?

Beta Reader: cyberlord4444

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 122 )

Interesting, I'll follow for now


Thanks. I hope that I won't disappoint you.


Thanks. There is going to be more in the future.

Jusr curious do you know when the second is going to be released? Sorry if im being pushy im not meaning to be if so


*waves off the concern.* No worries on your concern. You are not being pushy. Hell, I'VE been in your position a good number of times myself as a reader.

And as for the second chapter, it might take a while. The chapter updates will be......sporadic would be the best word. This is my FIRST story ever so I am still technically getting into the swing of things. I mean, it took me almost TWO MONTHS just to get this first chapter together.

All I can ask for from you and everyone else who reads and likes this is some patience.

My muse tends to be a bit annoying.

If that does not help, sorry. I am going to try my best.

7605364 its alright im actually planning on making my own story myself and I can wait and I also understand so take your time no rush here:pinkiehappy:

My fucking inglesh sucks sorry for swearing I mean if you mind swearing........ I hate inglesh


For the reply on these three, look to your PM box.

ahh good old Wild Arms... it really doesn't get the attention it deserves. well into the wilderness i go.


Haha THANK YOU! Glad to know you are a fan of the games too. Hope I don't disappoint you as a fellow fan and do the franchise justice when writing this.


Hmmm... premise is pretty standard for Displaced stories, but as far as this went, you could have done a lot worse with this being your first story.

I will say that you should probably seek out a proofreader and/or an editor though. Much of the prose could've been executed better and I found that the tense of the story was confusing at times.

One positive thing to note though, is that you didn't fall into the same trap so many other Displaced stories do: Immediately make enemies with the ponies. Whether by circumstance or intent, so many of them end up making themselves enemies of the state as soon as they appear in Equestria. This makes your story stand out in my eyes.

All that's left now is to say that I'll be watching this story's progress and inevitable improvement as you grow as a writer.


Thank you. Your constructive criticism is TRULY very much appreciated. Comments like yours are what would help me improve.

Again, thank you.

wild arms...BUCK YEAH....any other characters from game 2 making an appearence...(havent really played any wild arms games after the first two)


Not really. I'm mainly going to focus on my OC and his powers as Knight Blazer.

eh still going to be awesome....if you change your mind Kanon the exorcist would be cool


Thank you. Glad you like it.

Good, good... and next time, WILD ARMs BATTLEEEEE!!!!

cant wait for more .... i love wild arms 2 i would say more but xbox doesnt like me using emotes


Thanks. Glad you like it.


Well I've got a particular song planned for an optional background theme to listen to during battle. Help make the full change more epic. At least as best as I can anyway.

7677876 Is it Justice to Believe?


Sorry. That would be classified as Spoilers so you are going to have to wait to find out. Just like everyone who reads these comments.

7678508 NP, and thanks for the replies!


Like you said, no problem.

1. Realized I forgot to fav and like.:twilightsmile:


Similar problem as with chapter one with the awkward prose, but it's getting better. Comes with practice.

for fight scenes though, you're going to want to try and make each paragraph shorter and more to the point in order to make it feel like the fight is moving quickly. It's action, not dialogue. You have the right idea, it's just executed clumsily.

Other than that, I'm seeing some definite improvement over the first one, keep it up!


Haha thank you Villain. That is great to hear. Your criticism is much appreciated.

Yes... this is looking much more polished now. Getting Cyber to beta read was also a good idea, good writer there.

I also see that you took my advice for the fight scenes, overall this is looking like a much better story, A+.


Haha Again Villain, thank you for the honest criticism. I'm surprised I got to THIS level of writing quality in just three chapters. I was expecting to get to this point by the 5th or 6th chapters.

Would you also believe I had this chapter finished last Sunday, but held off so I could see what I thought needed fleshing out on the story?


Good plan. Always good to read it over once or twice before posting. Saves you some embarrassment later


And having a Beta give it a quick once over to see if he or she thinks there is anything missing, needs to be added or taken out.



Seems like you're getting used to the whole writing thing, that's good.


Thanks. I'm still amazed that I took to it this quickly. Guess reading all the various stories over the last ten years built up and imprinted onto me. So to speak.

And I have you and Cyber to thank for me getting to where I am right now.


No writer gets good without putting in the effort. That has to come from you, not us.

... and man, does this feel ironic with my name...


-snrk- No kidding.

Also, I just realized something. I think I might be the FIRST person on this site to make a crossover of MLP with Wild ARMs.


To be fair... I'd never heard of it until this story.


Well, by this December, the Wild ARMs game franchise will be 20 years old. Wild Arms 1 and 2 came out for the PS1, while 3, 4 and 5 came out for the PS2.

7718090 there is also a wild arms game on psp... i think it was called wild arms fx... something x anyways


True. Not to mention the PS2 remake of the first game called Alter Code F.

So... Guy's unArmored form is Dean from WA5 and one of the major villains will be Sigfried... from what timeline?

Personally I'm partial for Wild Arms 3!Sigfried, but that is only personal bias (born from the thousand curses I've said against him iwhen I played at WA3)....


I'm going for Alter Code F version. Besides, I'm going to have various elements from the whole series in my story. At least the first 5 games anyway.

7718877 Many thanks. Are we going to have some chances to see the terrible foursomes from WA3 and WA4 here?


You're just gonna have to wait and see.

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