• Member Since 18th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Jonny Bench

My introduction to our amazing comunity was through cupcakes but i started watching the show reading fan fics and now here i am!


I had finally gotten my costume ready to go for the comic con convention that was going on in my hometown, and it was nearly perfect. I ended up finding the last part of my costume at a merchants shop at the convention. Before I knew what happened, I was teleported to the land of equestria, and I looked exactly like my favorite Pokemon, Dewott. Now it's my job to help the citizens of equestria, even if they don't want it.

Also, I did not draw my cover art, I found it on google, I will not take credit for it. I own nothing here except for the story
Finally, my character will be able to use more than four moves. I plan to make it so that he starts out with a few moves and ends up learning all of the other moves that he normally would as well as moves for samurott

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 67 )

Two likes already? This is amazing! Thank you for the support! I'll do my best to see the story through!

The thing in the picture is a Dewott, right? Do you know how to respond to comments?

7472863 yep, it is a Dewott and I do know how to respond to a comment.

Is it weird to wonder why no one tried this yet, I thought someone would have tried this displaced thing with Charizard by now
Also nice story so far dude

7473420 thanks. I am genuinely surprised at the amount of support the story has so far. Not even a minute after I had posted it, I had 2 likes and fifteen views. In short, that's an academy record!

*reads author's note* really, that happens with ice too, I tried to paralyze a Lasias in sapphire and it ran as well but when I put it to sleep it stayed until it woke up. Same thing with the romming legend in diamond and pearl

7474971 I still couldn't believe how ironic it was that I froze a fire type Pokemon, and it couldn't do anything about it

7473429 would you be willing to add a charizard displaced in your world by any chance, I'd do it myself but I'm not good writer and displaced fics are a league of there own. Heck you can do whatever you wish with it

7478563 I might for the sake of mega evolution, it would just be hard to add charizard, and I might pick a Pokemon that Dewott could end up having an egg with. If I add charizard, he/she might be the villain. I probably won't though because I have another path planned for this story to head down in the future. I won't say anything about the other stories except they are displaced and spoilers. If you want though I could help you write a displaced fic. This is my first one so I'm new to these

7479840 hey I said ANYTHING is up to you but I'm not good at writing. The thing is that I get an idea but forget it before I can get the details on paper, hell I forgot I what I was thinking when it came to the character to begin with when you respond to me :derpyderp2::twilightoops:

7480100 I dislike charizard, and personally wouldn't write a fic on one. You though, if you think about writing one with a charizard or some other character that I know even a bit about, let me know. I'll gladly help you to write the fic if you need input, or help with grammer if I notice any errors in it.

I don't know about the games but I remember the anime mentions Farfetch makes a tasty meal.

7480493 not my reference, but good point. I remember that too. Here's a hint for everyone, it has something to do with the most useless Pokemon in the games

7480497 Magikarp

if I recall correctly several times in the anime, sometimes people are seen eating a Magikarp or 2

7480565 you're getting close, but there is a direct reference to it in one of the games

I think i know the city, Lumiose in XY. not real sure on the pokemon, the only other pokemon thats useless and seems eadable is Feebas

7481519 it's magikarp, but not the right city and/or game

Great chapter have a mustache :moustache:

7473420 someone has "blazing skies" last word may need adjusting but someone did

"Hey, another TM! I hope that this'll be a good move."

hey look plot device that's what ran though my head

You have some nerve being here creature. For your actions yesterday you are to be detained and thrown into prison until I have decided what to do with you."

eh I'm mad so much I chat subscribe it he warned you he would fight if you tried to fight him rainbow tried got kicked and then you all did and he just saved you and equestrian BE GRATEFUL I'm stopping here before I keep ranting

Most importantly, I could set up a base on the bottom of the lake where none of the ponies would be able to find me, and I wouldn't get eaten by a random monster.

Finally a SI does this.....

double team is basically shadow clones...it doesnt just raise your evasivness...

Raindance also can be used to put out fires, and, with your hydromancy, you could probably speed up the rain to make it actually hurt, or use it to obscure the vision of enemies.

good move using aqua jet for movement, since, ya know...it lets you fly..

let me guess, he was like this when he was using his attacks https://zippy.gfycat.com/PinkFirsthandCob.webm

yeah...not sure why they are acting like that....flanderisation much?

7512505 ya I found that out a week ago

Imma make 2 guesses:

1. Miller time
2. Adventure Time

7544185 nope. It's a YouTube video though.

7512869 it's better than rapid spin for sure. We all know how that went with master roshi in Dragon ball.

7512575 took the words outa my mouth

He forgave them to easily

“I totally forgot about that!” Twilight says, “I am so sorry that we tried to fight you, it’s just that…”

okay now shove a razor shell up th-

“I completely understand”

......what where's an angry tyrantiar that's way to overleveled when you need one

7544725 he's looking for his mega stone. I might add one in later too.

“It’s not like today can get any more exciting than it already has.”

Enter, The Murphy.

“Do you know what time it is?” Pinkie Pie asks

Suddenly somepony shouts “it’s muffin time!”

I grin and shout back “Actually it’s twelve thirty!”

asdf movie reference!

7560211 yes ! Someone got the reference! Your prize is :moustache:

7560349 it was no problem good sir. :moustache: it is not every day I get a comment on my stories.

watch one of them shouting
"Hey, you stop!"


If you want to have the story not feel rushed, but be able to get ideas down without forgetting them, write them down somewhere.... I have a separate document for each of my stories (i do my writing in googledocs) that is strictly for world building and storing ideas. The way you currently have this story, it reads as nothing but a bunch of micro-sized half ideas that don't seem to follow much of a plot. You really need to slow down a bit and make sure ideas are fully formed, maybe build them out a bit. You could also really do with an editor. While I tend to ignore grammar if a story is interesting enough, you should still look in to having it fixed. Please don't get discouraged from my comment, I'm not trying to stop you from writing or anything, I'm just trying to give you a bit of advice. The premise of your story is interesting, you just need to work on your delivery.

Well.... this is interesting..... but these chapters are shorter than mine!

Aqua Pulse, Fury Cutter, Aqua Jet, Ice Beam
^ I guess he can only know 4 at a time or can he learn more seeing how he ain't in a game :rainbowhuh:

7635230 started with four, but i plan on using most of dewott's moveset

7635230 explain in dec he can learn all

7670652 Wasn't in dec before (if it was I don't recall it there)

im between hating this and L.V ing this

7727342 no, LV is in my other story. In this it's the IV's and EV's that you need to worry bout

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