• Published 5th Jul 2012
  • 40,945 Views, 1,278 Comments

A Pony out of Place - Ausbrony

A young Ponyta suddenly finds himself in Equestria. Will he ever get home? Will he even want to?

  • ...

Chapter Nine – A Pony makes his Decision

Chapter Nine – A Pony makes his Decision.

Twilight paced nervously around her room, her hooves clip-clopping across the floor boards. Spike glanced up from a book he was reading and shook his head with annoyance.

“Twilight, seriously!?” The unicorn paid little heed as the pacing continued and increased in speed. “Why are you so upset?”

Twilight paused and looked at her little assistant. It had been three days now since she discovered the solution to get Flare home but had kept the knowledge to just Sparkler and herself. “Can you make a Pinkie Promise not tell anypony?”

Spike put his book down and nodded. Was it that serious that a Pinkie Promise needed to be invoked? “Alright Twi, I promise.” He went through the usual motions of the pledge. “Now tell me what’s up?”

Twilight breathed deeply a few times, bordering on hyperventilating. “Okay… it happened a few days ago. Sparkler came up with some genius equations for our research and after looking over them and what we already had… well, it just happened!”

“What happened!?” Spike panicked slightly. Maybe they couldn’t find a way to get Flare home. A part of Spike was relieved though, as bad as that sounded. He didn’t want Flare to go so soon.

“We found a way to get him home…”

Spike’s inner monologue came to a screeching halt at that comment. “W-what?”

“Sparkler and I found a way to locate Flare’s world amidst space/time. Some tests will have to be run to confirm it for sure, but I have little doubt that it will work.”

Spike was silent as he processed that information. Twilight could send Flare home at any moment now. “What does Flare think about this?” he asked. “When does he want to leave?”

Twilight flinched as he asked that. This was the part she was dreading, as if saying out loud would curse her or something. “I uh, I kind of haven’t… told him yet.”

“…WHAT!?” Spikes’ sudden shout caused Twilight to take a step back. Spike breathed a few sparks of flame from his nostrils and stamped his foot. “Why the hay haven’t you told him!?”

“I-I don’t know,” Tears began to form in Twilight's’ eyes and Spikes’ expression softened. He didn’t mean to make her cry.

“I’m sorry Twi, I shouldn’t have yelled. But why in Equestria haven’t you at least told Flare? Now that you can send him home, can’t you do it at any time?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, there have to be certain conditions, like celestial alignments and a lot of magic, waaay more magic than even I’m capable of.”

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” Spike muttered and Twilight nodded.

“And I may need Cadences’ power as well.” Twilight fell to the floor and buried her head in her hooves. “Why can’t I bring myself to tell him Spike?”

“I don’t know Twilight, that’s something only you can answer.” Twilight knew that the little dragon, who was wise beyond his years, was right. She sighed and rose to her hooves with a slight groan. All that pacing had made her legs quite tired.

“Maybe I should send a letter to the princess though. Maybe she could offer some advice?” Spike just shrugged and decided to head downstairs to get a bite to eat, leaving Twilight to herself.


It had been a good day for Flare so far. The weather was a bit dismal as the steel-grey sky covered the town, the wind was sharp and seemed to blow straight through him. Shivering slightly, he headed for Rarity’s boutique as per the unicorns request the day before.

A little bell tinkled as he walked in and it was sudden on why the fashionista wanted him here. A line of outfits were placed around the store, all with a common colouration that matched Flares’ cream-coloured coat and bright flames. One in particular stood out as Flare walked closer to it.

The top of the dress fit snuggly around the neck, chest and barrel. It flared out near the flank and it looked like a flame that had been stopped it time. A micro-thin lace that looked like gossamer protruded from the back and Flare instantly thought of a pair of wings. Rubies and topaz were sown throughout the garment and sparkled like the night sky.

“Beautiful…” Flare whispered and he pictured Twilight wearing the stunning garment.

A voice from behind him broke him out of his trance. “Flare?” He turned to see Rarity holding what appeared to be a glass of ash in her telekinetic grasp. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

Flare gave the glass of liquid death a dubious look before bowing his head. “Sorry about that, I should have knocked first I suppose.”

“It’s quite alright, it took me a bit longer to clean up after lunch that I thought.” Flare was going to question the glass but decided that he didn’t want to know. He thanked his lucky stars that he wound up staying with Twilight though. Rarity saw his standing near her prized creation and gave a little squeal of delight. “Oh I see you found it already.”

Flare looked back to the dress and smiled. “This is amazing… I mean I knew you had talent from those ones you had at Canterlot, but wow.”

Rarity had a smile that would have done a certain pink pony proud. “And yet it’s all thanks to you that I could create these.”

“Wha- me?” Flare wondered why all these outfits looked so familiar. “So back when we first met…?”

“Indeed.” Rarity lovingly stroked one of the outfits with a hoof. “The moment I saw you I was like a mare possessed. I haven’t made outfits quite so ‘striking’ in quite a while.”

Flare felt a little embarrassed now. He’d never inspired anyone at first glance before, much less one that led to such wonderful creations. “Well I’m honoured that I was such a help, though I didn’t really do anything.”

Flare suddenly found a warm, incredibly soft scarf around his neck, a black scarf with a flame pattern at either end.

“Take this as a token of my appreciation,” Rarity smiled. “I know it’s not much but I do hope you like it darling.”

“Thank you Miss Rarity, I love it!” Flare nuzzled the scarf and the soft fabric tickled him slightly. Rarity was glad that he enjoyed it, but something seemed off. Why did he call her ‘Miss’ again?

“Are you alright Flare?” She suddenly asked. “Is something bothering you?”

What was it with every mare he knew to be so perceptive? “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“Whatever do you mean darling?” Rarity tilted her head in confusion. “Are you having some sort of trouble?”

“Kind of,” Flare replied. “Ditzy gave me some good advice a few days ago, but I still don’t really know how to go about it.”

“Well is there anything I can do to assist you?” Rarity was concerned for her new muse friend.

Flare thought for a moment. Was there anything Rarity could do? It was a decision that affected more than just him after all.

…Wait a moment. That was it! The decision did affect all of his new friends too. He just had an idea that would help him out.

“Actually, there is.” He gave a serious look which caused the unicorn the take a small step back in surprise. His entire demeanour suddenly changed, like the flick of a switch. “I was wondering what you think of me?”

Rarity’s eyes widened a she blushed furiously. He wanted to know what she thought about him? Rarity was used to stallions making a move on her. It was only natural to somepony of her stature and beauty after all. But she was sure that he liked Twilight, or possibly Rainbow Dash.

“W-well, um. I’m certainly flattered…” Rarity stammered and spoke rather quietly. “But I just don’t think you’re my type Flare.”

“Wait, what?” What the heck was she blathering on about? It took a second but Flare realised that she must have misunderstood him somehow. He thought he asked a pretty straightforward question.

He reworded the question. “I meant what you think of me as a friend. What did you think I meant?”

Rarity realised her mistake and coughed as she regained her composure and remained a dignified lady. “O-oh, I must have simply misheard you. As a friend, well I’d consider you just as precious as any of my others.” She swept a hoof to show of the outfits she had created by the inspiration he had given her.

“And of course, I could not have created all of this without you.” But Rarity wondered why he was suddenly asking all this. Was he going somewhere? She put a hoof to her mouth in shock, did Twilight find a way to get him home? Maybe he was worried that nopony would miss him or something.

“No matter what separates us,” She spoke up, catching Flare off guard while he thought. “Be it space and time, or just the empty air between us now. We shall be the very best of friends, don’t you agree?”

Flare nodded in response, he had made a wonderful friend in the form of the white unicorn. “Yeah, of course we will Lady Rarity.”
Rarity blushed a bit at the title and giggled. “Though what I said before… keep up that gentlecolt attitude and I may just change my mind~”

Aaaand now she was back to making no sense. “Well I have some important things to take care of, see you later Rarity?”

“Of course darling, do take care.” Flare smiled and exited the boutique. He had a few ponies to visit, but he suspected that the questions he had… he already had the answers.


Applejack kicked the last of the trees that needed to be done and wiped some sweat from her brow. A faint whistling sound caused her ear to flick and she stepped to one side as Rainbow Dash landed with a loud thump where she had just stood.

“Hey Applejack, what’s up?” The pegasus flicked some dust from her rump with a wingtip and smiled. “I gotta question, did a particular pony pay you a visit today and ask a really weird question?”

Applejacks’ brow furrowed at nearly being squashed and by the fact that RD had somehow acquired a Pinkie Sense. “As a matter ‘o’ fact, he did and yeah, he did ask me sumthin!”

“Cause I got a visit too, right in the middle of practice, Flare just shows up and asks me if I considered him a friend.”

“An whut did ya say?” Applejack replied, hoping that Rainbow did use the opportunity to play a prank on him or something. “Cause he seemed awful serious ‘bout th’ whole thang.”

“I told him that he was an idiot for thinking otherwise.” Rainbow lifted one of the apple buckets onto her back and followed AJ back to the barn. “It’s still odd to ask something like that out of the blue. Do you think something’s up?”

“Ah could tell one thang,” Applejack said as she eased her bucket to the floor. “That boy lies ‘bout as well as ah do. When I asked ‘im that exact thang, he just danced round it and changed tha subject.”

“Well if ya not still busy, maybe we should go and ask?”

Applejack adjusted her hat and nodded. “Sounds lahke a plan.”

The two mares nodded and headed for Twilight’s library.


It wasn’t long before Rainbow and Applejack bumped into Ditzy, Rarity and Fluttershy. They all stood there wondering what fates had brought all of them together like this before Ditzy figured it out.

“Flare Blitz?”

“Flare Blitz!” The remaining four mares nodded together and now they were really worried on what the heck was going on. Why had Flare visited every friend of his in Ponyville and asked them all the exact same question?

“You don’t suppose that he plans on leaving without telling us?” Fluttershy asked and the others responded with a collective gasp.

“That can’t be,” Ditzy muttered before she stopped herself. She had promised Flare that she wouldn’t say anything after all. “I just don’t think Flare is that kind of pony.” Nice one Ditzy! Good save.

The others decided that a certain level of haste was now best as they cantered towards the library just as Spike was closing the door. He turned to see what the commotion was all about and let out what he believes to this day as a very manly shriek as the herd of mares bowled him over and into the library.

“Twilight?” Rarity called out, looking around the apparently empty home. “Flare?”

Spike groaned as he peeled himself up off of the floor and looked at the hoof prints on his scales with disdain. “If you’re looking for Twilight and Flare, they just left for Canterlot.”

Five mares all turned to face the baby dragon. “WHAAAATT!?”


“So why are we going to Canterlot all of a sudden?” Flare took a few deep breaths as the golden chariot rose higher into the sky. The air was getting a bit thin for his liking, but Twilight seemed unfazed.

“Well I sent her a letter regarding the events of the last few days…” Okay, so not a total lie. But Twilight still felt a bit ill about it though. “And she wants to hear a full report personally, so that’s why.”

“Fair enough, at least I get to meet the Princesses again, and maybe I’ll bump into Selene as well.”

That was something completely slipped Twilight’s mind. The unicorn mare had briefly introduced herself right before they left Canterlot last time and Twilight had gotten the strangest feeling that she had met her somewhere before.

“Who is Selene?” She asked Flare. “I know that you met her in Canterlot, but who is she exactly?”

“I don’t really know,” Flare replied. “She was in the castle gardens when I met her so I assume that she works at the palace… maybe.”

Twilight decided to drop it for now. The shining capitol city was getting closer and Twilight gulped nervously. She had an inkling that she knew what Princess Celestia wanted and that it had to do with a particular spell. Twilight had explained in her letter that she had found the method of locating particular dimension and that she could not bring herself to tell Flare. The mare was confused and desperately needed advice on the subject. Celestia had sent a swift reply requesting Twilight and Flare to come to Canterlot immediately.

Twilight realised that she was starting to sweat and at first she chalked it up to nerves until she noticed that it was starting to get rather warm. Glancing towards the source of the heat, Twilight could see Flares’ flaming mane flicker faster as light and warmth radiated from it.

“Flare? Are you alright?”

The heat died down and Twilight shivered from the sudden drop in temperature. Noticing that, Flare adjusted his fire until it picked up to a more comfortable level. “Sorry about that,” he apologised. “I was getting a little cold and I sometimes tend to forget that not everyone is good with the heat.”

“It’s alright, I just wasn’t expecting it.” Twilight leaned a little closer to him as her heart began to race again. She thought that she was over whatever ailed her. “It feels nice though.”

“Well I don’t exactly want to make our chaperones uncomfortable either.” Flare motioned towards the pegasi guards that pulled their chariot.

“Don’t mind us, it is a bit chilly tonight.” One of them spoke up as they slowed down upon entering Canterlot airspace. “It’s too bad you don’t have wings, a pony like you would do well as a night flyer.”

Flare chuckled as the image of him with a pair of wings entered his mind. Flare the red-maned pegasus!

He felt Twilight brush up against his side and a small, happy sigh escaped his lips. After the events of today and speaking with all of his friends, he knew what it was that he had to do. It was a difficult decision and the friends that he would leave behind would be missed greatly. But it was his decision to make and no one was going to change his mind now.

A few silent minutes later, the chariot pulled up in front of the castle where Princess Celestia herself was waiting. Twilight and Flare stepped off of the carriage, thanking their escorts and greeting Celestia.

“Welcome back to Canterlot, my faithful student and of course, to you as well Flare.”

Twilight and Celestia shared a brief hug before all three of them entered the huge palace. Flare noticed a lot less ponies roaming the halls and Celestia picked up on it.

“Though my sister Luna has retaken control of the Night Court, very few of our little ponies visit.” The look in her eyes was a mixture of sadness and pity. “They are still wary of the Nightmare Moon incident and though the number is increasing, it is still a long ways off being an acceptable number.”

“Nightmare Moon…?” Flare paused to think for a second. The name sounded familiar and Twilight reminded him.

“I showed you that book remember? The Elements of Harmony and the Mare in the Moon?”

Now Flare remembered the tale of how Princess Luna had succumbed to darkness within her heart and tried to plunge the world into a realm of eternal night. Not that he thought ill of her or anything for it.

“Oh yeah, that one…” He stared at the giant castle and the half dozen or so ponies that awaited their turn to see the lunar diarch. “Well I hope things get better for her anyhow.” He knew what it was like to be blamed for making a mistake that hurt a lot of innocents. “Maybe I should go see her later?”

That last statement caught Celestia off guard and she glanced back to the Pokémon and smiled. “I think that Luna would like that.”

“I’ll go too!” Twilight added, “It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten to have a good talk with her.”

“You have no idea who much you are loved dear sister,” Celestia cast a look towards the throne room. “Though perhaps in time…” She turned her attention back to her guests. “Well as it so happens, you are in time for dinner. Are the two of you hungry?”

Flare’s stomach chose that moment to make itself known and growled loudly. Flare nodded, completely unperturbed by it. “Yup, I could eat a whole bale of hay right now!”

“Perhaps I could arrange it,” Celestia giggled and Twilight facehooved at Flare’s total lack of dignity, but still wore a slight smile regardless.


Dinner itself was uneventful, small talk with the Princess and laughing when she actually asked the chef if he could provide a whole bale of hay. His reaction was something akin to complete horror and panic when he realised that he couldn’t.

Flare made a discovery that day. Princess Celestia has an interesting sense of humour.
Celestia had to attend to some business shortly after and Twilight insisted that she could help. It would also give the two of them a chance talk about whatever it was that Twilight needed to do. Flare still had a sinking feeling about it all though and decided to visit Luna to take his mind off of it.

As he walked into the throne room, he saw a white unicorn stallion with a greasy blonde mane going on a tirade about something. And Princess Luna looked like she was about to buck him into the sun.

“And that raises another question, why do the commoners-” Prince Bluebloods’ sentence was cut short as Flares’ footsteps could be heard and Blueblood turned to see who had the impudence and nerve to interrupt him. All the colour drained from his face when the tall stallion approached, his blazing mane and tail highlighting his features, giving him a somewhat sinister appearance. Flares’ black eyes stared into the Princes’ and Blueblood felt his coat crawl.

“Hello there…” Flare paused as his voice came out quite raspy. That wheat he ate earlier really dried out his throat.

Bluebloods’ mouth opened and closed silently a few times and Flare was reminded of a Magikarp. He suddenly let out a loud and rather filly-like shriek and bolted from the throne room, leaving Flare very confused and Luna on the verge of falling off of her throne laughing.

“I must thank you Lord Flare,” Luna wiped a tear from her eye and stepped down from the dias. “That insufferable foal seemed determine to make this night last forever.”

“Well I’m glad I could help… I guess?” Flare didn’t realise that he’d actually done anything, but Luna seemed happy, so yay?

Luna stood several paces from the Pokémon and though he didn’t seem to notice, she was still wary of him. She had spent the past few moons watching over his dreams and was rather surprised at what she saw. They had been pleasant ones filled with a particular lavender unicorn.

Be that as it may, now that she was alone with him her nerves flared up and she found herself pacing slightly. “We uh, have an appointment that We must attend to!” Luna briskly made her way towards the door. Her nerves were causing her speech to slip back into ‘Ye Olde Equish’. “We shall have my hoofmaiden see to you in just a moment.”

Before Flare could even respond, Princess Luna left the room, leaving Flare to wonder if he had done anything wrong. The alicorn of the night had only stepped just outside the door as her horn lit up and a veil of magic washed over her body. After a moment, the alicorn was gone and a simple unicorn stood in her place.

“Now let us have a proper conversation,” ‘Selene’ said to herself as she re-entered the throne room.

Flare looked around the room, wondering just what the hell he was supposed to do when the massive doors opened once more and Selene stepped through them.

“Selene?” Flare trotted over to greet her. “Did you see Luna? I think I may have offended her or something.”

“Offended the Princess?” Luna then realised that she had left rather abruptly, but he thought that it was his fault? Well in a way, it was because he was a Pokémon, but that was hardly any fault of his.

“She really is quite busy,” Selene replied with a faint smile. “She nearly knocked me down in her rush.”

Flare sighed and sounded like he wasn’t really convinced. Now that he thought about it, Luna hadn’t said much to him last time he was in Canterlot either. “Maybe she just doesn’t like me?”

“It is not quite as simple as that,” Selene looked away as her voice quietened. “I fear that the Princess is still… wary… of others.”

“Well that explains a few things.” Flare looked at Selene and placed a hoof on his chest. “Please tell Luna that I’m sorry and that I’ll keep my distance for now until she feels more comfortable.”

Selene gasped and she flailed a hoof. “Oh, it is not thy fault Lord Flare. Please do not be discouraged.”

Flare nodded and walked over to one of the large windows and looked at the large tower in which Celestia and Twilight were talking.

“I wonder what is that they’re talking about?” Flare wondered aloud as his brow furrowed as he imagined the worst. “Something just doesn’t sit right with me.”

“Intuition?” Selene asked, walking up next to him.

Flare shook his head. “More like a gut feeling. Something bad is going to happen… maybe?”

So he wasn’t quite as accurate as the famed ‘Pinkie Sense’, but something about the urgency of the visit didn’t sit well with Luna either. “Mayhaps they just wish to catch up?”


“I don’t know what I should do!” Twilight exclaimed as she paced around Celestia's’ room. “If I tell him that I found the spell that could get him home and he wants to go… I’ll never see him again!”

“It is tough to say goodbye to a good friend,” Celestia replied, sipping a cup of tea and refusing to look at her student. The constant pacing made the alicorn dizzy. “But would you truly keep somepony away from his friends, his family?”

“Of course not!” Twilight stamped her hoof. “I would never do something like that… but-“ Twilight’s eyes glistened as tears began to form. “It’s been a week now and I’ve messed up. If I tell him now, then he’ll get mad and then we’ll part on bad terms and then all the research that I’ve done on friendship will be for nothing then you won’t want me as a student anymore and you’ll probably take Trixie under your wing instead and then, MPFHH-“ Twilight’s rant was silenced as Celestia stuffed a regal hoof in her mouth.

“Twilight, dear. Please for the love of me… be quiet and calm down!”

Twilight stopped and tried to take a breath, except Celestia's hoof prevented that and she coughed, causing the princess to remove the appendage and blush slightly.

“Sorry,” She apologised as Twilight took several breaths and composed herself.

“I-I just don’t know what I should do, what I should tell him.” Twilight sat down on the plush rug as Celestia poured her some tea. “I know that I have to tell him, that much is obvious.” The unicorn sipped the tea and sighed. “But, there’s something, something else.”

Celestia's eyes widened a bit, her regal facade breaking for just a moment. “I see, so that’s what all this silliness is about.”

“Silliness? What are you-?”

Celestia smiled as she sipped her tea delicately. “It’s alright my dear Twilight, love is something that nopony can control so it only stands to reason that-“

“LOVE!?” Twilight’s outburst caused the princess to drop her tea, spilling it onto the rug.

She clicked her tongue in irritation as she poured herself a new cup while magically erasing the spilled liquid.

“Yes Twilight, love.” Her horn flashed once more as she teleported the empty teapot to the kitchens, a sticky note attached requesting a refill. “I may not have Cadences’ abilities to sense love in a pony, but I am not completely bereft of the power.”

“But, but love? I can’t love him… can I?” Twilight’s head swam with the idea of it and it made her heart pound like crazy.

“It is not my place to question that.” Celestia draped a wing over the small unicorn and hummed softly. “You are free to love whomever you like, be they pony, griffon or even Pokémon.”

“But once I tell him that I kept him from going home… he’ll hate me for sure.” Twilight whimpered and she snuggled closer to her mentor. The Princess just smiled again, that all-knowing smile that made Twilight feel that anything was possible.

“Perhaps he might surprise you…”


As Flare and Selene walked the halls of the castle, they passed several of Lunas’ Guard, the deathly silent and rather imposing Bat-Ponies. The Guard gave a polite bow to Selene and then a sharp glare towards Flare.

“Y’know, I’m beginning to think that the only pony that’s close to Luna that even likes me is you.” He watched as the odd ponies continued to stalk the hallways, wary for any intruders.

“It’s not like that,” Selene replied. “Canterlot was invaded not too long ago by creatures called Changelings… We have been on rather high alert ever since.”

“What’s a Changeling?” Flare asked curiously and got a reply form a pony that he wasn’t expecting.

“They’re creatures that feed off of love itself and have the power to change their physical appearance.” Flare turned to see Twilight standing behind them.

There was a still silence in the air before Selene decided to bow out. “I’ll just leave you two alone then,” she said quietly and disappeared into the shadows.

“Uh, hey there Twilight,” Flare greeted his friend. “How did you find me?”

“You kind of stick out around here,” Twilight stated with an obvious, deadpan tone. “It wasn’t too hard to find ponies that saw you walking around.”


Twilight scuffed at the carpet with a hoof, staring down at it as she worked up the courage to say what needed to be said. There was no way she could put it off forever after all… as much as she wanted to.

“Um, Flare?” Her voice lost its previous, snarky tone and became more subdued. “I think we should talk.”

Flare nodded slowly. Maybe he wasn’t going to go home? He would miss his home, there was no doubt about that. But after deciding that he wanted to stay here in Equestria… well, he wasn’t too bothered by it.

“Well it’s like this-“ Both ponies spoke at the same time and after another awkward pause, giggled a bit.

“You first,” Twilight offered.

“No, ladies first, I insist.” Flare wanted to see the look on Twilight’s face when she said that she couldn’t send him home, only for him to actually want to stay.

“Well, alright then,” Twilight began. “As you know, Sparkler and I have been working for a while now on how to get you safely back to your own world.” Flare nodded and held back a small grin as she continued. “And the other day, well… we figured it out. How to get you home that is.”

“Well that’s grea- wait. What!?”

Twilight nodded, “Thanks to a genius idea from Sparkler, we figured out how to get locate your world amongst space/time, but there’s something I… Flare? What’s wrong?”

Flare was silent. Dead silent. This was the complete opposite of what he wanted, he didn’t want to go home, he wanted to stay here, with her! Several emotions flashed across Flares’ face before it finally settled on one. Complete and utter defeat.

“I see… well that’s great,” He said, his voice a barely audible whisper. “Can’t wait to go home…”

Twilight almost collapsed as her wildly beating heart stopped. “Oh… well… glad I could help then.”

“Yeah, knew you could do it,” Flare replied, his voice cracking slightly. There was another pregnant pause between them before they turned and faced away from each other.

“You can leave anytime you want now, just say the word.” Twilight wanted to cry, she wanted to cry so bad but refused to do so in front of him.

“Yeah, sure… think I’ll take a walk first…” He could barely talk at this point and after a few uneasy steps he bolted from her, leaving the now weeping unicorn alone in the hall.