• Published 29th Nov 2011
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Saving Private Bloom: The Captain's Logs - Tiedye3000

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Pinkie Pie and Mayhem

Pinkie Pie and Mayhem

Everything went still. Nothing could be heard. It was as if time itself stood still. Everyone was gazing at Rarity, her lifeless body coated with blood. Finally, Spike put his head down, and Fluttershy sank to her knees, sobbing quietly into her hoofs. Rarity was gone, and nothing could change that. I stood up, wiping my eyes with my twitching hoof in order too wipe away any tears that could've sneaked past me. Spike laid his head on Rarity's chest, which was still covered in blood, and he fell into a crying wreck. Rainbow put her hoof over Rarity's eyes and closed them, so she could sleep peacefully. I reached into Rarity's jacket pocket and pulled out Scootaloo's letter, which had been re-written. I put it into my own jacket and turned to walk to the building.
That's when I realized Apple Jack was no longer at Rarity's body. She had ran up the field to the base, and was now hitting something hard with her hoofs, her gun, and even her extra grenades. Rainbow heard the grunts of pain and dashed up the field past me and stopped where Apple Jack was. She immediately began hitting the thing as well. They lifted it up and threw it over the sandbag bunker shielding it, and I saw what it was. It was a pink Pozi, banged up and groaning on the ground. Rainbow and Apple Jack rushed over to her and picked her up again, but this time shoved her into the sandbags. She threw her arms up as they aimed their guns at her.
"Don't shoot!" I shouted, coming to my senses and dashing up the field to them. The pink pony was talking rapidly in Germane, and I couldn't understand a word she was saying.
"Bitte! Totet mich nicht! Ich will mich ergeben!"
"Fluttershy!" Rainbow called, "Get up here!"
Fluttershy, red faced and tear stained on her jacket, came galloping up to us, followed by Spike. Spike took one look at the Pozi and immediately began punching her again. I grabbed him and pulled him back with difficulty, and the pony lay sobbing on the ground now. Spike rounded on Fluttershy.
"Ask this piece of crap if she's the one who shot Rarity!" he said roughly to her, angry tears running down his cheek.
"Spike," Fluttershy squeaked, "Would it matter?"
"Of course it would matter!" Spike shouted in her face, reducing her to tears again, "The pony I loved is dead now! Why would that not matter!?"
Fluttershy to the pony on the ground, who was still holding her arms up and facing us, terror written on her scared face.
"Warst du am mashinengewehr?" Fluttershy said to her, once she had stopped crying again.
"Nein," the pink Pozi replied, "Ich hab nachgeladen, ich hab nicht geschossen."
"Shut up with that filthy pig latin!" Spike said, grabbing the Pozi again, but holding a pistol to her breast this time.
"Not yet!" I said quickly, pulling him off again, and then I turned to the rest of the squad, "First make her mark and cover Rarity's body for grave detail. Same thing for those paratroopers down there." I looked at all the gear she had on her, "Strip that stuff off her. Check her for intelligence."
Rainbow took off all the gear the Pozi had, and threw into one small pile. I noticed blood on her shoulder.
"Rainbow, you're hit," I said, and Rainbow stopped and looked at me. I indicated to her shoulder, and she looked at it and jumped from shock.
"I guess it just skinned the shoulder, ma'am," She said, touching the wound carefully.
"Get it cleaned and dressed," I said, and just by saying "dress", it made me think of Rarity, and I felt tears coming on again. I turned and walked quickly to one of the grenade holes a few yards away. Once I was in it, I looked behind me too make sure no pony was watching me; They were making the Pozi dig a grave, and that accelerated the effect. I slumped down into the hole so no one could see me, and wept. I cried for Scootaloo, I cried for Rarity, and I cried for Spike, who now had to live the rest of his life without his love.
"Bitte, totet mich nicht!" The Pozi said later. She was digging a grave in the ground and had dug about two feet all ready. Spike was pointing his gun at her.
"She's saying 'please don't shoot me', ma'am," Fluttershy said, gazing at the Pozi as she dug.
"I don't care what she's saying, Fluttershy," I said, and I turned to walk toward the base.
"Ma'am?" Fluttershy said as she followed me, "Ma'am, you're going to let them kill her? This isn't right, ma'am!"
I turned around to face Fluttershy, my face flushed. "You can help her with the bodies." I stormed off back to the empty base, and Fluttershy muttered, "What is happening?"
As I sorted through the bodies of the dead Germanes, I looked up to see Rainbow watching over the Pozi as she dug, a soaked bandage wrapped around her arm. She took out a canteen and drank it, and offered some to Fluttershy, who accepted and drank a little, too. Fluttershy then offered it to the Pozi, who was about to take it when Rainbow snatched it out of Fluttershy's hoof, causing her to jump. She put it back in her bag and continued to watch the Pozi dig.
I checked the corpses of the dead Pozis to see if they had anything valuable on them: Any notes, letters, or packages to anyone. When I was done, I found only a letter to what I guessed was addressed to the Germane's parents, and I couldn't take that. I walked down to the grave to see how it was coming, when I noticed that two hours had passed since Rarity died. The hole was finished, and the pink Pozi and Fluttershy were sitting by it, playing Poker.
"Equestrian?" The Germane said to Fluttershy, who nodded and placed an ace of spades from the deck into the river, "I like you, Equestrian."
"Fluttershy," Fluttershy said, putting out a hoof.
"Pinkie Pie," said the Germane Pozi, and she took the hoof and shook it. She then did a hoof motion that looked like she was eating a pie.
I walked over to them and prodded Pinkie hard in the back, who almost immediately stood up and rushed back to the hole. She began digging again, even though the hole was all ready deep enough.
"Ich bin noch nicht fertig!" she said loudly as the rest of the squad hustled to us, "Ich muss hier noch viel tiefer graben! Ist noch lange nicht tief genug!"
"She says she's not finished," Fluttershy said, but Spike rushed forward, grabbed Pinkie, and roughly took her out of the hole. "Yeah, that's what she thinks." he said.
"Nein!" Pinkie screamed, and she scrambled back to the hole and began digging again, "Nein! Ich bin noch nicht fertig!"
Spike cocked his weapon and aimed it at Pinkie, who stopped digging and stared up at him.
"Please," she begged, looking around at us, "I like Equestria! ! What a cinch! Go fly a kite! Cat got your tongue! Cool beans!"
Whooves and I stared at each other, wondering what in Equestria was wrong with this pony.
"Wonderbolts!" Pinkie continued, now on famous ponies, "What great suits! Zecora! Nice rings!"
We continued to stare at her, and she began breathing harder.
"I say can you see," Pinkie sang, and Apple Jack face hoofed; Pinkie was trying to sing the Equestrian National Anthem. "I say can you see, I... I say..."
She trailed away, noticing no change of mood in the crowd. She stared at us for a few seconds, but then began talking again.
"Buck Haytler," She said, and she dropped her shovel, which fell to the bottom of the grave, "Buck Haytler!" She looked at Fluttershy and grabbed her collar, speaking rapid Germane. I got tired and picked her up out of the grave. She didn't struggle.
"Ma'am, she says she's sorry about Rarity," Fluttershy said, but I continued dragging Pinkie back to the base. The others were trying to keep up with me as Fluttershy talked, "Captain, please! She said sorry! Captain, this isn't right! You know this. She's a prisoner. She surrendered. She surrendered, ma'am!"
I stopped in front of the base and ripped off a piece of cloth from Pinkie's jacket. I used it to cover her eyes. She stood still, but she was shaking very hard. Spike, Rainbow, and Whooves cocked their weapons, but I gave Pinkie to Fluttershy and said, "Tell her to march a thousand paces in that direction." I pointed toward the fence of trees. "Then she can take off the blind fold. We'll be gone, and she turns herself into the first Allied patrol she comes across."
"You've gotta be kidding me," Spike said, lowering his weapon and looking angrily at me, "We're letting her go?"
"She's a P.O.W., Spike," I said as Fluttershy walked Pinkie toward the trees, "She can't come with us. Our ponies will pick her up sooner or later."
Fluttershy walked back as Pinkie stumbled over tree roots and branches, and she disappeared among the trees.
"Only if she doesn't get picked up by her own wehrmacht first," Spike said as he threw his B.A.R. to the ground. He walked over to a nearby rock and sat down, his fists on his forehead.
"Captain, you just let the enemy go," Spike said, not looking up and his fists trembling.
"This is such bull," Apple Jack said, still looking at the trees where Pinkie disappeared.
"You got that right," Rainbow agreed.
"Bull?" Fluttershy asked, turning to Apple Jack, "This is bull? Shooting a prisoner, that'd be OK? It's against the rules!"
"Well the goddamn rules just walked off with your new friend!" Spike said loudly as he got up from his seat, his face flushed. He then turned to me, "But I guess that was the decent thing to do, wasn't it, Captain?"
I ignored him and walked to my belongings. I slung my bag around my shoulder and turned to face the squad. "Get your gear. Let's go."
No pony moved except for Whooves. When he noticed the lack of movement, he stopped packing and looked at them.
"You heard her," he said, "Gear up."
Still no movement.
"The captain just gave you an order," Whooves said, his eyes starting to narrow out.
"Yeah," Spike said, "Like the one she gave to take out this machine gun. That was a real doozy, wasn't, Sarge?"
Every pony looked at him, shocked at how rude he was being to me and Whooves.
"Soldier, you are way out of line," Whooves said as Spike stomped toward me, his voice growing louder with each word.
"Yes, ma'am, that was one hell of a call, coming to take this nest, but what the hell? We only lost my crush going for it! I hope Bloom's granny is real bucking happy knowing that little Appie's life is a little more important than two of our ponies! THEN AGAIN WE HAVEN'T FOUND HER YET, HAVE WE!?"
He only stopped yelling at me when Whooves grabbed him from behind and threw him to the ground. Spike rolled onto his back, bearing his teeth as Whooves leaped on him. The two fought roughly, Whooves taking bites to the arms and Spike sporting a bloody nose from a hoof to the face. It took all of us to pry them apart, Whooves panting furiously and Spike missing a fang.
"Gear up," Whooves said, still breathing hard and Rainbow and Apple Jack still holding him, "Fall in."
Spike shook Fluttershy off and picked up his B.A.R., which was lying under him while he fought. He took one look at me and said, "I'm done with this mission."
He starting walking off to the place Pinkie vanished. He hadn't walked more than five steps when a metallic clip from behind made him freeze; Whooves had taken out his pistol and was aiming it at Spike.
"Fall in," Whooves repeated, "For the last time, fall in."
"No!" Fluttershy gasped as Apple and Rainbow covered this mouths. Spike turned around to face Whooves, not a look of worry in his eyes.
"You're gonna shoot me over Bloom?" He said with a raised eyebrow.
"No," Whooves said as he walked closer, "I'm gonna shoot you because I don't like you!"
"If he wants to go, let him go!" Rainbow shouted, and Fluttershy ran over to me, shrieking, "Are you seeing this, Captain?"
I was seeing it. I was seeing my squad crumble into dust because of Bloom. This filly no pony here knew, except for Apple Jack, was destroying the friendship that we had built up along the way. Scootaloo, dead. Rarity, dead. I wasn't going too let Spike die as well, but I didn't know what to do.
"You don't kill that kraut, but you'll kill me?" Spike asked as Whooves stepped closer to him, his gun pointed directly at Spike's heart.
"She's better than you," Whooves said, stopping a few feet away from Spike.
"Then why don't you just do it, Sarge?" Spike said, his voice rising again as he stuck out his right leg, "Put one in my leg, why don't you?"
"You do not know when to shut up. You don't know how to shut up!"
"Captain, please!" Fluttershy begged as tears started streaming down her eyes again.
And then I got an idea.
"What's the pool on me up to?"
Fluttershy stared at me in confusion. "What?"
"Whooves, what's the pool on me up to?" I asked as I walked over to them. Whooves looked up at me, surprise etched across his face.
"What's the..."
"What's it up to?" I repeated when I stopped in between Apple and Rainbow, "Three hundred, right? I'm a student at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns."
Whooves dropped his pistol out of shock at what I was saying, and Spike looked at me as if I gave away his biggest secret.
"Woah," Apple Jack said to herself, and Rainbow swung her hoof in the air, saying, "Dang it! I was betting she was a janitor!"
I ignored this shocking statement and continued, "I've been learning magic for almost eleven years now. I lived in Ponyville with Spike during that time."
Every pony stared at Spike, and he sheepishly glanced at the ground.
"Spike was my number one assistant, and we lived and worked in a library around the center of Ponyville. It was basicly a big tree. I miss that place... I was also in charge of looking after the preparations of the Summer Sun celebration one year. I met many new ponies that day. Then, during the eve of the Summer Sun celebration, an evil mare named Nightmare Moon escaped from her imprisonment in the moon. She threatened every pony with the promise of making the night eternal. I couldn't have that. My friends and I banded together and we defeated Nightmare Moon using the Elements of Harmony."
I paused to catch my breath, and I started to slowly walk to Spike.
"So that's my past. Ah, Bloom. I don't know anything about Bloom, it's just a name to me. But if getting her out of here earns me the right to go home and to save the life of Apple Jack, well then... then that's my mission."
I stopped in front of Spike, who was still looking at the ground. I waited for a few seconds, and he looked up at me with puffy red eyes.
"You want to leave?" I asked him, "You want to go off and fight the war? All right, Spike, I won't stop you. I've known you long enough to know there's no reason in trying to talk you out of it. I'll even put in the paperwork. I just hope that if we ever live to see each other again, neither of us will have changed much."
I put out my hoof for him to shake, but he instead wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I hugged back, a single tear flowing down my right cheek. He let go first, and began walking down the field, away from us and back into the wood.
I wiped the tear away from my cheek and trudged up the field to where Rarity's body was, which was now draped in a tarp. I picked up the body and dragged it slowly into the grave Pinkie Pie dug. I lowered her body into the grave and filled it back up with dirt, using only my bare hoofs instead of the shovel.
When I was done, I stood back to view the grave I just refilled, when a cough was uttered behind me. I turned around to see Spike looking at the grave with great sorrow on his face.
"No pony should ever have to bury her own friend," he said, and his head started shaking as tears poured down his cheeks into the soil. He sank to his knees and bowed his head, sobbing miserably.