• Member Since 10th Aug, 2016
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Founder and Head Writer on Equestrian City Project


It's been almost a decade since the Battle of the Bands and Sunset Shimmer has been trying to clean up the mess she made. After series of unrelated crimes, Sunset, now known as The Phoenix, may need to finally ask for help.

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 372 )

Wonder if Susnet feels any regeret, she fubar beyond measure and caused a great many deaths. Bet she doesn't know sweetie Bell was one of them.
also bad news for Susnet since Aria still alive she knows whoc aused this mess inthe first place.

This was extremely good. You are quite skilled with writing fight scenes, something quite a few lack on this site. I am looking forward for more. *Crosses fingers and silently hopes that this will actually be finished*

Well, first episode, and I have no clue wtf is going on. All I know is Twilight has forgotten her Character development from the previous 4 seasons and acts like a Tony Stark clone, but not in the good way.


Sunset is pretty upset with herself, she is trying to clean up the streets of magic misuse after all. Though she's far more jaded about it, she didn't learn entirely about friendship after all

Thanks for the comment and stay tuned!


I thank you for that, it's the first time someone's made mention :D

I hope you stick around there's more fun to come! :) don't forget to tell your friends!


I apologize if your not having fun n.n keep in mind she doesn't have all her character traits due to Rainbow rocks taking place earlier in our run :)

I encourage you to stay tuned but again, if you don't enjoy this, by all means don't let it keep you :)


I can´t stop reading it! I have started to and I must be done with it or else it will be in my head forever!

also, HOW much earlyer?


If memory serves Rainbow Rocks occurs after Twilight's Kingdom season fours finale :)

Welp, that's proved alluring. I'll keep my eye on this story.


Thank you! What did you like specifically if anything? :)

8051797 Well, I'm generally a fan of AU fictions, especially the ones a bit darker than the original. And this story, with the Humane 7 divided, superheroes in DC-style, Dash's condition, criminals and disaster all around, it's really tickling my interest!


But then at that point, Twilight should know that giving up is not an option!!!


After at least a year of constant trying, it would be very hard not to give in. The reality of the situation sinks in and you understand you are never going home again. You do what you can..you assimilate into the world. :)

Course, given some artistic license as I have been, I think it's relatively believable :)


Thanks for the feedback, stay tuned, Rarity's got a lovely scene coming thats dark as well! :)

Comment posted by JadeSaber2222 deleted Mar 26th, 2017


What an interesting perspective! I thank you for your input in the matter. :) Though at the moment, you seem to be in the minority in regards to disagreeing with Twilight's reasoning. Though, you didn't really put why it's shallow, just that it was.

But, again, thank you for your feedback, I understand your feelings in this matter. We welcome you to continue to read or by all means, eject, if you wish to :)

I would also ask you not spam non solicited links in my comments :)


But, this is the first time i did a link

8052112 Just an FYI on your acronyms:
Unless you mean for another word to be represented by the E in S.P.I.K.E. of the U in J.U.S.T.I.C.E.; they can be better put as S.P.I.Ke and Ju.S.T.I.C.E. Not a bash, just some creative criticism. A lot of people have this kind of acronym problem, so no worries mate!

Twilight = Tony Stark (Ironman?/Masked Matterhorn?)
Rainbow = Matt Murdock (Daredevil/Zap)
Pinkie = ? (Quicksilver/Filly-Second)
Rarity = ??
Sunset = ? (Human Torch?)

Too much Marvel?


I've seen several ins r ancestors where the acronym is actually a cheat. I wasn't really going to sweat the small stuff in this case since KErnal has the e and u in JUdicial...well you see? ;)

Your spot on with Twilight and pinkie and Rainbow Dash. :) the rest is revealed as time goes on ;) each is an homage to various super hero's and archetypes :)

Hope it's entertaining! Do let me know!


My fascination with super heroes began sometime before it was hip to be a super hero fan xD but I'm entertained by the new movies we've seen recently. :) I was a player on a game called city of heroes and since then I've really been Gung ho about it all. :) the structure the writing and so forth. :)

8055494 Have you tried DC Universe Online or Champions Online?

I have a lifetime sub to Champions and DConline I try occasionally, both are fun in their own right, but it's no Paragon City :/

8058652 yeah... makes me wonder if anything is going to come of that kickstarter....

8059951 I never heard anything else on it :(

Nearly dropped this after the last chapter (not due to quality, just seemed not for me) but this one hooked me. Now that there are some positives for the characters (and Sunset doesn't seem to be a super pariah), things are much more interesting. Spike's and Sweetie Belle's deaths felt out of place, but knowing comics, soon Spike's soul will inhabit AI Spike and Sweetie will be back as a ghost or something. The one thing that really bugs me though is that Rarity and Twilight, who were in the center of the magic, didn't get powers. The random distribution already bugged me, but Twilight of all people not getting them?

What happened to Fluttershy and Applejack we didn't hear anything about them?
Did they die?


They'll be along. Can't introduce everyone all at once n.n


My take on the idea was similar to how it happened in The Flash. I was terrified when I watched the first episode and realized they basically did what I had already written xD It's randomness is part of the dangerous part of magic. Some people it gives powers, some people it kills, some people it leaves alone. That leaves alot of people upset by the entire incident. :) It also gives quite a setup for a vast environment like that I've written. Plenty of room for expansion :)

A lot happening here. Sunset is definitely going to need to cover her tracks a bit better. It makes sense that the police need something to help even the playing field. Depending what goes down next will determine whose designs they'll choose for their officers.

I do feel a bit for Sassy, given that Rarity's "situation" keeps her out of the office when she really could have helped neutralize the situation before it got to this point.

A lot to take in. Looks like Dash's secret identity may be compromised. And looks like Sunset dug up a little dirt.

So now that Nightwatch has a promotion and a very important position, I have to wonder what's next? Also, Coco is giving me a very bad vibe. Don't know why but it's definitely bad news.

I love this story, but so angry at Sunset, she fled away and went into hiding and such. Sure this will come back to bite her badly.


All very important questions and shall slowly be revealed, as any good comic or comic based story would! ;) Thanks for reading!

It's never too late to try and make amends, which is what Sunset has been trying to do for ten years. But then again, no one gets it right ALL the time. ;) Thanks for the read!

Yeahbeinga coward for ten years, it is her faut and how can she make amends? Everyone lost so much, she caused so much death and loss. Evenif the Rainbooms forgive the rest will not.
Plus since Aria knows her idenity...............

All in good time. Forgiveness is never a complete thing in any sense. But, all in good time will it be revealed :D

Will there be a Rainbow Dash chapter, styled like Daredevil? I love that show!!!

Two small questions. Is this super power thing global, or local around EC? What's with the journals on both sides, shouldn't they still work as links in a way?


The wave was a global event. :) It hit the three major powers of that universe, Canterlot Commonwealth (where EC is), The Eastern Empire (Sombra) and the Symmetry Dominion to the West :)

It's true, there were journals for each side, Twilight used one to link back in the 2nd movie. Where they come into play has yet to be seen! :) Thanks for reading and asking questions! :D

This is a lot darker than I thought it would be, but also a LOT more interesting! <3

So I am fairly sure that Sunset is a stand in for Pyro, but I am not quite sure who Sassy is supposed to have her powers modeled after.

What do you expect though? I mean her ruthlessness and her NOT listening to warnings, KILLED people. Including the little sister of one of her new friends!!

Probably because it's implied that she knew about a highly metagenic compound being stored in an area for HAIR CARE out in the open. Something that is HIGHLY restrictive. Chances are she's up to something illegal...

Would explain a lot actually. Makes sense with the way Rarity is. She'd hardly ever check with Coco in charge which allows the latter to act as a "river" to Rarity: Everything flows through her. Same as she did with Sassy.

It's entirely plausible that she's like the more "Good" version of the Uncle (?) from Iron Man 1

Sassy was an homage to the maniac. :) from the power ponies episode.

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