• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago


Who am I? Why, I'm just a passing through Kamen Rider... Got it memorized?


Celestia owes Twilight and her friends so much, that much can't be denied. From reuniting her with her sister, to saving Equestria time and time again, Celestia has more than once offered to reward them for everything they've done. Yet every time they have turned her down, intent on achieving their dreams on their own, which Celestia respected.

Until one day, when Fluttershy comes to her and asks for an... odd request.

Inspired by the image by firefanatic, which was used with permission from the artist.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 23 )

Very cute ;) Well done

Very adorable litlle story, you have my fave :yay:

MY FEELS!!! Well done!! Oh man, I just about died of Sugar and Sweetness, but DAMN if the heartwarming didn't make it feel wonderful! Well done piece and adorable to boot!

The only possible reaction to this = Awwwwwwwwwww.....
And I liked the idea of the sun being naughty. Nice touch.

That was shockingly adorable. Bravo!

I think I'm suffocating under all these warm-fuzzies...! :rainbowlaugh:

hmph....Lucky princess.

Well, that was absolutely adorable!

This is a very good one-shot.

But Celestia was nothing if not patience.

Should be "patient".


Unless it is supposed to be a metaphor... but probably not so yeah, it should be "patient."

Gritting her teeth, she sent a pulse of magic through the tether, magically slapping the sun like it were a misbehaving child, demanding it get up already.

Yeesh... not a nice likeness...

Charming. Fun. And 100% adorable. :pinkiehappy: Thanks for writing.

This was one of, if not the most adorable thing I ever read :3

My only regret is I didn't read it sooner :twilightsmile:

I regret that I have but one like to give.

Couldn't agree more.

Cute. Adorable. Fluffy. Comfy. Heart-warming. Refreshing. Pure… This is beyond my words!

May I please have your kind permission for translating this into Chinese and post it on FimTale? I will attach all the relevant information to the translation, and once it's done I will send the link to you.

Thank you for your great work, this is the best work I've read recently.:heart:

Sure, go right ahead!

中文译文(Chinese Translation):https://fimtale.com/t/28698

Oh this was so precious. I love the worldbuilding too, about Fluttershy as a kid and the sun being recalcitrant. n_n

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