• Published 20th Nov 2016
  • 5,576 Views, 264 Comments

You Can Count On Me - Ekhidna

Ember, Lord of all Dragons, has been presented with a problem that has forced her to seek the help of her best and closest friend.

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Chapter 5: Spike VS Zhaitan

Chapter 5: Spike VS Zhaitan

Spike was watching in awe at the fight between Garble and Goliath. There were no strategies or an actual plan in it. It was the purest form of a brawl in a pub filled with drunken stallions. The two dragons had spent the best part of ten minutes punching, clawing, spitting fire, and kicking at each other; whether on the ground or in the air it did not matter.

The entire stadium was filled with roars and cheering for both sides, pushing them onward the savage exchange of power between the two brutes. And neither side showed any sign of backing down anytime soon.

Goliath is struggling more than I thought against Garble. Even with his vision partially blocked and his injuries, Garble is swifter, faster, and agiler than Goliath. But Goliath is more than twice his size, way heavier, tougher, and stronger, Spike thought seeing Goliath connect a terrible punch to Garble’s gut and sent him crashing into the ground. Before he could hit the ground, however, Garble spun mid-air, landed on his feet, and breathed out a massive torrent of flames against the charging brute above him. Goliath was unable to dodge it in time and was engulfed in it.

Garble is way more impervious than I gave him credit for, or maybe he’s just that stubborn, Spike thought after seeing Goliath emerge from the flames only to be met by a powerful uppercut that created a loud shockwave and sent him crashing to the side. Shaking his head, Goliath was able to regain enough of his senses to block a fierce kick from the red dragon, and thus the fight continued.

Spike closed his eyes. Clear mind, tempered heart, steady soul. Clear mind, tempered heart, steady soul, Spike chanted in his head taking slow, calm breaths. This went on for several seconds until he felt his racing heart return to normal. Re-opening his eyes, Spike looked up to see Zhaitan for the umpteenth time. He was still standing at the edge of his grade, looking at the fight currently ongoing. An instant later, the black dragon looked down at him and smiled once more. Spike returned the smile. A few moments later they returned their attention to the fight.

Spike saw how Garble managed to surprise Goliath with a fireball to his face. It distracted the hulking beast of a dragon long enough for Garble to deliver a mighty tail whip to Goliath’s throat sending him to his knees while he hacked and coughed. Immediately after, Garble flew behind Goliath and with a bit of an impulse kicked him in the back of his head. The hulking dragon hit the ground like a sack of potatoes, but Garble wasn’t done yet.

Garble landed behind Goliath and grabbed his tail. With a roar fitting of any adult, fully grown dragon, Garble lifted Goliath and smacked him against the ground. He then jumped on top of the dazed dragon. Landing on his chest, Garble proceeds to beat his face with punch after devastating punch. Each punch managing to create not only a loud shock wave but also make an ever expanding crater below Goliath. After several punches, Goliath was able to deliver a hit of his own to Garble with enough force to toss him away. Goliath got up, his face bloody and with two or three fangs missing, shook his head and looked over for Garble. Unfortunately for Goliath, Garble was coming his way as fast as his wings allowed him and headbutted the hulking dragon.

Garble landed on the ground, trying hard to maintain his balance, while Goliath simply fell back and stopped moving. Moments later the medic dragon landed to check on the fallen Goliath. A quick inspection later confirmed he had been knocked unconscious. Dragons roaring and shouting Garble’s name filled the stadium after Torch announced his victory.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Spike began to make his way back into the arena. He took a glance at his right arm, feeling no sort of discomfort whatsoever. He smiled a little as he clenched his hand into a fist. He soon walked past Garble and stopped to look at him walking out of the arena with a slight limp.

He’s trying to conceal his pain, but it’s obvious Goliath did some serious damage to him, he may even have a few fractured bones. Still, right now Garble is the least of my worries, Spike thought looking up to Ember’s grade. He soon resumed his walk until he reached the middle of the arena. Moments later the black dragon that was to be his opponent landed not three meters apart in front of him. Spike raised a proverbial eyebrow at his action. What is he doing?

“On my right we have Spike!” Torch announced followed by hundreds of dragons roaring their support. “And on my left, we have Vanishing Zhaitan!” Despite his growing support, the cheering for Zhaitan dwarfed his by several times over.

Spike looked at Zhaitan’s calm yet stoic face while he looked directly at him. Yet neither of them took any sort of stance or precaution.

He didn’t notice Torch was speaking until he roared signaling the start of the match.

The slightly taller dragon sat on the ground, inviting Spike to join him a moment later.

Spike, although slightly confused, took a few steps until he was less than a meter in front of Zhaitan and sat down. Both dragons taking a lotus position.

“Congratulations on your victories, Spike,” Zhaitan said with a small smile.

“Thanks, you did awesome during your matches. Too bad I couldn’t see your match against Drybone though,” Spike replied, his lips forming a smile of his own.

“Understandable given Raiga was your opponent and your rather unorthodox methods of combat. In more ways than one, might I add, Spike,” Zhaitan said before bowing his head. “I must thank you for exposing that honorless beast Raiga. I’m certain his clan leader shall make his punishment a fitting one.”

“Huh, word travels fast, I see.”

Zhaitan shrugged. “It happens when you put several thousand dragons together in one place,” Zhaitan chuckled. “The reason I thank you is because you saved me from the shame fighting Raiga would’ve cost me. To think I was looking forward to facing him in battle. Disgraceful.”

Spike tilted his head a little and scratched the back of his head. “No need to thank me, Zhaitan. Raiga was my opponent so I had to defeat him. Besides, we’re going to fight each other after all.”

Zhaitan nodded. “That is true, but it doesn’t mean we can’t be friendly about it, now does it?” Zhaitan chuckled again showing a fanged smile. “Spike, I’m glad you made it this far and that I have been granted the opportunity to face you in battle.”

“Can’t say the same thing, sadly. As a matter of fact, I’m a bit anxious about fighting you, dude,” Spike replied seeing for the first time a glimmer of nervousness in Zhaitan’s eyes. It lasted only for a second, but it was enough for him to realize Zhaitan was passing through the same inner turmoil.

“I can relate, my friend, for I feel the same way. Your capabilities and unusual strategies are outstanding. Foremost is that technique you use to increase your strength, toughness, speed, and reaction time by several times over for a limited period of time,” Zhaitan said scratching his chin. “The downside is that it takes you a fair amount of time and concentration to use it.”

Spike smirked. “Yeah, in a way is similar to your ability to vanish, Zhaitan. I can’t tell what you do exactly, but it gives you a powerful defense and a terrifying offense at the same time at the cost of taking a long time to pull it off.”

Zhaitan nodded. “You are correct, and while similar in results and drawbacks, my technique belongs to my clan. The clan leaders say I’m a prodigy. I say my strength is the result of arduous training,” Zhaitan said with a huff. “But you, a dragon with no clan or blood name, not to mention your lack of wings, must have learned that on your own.”

“How can you be so sure that a pony didn’t teach me that technique?” Spike asked with that same smirk on his face.

Zhaitan shook his head twice. “I can’t say for certain, but I believe you use your fire to enhance yourself from within without harm, somehow. No pony could do something similar.”

Damn, he’s good. He saw right through Amplitude. Well, at least he didn’t notice Fire Jet… I hope, Spike thought before answering. “Yeah, more or less. Although they did teach me several fighting techniques, poses, tactics, strategies, and help me build up my senses, instincts, and reaction speed. Actually, pretty much everything I know they taught me, except for what little I came up with on my own.”

“Now that you mention it,-”

Oh shit.

“- that other ability of yours was far more intriguing. Although I couldn’t see it for more than a few seconds, I can safely say it is far more dangerous than your first technique, Spike.”

“...You have a keen eye, Zhaitan,” Spike replied seeing Zhaitan smile widely.

“Spike, what say you if we fight at our full potential?”

Spike did a double take at his question. Unable to answer in words, Zhaitan continued.

“Think about it. We can let ourselves go and fight like we desire at the top of our abilities without something to hold us back. I know you want this, for I want it too. We shall fight for glorious, honorable victory and see who is the fittest to advance to the final match and take Lord Ember’s claw in bonding!” Zhaitan said with clear eagerness in his voice. “Do you accept?”

Spike didn’t move for a few moments. Then he smiled and got up. Spike offered a hand to Zhaitan and he took it without hesitation.

“I came here to fight for her sake, not for personal gain,” Spike took a quick glance at Ember’s grade. He could see she was at the edge of her throne, surely wondering what the two of them were doing. “But I accept, I too want to test my abilities against the best now that I have the chance before another villain shows up in Equestria wanting to conquer the world or something.”

Their mutual grip became tight. Emerald green eyes met icy blue eyes without blinking or squinting. Both waiting for the other to make the first move.

After untold moments, Spike decided to be the first to take action by throwing a kick at Zhaitan’s hip. The black dragon pulled back and blocked the kick with his shin. Spike then saw Zhaitan spread his wings, but before he could do anything more, Spike unleashed a torrent of flames directly at Zhaitan’s face. From the corner of his right eye, Spike saw Zhaitan’s tail coming toward his side. The attacks forcing them to relent on their grip.

Spike jumped back taking a low-crane stance. He heard a pair of wings flapping, immediately followed by seeing Zhaitan come on top of his flames while he rotated coming right at him. Forced out of his defensive stance, Spike had little time to react but manage to block with his arms a powerful spin-guillotine dropkick from the black scaled dragon. Spike grunted as the impact was strong enough to dig his feet claws into the ground.

From his limited viewpoint, Spike was able to see Zhaitan spread his wings again. This time instead of backing away, Spike feel to his knees throwing Zhaitan off-balance for a moment. Using his tail as a support, Spike then balanced himself on it to grab Zhaitan’s tail. But his opponent countered by flapping his wings to back away, not without using his tail to hit him in the face.

Spike shook his head and jumped to his feet in time to see Zhaitan charging against him again. Spike frowned and took a low-guard stance when Zhaitan threw a forward claw strike against his head. He dodged it and grabbed the black forearm with his right hand, did a half-spin, and tossed Zhaitan over his shoulders using his momentum against him. He then ran up to the fallen Zhaitan and jumped sideway, hitting him in the chest with both feet. The impact was strong enough to pull a pained groan from the black scaled dragon before sending him back again.

Having gained a momentary upper hand, Spike continued his assault by charging at Zhaitan, who was still getting up from his previous attack. Performing a short leap, Spike tried to hit Zhaitan with a slash from his claws, but the black scaled dragon dodged and his claws met the dirt. Spike immediately followed up by a sweeping kick, yet Zhaitan jumped evading him. Spike barely dodged a fireball from Zhaitan, followed by an open claw grip attack that he also dodged.

Using his hands and claws like anchors, Spike did a spin-dash managing to push Zhaitan back long enough to impulse himself away. When he landed, Zhaitan was already charging against him once more. Spike dodged a claw swipe, quickly followed by another, and another, and by several more. With each swipe, Spike was forced to back away with short jumps while Zhaitan continued with his relentless attack.

Having had enough, Spike managed to do a roundhouse kick which Zhaitan dodged by stopping and jumping back a little. Spike charged again throwing a small fireball that Zhaitan backhanded out of existence. He then threw his open claws at Zhaitan’s throat with the intent of grabbing him but the dragon ducked at the last second. Spike then felt an elbow hitting on his stomach powerful enough to bend him forward while he let out a pained groan.

Before he could do anything to defend himself, Zhaitan used this moment to deliver three quick jabs to his face followed by a rather strong tail-swipe to the face that forced him to turn back. Spike then felt an arm cling to his neck before Zhaitan tossed him over his back to the ground.

With most of his senses regained, Spike used his feet and arms to cushion his landing. He noticed Zhaitan had taken a knee while he used his other leg for support right next to his head. He decided to grab his leg with his tail. He then dragged it to the side making the black scaled dragon lose his balance, and his grip on his neck, long enough to give him the time needed to stand up with an impulse from his arms. Before Zhaitan could regain his balance and stand, Spike hit him across the face with a tail swipe of his own that made Zhaitan turn back and land on the ground on all fours. Spike then closed the short distance between them with a leap landing on Zhaitan’s back, using it for another short leap in which he half-spun. At the same time whilst on the air, Spike put his hands together into a hammer fist ready to strike the exposed back of Zhaitan’s head.

Spike grunted when he saw Zhaitan shove himself back and away; his attack landing on the ground instead with a loud smack. He watched as Zhaitan jumped, rolled in the air, and then landed on his feet looking straight to his eyes. Spike returned Zhaitan’s gaze for several seconds until both of them charged at the other.

Spike didn’t care how long it lasted or how much time passed, he only knew that Zhaitan and he were fighting in hand to hand combat with a flurry of attacks: low kicks, high kicks, jabbing, tail swipes, blocking, dodging, fire breath, fireballs, claw attacks, counter-punches, body shots, locks, and more. They spent who knows how long exchanging blows and all sort of attacks, most of which Spike managed to dodge, block, or counter with one of his own, but still a few hit home. However, he had managed to land a few of his own attacks on Zhaitan as well. To everyone watching, their struggle must have looked like some sort of dance.

Finally, it ended with them connecting a fierce punch to each other faces at the same time, forcing them to jump back to gain some ground.

I can’t remember the last time I felt so thrilled and scared to fight someone at the same time since my sparrings with Luna! Zhaitan is incredibly agile and nimble, plus despite his lean body he’s almost as strong as me and his scales are sturdier than mine, Spike thought while he tried to regain his breath. He licked his lips before spitting a glob of blood to the ground. His eyes never breaking contact with Zhaitan’s even when he used his left claw to clean a trickle of blood running down his nostrils. He saw Zhaitan was also regaining his breath but had a smile adorning his face.

“My suspicions were true,” Zhaitan panted. “During your previous matches you changed your fighting style with each one, not only that, you can also adapt it to better counter your opponent.”

Spike smirked. “I can say the same thing about you, Zhaitan,” he was confused when he saw Zhaitan shook his head and chuckled.

“My clan’s fighting techniques are versatile, but yours have a wider range. However, none of your styles feel complete,” Zhaitan stated.

Pony feathers, he’s really, really good, Spike thought before chuckling. “I’m what can be described as a ‘Jack of all trades; master of zero’ kind of guy.”

“That’s quite the gamble, don’t you think so, Spike?” Zhaitan said before exhaling loudly. “Excellent warm-up. Not many have been able to keep up with me, most of my clan can’t.”

Feeling more relaxed, Spike took a more serious expression seeing Zhaitan take a solid upright stance. The same stance he took before using his ‘vanishing’ technique. Taking a low guard position, Spike replied. “And you’re definitely one of the toughest guys I’ve ever fought.”

Clear mind, tempered heart, steady soul, Spike chanted in his head while he began summoning Amplitude. He could already feel the burst of fire inside him stirring at his command when Zhaitan spoke up once more.

“Let this be an honorable engagement, my dear foe!”

Spike smiled widely. “May the best dragon win, my worthy foe!” He replied before snorting a stream of green fire through his nostrils. He then launched himself against Zhaitan. In the blink of an eye, Spike closed the short gap between them and punched Zhaitan in the gut. The force of the impact created a loud shockwave and pushed the black scaled dragon back two of three steps back. Spike opened his eyes wide when he saw nothing more than a look of mild discomfort on Zhaitan’s face.

Wasting not time, Spike then delivered another powerful punch to Zhaitan’s gut ending in the same result. Taking the traditional Apple Bucking stance once more, Spike snorted a thick stream of green through his nostrils.

“APPLE BUCKING KICK!” He shouted before delivering a devastating kick directly at Zhaitan’s side. This time, Spike watched as Zhaitan grunted in protest but didn’t move an inch. He looked at the place where his leg met with Zhaitan’s rib cage and noticed something odd. Looking up at Zhaitan’s face once more, Spike was met with a knowing smile.

An instant later he found himself being sent flying to his right by several meters.

“Arrggggghh!” Spike groaned in protest when he hit the ground and bounced on it three more times before stopping himself. What the HAY was that? Uggggh! Spike though before he gripped the side of his body where Zhaitan had struck him. He noticed it was the same spot Sluriasma had hit him during their match. Shaking his head, Spike looked up to see Zhaitan more than forty meters away from him standing still while he faced in his direction.

Spike saw Zhaitan vanish less than half a second before he was sent flying again, this time by a much more powerful hit that struck him in his abdomen. Spike bounced and rolled on the ground, shattering a few boulders he came in contact with until he came to a halt. He coughed out some blood while trying to stand up. His vision was blurry, but he was able to see Zhaitan in the distance vanish once more.

Without even thinking it, Spike moved to the side just in time to evade a gush of wind. Looking to the side, he saw Zhaitan standing less than a meter past the spot he was previously on. Spike gritted his fangs before snorting another stream of fire and did a roundhouse kick impacting Zhaitan’s face with his heel, followed up by six quick yet equally powerful punches to his abdomen. He stopped when he noticed his attacks had little to no effect on the black scaled dragon. Spike frowned, I thought I was seeing things, but he’s actually doing it, he thought before jumping back. If that’s the case, he won’t be able to attack me if I do this!

With a plan in mind, Spike began to run as fast as he could on all fours in random directions trying to not form a pattern for his movements. Occasionally, he would take a glance at Zhaitan still standing on the same spot, yet he could feel the piercing stare of the dragon upon him at every moment waiting for the moment to strike again.

Fire and ranged attacks won’t work against him. I can’t attack him head on without him counter-attacking me. And I can’t keep running forever. At least now I know he’s only able to move in a straight line when he attacks, although I doubt a boulder is going to stop him if I hide behind one, Spike thought hissing at the pain the two previous attacks left on him. What’s worse is that even with Amplitude I can barely withstand him now. Using Fire Jet to its full is my only option to beat-

Spike was cut short from his thought when he saw Zhaitan vanish only to appear in front of him. Before he could shift or evade him, Spike was sent into the air by a kick to his jaw. Despite his half-dazed state, Spike felt something grab his tail before being tossed to the ground with enough force to create a small crater upon impact.

Letting out a few pained coughs, Spike opened his eyes to see Zhaitan on the sky practically above him. He snorted a stream of his green fire a moment before Zhaitan vanished while also throwing a double punch above him. The impact was strong enough to enlarge the crater he was in and raise up a thick dust cloud.

Groaning and huffing, Spike slowly made his way outside the crater. When he reached the edge he found Zhaitan struggling to stand up a few meters away from him. After a few seconds, both of them were standing once more while the dust cloud around them dissipated. Spike smiled widely showcasing his fangs when he saw Zhaitan smile at him.

I bet he wasn’t expecting me to meet his attack with one of my own, Spike thought trying to regain his breath. I doubt he’s going to fall for that again, though. Even with Amplitude at max, I can’t get past his defense. He said that technique belongs to his clan, I wonder how they came up with the idea of vibrating their scales as a method of simultaneous attack and defense, he thought while at the same time each breath he took began to send out a stream of green fire. Meanwhile, his eyes were locked on Zhaitan and saw his scales were now visibly moving.

Looks like he’s going to take it up a notch, too. Well, conventional attacks won’t work since the moment something makes an impact with him, his vibrating scales automatically distribute and disperse any kind of kinetic power and inertia almost completely, although an impact strong enough can send some minor damage through his defense. If I can’t go around it, then I’ll overwhelm it, Spike expression turned fierce, while his entire body began shaking. The real problem is that he can also focus his vibrations to launch himself at an extreme speed that makes it look like he vanished, while it also protects him like a form of bubble around him during that launch. That ability is terrifying even if it takes a long time to charge up with little to no space to move and be unable to change your direction after launching yourself. Plus, If what he’s implying is correct, then the effectiveness of such a technique depends on the user.

Spike snarled while fire began to emerge from the lines between his scales all over his body. He closed his eyes trying to keep himself under control.

“I can tell you figured out my clan's technique, Spike. Commendable! But I’m afraid you won’t be able to stand against me now even with the aid of your other ability.”

Spike opened an eye to look at Zhaitan, he could see how his entire body was vibrating but still, he struggled to stand up completely.

“I have evolved my clan’s Vibration Distortion technique; improving it beyond its previous limitations. You won’t be able to keep up with me any longer, Spike.”

Spike growled before replying. “And you haven’t seen the full potential of my most powerful technique!” Spike the let out a mighty roar and his entire body burst into green, emerald flames. An instant or two later the fire extinguished itself. Spike smirked seeing the look of awe and excitement Zhaitan had on his face.

“Fire Jet,” Spike muttered, he then took a low guard position like he had done against Raiga, only this time he readied his right arm to deliver a punch. “Didn’t you say that there is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent, Zhaitan?” Spike asked coldly, each word spewing fire when he spoke it.

Zhaitan smiled crouching a little. “Then show me everything you’ve got, Spike!”

The next instant Zhaitan vanished.


Ember was sweating cold. She had resorted to using the power of her scepter to watch the fight between Spike and Zhaitan from the moment they decided to sit down and have a little chat. Of what she didn’t know. The scepter could let her see things closer and with more detail, but sadly she couldn’t hear anything that was out of her hearing range.

Right now, though, she was beyond words. She had never seen whatever Spike was doing. She could see green fire coming out of every nook and cranny there was between his scales. All of his scales all over his body. Not only that, but his eyes were shining with an intense green enveloping glow.

When did he come up with that thing!? Ember asked herself. A small part of her mind wondered if it was going to be enough to survive against Zhaitan, let alone win at this point. But that notion was quickly discarded when she saw him take a stance. Whatever fear remained inside her after seeing their match was destroyed.

“He’s going to win, I know it,” Ember said to herself. She then waited patiently for them to continue their fight.

She didn’t wait long. Zhaitan vanished from sight. What happened next was something she didn’t expect.

An instant later, a powerful shock wave resounded followed by a thin wave of dust that surfed from where Spike was standing. It was soon followed by a black figure impacting a giant boulder near the arena wall in front of Spike. The collapsing boulder created a cloud of dust that was dispersed by a flap from the wings of Zhaitan now emerging from the rubble.

Looking closer, Ember saw Zhaitan had an expression of downright shock, while Spike had his right arm extended as if he had delivered a punch.

And then Spike vanished leaving only a trail of dust heading to his left. Zhaitan’s eyes widening further just like her own eyes.

Ember saw Spike reaper next to the shocked Zhaitan’s right side while the black dragon was sent flying again bouncing on the ground a few times by another punch from Spike. She saw Spike take a crouched position before he launched himself, this time visible to her eyes but still extremely fast, at Zhaitan. For his part, Zhaitan managed to stop himself with the aid of his four extremities as anchors while he used his tail and wings to balance himself. He looked up just in time to receive another punch to the face from Spike that sent him further back.

Spike landed and a second later he vanished leaving another trail of dust behind him. He reappeared practically in the same place where Zhaitan was currently flying over, only to deliver a heavy drop axe kick on his abdomen. This caused Zhaitan to stop his little trip by planting him to the ground creating a fairly sized crater and loud shock wave. It also made him roar in pain.

She then saw Spike leap back to gain a few meters in between them while Zhaitan stood up with some difficulty. Zhaitan looked at the place Spike was standing on but he vanished yet again. Zhaitan began to look around, his expression still half-frozen with shock, in seemingly random direction, but where he looked a trail of dust and a now very visible fading green flame was left behind; an indication that Spike had been there and marked his trajectory and movements.

Spike’s showing him he can keep up with his speed! Maybe he’s even faster than Zhaitan! A functional part of Ember’s brain realized.

Despite this revelation, Zhaitan roared, got up, and then moved to the side before Spike reappeared. Zhaitan punched Spike in the face and sent him stumbling to the ground. She watched as Zhaitan then vanished followed almost immediately after by Spike.

Loud shock waves, momentary roars of pain, and even them reappearing for a couple of seconds while they exchanged a flurry of attacks faster than her eyes could follow before vanishing again were the only indications the two fighters were still in the arena fighting with everything they had.

Ember held her scepter tightly while she watched the epic carnage in front of her eyes knowing there was nothing she could do to help Spike without disqualifying him, or worse, shaming his already disgraced name among all dragons.

Finally, after two minutes that for her felt like an eternity and a half, Zhaitan reappeared in the center of the arena before he leaped to the sky. A second later appeared Spike looking up at his opponent with a frown.

Taking close attention to them both, Ember saw both had several cuts, bruises, and a few missing scales. Both had a few stains of blood, whether their own or the other she didn’t know, and both looked tired, yet despite their frowns, they were smiling. She also noticed that the flames coming out of Spike were almost gone at this point and he was trembling.

She saw Spike snort a thick stream of fire before vanishing again without leaving behind a trail of dust. Spike reappeared behind Zhaitan taking him by surprise. Zhaitan barely had time to take turn his head to face Spike when said dragon grabbed him by the neck and then tossed him to the ground. Before he could hit the ground, Zhaitan stopped his descent with the aid of his wings, but that didn’t prevent Spike from crashing against him and onto the ground.

Once the small dust cloud the impact had created cleared out, Ember was able to see both dragons facing each other with about eight meters in between them. She saw their lips move, talking to one another, but couldn’t hear anything even with the deafening silence across the entire stadium.

She noticed Zhaitan wasn’t visibly vibrating anymore, and the fire coming out of Spike was only present in his left arm and in partially in his feet. They then both let out a mighty, proud roar at the same time. They charged against the other head on, incredibly fast but visible to her eyes, for what she knew would be the last time. Their following collision sent out the loudest and most powerful shock wave yet. It was powerful enough that a strong gust of wind struck her making her close her eyes for a moment.

When she opened her eyes again and focused her vision, she saw Zhaitan’s right fist dug into Spike’s left cheek. And Spike had his left fist buried into Zhaitan’s belly. Their faces unwilling to show anything less than an oddly looking satisfied smile while looking at each other's eyes. They remained like that for several moments until they took a leap backward.

Upon landing, she saw Spike fall to his knees, while Zhaitan remained tall and proud.

“Spike…,” Ember murmured, ready to interfere if his life was put in danger any further.


Spike panted loud and hard while he looked at Zhaitan raise up his right arm, he then began vibrating the scales covering it. Meanwhile, he used his left arm to clutch his stomach. Buck it all, buck it all, buck it all! I won’t be able to take another one of those hits without Fire Jet!, Spike thought while also fighting back against his aching everything. I knew I should’ve practiced with Fire Jet more all those months ago, but nooo, I had to waste all that training time eating ice cream. Curse you, Past Spike!, Spike shouted internally while he laid helpless and Zhaitan approached him.

NO! I refuse to fail Ember now. Come on Spike, think of something! Clear mind, steady heart, tempered soul. Clear mind, steady heart, tempered soul, Spike chanted as his brain tried to come up with a solution out of this problem.

Suddenly, Zhaitan stopped less than three meters in front of him. His raised, vibrating arm first stopped and then fell to the side of his body, meanwhile he clutched his abdomen with his left hand harder.

Spike looked up at Zhaitan straight into his half-glazed eyes. His eyes widening when he saw the black dragon’s happy, sincere smile.

“Baar k’hal, Spike, for that most worthy fight. And thank you for not holding back on me,” Zhaitan said panting. “Tell me, where is your home?”

Spike took a moment to stabilize his own ragged breath. “Ponyville.”

“Ponyville… I’ve always wondered what Equestria is like.”

“You’re welcome anytime you want to visit,” Spike replied at his confession in between pants. “I’ll give you the complete tour!” Spike said with all the enthusiasm he could muster.

“I’d like that,” Zhaitan let out a weak chortle. “I’d… lik--”

Spike watched Zhaitan’s eyes become completely unfocused as he took a step forward, his body did a half-spin, then landed on the ground facing up to the sky. After that, he didn’t move further.

Spike stood up in time to see the medic dragon land next to the fallen Zhaitan. A moment later the medic confirmed Zhaitan was unconscious.

The stadium, whom for almost the entirety of their combat had remained in silence, erupted with the force of a hundred volcanoes; the chanting of his name loud and clear. Despite this celebration, however, Spike wasn’t hearing it. He was too focused watching the calm and pleased expression of Zhaitan.

“May our paths meet again,” Spike said before the rest of the medic team carried Zhaitan away for treatment.

He then looked up at Ember’s grade and saw a couple of dragons flying over the far edge of the stadium. It didn’t take them long to write with their fire the last and final match.

“Spike VS Garble, The Fire Fist,” Spike muttered seeing the aforementioned red dragon make his way to the arena.

“Congratulations to the finalists of the Tournament of Bonding; Spike and Garble, The Fire Fist! I have nothing else to say but this: may the better dragon win!”

Spike heard Ember announce and shot a nasty glare at her grade. I’ll deal with you after I win this stupid tournament, he thought before looking at the approaching Garble. But first I have to actually win it.


Author's Note:

Special thanks to anyone that read this!

If anyone is wondering, Spike moves so fast while using Fire Jet to its fullest by literally shooting a rapid burst of fire out of his scale lines.

More about Fire Jet will be cleared in the next chapter