• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen 22 hours ago

Mocha Star

I'm here to write my way into your hearts and infect your minds.


Twilight Sparkle has chosen to make contact with Earth and the humans who inhabit it.

Cinnamon is a pony who is unhappy with his life and when he gets the chance he leaves Equestria to meet and live with humans in the first cultural exchange of it's kind.

How will the ponies of Equestria adapt to modern earth and will earth accept them?

Inspired by Silver Glow's Journal by Admiral Biscuit

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 39 )

This is... odd... so far, and I am interested to see where it leads.

It gets way better, but I can't post all my chapters at once or I'll fall too far behind.

There’s nothing strong enough to get us drunk over there

What the hell do ponies drink?!

7817811 lol, you'll find out.

7817811 It's stronger than brandy, that's for sure. On a side note, the Art of War surprisingly can be applied to multiple aspects of real life.

Seems like Equestria and America have different bathing customs.

It's trying to bathe with four hooves, three of which have to be on the ground at all times. Team washing is the most logical way to get clean quickly.

7822869 You mean like communal bathing?

7823354 I guess that's a good way to put it... Not Greek style!


Not Greek style, eh? Well, if you insist...
Though the tags on this story would still fit if it were.

Who knows? It's only sex and they have a whole year...


What the hell do ponies drink?!

307 Ale (live). Wouldn't you if you had magic to help with the brewing?

Here's hoping Cinnamon doesn't freak out at human eating habits.

I know that if I was in Cinnamon's place, I would be surprised by all the culture shock in Equestria.

I'm gonna write a story about that, too.

7827699 Thanks? Anyway, I'm glad to have helped.

I meant that as a matter of fact.
I'm going to, someday.

I think Cinnamon and his family will have a better time with the European bathrooms where the toilet is just a big hole in the middle of a very large tile. I might be wrong about what it looks like, though.

In my world they use squat toilets like in Asia...
Then they have to get used OUR toilets... lol not made for stallions!

7830148 The urinals? Where is Grand Forks anyway?

America's tundra: North Dakota

I swear that Cinnamon and his family sound like foreigners. This is the first time that I've seen Equestrian and English as completely different languages. I'll bet that the former has its own alphabet or something.

I believe the only thing to say is, "Well, that just happened."

Though "Uh, oh" isn't too bad.

hahahahhah. :) 'went out, got smashed, now humans think it's OK to touch my junk at parties'.
Boy is twilight going to be surprised when she visits.

7848080 :twilightblush:

I didn't think of that... we'll see how it plays out

" I don’t know why they thought that was funny since capitalism usually only worked for the pony with the biggest mouth and smallest heart and that didn’t have many friends at all."


There's a fair number of them: heck, virtually all my HiE/PoE stories have the ponies speaking a different language than the humans.

The electricity pipes have small funnels that technology plugs into and I made sure to clean them out very well with soap and water because we don't want them to clog and for the technology to stop working.

Maybe this is why my internet is slow. I should wash out the funnel.

Ok, the paranoid guy in me says to be worried given what happened only a few short days ago.

7895587 I wish I could write for this daily! OMG, awesome new job is very consuming. :rainbowlaugh:

No worries. Write when you can. Maybe build up a little buffer like someone else we know. Update when you feel it's ready. We'll be here. It just pleases me to know that a new friend and his family are happy and more at ease now compared to a short while ago.

7896075 Thanks, that means a lot. :pinkiesad2:

What's this, Cinnamon is a fucking degenerate?!
How could this possibly be!

why is it Cancelled just want to know :rainbowderp: but il let u know i just read this and i love the story :twilightsmile:

I can switch it to hiatus in a couple of months, but I have a much better story in the works that I hope will guide me into finishing this one with the same excitement I had when I started.

I dunno, there's a reason for it though, I'm sure...

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