• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 1,461 Views, 4 Comments

Brownies at Sugarcube Corner - RandomHumanBeging4112

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My Blind Date is You?!

Rainbow Dash was sitting at a table at Sugarcube corner, waiting for her blind date. She couldn't help but wonder who her blind date was. She was for certain that she wouldn't like him at all. She didn't typically like the flirty type, or any type for that matter. She started thinking about yesterday's soccer game and how Soarin had led the team to sweat victory. He made a good captain. Not as good as her of course, but pretty good. Watching the game was really the first time that Rainbow could examine her teammates play, and they were all pretty good. She could see some room for improvement, but they were all pretty good, especially Soarin. Ugh, why did she keep thinking about Soarin? She then focused her attention to the lack of her blind date.

"Ugh, the only other person that would be this late is Soar-" Rainbow said, but she was cut off when Soarin walked into the bakery and sat down at her table.

"Rainbow Dash?!"


"What are you doing here?!" the two asked at the same time.

"I'm here for a blind date." they both said again.

"Oh no. You don't think..."

"Yup, Pinkie set me up on a blind date with you, as much as I hate to admit it, it all makes sense." Rainbow said.

"Well, uh. This is awkward." Soarin said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes, yes it is."

"Ar you two ready to order?" Mrs. Cake asked as she walked up to their table.

"Sure, I'll have my usual." Dash said.

"Gotcha." Mrs. Cake said.

"And I'll have my usual as well, plus brownies for the both of us." Soarin said.

"Okay." Mrs. Cake said as she walked off.

"How did you know that I love brownies?" Rainbow asked.

"Wait, you love brownies, I love them too! I only got them for me, and to be a gentlemen" Soarin said.

"Okay, that's a little creepy." Rainbow said.

"Hold up, what is your usual?" Soarin asked.

"A vanilla milkshake with rainbow sprinkles and chocolate shavings." Rainbow said.

"That's mine too."

"Holy mother of crap, how is this even possible?"

"Dunno, I guess fate just wants us to be together." Soarin said.

"Shut you creep."

"And why would I do that?" Soarin asked.

"Yeah, why would you?" Rainbow asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because you're cute when you're angry." Soarin said.

"And how would you know that?"

"Dude, you absolutely despise me, I know when you're angry, and that's one of the many reasons why I like you." Soarin said smugly.

"Hold up. You like me?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure! Who wouldn't like a girl like you? I mean, you're beautiful, loyal, badass, sporty, you're totally boss, the list goes on."

Rainbow was at a loss for words.

"Oh, you want me to continue? Okay, let's see, you're also adorable, a big dork, and a crap ton more."

"You, like me?"

"Duh! I already said that!"

"How could you like me when I've been so mean to you?" Rainbow asked.

"Do you want me to state the reasons that I like you again?"

"N-no, you don't have to. I just need to process this for a moment." Rainbow said.

"Process away."

Rainbow thought hard. Mrs. Cake brought their order over.

"Umm, what is she doing?" Mrs. Cake asked, acknowledging Rainbow's weird thinking face.

"Adorable, isn't it?" Soarin asked, but Mrs. Cake had already left.

Soarin took a sip of his milkshake, enjoying watching Dash think her head off.

"So wait, when did you get a crush on me?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, back in 2014 when you beat Crystal Prep that one time, the only we beat them, and you kicked their asses." Soarin said.

"Ah, the game of '14, man, that was a really good year for me." Rainbow said.

"It really was, well, except for the fact that we were all freshman." Soarin said.

"Yeah, okay, back to you liking me."

"What about it? Do you like me too now?" Soarin asked playfully.

"Um, I haven't really gotten to know you all that well." Rainbow said.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Soarin asked.

"I dunno, I guess I just want to know more stuff about you." Rainbow said.

"M'kay, I'll start off with where I was born." Soarin said.

"Oh boy."

"And that brings us to today." Soarin said, an hour and a half later.

"Wow, I'm glad we didn't go to the same middle school." Rainbow said.

"Yeah, I consider you one of the lucky ones."

"Well, I'm glad to be one."

"Yeah, you better be." Soarin said.

"Wow, man, I actually kinda find youth be a cool guy, and, dare I say this, likable." Rainbow said.

"So, you finally admit it, I'm a lovable dude." Soarin said as he smugly sipped his milkshake.

"Nope. I said that you were a likable guy, not a lovable dude." Rainbow corrected.

"But you admit that you like me." Soarin said proudly.

"Maybe I like you a little, but don't get to cocky about it, I'm still your captain." Rainbow said as she sat back in her seat.

"Who has a concussion and can't play."

"But I can still give a hella good pep talk."

"True, true, but I can actually beat you at a game of one-on-one." Soarin said.

"That was one time!"

"Two times, actually, one time during freshman year and the other at soccer camp last summer."

"Ih, yeah, soccer camp. I forgot about that. But, you know, I guess you beating me was the only low point of 2014."

"Yeah, but 2014 had zero low points for me." Soarin said.

"Yeah, but we were freshmen, remember the senior pranks?"

"Yeah, but those were at the end of the year, in 2015."

"Oh, yeah, good point."

"I know, hey, what do ya say we go hit the sled hills, last night's storm hit pretty hard and I hear that Dead Man's Drop is home to some wicked sled races right now, so I say we hit the sled shop and have a race." Soarin said.

"You're on!" Rainbow said as she jumped out of her seat.

"Totally." Soarin said as he slipped Mrs. Cake a twenty-dollar bill and ran out of the café after Dash.

Author's Note:

Ta-Da! I wanted to do this for my friend, Sky Rocket21 for her birthday. I hope you like it!

Comments ( 2 )

I loved it sooo muchhh :heart::raritycry:

$20? goddamit I want a man like Soarin

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