• Member Since 16th Dec, 2016
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Skaltrox Defiance Knight

"Through darkened skies and malevolent eyes, my journey never dies"-Skaltrox Orthuris: Knight of Defiance


King Sombra is dead....or that's what everypony thought at least. Spike managed to bring the crystal Heart to Princess Cadence and initially destroyed the shadow King. But something happened in-between Cadence intervening and Sombra being mere seconds from claiming his prize. A small part of the king's soul entered Spike's body when they met each other's gaze. Since Sombra's defeat, Spike continuously had visions of the foe and he couldn't understand them. During one such night, something ...different happened.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 14 )

I can see that this story is going to be great. Nice work!

You have peeked my interest.

So uh, maybe I missed something but why exactly does Spike not just tell Twilight that Sombra is this little pone? Like, yelling that he would make everyone kneel would make me think Spike would say something.

7918666 Well I didn't mean for him to yell it. It was meant to be something only Spike heard and also do you really think anyone would believe? I could get it that they might realize who he is by the cutie mark, but yet at the same time, we never saw it in the show so... Anyway it's just meant to work with the plot.


I think you're right that they wouldn't believe, but I feel like Spike being a kid and everything would at least try, get shot down, and then give up. Him not telling anyone at all just seems kind of odd to me. Not trying to poop on the story at all, just a nagging thought I had while reading

7919744 Well I guess I could have Sombra agitate him enough in a later chapter that he tries to tell everyone that Sombra is alive again. But we will we see, I'm pretty common to forget about stories after a few chapters if they haven't been seen very well or I just haven't been getting any ideas on what to write next.

7919948 Mm yeah no worries dude, like I said not a game breaking issue I have, I still intend to read what you got to write!

7921169 Thanks, I'm trying to write better. I can come up with ideas for stories (that's for sure) but acting upon those ideas through the stories chapters is what I'm working on.


and next, he will meet the CMC at school..........lol.

and he has to help the CMC to gain their cutie marks........lol.

if discord is in this story of yours, i'm sure he will laugh at sombra right now........lol.

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