• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


Just a fan of fun stories, looking to enjoy them, and when I can finally grab enough time for myself write them once more!


What does it mean to be human? Sure we're able to think with free will, build things, we're the apex predator of earth... But, after ending up in Equestria via being burned alive in magical blue flames, which strangely enough didn't hurt... I'm starting to question what it means to be truly human. Kinda doesn't help that I can't sneeze without setting something on fire.

As of Episode Three Dark tag comes into play. May change rating to mature if management requires so make sure to keep an eye out for that.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 26 )

... Two dislikes already? I guess the Human tag does come with a curse. So here's a question to those who do that. Do you actually read the story? If not then why do you thumb it down? If so then is there some sort of problem with how it's written? Because I'm open for constructive criticism and and the like. I know I'm not the best writer, hell I know compared to some of the others on here I flat out suck.

But, the fact that I keep trying shows how much I enjoy what I do. So if there is anyway I can make one of my stories better please let me know.

856693 Well, one of those people disliked because of human and generic name. The other one disliked because they read the story.

Wanna know why? Generic human goes to generic Equestria where he goes on a generic adventure with generic ponies and a generic love story and a generic end. That is what you're setting this story up to be.

Ah, you see the problem is that you judge to quickly. For one, I never specified that there would be adventure now did I? Nor did I state that the human would be involved in any romance at all? But, to say that I may have implied it is not far off. You see I'm not all that good at HiE stories hell this is my first attempt. And you want to know why? Because people judge them so harshly if they aren't on the level of How did I get here?/Le Retour or My Second Life.

While I'm normally not one to defend my work, hell even I know I suck as a writer. But, I'm willing to learn, and being put down just for the fact that I'm not some all knowing writer god is not conducive to learning. So I'll only say this once. If you cannot offer a solution to the problem, then kindly shut up and walk away.

856805 But see, that's the problem. I'm not talking from a biased point of view, if you introduce your character that way, instantly typing up exactly what the character looks like, then people are gonna look down on your story.

It might take a bit, but be wary, sometimes the epic fantasy in your head doesn't exactly translate well into pen and paper, if you catch my drift.

And for your first time, never try an HiE. And if you do, wait until the HiE shitstorm blows over.

i really like this, please continue it. i only have one 'beef' if you will. could you make it longer please?:unsuresweetie:

See it's not my first story, it's my first HiE, and saying wait until the HiE shitstorm blows over is like saying we should wait until the end of days because as long as their are HiE stories there will be haters. Purists if you would. But, still thank you for the advice. You see HiE stories are definitely different then others I've written and the fact that there's some sort of unseen rulebook makes it a lot more difficult to write.

So once again thank you for the advice, and if their is any more you can offer in the future I'll be sure to lend it an eye. Seeing as lending an ear won't work because it's text... :pinkiehappy:

Trying my best, Writing is hard for me honestly. Mainly due to the fact that my ADD makes good ideas pack up and vanish as randomly as Pinkie some times.

hey, at least you can actually focus long enough to (figuratively) put something down on paper. every time I try...........

.............I wake up the next morning

so all I ask is that you:

There's tons of info-dumping going on. Don't tell us the information we need to know. Don't pause, turn to the camera and say, "Before I continue, I should explain," and then give a paragraph of information before getting onto what's important. Just let the plot happen, and the information that's necessary will come out naturally as the story progresses. That made it difficult to feel invested in the story or feel like it was going anywhere.

There were also some grammatical mistakes, but you can use a grammar handbook for that.

I know, and I'm really sorry. Apparently my main flaw as a writer is my need to explain things. Sadly it's part of who I am and it's very difficult to change. On another note... I'm dyslexic so please bare with me if I make a grammar error or two. I try to keep them to a minimum but, I'm not perfect.

yes your doing good in my opinion, mostly because i like to read fics for the enjoyment of the story, so the little things are moot...:twilightsmile:......n others who are so bent about how your doing this far as hie goes should respectively gtfo n not leave really annoying comments on matters that in all reasoning is exaggerated and trivial at this point; it ruins the moment after the chapter good r bad...............:facehoof:

Why thank you. I'm glad that some people understand that I'm trying my best and you need to let minor issues slide and enjoy the story.

He's like:pinkiecrazy: and Pinky and the others are like :raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair:

Welcome my friend to the fun world of insanity

Sadly it is but, a short visit. You'll understand why next chapter.

885694. Oh now I'm intrigued:trixieshiftright:

I think I may need to up the rating... what does everyone think?

1252886 Not sure exactly what you're planning, but I actually kinda like this fic, it just needs a little work with the editing...

But honestly, I'm surprised that there aren't more likes, and I'd be happy to help with your editing if you want...:pinkiehappy:

If you want that is...:pinkiesad2::fluttershyouch::twilightsheepish::scootangel:


Yeah... I don't have an editor... Kinda never have, and if you could tell me how to go about that it would be an honor.

1253726 well, if you PM me I'd be happy to help... Just send me a message at some time, K?


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