• Member Since 30th Nov, 2015
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Rambling Writer

Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams



This story is a sequel to Aunthood Issues

Pop-cultural investigative reporter Coranto has heard some pretty out-there excuses for rumors. Some were even true. But when castle gossip says Luna has had a baby, and she claims she's created an entity to patrol dreams called the Tantabus, Coranto knows she's smelling a load of hogwash. The idea is absurd. Patently. Never one to let the truth hide, Coranto decides she will get to the bottom of these rumors, and nothing will dissuade her. Not anything Luna says. Not even the Tantabus itself taking an interest in her crusade.


Chapters (1)
Comments ( 119 )

“But you… No, you can’t be alive. You’re… You’re energy. Make-believe energy.”

“Said the blob of fat on a stick.”

Coranto may need some Aloe Vera after this... Because she just got burned

yeh a new tantabus story!!!!!!~

But at least the Tantabus itself seemed… nice enough, in its own way. All she had to do now was not bug Luna, and it’d leave her alone, right? It was a shame she hadn’t thought to ask it about making her a goo-

“Excuse me?”

A jolt ran down her spine as she recognized that voice, and she swiveled to one side. Right next to her was the dreamboat known as Fancy Pants, with that smexy monocle and that shnazzy waistcoat. He had his own wine in front of him and his captivating gaze was turned in her direction. It was a dream, she knew it was, but she still felt her heart race.

“I beg your pardon, ma’am,” Fancy Pants said in that fetching Trottingham accent, “but I don’t believe I’ve seen you before.” He sipped his wine. “Do you come here often?”

Okay, so maybe this was a good dream.

“I believe you already know who I am, but permit me to introduce myself personally. I am Fancy Jacket.”

…In its own way.


Liked and favorited.

I am Fancy Jacket.

I cant, I just cant :rainbowlaugh:

Commoners do Bridleway. The nobility performs full operas, as is only right for their station.

Bonus points for noting the questionable dialogue coming out of Luna's mouth.

Wordsmithing! Always a fun pastime.

Water? Fish make love in it.

If you call spraying sperm on the eggs after the female laid them "making love." And if you do, I don't want to see your search history.

Ooh, I'm going to need to remember that constipation line.

Another excellent entry in this series. Thank you for it. :twilightsmile:

OK, you know what? There's a perfect applause, one that manages to capture the audience's emotions and wraps it up in a singular moment. It starts out slow, always includes a stand, the audience's face goes from awestruck to enraptured. Some even cry tears of joy, bliss, or whatever other emotion the piece was intended to convey.

Additionally, there's the singular audience, the one person who's partaking of the performance and the performance is for that one person. That person will have a contemplative expression, which will slowly and steadily morph into one of total satisfaction mixed with the relief of catharsis that comes only from a well executed performance.

This piece, my friend, deserves both.

Yaas, this is great.


Ooh, I'm going to need to remember that constipation line.

No, mine! U no can has.

>that title
I get it.

Perfection of pure pony prose. Loved every bit of it, from the abrupt bell ring of lucidity to the jokes to the loonytoons style falling gag. Pure perfection.

HUZZAH! A third story! Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

And then, finally, Coranto remembered that, no matter how much she liked to think otherwise, famous members of high society did not spontaneously break out into grandiose, show-stopping, Bridleway-style song and dance routines like this. It was the commoners that did that.

Don´t let Rarity hear this. Ever. :raritycry:



Therefore, energy is as real as matter.

And even you did hit the ground

even if you did

A very hilarious story. I particularly like the word 'oneironaut'.

Don’t worry about it. You don’t need to appease me. Besides, when it comes to insults, intended or otherwise, I find myself quite constipated.”
Coranto frowned up at the Tantabus.
“I can’t bring myself to give a crap.”

Got to remember this! Awesome line!

Tantabus learned sass!

Your Tantabus gets better with every sequel to this story. Maybe that's because it just grows a bit more into its magically crafted-from-birth maturity (or into its probably less magical teenager mindset, which is both very similar and the absolute opposite to maturity).

Either way, I look forward to seeing more parts in this series.

So, Dreamcatcher needs to meet Discord.

Water? Fish make love in it.

I see someone has been watching Archer lately.

Comment posted by Highlord Langslock deleted Feb 18th, 2017

Of course Tanta made Fancy jacket for her, Fancy pants is married to Fluer de lis

I think a certain Tantabus has been spending time with a crazy uncle (Discord).

YES! Another one! ^!^

The Tantabus wagged a hoof in her face. “Ah bah bah! According to the rumors, I’m only a few months old. You shouldn’t ----ing swear around me.”]

This line reminded me of a line Nerd3 said in one of his videos; "We don't fucking swear in this channel."
Don't remember what video it was from :/

The dreams continue!

YEEEESSS! :yay: :yay:
You just absolutely made my week publishing another installment of Tantabus Mark II's existence! :heart:
And it was AWESOME! :pinkiehappy:

Who downvoted this?!:flutterrage:


Oh TCP, I got that joke too late.

That was amusing. It pleases me greatly how similar the Tantabus is to the Genie from Aladin, as well as being comparable to both Discord and Pinkie Pie.
Quite a bit of good writing here. Well done.

When I pressed the upvote, it was 119. Now it is 223.

Talk about a vote that matters! :trollestia:

(I know what it really was. But seriously, great story.)

Loved the story :twilightsheepish: ..... picture makes the Tantabus appear really sad, or is that just me? :pinkiesad2:

This was adorable! Now I want to see Tanty screw with Aunt Tia's dreams as revenge for pranking Luna!

Woo! We've got us a trilogy!

DAMN CORANTO GOT TROLL BURNED! Not even "Burn heal Aloe Vera" can heal that

Even though the Tantabus may be silly and mischievous at times, it can be serious as well. It was acting silly and serious in the previous stories; this one is no exception.

She tried to move away, but none of her muscles were working, and the Tantabus seemed to grow in size. “I don’t like seeing Mom peeved,” it rumbled.
“Noted,” squeaked Coranto.

“And remember, if you start up again…” It flashed a sharklike grin at Coranto, pointy teeth and everything. “I’ll be right here.”

“Noted,” Coranto squeaked again. Not that she would have in any case.

Yeah, I do NOT want to see the scary side of Tantabus again. :rainbowderp:

Okay, so maybe this was a good dream.
“I believe you already know who I am, but permit me to introduce myself personally. I am Fancy Jacket.”
…In its own way.

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Tantabus strikes again!

“Too bad! We’re going skydiving!”
“Dude. Seriously. Your panicked screams of hysteria have long since ceased to be entertaining.”
“Congratulations, Captain Obvious! You’ve been promoted to Major Obvious!” The Tantabus plonked a cap on Coranto’s head amid a shower of confetti. “Or should that be Majorly Obvious?”

I'm a tiny bit concerned that Tantabus may be taking too much after Auntie Trollestia.

7957200 and when I pressed it, it became 269!

And then, finally, Coranto remembered that, no matter how much she liked to think otherwise, famous members of high society did not spontaneously break out into grandiose, show-stopping, Bridleway-style song and dance routines like this. It was the commoners that did that.

This is just pure gold.
But then, of course, the members of high society DO break out in song! At the gala, at the gala!

“Congratulations, Captain Obvious! You’ve been promoted to Major Obvious!” The Tantabus plonked a cap on Coranto’s head amid a shower of confetti. “Or should that be Majorly Obvious?”

Why this sounds more like Discord than Luna's daughter? :rainbowderp:

7957595 Reality warpers tend to have odd senses of humor. Comes with the territory.


It doesn't. That's just a generic riffing from someone with a lackadaisical personality and reality-warping powers. You could even say it was Pinkie's kid if you looked at it like this.

I am Fancy Jacket.

*deep breath*

HaHa, nice. I like.

The bottom fell out of Coranto’s as she looked up at the Tantabus,

There's a word missing here.

At first I was making fun of a Luna who says things like 'faffing' and uses contractions. So, good job, you trolled me good.


I love this one, I still think you should do a longer story or series.

7956359 It's super-effective!

This isn't bad, but it would be better if, instead of just saying that Coranto was a muck-raker, you actually showed her performing her "craft" during the story's opening. Sliming her up would have made her more unlikable, and the rest of the story would have felt more deserved. Instead, you jumped right into the fun part without any real setup, and as a result, her comeuppance wasn't as effective as it could have been.

7957271 Love this movie :rainbowlaugh:

I like how the chapter title consists of computer syntax statement, and the Tantabus's discussion about it being real.

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