• Published 12th Jun 2017
  • 5,321 Views, 290 Comments

Once a Time Lord... Well, actually still that, but now a Pony as well... - The Bricklayer

The Doctor once again finds himself in the middle of a... situation. Mind you, situations for him never involved getting turned into a talking horse. Well, pretend you have a plan and just go for your trusty Sonic I suppose. ONCE A TIME LORD REWRITE

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Part 17: The Mystery of Whitetail Woods

All was calm and peaceful in the small town of Ponyville. Multicolored leaves in various shades of red, orange and yellow were falling from the trees along the pathways and onto grassy knolls. In a small backyard bordering Whitetail Woods, there was a house belonging to the town's local Mailmare, Derpy Hooves, and her daughter Dinky Hooves. Despite being one of the clumsiest mares around thanks to her wall eyes, Derpy was one of the town's best mail deliverers and always got her packages to the right pony, never damaging them, even you could never say the same about herself due to flying into things, through things and the like. She never got paid as well as she would have liked to have been, but her payment was enough to make ends meet and to care for both her and her daughter. Speaking of which, the light grey-furred, blond-maned mare was watching her daughter play with a small ball in her backyard and kick it around the yard back and forth. Suddenly, Dinky accidentally kicked it through a hole in the wooden fence and it rolled away into the Woods.

"My ball!" Dinky cried and tried to rush after it but Derpy quickly flew towards her daughter and grabbed her.

"No, it's getting dark! The other ponies may not believe in that which lurks in the Woods, but I do. HE does exist, your grannymare took quite a few pictures of him and so I know that... that creature exists!" Derpy exclaimed nervously even as she remembered the stories. Foals and fillies had gone missing for years in the Whitetail Woods at night, and some of them had never come back, and the ones that did, well as the rumors went, they were never quite the same. But somehow, Dinky managed to slip out of Derpy's grip and crawl under the hole in the fence and gallop into the woods. With a shout of fear for her daughter, Derpy flew after her, somehow, whether it be to her fear of losing her daughter to that... thing, or just something you couldn't quite explain, she flew perfectly, not crashing into anything for once and managing to keep up with her daughter's every move. She kept her firmly in her sights, but then, Dinky was gone and Derpy skidded to a halt in midair and glanced every which way.

"Dinky!" Derpy shouted, and when she received no response except for various animal noises like the chirping of crickets, she shouted again, this time only louder.


This time, there wasn't even the sound of animals. And then she saw IT. A tall stallion, wearing a black suit and tie with a white featureless face and it seemed to have several shadowy black tendrils growing out of it's back. Derpy's eyes widened in horror. She knew what she was looking at, and it's name.

"S-Slendermane..." Derpy said, just barely able to get the words out, and out of pure fear she turned and flew away all the way back to her house, to the safety of her yard, and then broke down out of pure shame and guilt. She hadn't been strong enough, brave enough to be able to save her daughter, her little Muffin, her Dinky. She was the Slender's now, and there was nothing she could do about it. Letting out a mournful wail of despair that only parents who had lost a child could recognize which could be heard throughout the town of Ponyville, it reached a certain blue-suited, brown-furred stallion who was tinkering away in his box and his ears perked up in interest and he looked up from his console and grabbed his trench coat...

The Tenth Doctor had followed the wails of despair to a home outside Whitetail Woods. It was a modest home, nothing fancy and had a muffin painted on the door. The Doctor raised an eyebrow, how curious. He tentatively raised a hoof and knocked on the door and it was answered, after a few moments of the Doctor waiting and hearing nothing but the shuffling of footsteps, by Derpy, who had tears dripping from her eyes.

"Ah yes, hello! I'm just the local Neighborhood Watch! Name's Alec Hardy," The Doctor greeted in his usual cheerful manner, before flashing his psychic paper and studying the mare in front of him. He'd never quite seen eyes like that on a pony before. "Heard your wails of despair, and I thought, oh what the Hell, might as well and go have a little-looksee and see what's gone wrong."

Derpy studied the rather odd and cheerful stallion with his sticky-uppy mane style and brown trench-coat and blue suit. Alec Hardy, odd name for a pony. Didn't sound like anypony's name she'd ever heard before. Then she took a gander at his "ID" and saw it was just an old and yellowed library card, with the picture of an old and grey stallion on it with balding white hair. She raised an eyebrow and the Doctor took a look at his psychic paper and sighed to himself before muttering "Not again... Always getting these two mixed up..."

"Alright, so you got me, I'm not the Neighborhood Watch nor is my name Alec Hardy. I'm the Doctor, hello!" He greeted, still in the same cheerful tone of voice.

"W-Wait, the Doctor? As in that strange stallion with the Blue Box? The one which you pull ponies into and snog them?" Derpy asked questioningly.

"It's... It's not a snog box! And for the record, that has happened only once! And someone did that to me, not the other way round!" The Doctor snapped, affronted and somewhat offended that his TARDIS had been comparing to something as simple as a kissing booth! And it wasn't his fault that Princess Amore JUST happened to fall in love with him!

"I'll be the judge of that, sunshine," Derpy remarked before her cheerful demeanor vanished once she remembered what had happened only an hour earlier and she resumed her sobbing. The Doctor put his forelegs around her.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. What's wrong? You can tell me." The Doctor said in a calm and comforting tone of voice as he let Derpy sob into his shoulder. For some reason, it just felt wrong to see these normally happy and cheerful ponies sad, and it tugged at his heartstrings more than it did with humans.

"C-Come inside, I'll explain everything," Derpy said and led the Last of the Time Lords inside her home. It was messy, disorganized with children's toys lying everywhere, and smelled of freshly cooked muffins, but it was a very nice place to be all the same.

"Muffins?" Derpy asked as she brought out a tray of blueberry muffins from her oven and sat them on the kitchen table where the Doctor had pulled up a chair and then retrieved a small wooden box from a nearby table.

"So... What seems to be the trouble Miss..." The Doctor asked, suddenly finding himself at a loss for a name.

"Derpy Hooves... A-And the trouble is, my daughter's been taken, by this." Derpy answered and opened the box and fished out a couple of pictures while the Doctor calmly bit into a muffin before wincing at how hot it was and blowing on it to cool it off and muttering to himself "Think I burned my tongue..."

The Doctor then studied the pictures. In the background of each one, lurked a figure, tall and imposing with a blank sheer white face. The effect unnerved even the Doctor.

"He's called the Slendermane. Been around for centuries, possibly longer than Ponyville itself's been around. Some say he's as old as the Two Sisters, maybe even older." Derpy explained, with the Doctor hanging on her every word.

"Great! Always love a good mystery!" The Doctor cried, gleefully rubbing his front two hooves together when he saw the look on Derpy's face and remembered what exactly the Slendermane had done and at once felt guilty with himself as Nine mentally smacked him on the back of the head.

"So... Uh, where does the Slendermane live exactly?" The Doctor inquired and Derpy gestured outside her window to Whitetail Woods.

"In there." She said fearfully, and the next thing she knew, as the sun was setting, she'd somehow found herself and the Doctor at the entrance to the woods. The Doctor stared into the inky blackness and nervously adjusted his tie and fiddled with it.

"You know sometimes when you have that feeling to just go for a walk in the woods in the middle of the night? ...I don't have it." The Doctor laughed nervously before swallowing.

"Oh well, you know what they say. Nothing ventured, nothing gained..." He said with a shrug before he and Derpy slowly walked into the darkened forest, not knowing what lay in wait for them inside.

Whitetail Woods: With the Tenth Doctor and Derpy Hooves...

"I... I just don't know what went wrong! She was in my sights one minute, and the next she was gone and that... Thing was in front of me!" Derpy whimpered out as the twosome trotted through the dark and misty forest. The Doctor put a hoof on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"Hey, everyon-Sorry, everypony makes mistakes. Still getting used to all these new words and terminology..." The Doctor admitted, while getting mental images of Twilight and Shining both shouting the correct word usage at him every time he got it wrong. He groaned, it just gave him a headache. "Anyways, the point is, you couldn't have known that Dinky would have gotten lost in the forest and taken by that thing... if he even exists."

Derpy gave him a glare, which was an impressive feat indeed given her cross-eyed state.

"Of course he exists! I saw him with my own two eyes!" Derpy shouted, quite shocked that the Doctor was even suggesting she was delusional. How could she be, that thing looked as real as anything could ever look!

"And how do you know what you saw was real? It's entirely possible that you were drugged and what you saw was what somepony wanted you to think them to see. For all I know, there's something more going... on... here." The Doctor replied, remembering the Sherlock episode The Hounds of Baskerville and how the "Hound" was just something else disguised as a big black dog using a powerful combination of fear, suggestion, and hallucinogenic drugs before his speech slowed down as he spotted something scrawled on a tree not too far from him and ran towards it with Derpy shouting after him.

"Doctor, wait!" She yelled and found the Time Lord closely studying a tree with a crude picture of the Slendermane scratched on it and the words "Beware! Turn back now!" below that.

"Okay... Interesting. Seems we've been given a warning. Always love an ominous warning. Wants me to keep going further!" The Doctor said cheerfully. Derpy didn't share his demeanor. With a nervous look back at the tree, she followed after the Time Lord. The Doctor took notice of her nervousness once more and gave her a reassuring glance.

"Don't worry, we'll find your daughter. Pinkie Promise." The Doctor stated, and did the sacred motions for the Promise, even if he knew in his heart there was a VERY good possibility he couldn't uphold that promise. And what happened when you broke a Pinkie Promise?

"Break one of those, and you'll lose a friend foreeeeevvverr!"

The Doctor groaned at even thinking of Pinkie. How she defied reality was beyond even him.

"Pinkie Promise," Derpy replied, although she didn't sound as confident as the Doctor, who'd just gotten an idea.

"Hey, I know what we can do! Singing songs often helps distract one from the problem at hand! Giggle at the ghosties, as Pinkie once put it." The Doctor said, and Derpy smiled. She knew the Doctor had a point. And so the Doctor began to sing a song he'd heard once, and was quite relevant to the situation at hand.

"If you ever go back into the Wooley Swamp son you better not go at night

There's things out there in the middle of them Wooley woods

That'd make a strong man die from fright

There's things that crawl and things that fly

And things that creep around on the ground

And they say the ghost of Lucias Clay gets up and it walks around." The Doctor sung, and Derpy gave him a look.

"Not. Helping." Derpy growled out, and The Doctor was sent into another flashback.

"Sorry, was I being rude again?"

The Doctor chuckled at the memory, and the memory of Donna Noble. Oh, how he'd love to meet her again.

"Oi! No stupid Martian is gonna stop me from getting married. To hell with you!"

"I'm... I'm not... I'm not - I'm not from Mars."

"What's so funny?" Derpy asked and the Doctor smiled.

"Sorry, lost in thought for a second. It happens. Anyone ever tell you how scatterbrained I am?" The Doctor asked before shrugging. "Ah well, never mind. Still got a monster to find and a filly to save! Brave heart, Ms. Hooves. Brave heart!" The Doctor continued with a cheerful smile. Stand resolute, that's what Winston had told him once. That phrase never felt so right till this very moment. But as bad luck would have it, (And the Doctor was quite well officiated with bad luck) the Doctor found himself looking up at a pony, yet it couldn't possibly be one, what with it's pure white head, no eyes or mouth to speak of and just the barest trace of a nose and it's Alicorn sized form. It wore a pure black immaculately pressed suit and tie and somehow, despite it having no face, it stared down the Doctor and seemed to peer right into his very soul.

"Well, look at that. Didn't take as long as I thought..." The Doctor commented before realizing the obvious problem and letting out a small "Oh."

"Run?" Derpy asked.

"Yes, that." The Doctor responded with a nod and so they did what the Doctor did best. Run like Hell.

Run! Doctor, run!" Derpy screamed in fear as she flapped her wings as hard as she could, with the Doctor running along aside her as fast as his little Earth Pony legs could carry him.

"Oh, trust me, I'm running, in this situation, it's kinda impossible not to run is it?" The Doctor snapped back sarcastically. He looked back behind him, and to his surprise, the Slendermane was keeping up with them, one minute he was behind one tree and the next, behind another! It was almost like he could...

"Teleport! I hate teleporters! That's cheating! I hate those as well!" The Doctor mused to himself and the Ninth commented in his head "Don't we cheat at times as well?" in a dry tone of voice, crossing his arms and smirking in amusement.

The Doctor didn't bother to dignify him with a response. Meanwhile, the Slendermane kept getting closer and closer, until right then he was in front of the Doctor and Derpy, and grabbed them with his shadowy tendrils and lifted them up in the air, and then in a hissing guttural tone of voice that shocked both of them, as neither the Doctor nor Derpy knew he could even speak, given he had no mouth and all, he said "Get out of my forest."

And then he turned to look at Derpy.

"You don't deserve to be her parent, not after what you did."

Derpy's expression was a mixture of confusion and bewilderment. What had she done? What had she done to deserve the Slendermane to call her an unfitting parent? But before she could ponder that question any further, there was a bright flash of white blinding light and both ponies found themselves in the Hooves household.

"Ugh, have I ever mentioned how I hate teleporters?" The Doctor muttered as he picked himself up off the ground and dusted himself off with his hooves.

"Dinky... DINKY!" Derpy wailed. "That... That monster has h-her, and I'm never getting her back!"

The Doctor laid a hoof on her shoulder and looked at her firmly even as Derpy blubbered to herself.

"Don't worry, that little thing the Slendermane just pulled, scare tactic. If he knew what I was capable of, he wouldn't be so smug. I'm going back in there, and I'm going to get your daughter back. That's a Pinkie Promise, and you never break those." The Doctor said with conviction in his tone, but all the while he went over the Slendermane's words to Derpy in his head. There was something more going on here than just kidnapping, and he needed to find out exactly what.

The Doctor was not happy. Not happy at all. More often than not, he liked his legends to stay just that, legends. He was a skeptic at heart. He was always looking for a real-world solution to things. He wanted the Slendermane to be just a hallucination brought on by someone drugging the whole area of Whitetail Woods. He wanted the whole legend to be just bunk stirred up by someone trying to use it for some sinister purpose and just kidnapping children to molest them, as horrible as that was. But that just couldn’t be it, could it? Noooo, the Slendermane had to be the real bloody deal. This flew in every scientific fact he knew of in his over 900 years of being alive. Not just that, it came right back to him and slapped him in the face and then mooned him to add to the humiliation of it all. The Doctor groaned to himself, he was really beginning to hate Equestria’s myths and legends and magic in general. It never spelled anything good for him whenever he was around. Cybermen, he could deal with. Just give them an emotional overload and have their heads explode. Weeping Angels, okay, just grab Celestia and have her burn them to nothing but ashes. Daleks, blow them up with magical explosives. Sontarans, aim for the back of the neck. The Vashta Nerada? Stay out of the shadows. But the Slenderpony? Run, just run. Mind you, it wasn’t like he wasn’t used to running. Hell, he started off his entire adventures through Time and Space just by stealing a Type-Forty TARDIS and running for it along with his granddaughter.

Speaking of family, he was very curious as to what the Slenderpony meant by Derpy being an unfit parent. From what he’d gathered around town just by gossip—which by the way was something he also hated, as gossipers generally had nothing better to do with their time besides talk—Derpy was considered to be one of the best parents in Ponyville even if she had to raise her daughter alone. But then again, everyone has skeletons in their closets. You could never tell what someone was like unless you met them for yourself. But that was the issue, wasn’t it? He’d met Derpy, and she seemed genuinely scared for the welfare of her daughter. Nopony got that teary-eyed over someone unless they actually cared for them. It niggled and nagged at his brain. It was a complete contradiction between what the Slendermane said and Derpy’s demeanor. Still, it was best he double checked, just in case he was wrong. He’d been wrong before about things after all, as today proved.

“Doctor, you alright?” Derpy asked in concern as she waved a hoof in front of his face in order to snap him back to reality.

“Yeah… Yeah. I’m fine. Just lost in thought for a moment there.” The Doctor replied before he rushed out the door.

“Doctor, where are you going?” Derpy asked in fear, hoping to Faust above the Doctor just wasn’t giving up on her. “Doctor… Please! I need your help!” She shouted desperately. The Doctor gave her a smile and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back. I just need to check on a few things to confirm a theory of mine.”

Next thing Derpy heard was a distinct wheezing and groaning sound and sunk to the floor in despair and hopelessness, her hooves covering her eyes while she sobbed quietly to herself. The Doctor was giving up on her after all. She wasn’t getting her daughter back…

But that’s where Derpy was wrong. The Doctor traveled to a few days before this incident, to an area near Derpy’s household and he quickly ducked behind a tree as his and Celestia’s past selves walked by, with Celestia under a disguise that hid her wings and made her multicolored mane just a solid pink, making her look like a regular, if frankly rather oversized unicorn. The Doctor smiled to himself. He remembered this.

“You know, it’s nice to just be a regular mare for once. No nobles complaining their asses off, and no ponies who treat you like a goddess.” Celestia commented, before blushing as she realized she’d used a curse word in public, and ponies expected her to be all prim and proper.

“Excuse my language Doctor. I… I just needed to vent for a moment. It’s just... I’m expected to be all perfect and not like normal ponies, with normal problems. I’m supposed to be a role model for them to look up to.”

Past Pony-Ten only chuckled to himself.

“What’s so funny, Doctor?”

“Except you’re not Celestia right now are you? You’re Bright Star, not a Princess, so you’re free to act however you want and just enjoy the day. Hell, you could even go down to the local pub the Prancing Pony and get stone-dead drunk if you so desired.”

“No offense Doctor, but I much prefer my vintage malt, and the smell of half of those stallions does tend to offend one’s nose,” Celestia remarked with a teasing smile. The Doctor couldn’t help himself and just burst out laughing.

“Yes, quite. It really is quite horrid down there is it not?” Past Pony-Ten said taking on a mock high-class accent and causing Celestia to laugh at how bad it was. The present time Doctor smiled as his past self remarked “Come along “Bright Star”, got lots of places to see yet!” before as he and Past Celestia continued their walk and ran towards Derpy’s household and looked in the window. Derpy was merrily cooking breakfast, smelled like muffins before she took them out of the oven and clapped her hooves together in joy.

“Chocolate chip muffins for breakfast? Well, who am I to judge?” The Doctor thought to himself as a small pinkish unicorn filly with a yellow mane trotted down the stairs cheerfully. “Aah, and that must be Dinky. Have to admit, she is pretty cute. So far, so good. I can’t really see any parenting troubles here.”

He continued to watch for the next hour and a half unseen as Dinky and Derpy went about their day. Nothing untoward happened, and the Doctor could safely say that all was well in this household. But just as he was walking away from the home, he heard the sound of china shattering and went back to the window and saw Dinky looking at the floor where a shattered vase with a guilty look as Derpy looked at her angrily.

“I’m… I’m sorry mom! I was just trying to practice my magic!”

“Go to your room…” Derpy muttered. That had been her mother’s favorite vase, passed down from parent to child and now it was broken. “JUST GO TO YOUR ROOM!”

Dinky ran off sobbing and then the Doctor heard a hissing, guttural sound and saw a tall black figure in the treeline for just a moment before he vanished into the shadows.

“Okay, so that explains that. He must have thought Derpy was abusing her own child. Everyone makes mistakes. But the Slendermane has supposedly been kidnapping foals and fillies for a while now. So, what about them?”

So the Doctor took a trip to Town Hall, careful not to run into his past self and searched through the Mayor’s files of missing children. It went back decades. Then he saw something. A picture of a younger version of Mayor Mare, with the word “MISSING” stamped below it in big red letters.

“So, the Slendermane took the Mayor back when she was a child and then she escaped, or was let go when she was old enough. Can’t tell yet. Need more information...”

So he took another trip through time to Mayor Mare’s childhood. He quickly found her house, as he’d gotten ahold of where she grew up from her files and sneaked inside the house, being careful enough to be as silent as possible. Then he heard shouting.

“You! You worthless piece of shit! I can’t believe I’m stuck raising you! It’s your own fault your mother’s dead!” A male voice said and the Doctor heard a hoof smacking against flesh and a body hitting the wooden floors of the house and sobbing following that. He let out a growl. Child abuse was about as low as you could get in his book. Hell, if he didn’t have a feeling as to what was about to happen, he would have stepped in and changed the timeline himself and raised Mayor Mare as his own kid. But he wasn’t disappointed, as then he peeked around the corner and saw the Slendermane teleport in and grab Mayor Mare’s father by the neck with a tendril and with a sickening SNAP! Mayor Mare’s father’s head was twisted to the right. The Slendermane extended a hoof, and hesitantly, the future Mayor of Ponyville took it and both were teleported away in the blink of an eye.

“So that’s it… I was right! That’s what the Slendermane is. He’s not a monster, he just wants to give kids the childhood they deserve and not the ones they end up with if he doesn’t step in. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually have to admire the stallion.” The Doctor mused before he rushed for his TARDIS...

The Doctor rushed back to Derpy’s home as fast as he could. Panting, he opened the door, and Derpy’s face lit up in joy and she embraced him in a hug, eyes sparkling with tears of joy.

“I… I thought you’d given up!”

“No, I never give up on anything. And now I know exactly why the Slendermane is kidnapping foals and fillies. Weeeeeellll, kidnapping wouldn’t be the right word. More like rescuing them from abusive parents.”

“B-But I would never be abusive to my little Muffin, never!” Derpy stammered.

“Yes, I know. But you did yell at her for breaking your mother’s favorite vase a few days back did you not? The Slendermane… He misunderstood. He can’t tell the difference between discipline and abuse. We have to make him understand.”

“But… But that means…” Derpy squeaked.

“Yes, we’re going back into Whitetail Woods. Time to go face to face with Slendy… again.”

And so they once more took a little walk in the woods, Derpy trembling all the while in fear of whom they knew they would meet. The misty gloom seemed to wrap around them like it had a life of it it’s own. At this point, the Doctor wouldn’t be particularly surprised if it did. It didn’t take long before the Slendermane showed up again, teleporting in front of them with a look of incalculable rage on his face. The Doctor swallowed nervously as the sightless creature somehow managed to stare them down.

“I thought I told you never to come back here. Especially you, Ms. Hooves,” He growled out.

“There’s… There’s been a slight misunderstanding,” Derpy replied, mustering up her courage.

“Okay, big misunderstanding,” The Doctor put in.

“I would never, and I mean NEVER abuse my daughter! That was just a spur of the moment in anger! I never even laid a hoof on her!”

“But you yelled at her!” The Slendermane growled and a tendril pinned her to a tree and began choking her.

“There’s a difference between punishment and abuse! You need to understand that! I understand what you’ve been doing all these years, saving foals and fillies from ponies who don’t even deserve life, but you were wrong in this case!” The Doctor pleaded, hoping to make the Slendermane understand. “Look into those eyes, the fear, the heartbreak and the concern for her daughter! Does Derpy look like the kind of mare who would ever hurt a child?”

And so the Slendermane did as he was asked, and he saw what truly lay in Derpy’s heart. He had scared somepony and kidnapped their child, when they didn’t deserve it. He felt ashamed and disgusted with himself and released her. And then, from out of the forest came Dinky, rushing into her mother’s arms.

“I promise my little Muffin, I won’t let anything happen to you ever again, and I’m sorry for yelling at you. I… I lost my temper, and I promise, that’ll never happen again...” Derpy whispered comfortingly and then glared at the Slendermane, her normally crossed eyes staring boring into his soul.

“And as for you, if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will come for you, understand?”

The Slendermane nodded, and then walked slowly away into the gloom, but not before the Doctor had one last thing to say.

“Before you go, I just want to say how sorry I truly am. You should never have gone through what you did as a child. And I really have to thank you for what you’ve been doing all these years. It’s something to admire. Keep on doing it. But, and only but, if you analyze the situation first. Because if you don’t, Derpy or I will come back for you...” He trailed off in a warning tone.

Then, the Slendermane vanished and Derpy turned to the Doctor.

“Think he’ll uphold his end of the bargain?”

“...To be honest, I don’t know.” The Doctor answered before a thought struck Derpy.

“What do you mean you were truly sorry for what he’d gone through?”

“Well, think about it. Pony like that, how would you think his parents would have reacted? It’s not always a nice world out there. There are ponies that hide themselves behind a cloak of kindliness, but behind closed doors, they can be as monstrous as one can imagine.”

And on that ominous thought, he said no more.

Author's Note:

Okay, so basically I said screw it to myself and brought out another old storyline from the previous version of this story, removed a couple bits that weren't needed and just copy-pasted for one long one-shot mystery tale before we go into the next real story, in which ideas are beginning to form for, I swear. And I promise, Rainbow will be appearing in that storyline.