• Published 22nd Feb 2017
  • 352 Views, 4 Comments

Camp Staff in Equestria - Dimensional Librarian

The Text choices its victims carefully. This time a member of Camp Arrowhead Staff has been chosen, bringing with him his wits, skills, and sarcastic attitude.

  • ...

A Year Later

Dear Prince Silver Watch,

I’ve been watching you. I’ve been talking to a friend about your adventures. We would like to finally meet you face to face. Now since I know that you still are acting Ambassador to the Humans I feel that you will be happy to know that there is a human out in Foal Mountains that’s finally ready to join in with Equestrian Society. He’s been by himself, except for my occasional visits, for the majority of a year, and it would do his mental health some good to talk to new ponies. He has requested you bring the whole family to come and talk to him. That means you, all you’re wives, the kids, and their kids, (If there are any he was a little vague on that). Whenever you’re ready to go meet me in the Library.

Sincerely and with Hope,
The Librarian Booksalot

Dear Booksalot,

Oh my! I don't think I have grandchildren yet, and even as I write this, I realize that's not true, seeing as my adopted daughter adopted a son of her own, shortcutting that entire process. I'm glad to hear you're giving succor to a human in need and hope he's treating you kindly in response. I know they can be tricky at times, but they are a species capable of great love once you get past the rough exterior. Bringing my entire family would be quite a challenge. As you may not be aware, I am a prince, and my wives number no few princesses. Asking them all to go anywhere at once would put the country in peril. I can come, of course, but I can't promise the rest. I hope this would be acceptable, and look forward to more exact details.

Walk in Peace,
Prince Silver Watch

Dear Silver Watch,

I am highly aware of your social status as I am employed under you and I already tried explaining it to this human and his exact words were “Then let the Ambassador come with his favorite wife and the kids.” So yet again please come find me in the Library with whomever will journey out to meet this man. I will be sitting at the circular desk in the public sector.

The Librarian Booksalot

Dear Librarian Booksalot,

I will come with my first then. She is reliable and is not often reserved about such trips. If I can get any others to peel away, I'll see about bringing them too. Does your human have a name? I suppose it's a silly question since I'll probably be there before the reply gets to me.

Have a Fantastic Day,
Prince Silver Watch

Booksalot was sitting behind the circular desk as he said he would be, his flaming ruby magic was holding various books within its grasp in a grand display of finesse pulling them off the self in order checking them, and returning the books to new homes in the library. “Some ponies just don't know how to keep the public areas organized properly.” he mutters aloud to himself after he finished reading the latest letter.

A squeal was the first hint that others approached. The door opened with a silvery glow visible to some and a little foal scurried inside, his eyes taking in everything eagerly. Behind him came a marginally more sedate little filly. Fortunately, the little ones are not alone as their caretakers, Silver Watch and Fast Change, came right after them.

Silver let Fast chase after the little ponies for the moment as his eyes darted to the other pony he saw. "Hello there." He approached swiftly and smoothly. "Are you Book…" The name was lost. "We exchanged letters?"

“Booksalot, you can call me Books for short if you wish.” Booksalot stated with a smile and a flare of his horn and the books all flew back to their shelves. “Could Samantha and her child not make it today?” he asked as he stood from behind the desk and came around to properly greet them all. A smile grew upon his red muzzle anyways as he continued not waiting for a reply, “Anyways, Welcome to the Library, Equestria’s largest source of knowledge and powerful ancient artifacts known to ponykind.”

Silver gave a restrained snort of a chuckle. "Libraries seem to draw intelligent ponies, full of curiosity. Good ponies." He shook his head then. "Afraid I came with three. Fast Change, Clear Twilight and Morning Glory."

As he named them, Fast Change approached. She wore her 'natural' form, ruddy red unicorn mare, with the foals floating in her magic grip. "Hey there. Where's the human hiding? Wait, are you the human?" She squinted at Books. "You could be. Humans have a habit of going native."

“I know how to take a human form but I was born Equestrian. Maybe not this Equestria, but still, you gaze upon my natural form.” Booksalot said with a chuckle of his slightly aged lungs. “This way, it will be faster to get to Foal Mountain using the Warp Gate I set up.” he said as he started to lead the way through the shelves of the Library toward the back. “I know you asked about his name Mr. Watch, but I’ve only been permitted to tell one of his three last names. I also believe you should know that he is at his best and worst in life at the same time.”

Fast Change perked right up, ears going fully erect and her body leaning forward towards the new pony. "You know the spell for human shapes? Show me! You have it written down? Show me!" She was quite focused, almost bouncing in place. "Oh please!"

Silver put a hoof in front of her. "Relax. He heard you the first time and if he wants to share, he will, but we're not here to pressure anypony, just greet a lost human, which is my job."

Morning Glory gave an excited squeal as if understanding somewhat what was going on, or perhaps just enjoying being bounced around in Fast's grip.

Booksalot chuckled lightly as they came to an open area in the shelves with runes inscribed upon the floor and the wall in what looked like an archway, “Maybe later dear Changeling Princess.” he stated as his horn flared to life with flame and caused the runes to light as well. “Have you ever used one of these before?”

Fast suddenly looked awkward. Her voice dropped to barely a whisper, "I'm not a…" She looked away.

Silver leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You're a princess to me, no matter which way this goes." He looked back to Books, shaking his head. "Afraid I don't know what we're doing, but we'll follow you."

Booksalot took a small mental note about Fast’s reaction to his words as the portal opened in a gust of roaring flames that held at the edges of the doorway that now existed. On the other side were trees and music could be heard coming from the other side. “Everypony through first, it’ll close after I’m through.” Booksalot said as he waited.

Silver's magic felt outwards, near invisible to even his own eyes with the diffuse nature of his feeling, exploring the edges of the portal as he took the foals from Fast and tucked them close. "Ready?" The two nodded in reply and he chuckled. "Still gets me how foals do that." And on he went, trotting through with Fast just behind.

Booksalot followed after and let it close behind himself, “Toward the music, a song I believe he thinks you’ll recognize Silver.” He then took the lead and headed toward the whimsical windmill like music. As they got closer the music got louder and a clearing came into sight. To one side was a hammock and a tarp with a footlocker near it, near the middle was a decent camp fire with various ceramic bowls around the edge of it. Sitting upon a stump wearing green cargo pants, a tan button up shirt, and a navy blue bomber jacket was the man they had come to see.

His eyes were closed as he bobbed his head to and fro with the music, letting his hands move as if he was conducting a symphony. The song was coming from a small speaker that was on the stump next to him then ended and with that the man reached down, turned the speaker off and opened his eyes to look upon his guests with his pain filled green eyes. “There seems to be a lot of the family missing.” he stated more curious than anything.

"Zelda music?" Silver mused as he approached the human. "Oh, yes, apologies. Did you hear of them from someone or another?" He twitched his left ear before he lifted each foal in his magic. "This is Clear Twilight, and this, Morning Glory. Beside me, Fast Change. Lastly, I am Silver Watch, and it's nice to meet you…?"

Fast had her eyes more on Books than the human. "So, about that spell…?"

“It’s a mite complicated child.” Booksalot replied with a kind hearted smile.

“Horton, That’s the only name I wish to go by anymore,” said the man with a soft smile, “I was hoping you would bring Night Watch, Samantha, and Moonbeam as well, I cooked a lot of sausage to share with you all.” he then reached over and grabbed one of the larger ceramic bowls and brought it closer to them all.

Fast Change stuck out her tongue even as warm green flames rushed over her, leaving a lunar mare behind. "One, I can enjoy a bit of meat as well as anyone else. Two, shapeshifing spells are my specialty. Tell me you have it written somewhere?"

Silver shook his head as ha approached. "Thank you for that, Horton. Please forgive me in advance if I forget that. Names, not my strength. How has Equestria been treating you, and welcome to it!"

“Anything can be found in my Library if you look hard enough.” Booksalot said smiling.

“You can’t really tell me welcome now when I’ve been here for a little over a year.” Horton said raising an eyebrow, “And the land itself has been wonderful, about three other humans were giving me some trouble until about a month ago.” Horton then turned and picked up some of the long grass beside himself and he started to work them together, beginning to create something.

“Anyways, to answer your previous question I've read about you all. You've been through a lot Mr. Watch. I hope that we can become close acquaintances as season seven starts.”

Silver shook his head. "You've been here that long?" Wait, what? "Read about me? I didn't know any ponies had started writing about me." He looked quite perplexed. But then there was more. "We're up to season seven?"

"Season what now?" asked Fast, blinking at the exchange even as she took the foals from Silver's limp magic grip. "By the way, you invited me, so I'll be plundering that library of yours when we get back until I find that spell."

“Zilla should be able to help you find it.” Booksalot said calmly.

“Yes sir, season seven had already aired before I arrived and the movie came out after I left. Anywho, I've read about you from Fimfiction.net. I probably even know somethings about your adventures that you weren't aware of.” Horton said in response.

Silver blinked dumbly at the person a moment. Bits of his past, almost entirely forgotten, were forced to the front. "They made a … I suppose that doesn't matter." He glanced left and right. "I hope you're not planning to throw things any more off-course than they might be? I can't see the show to know."

"Seriously, what are you talking about?" Fast sat on her haunches and set down the two foals. "You two stay in sight, got it?"

“I am referring to something from the human world that we are from.” Horton said as he held up the freshly created grass rose and turned it in his grasp to inspect it. “I don’t plan on changing anything to much, but I do wish to venture across the country side and I think I should take care of one place before the next major thing happens around Twilight and her friends.” Horton then set the rose aside and started working with more grass as he spoke.

"Neat trick," complemented Silver as he approached. "I never got into oragami, more of a writer, back in the human days." His ears fanned forward. "What are the odds? I just got a mission relating to that, but that's beside the point. What brought you… to me?" he asked with building uncertainty. "Was… I mean… What did you see?"

Horton stopped his work and stared at Silver raising an eyebrow, “One, it’s weaving. Two, I’m making you all a gift for coming. Three, I’m a craftsman, I don’t have a mission for you.” He then returned his attention back to the work in his hands, “I have a request to borrow Gaea Shield, the Solar Pegasus in the Lunar Guard.”

Booksalot smiled at Morning Glory and Clear Twilight as he conjured up a fire imp to dance around them and keep them occupied. While it amused them, Fast was responsible enough to make sure that fire wouldn't harm her wards.

Silver's attention was on Horton. "Shield isn't technically mine to give away, temporarily or otherwise. That would be up to Luna. What's up? If it's straight forward, it shouldn't be an issue. Also, you kinda didn't say what you saw?"

“When did I ever say I saw anything?” Horton asked curiously, “I know I said I saw season seven, but I’ve simply read about you and some of the other humans that have found themselves here because of the Text. Most of what I know is current with the timeline now, therefore I can’t spoil anything. Well, unless you wanna know where a one Mr. John Smith ran off to.”

The little imp then leapt up into Fast’s mane and nestled down, surprisingly not catching her on fire. Fast let out a yelp of surprise, drawing the giggles of the foals.

Silver glanced back at her. "That's what I meant, reading, seeing, experiencing, let's not get bogged in terms." He shuffled from foreleg to foreleg. "Am I in a book?"

“Timeline wise we are currently in the fourth story about you and your adventures David.” Horton said with a chuckle, “I’m sorry I just haven’t talked to anyone in a long time, the most recent I’ve been this close to someone was a month ago. Right now those men are all taking a dirt nap about three miles that way.” Horton lifted a hand from his work and gestured to his left before picking up the rose and adding it to the bowl that had been created.

That made Silver recoil quite abruptly. "W-what?!" His ears pinned back against his head. "What happened?" Why did Horton seem so unbothered by it? Silver didn't like it, and his magic began to reach out preemptively, feeling the area and preparing for an attack.

“They tried to kill me, I defended myself.” Horton said bluntly. “I left a knife in one, and my sword has a few purple spots on it now.” He then gestured to the black footlocker. “You’re using your magic so I know you can probably tell that I locked all my knives and my sword in the chest for now.”

Silver took a slow step back, wings fluttering fitfully on his sides. "If you know so much about me, why don't you know this sounds like the wrong kind of thing on basically every level? What were you before you came here, a soldier?"

“Scout,” Horton said pulling back the edge of his jacket to show the Boy Scouts of America sewn into his shirt. “Summer camp had just ended and I was ready to go home when the Text got me.” He then looked up at stared at Silver, “And I am aware of how it sounds, because those men did die at my hands. I won’t sugar coat anything. Men are dead, I killed them, now I have to live with that until the end of my days.”

Silver glanced away and back quickly, as if uncertain to let the man out of his sights even a moment. "How many others have there been, before those three?"

Even Fast could feel the edge around Silver and she quickly gathered up the foals, tucking them under wings she didn't have moments prior.

Author's Note:

What a second chapter so soon compared to the amount of work done on my other stories? Inconceivable!

"I don't think that word means what you think it means."

Shut up thoughts, Anywho this is a crossover with David Silver and his story Silver Shield. All the typos are on me.