• Member Since 21st Nov, 2016
  • offline last seen Sunday

Silver Inkwell

"Take me away to a dream and I will live like it was real, wake me up to reality and I'll live it like it was a dream."


This is about Romance between a land pony and a seapony. This is their story.

Note: This story was inspired by a song from Carbon Maestro and you really should go check it out.

The Siren and The Seamare


Chapters (22)
Comments ( 20 )

Marked as complete?

I didn't authorize you to use my image for this story. It's specific for my story and my story alone, so please change it.

Comment posted by huntersunday deleted May 20th, 2017

Hi, I'd strongly advise you to take this story down please. It doesn't reflect my story plans at all, and seeing as Turquesa is my character, I never gave you permission to use or write a story about her.

If you wanna talk legal stuff and whatnot send me a PM.
And I'm not using your characters, I'm using inspiration from your characters, there's a difference.
If you think otherwise please do feel free to contact the staff.
(And where is the proof that she is your character?)

You're using my term "seamare" as well as using her name, so yes, it is my character and constitutes as theft. As far as contacting the staff, I'm hoping to settle the matter with you first before taking it to that level.

The term seamare I don't believe is legally owned by anyone as one could easily call a female pony of the sea a seamare just as you can call a woman of the sea a mermaid.
Your argument is invalid.

It isn't because you're using her name and the same species. You have been reported, sir.

What story plans?
(Where's your proof that she's your character?)

Try looking through my gallery and you'll find the proof. Not only that, but the description of the song itself is more than enough indication as well.

1. I didn't know about that
2. I didn't "steal" your character, I only borrowed a name, and even if my description of her does somehow accidentally match something of yours, well, it wasn't intentional at all.
3. I'm not claiming to use characters of yours, I'm only using inspiration from something of yours which is a name only.
4. A/The story (involving her) isn't here.
5. The story idea you do seem to have for your character doesn't seem to be one for anywhere close to what I'm doing so you can't claim anything more than that I stole a character at the very most.
6. Why are you even so concerned that she's even in here, even as a VERY minor role? I know you think I stole your character, but I can't see any evidence on your Deviantart for me possibly copying anything about her personality wise or whatnot, and at the most only maybe appearance-wise, but since I didn't use an image of yours it's up to the readers to fill in that gap based on what I said.
7. Yes, I was inspired by the song and whatnot, I make no claims to the contrary, but inspiration isn't stealing if you take an idea and/or concept and turn it into your own which was my only intent and purpose, so the only thing I really "took" was a name, and names aren't that unique or special, there are generators for names of everything everywhere.
8. Names alone don't constitute theft, and I don't believe there's enough evidence beyond name and maybe what she looks like, but again, as I am using no images of yours you can't entirely claim that due to what I pointed out and said in #7.


Did you receive permission from the creators to write a story about Sunset Shimmer?

You do not have exclusive rights to this character. This is a site for fanfiction, and fanfiction generally involves the use of characters you didn't create.

If you would just change her name in your story, then I won't feel as bad about it. I don't want my creations to be associated with yours, in all honesty.

I understand your discomfort, but no, I will NOT change the name, names are as I said, not special or unique, my stories have no direct affiliation with any previous or upcoming canon of your stories and/or characters too, whether the people viewing this story as good or bad is NOT a reflection upon your characters and/or artwork, it is a reflection of MY writing and work, not yours, and whether they see your characters as good or bad, or artwork, is NOT a reflection of me either.
In other words, you write your characters your way and people will judge you on that, you can't stop people from getting inspiration and/or ideas from your art and/or characters, and you have no right to stop people from trying to turn something good into something of their own, even if flawed.
Fanfiction is a gray area of legal law and I don't plan to debate this with you, I have already complied with your request to take down the cover art image and that's where it should have ended.
Don't try to threaten me with trying to take my story down and whatnot for failure to comply with a request of yours as accidents happen.
Please do not contact me again in any way shape or form about me stealing a character of yours, if you keep contacting me I will consider that a form of harassment as a moderator has already commented and THAT alone should have settled the matter,I will contact the proper authorities (the staff) if needed.
My work(s) are not associated with yours in no more way(s) than a bad knock-off movies is associated with a famous and/or a great movie.
My story is not a sequel, prequel or in any way connected to your story and/or canon universe, therefore, my story is not associated with your story or stories, and I did not plagiarize your story, therefore I have thus far complied with the site's rules and I have now cited my inspiration, please don't consider this association as it is only rather insurance instead.
That is all, I consider this matter closed.

Comment posted by Chi-Cop1 deleted Nov 11th, 2017

The artwork was removed by request, thank you for your opinion, if you have a problem take it somewhere else like the staff because I've blocked you. I do have respect for artists and people's characters and I try my best to cite and credit the proper people and/or sources.

And I doubt that JeNDyLOn would ever let me use their artwork now as they don't want their work associated with me now and they obviously think both poorly of me and this story too.

As far as I am concerned this matter is closed and settled and I will block anyone that tries to bring the issue back up again unless they're staff of course. I am NOT going to tolerate people complaining about this matter here, PM me or take it up with the staff, your choice.

You may own a character image and what they do and stuff and their personality in some sense and/or way, but you can't control what other people do about that, at least not that much, you also don't own the name.
I mean there's a Paris, Texas for crying out loud, think about that.


If this is truly your attitude towards use of work other people created, I'm curious why you're on a site for fanfiction in the first place. Generally, smart content creators tolerate and even encourage fan works and especially fanfiction, as there's no direct competition and it usually comes from a place of love for the parent work. Legally, and indeed I believe morally speaking, fanfiction is acceptable as it is transformative; each author rearranges the elements they have been given, adds some of their own, and creates something new. All art is derivative of older art, and fanfiction really just wears that on its sleeves.

The notion that it should be acceptable to use characters from a broadcast television series created by a large corporation, for profit, but not okay to use someone's OCs created as part of a hobby, has always completely baffled me. Don't get me wrong, I donate huge chunks of my time to a fanfiction site so I'm certainly not advocating for fanfiction not being possible, but certainly if someone in this situation were going to get protection, it'd be the one that actually was created for a profit by an organization with a legal department? Why can we use Hasbro's IP without a second thought in our transformative works, but OCs based on that IP become off-limits? Did the Siren and the Seamare video obtain prior permission to use the characters it used? Did the artwork?

The answer, of course, is no, because it didn't have to, and neither does anyone on this site who is inspired by another piece of fanfiction and wants to write in its universe or with its characters.

It's Kant's Categorical Imperative; "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law." The Golden Rule. You are criticizing actions taken towards a work when that work itself took those same exact actions towards another.

Insufficient crediting of the source is another issue entirely, but certainly the creator of a fan work inspired by something does respect that source of inspiration? Surely the song, the character, the art all in dispute here were created at least partially out of a respect for MLP. I would argue that using someone's characters or OC is in fact a mark of respect.

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