• Published 23rd Mar 2017
  • 4,445 Views, 231 Comments

Fireteam Odium - EchoTheFloof

Destiny/MLP fic. A fireteam of Guardians are thrown into a world they don't understand. With a new threat ravaging this new world, they must make a decision. Help save the ponies, or work on going home.

  • ...

10) Answers

Kervis jumped into the pilot seat of the Vienna and slammed the ship forward, undocking from the carrier and flying towards the ground. They had managed to get to the ship fairly easily after the fight in the hangar, and the Titan was surprised to find that the other Cabal ships hadn't given chase.

Kalis slumped against one of the walls. She had remained quiet since the fight, likely still drained from the teleport. Exodus had followed her, tending to whatever injuries remained and making small talk with her. The pony that had gone with Kalis just stayed at the back of the ship, his eyes darting over the three guardians.

“What was that back there? Since when have the Cabal been able to speak our language?” Kalis asked.

“With how long they have been studying us, it's no surprise that they have learned a great deal about us.” Exodus explained, “What matters right now is we got you both out of there alive.”

“How many are following us?”

Kervis gave another look on the radar, though he already knew the answer, “None, that Val was telling the truth.”

“So they say we can leave, then attack us, but still keep to their word? Gah, I don't have the patience for all of this.”

Exodus gave a chuckle at that, “Just try to keep your mind clear. I've fixed the injuries I could see but it will take time for your light to regenerate. Just stick close to me, I have some spare that I can give.”

Kalis gave a thankful nod to the Warlock and removed her helmet, revealing her grey, metallic skin and white eyes. Cobalt's eyes widened slightly at that but he didn't say anything.

As the two passengers continued to talk, Kervis slowed the ship down. They were a sufficient distance from the carrier fleet for them to be considered safe, so he saw no reason to fly that fast. Looking over at a smaller monitor, he switched the ship to autopilot and sat back, sighing.

The guardians behind him took notice of his new posture, and the Hunter spoke up as they turned to face him, “Kervis?” The Titan turning his head in response, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired.”

Kalis gave Exodus a look before going on, “Did you need some time?”

“I'm fine, really. You guys go on with your conversation.” Kervis said, quieter than before.

The Hunter shrugged at Exodus and turned away, the Warlock doing the same.

“What's gotten into him?” Kalis whispered.

“You have to remember that he is a human. Give him some time to rest and he'll be back up before you know it.” Exodus replied in a whisper of his own.

The rest of the flight was fairly quiet, none of the passengers finding anything to say after their conversation. It took the ship about half an hour at the speed they had been reduced to in order to reach the camp, a few guards leaving the camp to stand beside the pre-selected landing zone.

As they drew closer they could see ponies from the carrier also joining the guards to watch as the ship came in to land.

“Ghost,” Kervis said, “Teleport us down there when we are in range. When we are all on the ground move the ship up into orbit.”

His Ghost gave a nod in response and made himself invisible, the other two Ghosts doing the same. While the ship prepared for landing and then orbiting, the guardians got up and put on any armour they removed during their time on board the craft. Cobalt had gone to sleep some time during the flight and was waking himself up as his companions rose.

“We are in range,” Kervis' Ghost commented, “Teleporting now.”

The four beings were shrouded in light at that, quickly shifting down to below the Vienna. When they had departed, the ship fired its engines and took off, moving back into orbit to await its pilot once more.

When the trio of guardians were spotted, various cheers were shouted by the ponies they had saved from the Cabal. The guards kept them back, but two ponies were allowed to enter the landing area, a blue pegasus and a yellow earth pony.

“Exodus!” The blue colt cried when he saw them, galloping over to the Warlock.

“Hey there Breeze, you miss us?” Exodus said happily, patting the little pony's head.

“Miss you? I was so worried you were gonna get hurt! Are you okay?”

“We're fine, little one. Kalis took some damage but me and Kervis got out with nothing but some scratches.”

Breeze sighed in relief at that and bumped the Exo's leg with a hoof, “Well, I'm just glad you guys are alright.”

While they continued talking, Lemon trotted over to Kervis, a smile on her face was clear as she looked up at the Titan, “Hey again,” She said when she got close.

“Hey,” Kervis said with a smile of his own, though she couldn't see it past his helmet. He knelt down to match her level, “Were you guys okay while we were gone?” He asked.

“Yeah, I went to check on Chrome and he woke up while you were fighting. I think he's mad that he didn't get to join you three.”

The human chuckled at that, “Well, he's going to be even more mad when he finds out what went down up there.”

“Um... Kalis was hurt up there?” She questioned, looking over at the Hunter. The Exo was watching Exodus as he spoke with Breeze.

“Yeah, she's fine now after Exodus patched her up.”

“And you're sure that neither you or Exodus were hurt aswell?” She asked sceptically.

“Trust me, we are both fine. Now come on, we need to get back to the tent.”

The Titan stood to his normal height once more and looked over at the other members of his team. They turned to him as he stood, both standing tall when they realised what Kervis wanted to do.

“Let's go, guys. We have some intel to look through.”

- - -

Thovog walked slowly behind his Primus, flanked by a few soldiers. His mind raced with thoughts of what his leader may do to him. Execute him? Derank him? The simple ideas left his head clouded, so much so that he nearly walked into the back of the Primus. He brought his attention to his environment to find the huge Cabal standing beside the door that lead to his quarters.

“Go in, soldier. You two,” He said, directing the last part to the two Legionaries that remained with them, “stay out here. I will contact you when necessary.”

The Cabal soldiers moved to stand beside the doorwar as the Primus entered his chamber, Thovog following and taking in his surroundings. The room was fairly spacious, but not much more than to be expected within a Cabal carrier. There was little furnishing to clutter the space, the only objects there being a table and a few chairs. A few trophy cabinets line the walls, displaying the carious things gathered from previous missions involving the Primus.

“Please, be seated. I don't want this to any longer than it needs to be,” The Cabal leader sighed as he took the larger seat that lay at the head of the table.

Thovog did as he was told, sitting upon one of the smaller seats. They were all made of an incredibly durable alloy, created by the Flayers within the empire. It was easily capable of supporting the huge weight that came with each Cabal soldier.

When seated, the Val looked over to his leader, awaiting a decision from him. Before speaking, the Primus leaned forward and pressed a few buttons on the console embedded into the table. When his hand retracted, an audible hiss could be heard throughout the room. As the sound diminished, he removed his helmet.

“The atmosphere is breathable here, you may take off your helmet.” He said to the Val.

The soldier continued to do as he was told and removed the armour that covered his head. Sweet, breathable air filled his lungs as he took his first unfiltered breath in hours.

“I assume you know why I wanted to speak with you?” The Primus asked, leaning back.

“Yes, my Primus. I-”

“Call me by my name, Thovog.” The Primus interrupted, “We are not in company, I thought we had gotten past this months ago.”

“My apologies, Va'aull. I would like to ask one thing before you pass your judgement.”

“And what would this thing be?” Va'aull asked.

“I ask that you do nothing to my family. Do what you wish to me, but please, leave my loved ones be.”

“That can be allowed, Thovog. I had no intentions of harming you or your family after what happened.”

The Val's attention was fully taken by that. He had thought that his punishment would have involved execution with him disobeying orders.

“You disobeyed your orders and nearly destroyed the plan we had created, but you have been an invaluable asset to our armies. I would prefer to ignore this, but I must set an example.” The Primus explained.

“I understand. I will take the punishment you give without question. I have asked too much of you already.”

Va'aull nodded before continuing, “It pains me to give this verdict, but the lesser soldiers must know to not step out of line. You are hereby banished from this legion. You may not return to the empire, nor may you contact any of the other carriers.”

Thovog sighed, but said nothing. While the decision was difficult to take, he was intelligent enough to count his blessings. It could, after all, be far worse than a simple exile.

“I will allow you to keep your shockwave generator, aswell as a couple of your personal guard. I will call for a heavy transport to take you from the carrier down to the surface. This is all I can provide for you, my friend. I wish you luck down there.”

“Thank you, Va'aull, and I wish you luck in your plans. If you do return home, tell my wife I love her.”

The Primus stood at that and walked over to the Val's side, putting a hand on his shoulder, “Of course. Now we should get moving. The atmosphere can't stay like this forever.”

- - -

There were quite a few ponies in the tent before they closed it off. Both of the princesses sat at the end of the large table that dominated the centre of the tent, while the chairs to the left and right of it were filled with the lower ranking ponies. All six of the ponies that had stayed with the Solar princess were there, along with a drowsy Chrome Shield. He had only just managed to arrive after receiving multiple checks before being allowed to leave. Cobalt sat beside him, giving an occasional nudge to keep him focused. On the other side of the table, a few high ranking army ponies sat, along with the War Mage leader. She was dressed in a black and gold robe that sparkled in the candle light.

Lastly, Breeze and Lemon sat in the corner of the tent, content with simply listening to the meeting.

“So, did you three manage to get the information you needed?” The Lunar princess asked, an eyebrow raised.

“We did,” Exodus confirmed, “And we are more than willing to show it to you all,”

“Then please, do so.”

Exodus turned and gave a nod to Kalis' Ghost, the machine displaying a wall of undecipherable text upon the wood of the table.

“What is this?” The War Mage asked, leaning forward.

“This is all the information that was available to take within the database. It is written in the Cabal's native language, which will be difficult to translate, but I will do my best.” Kalis' Ghost said, his segments spinning while he worked on making the text readable.

After a minute of waiting, the rainbow-haired pony was visibly becoming impatient. Thankfully, however, the Ghost piped up before she could say anything.

“I have done what I can. Much of this is unusable thanks to not enough of it being translatable. But some of it should be legible.”

As he spoke, certain chunks of text disappeared, being replaced with broken English that could be worked into complete sentences.

While they read, the Ghosts began to document what had been translated, managing to store the text within their own database as unbroken sentences.

- - -

//Incoming message from the Emperor//

//Beginning message playback//

//Va'aull, your actions in that battle were... uncalled for. Many Cabal warships were lost because of your unruly actions and I cannot accept this. You will be given a single hour to leave our system before we hunt you down. You better hope those engines work.//

//Message playback ends//

~ ~ ~

//Message conversation between Primus Va'aull and Val Thovog//

//Beginning message playback//

//Thovog, you wished to ask me something?//

//I did, Va'aull. I have reason to believe that we have been exiled, and you have been lying to us. Please, friend, tell me this is not true.//

//I cannot lie to you. Yes, I lied about the circumstances of our mission. But I had good reason to do so. We... have been exiled, but I have a plan to get back home.//


//I think that if we can gather enough technology, the Emperor may allow us back into the Legion.//

//-No message sent for two minutes-thirty three seconds-//

//Are you going to tell the rest of us about this?//

//No. I do not want to start a panic. I ask that you also keep it a secret, not as a command, but a request. If this is to work we need every Cabal working together, and a panic is not going to allow this.//

//I see. I will keep quiet for now, but please, don't keep lying to your army. They will need to know in time.//

//Of course, Thovog. You have my word.//

//Message playback ends//

~ ~ ~

//Message from Primus Va'aull to all consoles//

//Beginning message playback//

//As you all know, we are not going to be able to return any time soon, the Empire has ordered us to find more usable technology for our armies. The planet we are heading to has had the Flayers in a real state as the energy radiating off of it is like nothing they have ever seen. We are going to find this energy, harvest it, and turn it into something we can use. When this is accomplished we can return home.//

//Message playback ends//

- - -

“That was it?” Kalis asked when she had read the final message.

“This is more than we need, Kalis.” Exodus stated, “These three messages provide all that we need to know. While it is odd that all there was on that console was messages, we have to take what we can get.”

“They were exiled, but why are they trying to get back? Surely their leaders wouldn't want to see them.” The blue princess said, confused.

“It may be loyalty, or it may be that they have something back there they want to go back to. Either way, we know why they captured all of those ponies.” Exodus explained.

“I dread to think of what the prisoners would have had to go through should we have left them there...”

“Let's try not to think of that, and focus more on what we need to do to stop them outright.” Kervis said.

At this, the white princess spoke up, “They have declared war against us, and so we shall retaliate. The ponies of Equestria stand by your side. Perhaps with this alliance we can push these monsters back to where they came from.”

“We thank you, Princess. I certainly hope that the outcome is that simple.” Exodus said, looking down once more at the wooden table.

“So what is our first move?” The blue princess asked.

“First step in a war? Gather allies.”

- - -

The Cabal heavy transport juddered with the force of its engines as it flew through the skies. On board, a Val and a small squad of Cabal soldiers sat, awaiting their final stop. None of them spoke, each of them accepting the fact that they wouldn't be able to go home.

As the craft came closer to the ground, the Val stood tall and turned to address the team of soldiers, “Cabal. I wish to speak with you now before we land.” Each of the Cabal turned to face Thovog as he spoke, their attention solely upon him, “I am aware you all chose to be here with me, and for that, I thank you. You have come to assist me in my time of need, and I turn, I wish to offer a promise. If any of you are in trouble, or are in need of assistance, come to me. I will do my best to protect you all through this, you have my word.”

The soldiers mostly nodded in thanks, some giving thankful grunts. None of them needed to speak, as they had said their part aboard the carrier. They were in it for the long haul now.

“Twenty seconds to green light,” The pilot called out through the intercom, giving the passengers time to prepare. They all stood and walked to the back of the transport, the large door opening to give them a view of the planet's hills.

“Green light, green light. You are cleared to depart.”

Thovog gave one more grunt before jumping from the door, the others following closely. The ship was around three-hundred feet in the air, just below the height that cabal armour made to resist. Each soldier was equipped with a jump-pack, helping to steer and slow them to a velocity that wouldn't injure them when they landed. As they hit the ground, plumes of dirt and dust flew around them, Thovog especially, creating a sort of smokescreen around the team.

“Is everyone okay?” The Val asked while the dust cleared, giving him a clear view of the other Cabal that dropped. None of them seemed injured, though a couple of soldiers overheated their packs. This wasn't a major thing right now, but should they need to use them before they fully cooled off, they may have found some issues.

“Where now, sir?” A Centurion asked, walking up to Thovog.

“I'm... unsure. We need to find somewhere that can be used as shelter, though I am unfamiliar with this area.” The Val said, looking around him.

“Sir, if I may?” A legionary asked, walking up alongside the centurion.

“Go ahead, soldier, I am listening.”

“While we were dropping I noticed a cluster of homes some distance from here. Maybe we could head there?”

“It would depend. I do not wish for more bloodshed after my actions, and for that reason, if the inhabitants there go against us, I refuse to even consider attacking them.” Thovog said, looking down to the soldier.

“Understood, sir. I think I have enough landmarks here to point us in the right direction, should we start moving?”

“Yes, let's. The sooner we find somewhere to call home, the better.”

- - -

“And so, with your permission, we would like to assist you.” The War Mage's leader finished, taking her seat once more.

“I see no reason to turn down that help. How many ponies do you have?” Exodus asked.

“Hundreds, and many more in training. While the Princesses did not know until now, we have been working to increase our population in preparation for something like this.”

Exodus gave a glance at the princesses, smiling at their shocked expressions, before turning back the War Mage, “That is more than we need. I assume you keep these ponies far from here?” He asked.

“We do. We have a home within the hills nearby the Crystal Empire. You three are more than welcome to come back with me and view the Mages we have available.”

“Forgive me, but I don't know much about the areas around the city nearby. How far is that?”

Before the War Mage could respond to Exodus, Kalis spoke up, “About four-hundred miles, give or take. If she is speaking about the hills I am thinking of them it should be easy to reach with our ships.”

Kervis looked at Kalis in surprise, “And how do you know that?” He asked,

“Unlike you two, apparently, I went and found a map as soon as I could. My Ghost has a detailed view of most, if not all, of this continent.”

“As a matter of fact, I have an overview of the entire planet. But that is besides the point,” Exodus commented, standing fully, “We can transport you and your War Mages back your home. It would be much faster if we took you back, and it would avoid any Cabal that may see us.”

“I can agree with that. Will you be able to move all of us? We have many Mages here and I wouldn't want to leave them behind.”

“We can do our best. Taking multiple trips may be an option in the end, but we will get all of your ponies home safe.” Exodus confirmed.

The Mage smiled at that and nodded, rising from her seat and moving to leave the tent, “Come find me when you are all ready. We will be ready to move when you are.” She said as she passed the entrance to the tent.

When she had moved away, Exodus turned back to the princesses, “What will you do now?” He asked.

The white princess responded before the blue one could open her mouth, “We are going to return to Canterlot with the survivors. When we arrive, we will await your return.”

“No promises on being quick, but hopefully we will have reinforcements by then.”

She also nodded and stood, her sister rising with her, “I wish you luck in your travels, guardian. Come back safely.” She said with a smile.

“The same to you, Princess.” Exodus replied, turning to walk out of the tent. The other guardians followed closely, each of them calling for their ships to return to the surface.

- - -

Outside the town of Despectus, a small group of young ponies ran from eachother in a game of tag. Their teachings had finished for the day, and so they had been given permission to leave the boundaries of the town to play.

“You can't catch me!” One called, squealing as the colt she was running from nearly tagged her with his hoof.

“Yeah I can!” He called out in response, moving to give chase once more.

The chase continued for some time, though a few of the fillies and colts broke away to play other games. For over an hour the air was filled with the sounds of foals playing, as each one involved themselves in the games their friends were playing. After a long while, their fun was cut out by a noise. Each of them turned to see a colt running over a hill towards them screaming at the top of his lungs. As he got closer, they began to make out what he was saying.

“Monsters! The monsters are coming!” He called, running straight past the other foals that had completely stopped to watch.

One of the older children quickly came to his senses and followed the colt, galloping for all his might to reach the village hall. As he passed by the various houses, he could hear some shouts coming from them. It seemed that the colt's cries had stirred the village into motion.

When he arrived at the village hall he ran right up to the War Mage standing guard there, “Please, sir, Let me in! I need to speak with the Elders!”

“Sure, kid. Go ahead,” He said to the colt, a surprised look on his face as he pushed the door open.


He trotted past the doorway into the main hall, looking up to see the four Elders sitting at their pedestals.

“What brings you here today, young one?” Elder Shine asked with a smile.

“One of the colts from my class just ran by us screaming about monsters. I think the ones from Manehattan might be coming for us.”

Shine's smile dropped instantly. She gave a sharp look at the other Elders. They all had looks of worry etched into their faces as Elder Shine turned once more to face the colt, “Are you sure of this? You didn't mishear?”

“I'm completely certain! I know what I heard, and he has never done something like this before.”

“I see. Thankyou for coming to us, we will handle it from here.”

The colt gave a nod and ran from the building, hoping to find his parents and tell them the news. When he had left, Elder Shine slumped back, her mind trying to process what was happening. Another Elder coughed, bringing her attention back to the situation.

“We... we need to assemble the defence force. Get everyone back in their homes if they are unable to fight. Those that can need to guard the outskirts of town, if even one of them makes it through, we may lose everything.”

The others gave words on confirmation and began moving to assemble the Mages that were stationed throughout the town, leaving Shine to think over what they would have to do.

“My Liege, return soon.” She whispered, getting down from her own pedestal and walking out of the room.

- - -

“Sir, we are approaching the cluster of homes.” The legionary stated as they crested yet another hill.

Thovog look over to where the soldier was pointing to see a reasonable sized town, though commotion could be seen in the streets of it. After a few moments, a huge multicoloured dome rose up from the middle, covering the town in its entirety.

“Guardians?” A legionary asked.

“No. Not even the greatest guardians were capable of something like that. It is likely that the inhabitants of the town noticed our approach, and have taken us as a threat.” Thovog stated, his eyes crossing over the moving patterns that made up the wall.

“What are your orders then, sir? Do we attack?”

“I wish to speak with them. There is no reason for us to create enemies now, and having allies like that could benefit us greatly.”

“As you wish, sir.”

And so, the team of Cabal began moving towards the dome, their weapons at the ready. Thovog silently prayed that they wouldn't take their movements as a sign of attack. He despised the thought of more unnecessary death.

As they drew closer, a mass of ponies left the shield to stand in defence, the few remaining ponies that were not there for combat fleeing into the shield behind them.

“Hold fire, soldiers. If they attack us fight to injure, not kill.” Thovog commanded, his troops grunting in confirmation.

Raising his voice, he called out to the ponies, “-We do not wish to fight! Please, hear us out before you attack.-”

The ponies looked at eachother in confusion, none of them moving from their positions. After what felt like forever, a single pony moved out of the group and approached them. A few of the legionaries clicked off their safeties in preparation for a fight, but they didn't move to attack the new pony.

As it reached earshot of the Cabal, it stopped and stood still.

“-You wish to speak? Then speak, we are willing to listen.-”

Author's Note:

Sorry for how long this took, exposition chapters really suck to write :ajsleepy:

This is also the first chapter I've uploaded after the update (to FIMfiction). Not sure how I feel about it, there are some things that I really don't understand, like why the popular stories list was swapped with the forum update list. Surely people are coming to read stories, not blog posts yes?

Thanks to everyone that voted, as well. In the end, the War Mages came out on top, so you can be sure they will be showing up a lot more within the story :twilightsmile:

Never_Comfortable also drew a picture of Val Thovog! I'll leave at the bottom of this so you guys can check it out. He also made a couple of pictures, one of which wasn't specifically for Odium, that I put in the chapter 'Assualt on Manehattan'. Be sure to check the out!

Thank you all for the support you have been giving this story so far. It really means a lot to me :heart:

(Edit: Would just like to say that my Xbox gamertag is Echo the Pony. If you want to play some destiny feel free to throw me a message :twilightsmile: )