• Published 19th Apr 2017
  • 15,305 Views, 99 Comments

Turtles of Equestria - Wildcard25

The turtles and their human friends have been to New York, Space, and Camp, now they enter a whole new world populated by pony folk and many other types of creatures.

  • ...

Dusk Ninjas

One afternoon in Ponyville, Twilight, Starlight, Sunset Shimmer, Spike, and the group from New York were on their way to the park. On Twilight's back was her trust pet Owlowiscious, while Raph was carrying Chompy. Twilight spoke to her friends, "It's definitely a nice day for a picnic. And a perfect day to bring our pets out." she motioned to her pet and Chompy.

"If I had known you guys had a special day to bring your pets out I would've brought Ice Cream Kitty." Mikey groaned.

"Do you even have any idea what she'd turn into if she came through the portal?" Casey asked.

"Casey's right," April agreed, "Chompy coming here and becoming a regular turtle is one thing, but can you imagine what Ice Cream Kitty would become if she came here?"

Mikey pondered on it, "Huh. I never thought about it."

"You not thinking is just like you," Raph quipped, making Mikey frown. Raph suddenly sighed, "I know this is a good chance for Chompy to meet your friends pets, Twilight. But what if the others pets are mean to him? He's just a baby after all." Raph looked at Chompy in concern.

"Don't worry so much, Raph." Sunset nudged him.

"Yeah, the girls pets would never be rude to him," Twilight added, while thinking, 'Let's just hope Angel isn't in one of his moods.'

They arrived at the park and heard Pinkie call out, "We're over here, guys!"

They went over to where a picnic blanket was set up. Present company included the rest of Twilight's friends along with each of their pets, "Morning, girls." Leo greeted.

"And a good morning to you, Leonardo." Rarity greeted.

Shini looked around at the spot they chose to set up, "Not a bad spot for a picnic."

"You can thank Pinkie for picking the spot." Applejack said.

"I know all best spots in Ponyville." Pinkie grinned.

"So, Raph, did you bring Chompy?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.

"Sure did." Raph said as he placed Chompy onto the blanket before the other pets.

Fluttershy sat between them and spoke, "I want you all to meet Chompy Picasso. Chompy, this is Angel, Winona, Opal, Gummy, and Tank. Now be nice to him."

Chompy waddled over to the pets with Angel being the first pet he tried to communicate with. The bunny inspected Chompy a bit, until the turtle started nuzzling into him. At first Angel was trying to push him off, but started enjoying it. He enjoyed it enough to hold Chompy closer, "See you're friends already." Fluttershy said happily.

Winona went over and licked Chompy's face making him chortle happily, "Good girl, Winona." Applejack smiled.

When Chompy turned to Gummy, the two stared at each other, until both blinked simultaneously, "Gummy likes Chompy a lot!" Pinkie beamed.

The little turtle turned to Opal who tilted her head at him. Like with Angel, Chompy nuzzled against the cat who after being hesitant eventually nuzzled back, "How amazing," Rarity gasped, "Opal's never been this nice before, except with Fluttershy."

Finally Chompy went to Tank, as the tortoise smiled slowly and the two shell reptiles playfully bump heads, "That's the spirit Tank!" Rainbow smirked.

"Why does your tortoise have a propeller on its shell?" Karai asked.

"So he can keep up with me of course." Rainbow answered.

"Hey if we had some mutagen right now we could pour it on Tank and have another mutant turtle." Mikey suggested, only for Leo to scold him.

"We already have Slash, Mikey."

Mikey pondered, "Yeah, you're right. More mutant turtles will make us less special." the group laughed and decided to sit down and enjoy their picnic.

Watching them from a crystal ball was the same cloaked figure from before. He spoke to himself, "They look like they're having fun. Well, I'll have some fun of my own," he lowered his hood down to reveal a gray unicorn horn. It glowed with a black magical aura and suddenly many shadows from all around started coming together and rising up from them looked like anthro ponies wearing black ninja uniforms much like the Foot Clan, only their ninja masks left their glowing red eyes revealed. The figure started giving them instructions, "Now my Dusk Ninjas. You will go Ponyville. You will seek out these ninja equines, and you will bring them to me. Understood?" The ninjas bowed their heads to their master, "Good. Now go!" the ninjas dispersed, leaving their master to himself.

Back in Ponyville, the group was kicking back and enjoying some laughs with Chompy still getting along with all the pets. Suddenly April froze and put her hooves on her head, "April?" Rarity asked.

"Everything ok?" Donnie asked.

April spoke in worry, "Guys, we got company."

The girls were curious until they saw dropping from the trees below were the whole battalion of Dusk Ninjas. The sight of them had everyone in shock, "Oh, my stars!" Rarity gasped.

"Whoa, nelly!" Applejack gasped.

"What the?" Leo asked in shock.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Raph said in surprise.

"Whoa, and I thought I was a party crasher." Mikey said.

"Any idea who these guys are?" Rainbow Dash turned to Twilight.

"I've never read anything on them before." Twilight answered.

"Please be friendly." Fluttershy trembled.

"I don't think friendly is part of their nature." Shini said, as she and Karai were ready to strike.

One of the ninja ponies pulled out a pair of nunchucks and started showing off with them, while making grunting sounds. Mikey seeing this smirked, "Oh, a fellow chucker, eh?" he asked, before pulling out one of his own nunchucks and started showing off as well. The ninja pony not wanting to be one upped by the mutant once again performed with his nunchucks before finishing with a pose.

Starlight whispered to the others, "Are we really just gonna stand back and watch this?"

"We don't know what else these guys are capable of." Donnie whispered.

"Right. So let's wait and see how this plays out." Leo agreed.

Mikey started performing a more complicated technique with his chucks swinging it around his waist and over his shoulders. Mikey finally struck a pose making Pinkie applaud at his move. Starlight commented, "That was very good."

"I know." Shini agreed while smiling.

"Oh!" the pony ninja said feeling impressed at Mikey's latest maneuver. But he started performing his own complicated technique mixing Mikey's latest move with some of his own. Mikey smirked seeing how challenging this was truly getting.

When the ninja pony finished his move Mikey was suddenly spinning his chucks on his finger like it was a basketball, while he appeared to be relaxing without even trying. The ninja pony and the others looked confused feeling this was a trick, as Mikey spoke, "Keep practicing."

Donnie suddenly jumped over Mikey, armed with his bo knocked two of the ninja ponies down. Leo drew his swords and spoke to his allies, "Ninjas, take 'em down!" The others armed themselves and went into battle.

Leo and Raph used their weapons to parry their opponents ninja weapons before delivering a double spin kick at two opponents. Casey flew around, goalie stick in hand, "Goongala!" he started twirling his stick around before knocking the weapons out of three ninja ponies hands. He thrust his taser glove at one shocking it, only to see it poof into nothing, "Hey guys. These goons aren't real."

Karai who had been using her katana against one sliced it seeing it poofed too, "Casey's right. They're like shadows."

"Which means, we don't have to hold back." April said, as used her unicorn magic to maneuver her tessen around cutting down four ninja ponies making them vanish.

One of the ninja ponies grabbed Donnie and dunked his head into the park's pond. Under the water was Donnie trying to hold his breath as a few fish swam by. Finally the pony pulled Donnie out, only for the mutant ninja to squirt his enemy with water through the gap in his teeth. The ninja pony covered his face in repulse, only to get kicked away by Donnie. Twilight was flying around blasting several enemies with her magic, while Starlight was doing the same.

Shini used her magic to make her sickle weapon wrap around the leg of a ninja pony, before spinning it around nailing another into a tree. Sunset used her magic to make several of her kunai fly and nail her opponents making them go poof, "Where do you think these guys came from?" she asked around.

"Maybe we can question one later," Leo answered, "So don't knock them all out." he punched one away.

"I don't think that'll be a problem, Leo." Mikey replied, after avoiding one ninja pony's kicks.

"Yeah. They just keep coming!" Casey added.

Casey was indeed right. More Ninja Ponies kept popping up, and were starting to overpower them. While the rest of the girls watched from a safe spot, Rainbow Dash spoke, "That's it. They need our help. So who's with me?!"

"I am!" Pinkie agreed, while standing proud.

"Count me in." Applejack agreed.

"Though I'm not one for violence, I will do what I can to help my friends." Rarity added.

"Same here." Spike agreed.

"Fluttershy, keep an eye on our pets will you?" Rainbow asked her friend.

"Sure, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy nodded, as the pets gathered around her.

Rainbow zipped in tackling several ninja ponies down, while Applejack bucked and lassoed up some of the ninjas, Spike was breathing fire on some, while Rarity used her own magic to blast at them. In the heat of the battle, Fluttershy looked at the pets and saw there was one short, "Wait a minute. Where's Chompy?" she looked over seeing the turtle waddling onto battle trying to get to Raph, "Chompy, get back here!"

Raph hearing his pets name, looked over seeing Chompy was in the line of attack of a ninja pony, "Chompy!" he screamed.

When a ninja pony was about to drop its foot on him, Fluttershy zipped as fast as Rainbow Dash knocking the enemy away before scooping Chompy up, "This is no place for you, little one." Chompy playfully chortled. Raph was at ease seeing Chompy was safe and rejoined the fight.

Twilight who had been planning on what to do to eliminate the threat called out, "Sunset! Starlight! April! Over here!"

The three unicorns went over to Twilight who touched down, "What is it?" Sunset asked.

"I think I have a way to get rid of these things, but we need to combine magics to do it." the Princess explained.

"Will it be enough?" Starlight asked.

"Only one way to find out." Twilight replied.

"Then let's do it." April said, as the four powered up their magics and crossed their horns. Their combined magics released a burst of energy that spread throughout the park. As the energy passed over the Ninja Ponies they vanished while their friends and any other pony caught in the wave were not affected.

When the four powered down and looked exhausted, they saw the spell worked, "They're gone." Sunset said.

"It worked." Twilight smiled.

"Oh, yeah!" Mikey cheered, as he did a victory dance.

Raph went over to Fluttershy who handed him Chompy, "Chompy, are you ok, little guy? Thanks for looking after him, Fluttershy."

"My pleasure, Raph." Fluttershy smiled.

"Those dudes were like total bad news." Casey said.

"They fight even better than Foot-Bots." Karai added.

"Sorry we couldn't keep one to interrogate, Leo." Twilight apologized.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I got a feeling this won't be the last we see of them." Leo said knowing danger was on the horizon.

Back at the figure's lair, he growled before punching a cave wall leaving behind a fist print, "What are these... Ponies? How do they know how to fight like this?!" he paced around before turning to see the crow from before perching on a rock, "We will find out all we know about them one way or another." he promised, as the crow's eyes flicker red.

That night at the castle, Twilight had entered her room looking tired. She spoke to herself, "Whoever those ninjas were they weren't real. But whatever they are, one thing is certain they'll be coming back. Which means we must be ready."

"True words I'd expect no less from a student of mine." came a familiar voice.

Twilight turned and to her shock saw Master Splinter standing in the room, "Master Splinter?! But how are you..."

Splinter answered, "The afterlife is not limited to just one world, Twilight. Though we come from two different worlds, they both share so much in common in life and death."

Twilight nodded, "Sensei, these ninja ponies we faced today... I don't know where they came from or who sent them. But whoever did is obviously after us. What should we do?"

Splinter approached and laid a hand on her head, "In times like these you must be strong, Twilight. As a leader and as a friend. In this battle your friends here will look to you for guidance as my sons will look to you for assistance. Help each other, and always remember I am always watching over you, my child."

Twilight looked up and saw Splinter was gone. She looked around seeing she was alone once again. Nevertheless, she smiled knowing that pep talk was just what she needed to hear, "Thank you, sensei." she said knowing he would hear her.