• Member Since 1st May, 2016
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Just a silly, glowing changeling OC that likes stories that involve ponies kissing, as well as 'other' things.


For a princess, there's no greater honor than holding dominion over a celestial body, and now Twilight is given the opportunity to make her mark upon the night sky.

If only somepony had taught her how to do it.

*Story takes place close to the end of Season 6
*Teen Rated for tongue-in-cheek teasing and less-than-conventional relationships. Suggestive, but nothing explicit shown.
*Features a romance, but more of the budding kind than characters chasing. Between: Luna and Twilight
*Editing Help and Advice during the writing from Sweet Sensei ClanCrusher

*Edit: While the story and premise has aged with the series finale. I hope readers can still find pleasure in the themes written.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 75 )

I like it. Great story, nice hook with a fairly logical premise that fits the canon well, and all the characters seem to be in-character.

[One editing note: "its" vs "it's" - there's no apostrophe when it's used in the possessive sense. His, hers, theirs, its - none of them have the apostrophe. The version with the apostrophe is a contraction of "it is" or "it was", as in he's (he is), she's (she is), they're (they are), it's (it is).]


Gah! Embarrassing! I swear I've listened to Word Crimes enough times to know the difference!

Should be corrected now. Thanks for the encouraging words! Glad you like.

I really like the plot so far and hope this is getting more exposure soon. Wondering about the sex/romance tag, did I skip I few pages?


Not at all! The teasing stuff will come later. Though the first chapter does have a kiss! But mainly I was trying to follow the guideline in the FAQ. That suggestive but not explicit stuff gets Teen+sex, while explicit stuff gets Mature+sex

I have gained a new appreciation for Luna and Twilight stories! You have given me a new hope and a new ship XD It's always adorable to see Twilight trying not to swear, always get a good laugh when she does anyway even if it wasn't explicitly said. She's adorable~ The fact that she sees Celestia as her parental figure is honestly really touching and even if the suspicion is there the trust is not completely broken. I like that. Most stories just outright bash on Celestia putting all that responsibility on Twilight. For that I like you bro. This was a really good story! I honestly enjoyed reading through it. It's a rare gem hidden beneath all of those other stories. The title is hilarious though, but it seems legit with the kind of explanation in this chapter about friendship. Moon hopping and battles are awesome.

This story is so under appreciated! I mean really?! Only a few views here and there and 11 likes?! This is some good sh*t son! It's pretty cool and the pairing -if it can even be called that- is pretty well written. I normally don't read those stories but this one is alright. It's very well written, and wow this is your first work?! Well you are on the path of greatness my man. You deserve more views on your story because this is good. You update pretty damn fast, I appreciate that.

I eagerly await the next chapter. ~Nighty

Somebody forgot to close the italics tag at the end of their chapter.


Oh! It is great hearing comments like yours. It means a lot that you took the time to both read and leave such nice thoughts! Glad you've found it entertaining so far and on point with the characters.

It is my first fanfiction, sorta! I've written tons over the years, but this is my first crack at fiction. I do have an experienced writer friend who helps me proof. So he deserves as much thanks this is all not a stream-of-conscious jumble and for saving me from some cliché traps. Truthfully the story is already done. I just spend ages on editing and sanding away the chapters to make them a little bit more readable. (And I still miss the occasional thing, doh!)

The next update might actually finish the story! I've been on the fence on how to release it as the next two chapters are half the sizes of the ones I've been putting out. So it might be sensible to just put them both out at the same time. To not interrupt the flow of resolution. In anycase, I hope you keep enjoying it! Even if it is all an excuse to have ponies kiss in various situations.

And so I did! Thank you for the catch.

It could be worse.

8164986 Agreed, this story isn't getting the love it deserves. :twilightsmile:

Awww you guys~ Make me blush why don't you!

Hopefully it'll get even less worse by the end c_c

Lovely. Well written, fun to read. I can only hope more people will stumble on such a happy story. I finished a 12 hour shift at work, and this made me smile as I lay in bed preparing to do it again tomorrow. Thanks for that.

Something has gone terribly wrong here...
I can only like and upvote this once!
It's the Worst. Possible. Thing! :duck:

This is a challenge and I would hate to just to just get the answer.

"to just" repeated.

Twilight and Starlight discussing how to move a comet:

hercomet after all

her comet

"Pony meets / consults Mane6 one at a time" can get rote and tedious but you've handled Twilight's visits very nicely here.


Damn italics eating my space. Thank you for the heads up! Also glad I could make it an entertaining read :)

I was sooooo very tempted to make this very reference with Discord~

The things we must suffer! Perhaps you should try clicking veeerrrrrrryy hard when you do the one upvote n_n

Aww! I am glad I made the end of your workday a silly happy unstressful ponyfilled one :)

Just finished the epilogue. Good stuff! Still, my point remains. The sex and romance tag don't fit quite in, if you've grown beyond cooties.

I was almost expecting Twilight to suddenly realize that she understood Pinkie, or at least her point of view, and not know whether she should freak out.

I really like the way the story incorporated a number of elements of canon and cohered them, too. Plus, of course, it's completely in alignment with the show's underlying message. It's really nice when a story builds on and adds to what came before.

Well, that was certainly an interesting revelation about the Princesses' private times together... :pinkiehappy:

My only real complaint is that it comes to an end! :rainbowlaugh:

It's ended! T^T I enjoyed reading this. Every single second of it! Truly. It was a spectacular ride and I'm glad I spotted it when I did. This was a hidden gem, I just wanna say and my point last review is still standing. This needs more appreciation. It pulled me in right from the title. T^T I loved it.

Wow, great story. I love reading about magic systems and pony friendship, and they're best when combined.

Sequel? Please :twilightsmile:

8183008 I am planning on one! I did have some ideas left over that I was saving for a second half. Though I might put out a few shorter stories before a sequel to this one.

8181446 Glad you enjoyed and didn't think my magic system was too hokey :)

8180720 People like you make it that much easier to write these stories, thanks for being such a cheerful fan!

8180484 Heehee! Immortality expands horizons as well as lifespans!

8180123 Hey I remember you~ You were the first to comment! Thank you for sticking with it to the end. Glad you enjoyed. Admittedly I was really tempted to use that line, but can anypony really see the world with her felt-imagination :)

8179876 Hmm. You might have a point after all. I fiddled with the description some to make it a bit more clear!

Hmm... I wonder what would break first. Reality or everyone's minds if Pinkie Pie became an alicorn.

“Magic in Equestria is… well everywhere. Most of what we do is focusing it as well as putting it out. Think a magnifying glass and sunshine. You might see it and feel it, but it’s not until it’s all gathered in one spot does it do something like make a fire.”

This is a delightfully succinct analogy.

I second all those calling for a sequel: I love the world you've built here and I'm very curious to to see more!

Ohhh this was fun! Thanks for wrighting it

A lovely tale of Twilight coming into her own as an alicorn, with fascinating headcanon and a deceptivelg clever title. Thank you for this.

Also, how long before Pinkie accidentally ascends?

Whose to say Pinkie didn’t already get her horn and wings~ She just hides it well.

So Cadance is the reason Twilight knew that spell she used in Lesson Zero? Somehow I can't help but to think there was a awkward conversation between Celestia and Cadance after that affair.

Plus, a bet? Was she really that predictable?

:ajbemused::fluttershysad::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2::raritywink::moustache: YES!

:facehoof: Me damm it.

Luna caught Twilight’s muzzle with a wingtip before she lowered it too far. “None of that, Twilight. Know that 'tis my pleasure to help you. Of all ponies, you are the one I would consider my best friend. Please, let there be no formality between us.”

*squee* :pinkiehappy:

Always nice to see Luna warming up to the ponies around her.

*reads further ahead*

The fuzzy-warmy-feels have been doubled! :yay:

Would ponies marvel at Twilight Velvet the same way, generations from now? A unicorn with a princess alicorn daughter, prince for a son, princess alicorn daughter-in-law and a princess alicorn granddaughter. Twilight suddenly burst into giggles at the thought of her mom who did ordinary mom things like baking cookies and reading bedtime stories being regarded as some mythical figure.

Wow, when you put it like that, Twilight's family is very... Royal. Hell, if we go by numbers it's more royal than Princess Celestia and Luna's – admittedly small – family! Twilight must have some very proud parents.

“It does enable many great things, but I would not call it the most powerful. There is a reason this exercise has always been done with two ponies. That ball already has the eight form in it.”

Friendship! Right, right? Come on Twi, you should be able to figure it out, even without genre-savviness; after all, you're the Princess of it!

Feels! My heart! It can't take it!

Hee hee. There is an episode of the show that touched on this, Once Upon a Zepplin, where someone conveniently notices that by inviting Twilight's Parents to a family outing that they also get Princess Twilight, Princess Cadance, Princess Flurry Heart, and Prince Shining. All in one go. It's probably the most aware-villain ever :)

Aww! It's so great to hear you've enjoyed. Thanks for reading and leaving comments :pinkiehappy: It's my first story and a little rough but I am fond. You made it get to 99 upvotes! Eee. :heart:

You're welcome! :twilightsmile:

P.S. Iron Will, right?

I really enjoyed how you wove everything from the show together, and added that extra bit that made perfect sense.
Well, and the TwiLuna :twilightblush:

Thank you so much for the nice words! It's my first story so it always brings a smile to know it brought you one too :yay:

Nicely written story and elegant, but a bit too subtle on the building relationship between Twilight and Luna. Also a bit confusing and somewhat of a letdown to pull up Celestia and the Mane 6 on a similar level of love. I like stories about polyamory but how it was handled here was just so teasing that it was more frustrating than nice. Only a hint of romance for Twiluna, and nothing substantial for everypony else.
Still, the story is nicely crafted and well written, so I'd give two upvotes if I could :)

Oh that’s fair. This was one of my first stories and admittedly it could stand to be better in places. I think some of the trouble you describe comes from that it was originally meant to be much longer (Twilight was to have visited the comet in person along with her empowered friends and gave more run time to grow their relation)

Still I am happy you could enjoy it regardless!

Thanx for responding.
As you responded, could you tell me whether Twi's love for the other Bearers is romantic?
It sounded like it, or at least that it was more than friendship, but at the same time, it didn't sound like she was 'in love with' them or wished for something more.


Reverend Lovejoy: Oh, short answer, "yes" with an "if." Long answer, "no" with a "but."

If you asked Twilight at that moment at the end of the story if she thought of her friends romantically she'd say she'd want to get it right first with Luna before considering anypony else, just yet.

Though, if you allow me a soapbox to stomp on...

There is something sweet about a magical world where emotion and feelings for each others can translate into actual magic. We hairless apes in our less-magical, cruel and cynical world don't get that as much faith in our connections as our idealistic fantasy world ponies do.

It was that transcendental quality of friendship and love I was trying to get across. From personal experience the biggest heartbreak in my life came not from a turndown over a pretty face to flirt with, but with a friend of ten years who having a falling out with. Friends have a way of becoming a part of one's personality, a mooring that those emotional roots curl around. Losing someone you talk to, share with and spend time with every day could be like losing a tooth. Something that had become so expected that the gap is felt constantly.

Do I want to bang my friends? Not necessarily. Do I love my friends? Yes I do. If I lived in a world where the uptight social conventions, the expectations, the physical distance and all those roadblocks didn't matter? Would I hook up with them then? The answer becomes less clear cut.

It's a theme too I tried to make in the story that it's not exactly about winning something or passing some test, but realizing that it is something one already had all along. Twilight does live in that magical world. It doesn't always have to follow the usual boy meets girl path of Lust(Attraction)->Friendship->Love but it can be Friendship->Love->Lust(attraction).

I am a believer that if you love someone, truly love someone. It has a way of making all those reasons against attraction small and thin and to the point of non-existence.

Twilight loves her friends and they love her. In truth any of them could have been her partner, imagine her balanced just at the edge of the love meter needing a little bump to go over. It just happened to be Luna who was the first one to nudge. If Rarity put more seriousness behind her earlier flirting, or Rainbow during their flight together. Or even any of them confessed to her, she would be shocked, but I don't think she'd say no.

You don't need to take my word for it. Just listen to the lovely song from the Bottled Up episode. I still get a little tear in my eye over it. Silly sappy that I am. Best Friends Til End of Time

(I also giggle at the visual in the song when they are all 'shipped' together )

I wish I was a better author when I wrote this story, heck even writing this post now I don't think I am doing the concept enough justice. But again, thank you for reading and asking.


I always felt that was one of the most appealing aspects of the MLP world. It's a place where good things like friendship and love have actual power because they are good.

I absolutely loved this!!!!

This story was impressive. I wasn't sure what to think going in other than that I wanted to see more of your writing, but I mostly just expected some low-key romance threaded through some scenes of star-gazing. You know, the TwiLuna standard.

Instead, it feels a lot more... profound than that, for lack of a better word. I don't know. But the underlying lessons at the core of the story about what exactly friendship magic is and how Twilight and others use it isn't something I was expecting, when I probably should have from the title. It contributed something special to this story, something that ties together a lot of disparate elements of this world and makes an actual coherent magic system out of them, but more importantly does so in a way that really resonates with Equestria both emotionally and thematically. It's not quite Terms of Forgiveness, but I can absolutely see the same level of skill and polish in this one, and I'm glad to have read it, so thank you.

Or to sum it all up. No, Twilight is only dating Luna at the moment, and maybe later she might branch off to other characters.

Then again, Luna did make her move first before the others could grow a pair and do it.

Pretty much, yeah :twilightsheepish:

I think the closest in canon with Twilight is Starlight now. She did do that spell with her that Twilight did say long ago was a sign of two ponies love for each other,

When did that happen? I can't remember.

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