• Member Since 12th Jan, 2013
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Voice actor and writer.



This story is a sequel to The Mare that eats The Monsters

(This story is a direct sequel to The Mare that eats The Monsters, and reading that story is highly recomended to understand what's happening in this one.)

The horrors of that one night are still fresh in the minds of everypony in Equestria, even now, two months later. Hundreds of ponies were mercilessly slaughtered and Princess Celestia was killed by Luminous Horizon, her duties falling to her younger sister. Despite how confident she had seemed that her sacrifice would not be in vain, things have only gotten worse since then. The sun's light is begining to fade, casting the world into an unsettling eldritch abyss.

With the sinister omen of the sun's waning light looming over all of Equestria and the hunger of the fiends ever growing, Moonrise Drifter now pursues Luminous Horzion, eager for answers and vengance.

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 54 )

“Don’t you even...!” Drifter began, unable to find the words that would get her thoughts across. She swallowed and tried again. “You have no right to give comment on such things. You’ve never cared before, so why would you now?”
Horizon simply glanced at her before the flames began to close in, consuming him swiftly. He said nothing, merely shaking his head before being burned away into ashes by the swirling fire.

It's a long shot, but maybe deep down in his blackened heart the death of Celestia shook his beliefs. Perhaps he is starting to care, even just the tiniest amount.

“Yes… Skeintooth bite Princess of friends. Skeintooth tear flesh from her. Give to you.”

So this guy's blatant lack of brain cells is going to screw him over I feel.

Then Skeintooth dig up sun’s grave and bring you bone and flesh of sun.”

Oh god Horizon wants to bring her back as a fiend. Or do something with that. Bad! Bad evil unicorn thing!

Well he is going to get his wish, if that wish is to die.

“I also remember that I started down this path because it was so violently ripped away from me!”

You made your own choices, decided your own path. You chose this, Horizon.

“SHUT UP!” Horizon screamed, turning around slashing the air where she had been just moments ago with his claws. “SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE! I KILLED YOU! JUST STAY DEAD!”

Oh your delusions aren't going away I feel.

Unless Horizon rips him open to retrieve that bit he ate, I don't think Skeintooth got what he came for.

That little scene with Palmwood waking up Wonderboom to make a promise was the one of the most adorable things I've read in a while :rainbowlaugh:

I wonder if Drifter acting as a mother to these two foals will allow her to come to understand her own mother better, and how she felt.

The darkening sun has to be related to the sample taken from Twilight, Horizons done some sort of 'thing' with it.

I don't even know what to say about Horizon, he's falling apart at the seams.

Wonderboom looked at the sun herself and shivered a little, despite it being fairly warm out. “I don’t like it… it looks sick.”

Got to be some serious magic to kill a bloody star.

This has me starting to think that Celestia is a little more than just a hallucination at this point

“The same way you enjoyed trying to pry your sister away from the ponies she held dear?” Horizon asked with a frown. “Last I checked, you found it rather amusing to see how angry and bitter I became every time you dragged her away for some royal duty or other that you could handle on your own. You took a sickening level of pride in depriving me of the only pony keeping me from falling apart.”

Well, she was Nightmare Moon soon after, born of jealousy and all that.

Behind Princess Luna opened a dark rift, a twisted and vile gateway into the deepest and darkest reaches of the pony mind. The place where fears beyond conscious understanding were processed, where nightmares were born. Luna howled with rage that she could no longer hope to contain and hurled herself at Horizon, a shadowy mist of horror itself following close behind her, tainting everything it touched.

Speaking of Nightmare Moon, Horizon's about to get a close encounter...

One thing that keeps bothering me (not the story at large, that's great) is how Drifter keeps being referred to as a hybrid. Granted she is half fiend, it it was my understanding that all of the of the other fiends derive even less than half of their genetic heritage from the original. Is this supposed to signify something along the lines other differing behavior, or the fact that she was conceived naturally as opposed to from some spawning pit?

8184195 More or less. She is half fiend, half pony. Her fiend half is Horizon, her pony half is Celestia. She was born naturally, but the vast majority of fiends are grown in 'gardens,' with very few exceptions.

Ya know, I thought he'd only take a (singular) rib or something! That's just... Kill him dead.

“I stopped caring. The day I reached the edge of Equestria and became the first fiend, I decided that I didn’t care anymore. Justified or not, it makes no difference to me. I have my goal, and I am going to make sure you suffer greatly along the way.”

Then you only proved the malcontents right, when you could have been so much more. You reap what you sow, Horizon.

Skeintooth is planning for Luna, but is he ready for Luna AND one pissed off half fiend half alicorn badass! :flutterrage: :pinkiecrazy:

Luna frowned at Drifter with a raised eyebrow. “You know that you’re smart-mouthing a princess in the middle of the foyer, don’t you?”

Well, technically Drifter is also a princess through right of birth. :pinkiehappy:

Luna stood to her full height and nodded. “Then let us begin.”

Oh this can't possibly go wrong... :rainbowderp:


Luna frowned at Drifter with a raised eyebrow. “You know that you’re smart-mouthing a princess in the middle of the foyer, don’t you?”

Well, technically Drifter is also a princess through right of birth. :pinkiehappy:

Oh, the nobles will be thrilled to hear about that... XD

Luna stood to her full height and nodded. “Then let us begin.”

Oh this can't possibly go wrong... :rainbowderp:


hoping it would suppress some unseen creature from bursting out of her skull.

I wouldn't say no to a tactical Nightmare Moon. :pinkiecrazy:

She was barely able to lift a foreleg in time to catch his teeth short of her neck, but still, he bit. Blood painted crimson lines down her foreleg as Skeintooth’s teeth sank in, digging into the flesh and pulling away a sizable chunk of her leg. Luna wheezed weakly, looking at her mutilated leg with wide, blank eyes. She twitched numerous times before falling still.

Well... shit.

“I am going to eat you!” She screamed wildly before hurling herself at him in an animalistic rage.

Get him Drifter! :flutterrage:

Luna let her anger get the better of her...

Got me hopeful that everyone's favorite Nightmare was going to make a short comeback. Wouldn't have objected, but I like how this turned out, too.

And all that build up just to get even more build up for round 2. Can't wait to see how this ends; I'm ready for this Skeintooth to get what's coming to him :pinkiecrazy:


Let’s see how the crystal guards handle the fiends :rainbowdetermined2:

"COME BACK HERE!” Drifter screamed after Skeintooth as he broke into a hastey retreat, clearly limping and in considerable pain. “I’M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU!” She tried to scramble after him, but her horribly shattered left hind leg prevented her from doing more than causing herself pain. “DAMN IT!!!”

Bet Skeintooth didn’t see that coming, huh?

No, not again! I won’t lose you, too!

Growing to care for your niece, are we? :rainbowkiss:

“...You let the blood get to you, didn’t you?” Luna asked quietly, her eyes looking down at the ground sadly. “Just as I almost let my anger get the best of me… except I had you to pull me out of the nightmare.”

Well, at least you know your niece takes after you :pinkiecrazy:

What are we turning into…?

Quite simply, a warrior.


“Andwhy NOT?!” Rainbow demanded,

Wonderbolts not going to be there then?

“Okay… you win. You can come with me.”

Way to put your hoof down, Twi. :ajbemused:

Everypony nodded along and trotted out of the castle after Pinkie, who somehow already had invitations forallof Ponyville in distribution. Twilight lingered behind a bit. She looked back into her castle’s main hall, a small spark of magic drifting from her horn to the center of the room. The floor gently glowed for a moment before returning to normal. Twilight nodded in satisfaction before turning and leaving the castle as well.

I hope you’ve made peace with yourself as much as you can.

Would a little optimism kill them? For morale, if nothing else...

Really, there'll be another time. Another war... Welcome to being a monarch of a kingdom, Twilight. Magic rainbows sadly don't solve every problem.

“It’s true. The Crystal Heart spreads the combined emotional state of the Crystal Empire’s inhabitants across all of Equestria, remember?

I wonder how the pulse from the crystal heart would affect the fiends. I mean, it disintegrated Sombra.

“It’s good to see you again, Twilight.” Cadance said softly once their hug ended.

No sunshine dance? :fluttercry:

“More like we weren’t taking ‘no’ for an answer.” Rainbow shot back with her own cocky grin. “And we still aren’t going to, so don’t even think about it.”

A bit of the element's rainbow power wouldn't go amiss.

“I’m going along with you three, then.” Shining armor added with conviction. “You’ll need all the help you can get against Horizon, I’m betting.”

As long as you're not hiding a red shirt anywhere...

In Drifter’s hooves was a copy of the first publication of The Mare that eats Monsters.

Figured that'd play in from the chapter title.

‘Who would ever leave you alone like this?’”


“As the moon began to raise into the air, a gentle breeze sent some of the fallen leaves of autumn drifting and dancing across the ground, the little filly finding adorable joy in the way the leaves moved.

I enjoy imagining cute little filly Drifter. :rainbowkiss:

“I… I don’t want you to go…”


The door closed.

Let's hope not forever.

“Twilight, no! DON’T-” Rainbow didn’t get to finish. Twilight finished the spell. With a bright flash and a swirl of magic, her friends all vanished into thin air, leaving nothing more than a stunned silence in their place. The soldiers surrounding Twilight looked on in stunned silence, unable to figure out what had just happened or why.

The soldiers drew their weapons, readied their spells and did as commanded, pouring forth into the valley in numerous large groups, seeking positions to perform their roles from. Drifter took to the air with a mighty flap of her wings. Luna joined her, her horn lighting up with intense blue magic.

Twilight drew her saber from her side and broke into a charge alongside her big brother, taking as much comfort as she could from his presence. Already the horrid and spine-chilling howls and roars of the fiends in the valley could be heard, calling their brethren forth to join what they probably saw as a feast walking right in through the front door.

Drifter scowled. “Damn… okay, you two get a move on and don’t worry about me. I’ll take care of this guy.”

Bye Skeintooth. :rainbowdetermined2:

“If I do this too fast, you may lose your leg afterword-”

That's gonna happen, ain't it?

“It’ll do.”

Skeintooth lay atop her, nearly motionless and gasping raggedly for breath, his eyes flicking around in terror. A glowing lavender sword made of raw magic was sticking out of the back of his neck.

Friendship wins again bitch! :pinkiecrazy:

A faint blue glow could be seen at the summit of Mount Eclipse, pulsing gently against the darkness of the sky behind it.

Blue huh? Luna I'd say.

Luna cursed and turned around as Horizon re=appeared not far away.

Looks like something slipped past the editor.

They'd better be awakened before Equestria is ash because... just... FUCK EVERYTHING! :flutterrage:

Ah, I sure can appreciate a good story where the villain wins :pinkiecrazy:

But, boi, the next one better come out soon. I love revenge even more.

This is only the first chapter and I already feel the dread. Good job.

This story should have so many more views

Hey, if people wanna advertise this series and throw it at the faces of their friends and stuff, I won't object.

About a day after departing from Ponyville, the Friendship Express pulled into the Crystal Empire, leaving the relentless blizzards of the frozen north behind as it rolled to a stop at the station. Twilight felt her heart sink at the sight surrounding the city that made up the empire’s core. Hundreds of very large pegasus chariots were resting in numerous camp-like formations all throughout the outer fringes of the city. Battle chariots, carried by pegasi and enchanted to be very lightweight, even when filled to the brim with soldiers, weapons and heavy armor. One chariot could carry about ten to fifteen ponies.

I sense a plot hole, weren't they going to Canterlot first?

“I tried once.” Horizon said a bit more sharply than intended. She lifted her right hoof and extended the claws on it; or would have, had there been claws to show. Right now, all that came out of her hoof were a few stubs with sharp points, only an inch long each. The skin around them was horribly scarred. “I was destroyed. He made sure that I could never hurt him. His own biology is incapable of doing him harm. He’s a master of meddling with biology and the like with his magic.”

Probably should say Drifter.

“Please, hold still! You two, keep the fiends off us while I heal him!” she barked before returning her attention to shining armor.


“GET ME MOVING!” Shining shouted at her, his eyes opening to reveal the fury and determination burning in them. “I am not letting my Sister go into that mountain alone!”


Re-reading this whole three-part series, and I noticed an error:

“But you’d get fat if you ate that much.” Palmwood pointed out with a grin.

Palmwood frowned at him, visibly offended. “Yeah? Well, uh…” she stuttered, trying to come up with a come-back.

That should be Wonderboom, not Palmwood.

On an unrelated note, I still feel that the drawing of Skeintooth, though yes, rudimentary & not in show style, is still a good representation; from how his appearance is described, he'd probably look less threatening if he was drawn in show style.

But on a different note,

Palmwood puffed out his chest with pride at having stumped her.

Made this come to my mind:


You are bad.
Poor Sweetie Bell.
You think they would get Discord for help. After what happened to Celestia I'm surprised he hasn't ended Horizon and his fiends by now

Immensely entertaining. But I find it hard to have pity for Horizon. Typical narcissistic blaming everypony else for their crimes. He could have staved off the madness, he chose to embrace it. Also, bad idea to antagonize a Nightmare

Luna needs to annihilate that fiend, with extreme prejudice.
Twilight is still to soft and hesitant, she should have destroyed that freak when she first laid eyes on him!
Luna is ancient and powerful, she should be able to kill it no problem, should....

Horizon may bite off more than he can chew. Does he WANT to bring back Nightmare Moon? Yeah, good luck facing a demon Alicorn

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