• Published 8th Jul 2017
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Yugioh EQG: Shadow Gates - Banshee531

The Celestic Cup Finals have arrived. Who will take the crown and what mysterious ploys are being plotted in the shadows? Only time will tell.

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Turn 39, Family Reunion

Darkness was all Scootaloo could see.

She didn't understand. One moment, she'd been having some kind of conversation with Vail Pixie and the next, she was holding its card above her brothers body and being engulfed by light. The light had forced her to close her eyes and when she finally opened them, she found herself floating and surrounded by nothing but darkness.

"Hello!" She cried out into the darkness, "anybody out there?"

She continued to look around, until she finally saw something in the distance. As if on instinct she started to slowly float through the darkness towards what she had seen, that thing getting closer and clear as she did. Eventually she got so close to it, that she could make out what it was and gasped. "Flash!" She floated faster towards him, finally reaching her brother and grabbing hold of him. "Flash," she said as she slowly shook him.

Flash's eyes began to crack opened, allowing him to see her. "Scootaloo?" He asked in a weak voice.

"You're okay," she said as she pulled him into a hug.

"Yeah," Flash said, "of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You've been asleep for almost two weeks," Scootaloo explained.

"I have?" Flash replied in shock. He then looked around. "Where are we?"

"I was hoping you'd tell me," Scootaloo said, "the last thing I remember is hearing a voice and finding out it was Vail Pixie."

"Vail Pixie?"

"I can talk to Duel Spirits," Scootaloo said, "no big deal."

"I beg to differ."

"Anyway," Scootaloo continued, "she told me she could wake you up if I held her card above your head. So I did there was a big flash of light and the next thing I know, I'm here with you."

"Okay," Flash said, "I'm sure that whatever Vail Pixie has planned, it'll work."

"Awe, thanks Flash."

The two suddenly spun around and there, floating in the darkness, was Vail Pixie.

"Vail Pixie," Flash said, "you're here."

"You know it," the fairy said as she flew around them, "and I'm here to help you wake up."

"Isn't he already awake?" Scootaloo asked her.

"Nope," Vail Pixie said, "the two of you are unconscious in the real world. I used my power to bring my consciousness and your's into Flash's mind."

"Great," Scootaloo said, "now let's get out of here. Sombra's about to make his move."

"He is?" Flash asked, "then we can't wait around."

"Sorry," Vail Pixie said, "before I can wake you up, there's somewhere else I need to take you."

Before the humans could ask where, Vail Pixie flew upwards into the darkness. A second after she vanished, there was a bright flash of light.

Suddenly it was as if someone switched on the gravity and the two teens found themselves falling, except not down but face first up towards the light. They screamed as they began to fall faster, until they finally struck the light and were forced to close their eyes.

When they opened their eyes, they found they were no longer in the darkness. Now they were in the bright of day, flying above forest. It took a few seconds but they soon realised they weren't flying. Once again the two found themselves falling, the forest canopy drawing closer and closer.

Flash tried to look down to see if maybe there was a soft place he could steer them towards, however looking down he saw they were falling towards a clearing in the forest where a large crack in the ground was. He grabbed Scootaloo and held her close to his body, as they passed the trees and fell into the crack. They both braised for impact, but it never came.

Slowly opening his eyes, he found he and Scootaloo were hovering a few inches above the ground. This effect only lasted a few seconds and they once again fell the last remaining foot and crashed with a thud.

"Ow," Scootaloo moaned.

"You okay?" Flash asked as they pulled themselves back up to their feet.

Yeah," Scootaloo replied as she dusted herself off, "what happened?"

"No clue," Flash said as he looked around and then froze. He'd been here before.

They were in the ruins of the Duel Monster Spirit World, the place where he'd come whenever he summoned his more powerful cards.

"How?" He asked as he looked around.

"Do you know where we are?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah," Flash replied, "I think we're in the Duel Monster Spirit World."

"Seriously?" Scootaloo asked.

Flash looked at her and noticed her body had a white glow about her, before looking down and seeing the same glow on him. "Vail Pixie must have brought our minds here," Flash said, "but why?"

"Because we asked her to."

The two teens spun around at the sound of the female voice, looking over at the elevator statue where two cloaked figures stood at its feet. One looked completely normal, while the second taller one had the same glow coming off his body.

"Who are you?" Flash called out.

The two cloaked figures took a glance at each other, before turning back to them and pushing the hoods of their cloaks down.

The two teens froze at the sight of them. Though they'd never actually met, the two looked exactly like the picture they'd seen hundreds of times. Trail Blazer and Misty Vail watched as their children stared at them, large smiles on their faces.

"I've waited so long for this moment," Misty said.

"It's hard to believe it's finally come," Trail said.

The two teens were still in shock. "Mom?" Flash asked.

"Dad?" Scootaloo asked.

The adults nodded, their smiles growing larger as they did.

The two teen's shocked faces slowly changed to ones of immense joy, before they both broke out into a run towards their parents. They all met and Flash threw his arms around his mother, while Scootaloo did the same and threw hers around Trails midsection.

"Mom," Flash said with tears in his eyes.

"Daddy," Scootaloo cried into her fathers chest.

"We're so happy we finally to meet you," Vail said as she hugged back.

"We're sorry," Trail said, "we missed so much."

"No," Flash said as they finally pulled out of the hugs, "we don't blame you."

"It wasn't your fault," Scootaloo said.

"It was Sombra," Flash said angrily, "he did this."

Misty sighed. "It pains me to think someone I once called a friend would do such horrible things."

"He's evil," Scootaloo said, "of course he'd do something like that."

"Maybe now he is," Trail said, "but he wasn't always. The darkness infected his heart and made him the monster that threatens both worlds."

Flash meanwhile was looking around the ruins, amazed by the mere sight of them.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Misty asked her son.

"Yeah," Flash said, "no matter how many times I come here, I always feel this amazing feeling."

"It is incredible," Misty said.

Flash looked at his mother and noticed she didn't have the white glow about her. "You're actually here aren't you?" He asked, "me Scoot and Dad are just spirits, but you're actually here."

Misty just nodded. "Yes," she said, "I'm actually here. I've been in this world for a long time, the last time I left was to give birth to Scootaloo."

"So I wasn't born here," Scootaloo said.

"No," Trail said, "you weren't."

"Then why was I?" Flash asked, "Cold told me I was born in this world. Why didn't you return to ours like you did with Scoot?"

"We wanted to," Misty said, "and we planned to, but-"

"I couldn't do it."

They all looked up and saw Vail Pixie floating above them, before flying down and landing on Flash's shoulder.

"What do you mean you couldn't do it?" Scoot asked.

"Maybe," Trail said, "we should start at the beginning."


Misty, Sombra and I had been on the hunt for portals connecting our world with that of the Duel Monster Spirit World. We'd searched for months but for nothing, until we discovered an ancient tomb. Within that tomb we managed to find a breech, the doorway leading to another world, but then Sombra betrayed us.

We return to the scene where Trail and Misty are hanging off the destroyed bridge, with Sombra standing above them.

"Why?" Trail asked, "why have you done this?"

"It is my destiny," Sombra said as he stepped on Trail's hand. Trail could feel his grip weakening, but despite the pain he held on as best he could. "But to achieve my destiny," Sombra explained, "a sacrifice must be made." With that he raised his boot, causing Trail's weakened fingers to give and let go. As the two feel through the air, Trail grabbed hold of Misty and held her close to him. Finally the two of them hit the breech and continued falling.

Light flew passed them as they fell into the breech, blinding them and slowly the two lost consciousness.

The first thing Trail and Misty felt when they began to awaken was soft grass. As their senses returned, they pulled themselves into a sitting position and looked around. They were in some kind of meadow, with several small hills around them. Behind them was a stone ridge ruffly twenty feet high

"Are you okay?" Trail asked his wife.

"I think so," Misty replied, "but where are we?"

"That's a good question" Trail said as they got up and looked around.

"You don't think," Misty said, "we're in the Duel Monster Spirit Realm?"

Suddenly the ground beneath them rumbled, causing them to grow nervous. Seconds later another rumble happened, followed by another and then another.

"Footsteps," Trail said but before he could act, a loud roar burst through the air and almost deafened the two.

Suddenly something leapt off the ridge above them and landed with a crash a few feet away, kicking up a dust cloud.

When the dust cleared, Trail and Misty looked up and saw something they both recognised staring down at them.

"Black Tyranno," Trail said in amazement.

"Then we are in the Duel Monster Spirit World," Misty said.

The Black Tyranno stared at them, before unleashing another roar that was so powerful that it sent the two flying into the ridge. The dinosaur monster then began charging at the two.

The both flinched, Trail trying to shield his wife, as the monster grew closer. Suddenly a gust of wind shot passed them and the next thing to two knew, they were hearing Black Tyranno cry out in pain.

Looking around, what they saw shocked them.

A robot the same size as Black Tyranno, had appeared out of nowhere and punched it in the side. It was humanoid in appearance, with light blue armour and orange trim on its arms, legs, chest and shoulders. From its shoulders were a pair of square jet booster like wings, and it wore a red scarf which was emblazoned with an emblem of a shield with a lightning bolt on it.

The robot thrust its fist, sending the T-Rex flying off. The humans watching were amazed at what they'd just seen.

"Way to go Flash Heart," a voice called out. The two looked around and saw a small fairy with silver skin and purple hair, it wore a green dress. Misty gasped as she recognised it.

"Vail Pixie."

The fairy turned to them and smiled before waving out them. "Hey," she said, "don't worry. I brought some friends to help you."

Suddenly more creatures leapt over the ridge. Some were humans, some were dragons and some were robots. They stood infront of the humans to form a protective wall, as Flash Heart continued to battle Black Tyranno.

"Don't worry," Vail Pixie said, "we'll keep you safe."


"And they did," Trail said, "they saved us and brought us here."

They moved over to one of the ruin's walls, where a large boulder sat. Trail placed his hand on the boulder and it suddenly split down the middle, before moving apart to reveal a stair case. They headed down it and came to a large room, with many different doors lining the walls.

"Welcome to the place we called home," Misty said.

Flash and Scootaloo looked around and were in wonder.

"The Duel Monsters welcomed us," Trail explained, "and explained everything to us."

"They knew about Sombra and what he did," Misty explained, "they explained about how their ancient enemy, the Doom-Vaders, wished to free themselves and enter the human world."

"We knew that if Sombra succeeded, our world wouldn't survive. We had to take action."

"So you created my deck," Flash said, getting a nod from his parents in return.

"I worked to create the cards to use as conduit to bring them to our world," Misty said, "while Trail and Vail Pixie worked to find a way back to our world."

"I have the ability to create breeches," Vail Pixie explained, "but they were only weak once that could only transport someone a few miles away. I couldn't make one which could cross dimensions."

"We worked together," Trail went on, "using me as an anchor she began familiarising herself with our universes energy signature."

"Energy signature?" Scootaloo asked, not sure what they meant.

"Every universe has its own universal energy signature," Misty explained, "anything born in that universe gives off that energy. By absorbing it from Trail into herself, Vail Pixie was slowly able to learn to open and close breeches to our world."

"Our plan was to complete the deck," Trail said, "and then take it with us back to our world once Vail Pixie had mastered interdimensional travel."

"But then we had a certain...unexpected change of plans," Misty explained. She turned to Flash.

"Me?" He asked.

Misty just nodded, before moving over to a nearby door and opening it.

Looking inside, Flash saw it was a nursery. He stepped inside and looked around.

"When we realised I was pregnant with you," Misty said, "we hoped to return to our world as soon as we could. We didn't want to know what kind of effect being born here would have on you. But no matter how hard she tried, Vail Pixie just couldn't form a stable breech back home.

"So I was born here?" Flash asked.

"That's right," Trail said, "and the Duel Monsters loved you."


"Oh," Vail Pixie said as the two new parents showed their newborn to their Duel Monster friends, "he's so cute."

"Isn't he," Misty replied, "he takes after his father."

"Have you decided on a name?" Magna Caster Lunara asked.

"We have," Misty replied before turning to Flash Heart Dragon, "if it's okay, we'd like to name him, Flash."

Flash Heart just nodded, before slowly holding out a finger towards the baby. The little boy saw the giant robot dragon's finger, but he wasn't afraid and instead reached out and grabbed the finger before giggling in joy.

"So his name's Flash Heart?" Vail Pixie asked.

"No," Trail said, "we feel like his last name should be something else, we just don't know what."


"Despite our best efforts, you were born in this world," Trail said. They'd left the cave and were back outside.

"But we wanted you to lead a normal life," Misty said, "so when Vail Pixie finally managed to create a stable breech, we knew we had to send you somewhere safe."


The day had come for Misty and Trail to say goodbye to their son.

Vail Pixie was preparing to open a breech which would take them back to their world, where they would leave their son with his only remaining relative.

"Okay," Misty said as she wrapped Flash up and placed his in the basket. "It's time." She looked down at her child and tears began to form in her eyes. "You'll probably hate us for this," she said, "but please know that mommy loves you. Whenever life seems hard and you feel alone, just know that we will always be with you in your heart. You are the most special baby that will ever exist. Born of two worlds, you are the bridge that connects them. And one day, you may have to protect those worlds. You will be its protector, its guardian, its...sentry." She smiled at that name. "Flash Sentry."


"And just like that you were gone," Misty said, "we left you on my father's doorstep and returned to this world."

"And what have you been doing in this world?" Scootaloo asked.

"Why didn't you just stay?" Flash asked.

"We had to finish our mission," Trail explained, "to stop Sombra from unleashing the Doom-Vaders."

"I remained in this world to complete the deck," Misty explained, "but your father and Vail Pixie had another job."

"We returned to our world and travelled the globe," Trail said, "seeking out breeches and closing them. Had Sombra been able to find one, he would have been able to use it to acquire large amounts of Ener-D. Had we not closed them, he may have been able to summon the Doom-Vaders a decade ago."

"Every so often they had to return to this world," Misty said before turning to Scootaloo, "on one of those trips you were conceived."

Scootaloo nodded, understanding what she meant completely.

"I didn't want to risk complications again," Misty said, "so I returned to our world in my seven month. When you were born we left you at Grand Hoof's and I returned to this world to finish the deck."

"When it was finally ready I brought it to our world," Trail said, "but discovered some of the cards were blank. There wasn't a strong enough connection to allow the cards to form. We realised the only one who could give the cards back their power, was you Flash."

Flash nodded. He remembered what Cold had told him, how his connection to both worlds allowed him to open and stable connection between the Duel Monster and the card.

"Of course we didn't know how to get the cards to you," Trail continued, "me just showing up and giving you a deck wouldn't have worked. But luckily a few years ago, I met someone who could help me."

"Cold," Flash said, getting a nod in return.

"When I realised who he was, I knew meeting him wasn't a coincidence. I explained what was happening and what I needed him to do and he accepted. The rest you know."

"Well why didn't you show up after that?" Scootaloo asked, "after Cold told us about Sombra and you two, why didn't you come home?"

"I couldn't," Trail explained.

"Why?" Scootaloo asked.

"Because of me," Vail Pixie finally spoke up.

"In order to close the breeches," Misty explained, "Vail Pixie had to be physically there, not just a spirit. Your father used his own power to grant her a physical form, with them returning every now and again so they could rest. But now after almost two decades of doing it, his body is to weak to even move now."

Flash and Scootaloo nodded, understanding completely now. This was the way it has to be.

"Don't worry," Vail Pixie said, "since Sombra's making his move, I don't have to be in your world anymore. I'll be staying here and your father can start regaining his strength. He'll be home in no time."

"I guess," Flash said, "but what do we do now?"

"Sombra will no doubt move onto his ultimate plan," Trail said, "using the cards he created he'll try and create a gateway into the world of darkness that the Doom-Vaders at sealed within. The Shadow Gate."

"Then how do we stop that from happening?" Scootaloo asked.

"The only way to do so is to defeat the Doom-Vaders in a Duel," Misty explained, "that will weaken their connection to this world and stop them from opening the Shadow Gate."

"Then that's what I'll do," Flash said, "I'll defeat Sombra and the Doom-Vaders. My deck's filled with the monster that defeated them once, so there's no doubt I can do it again."

"Is that so," Trail said as he stepped up. "You seem pretty sure of yourself."

"I am," Flash said, "I defeated Cold and Shadow. I'm ready for whatever Sombra has to throw at me."

"You think so?" Trail asked before glaring at his son, "then why don't you prove it."


"We didn't just bring you here for a family reunion," Trail said, "we brought you here to test you."

"I never wanted you to be involved," Misty said, "that's the last thing we wanted."

"Well I am involved," Flash said, "you gave Cold the deck to give to me."

"So you could awaken its full power," Trail said, "but if you want to keep using it, then prove your up to the task." There was a flash of light and suddenly an orange Duel Disk appeared on his arm. "You up for it."

Flash frown, not liking his parents having little faith in him, but he nodded anyway. "Let's do this," he said. A flash of light caused his Duel Disk to appear on his arm.

Scootaloo, Misty and Vail Pixie moved off to the side, ready to watch the battle which would decide whether Flash continued as the one to ultimately face Sombra.

"Hope you're ready son," Trail said.

"I am," Flash replied, "dad."

"Then let's get started," Trail said.


Trail: 4000
Flash: 4000

"Age before arrogance," Trail said as he reached for his deck, "I draw and I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale, with scale one Blazing Soul Serpent and scale nine Blazing Soul Dragon, Flame Spark Dragon." The two pillars of light appeared on either side of him, as two monster appeared and flew up into them. One was a bright red rattle snake with fire on the tip of its tail, while the second was a red serpentine dragon carrying a sphere in its hands which looked to be filled with fire. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Trail chanted as the portal formed above him, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out.

The first became a monster Flash recognised. "Blazing Soul Firefly!" (A900/D1400/L3)

The second became a man in red armour, carrying a sword that's blade was on fire. "Blazing Soul Knight, Pyronus!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P5)

"Blazing Soul Monsters," Flash said as he looked at the to DEF position monsters. His memory flashed back to the first time he'd met Cold, when he'd used those card against him.

"That's right son," Trail said, "I lent Cold those cards to use against you. He told me how poorly you did against them, so how will you fare now?"

Flash frowned at this. "I may have lost to that deck once," he said, "but that was a long time ago. I've been through much harder Duels since then and have learned a lot. So don't think you can scare me with a deck I lost to once."

"Very well," Trail said, "then show me how far you've come. I activate Blazing Soul Firefly's ability. Since he was Special Summoned, I can summon as many copies of him from my deck as possible." Firefly's wings caught fire and when it flapped them, the flames flew off and took the form of two new Blazing Soul Fireflys which also took up a defence postion. (A900/D1400/L3)X2

"I end my turn," Trail said.

"Dad's opening strong," Scootaloo said.

"That's always been his style," Misty said, "summoning as many monsters as he can to overwhelm his opponents. The fact that he's playing defensively to start, shows he's taking Flash seriously and not underestimating him."

"So how will Flash respond?" Vail Pixie asked as they looked back at him.

"It's my turn," Flash said as he reached for his deck, "I draw and I'll set my Pendulum Scale, with scale one Magna Caster Lunara and scale eight Magna Caster Solaris." The columns of light appeared on either side of him, as the two magicians appeared and flew up into them. They pointed their staffs at the spot above him and both shot off a magic beam, which struck the sky. "Now I'll cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Flash chanted as the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two lights shot out of it.

"Snap to it, Lumino Jaw Dragon!" (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon!" (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Alright!" Scootaloo said, "Flash is starting out just as strong."

"It's funny," Misty said, "even after all these years of knowing them, this is the first time I've ever actually seen these monster used in an actual Duel."

"What just watch mom," Flash said, "because me and these monsters are gonna put on one heck of a show."

"Big talk," Trail said, "but can you back it up?"

"Just watch me," Flash said, "I'll start by using Flash Heart Dragon's ability! Since he was Special Summoned, I can send the weakest monster on your field to the bottom of the deck." A hole opened beneath one of Trail's Fireflys, causing it to fall into the abyss. "Now I'll attack your other two Blazing Soul Fireflys!" Flash Heart and Lumino Jaw Dragon both took off and flew at Trail's monsters, destroying them with a punch of by taking a bite out of them.

"I'll end my turn with a face down," Flash said as he did so.

"Not bad," Trail said, "but still you've yet to show me anything that would convince me to let you take on Sombra."

Flash frowned at this.

"Please understand I'm only looking out for you," Trail said, "I don't want to put you in danger if there's a chance you could be hurt. That's why I have to find out if you're really ready." He placed his hand on his deck and drew his card, before looking at it and smiling. "Time to see if you really have come far enough," he said, "I'll start by playing the Spell card, Mystical Revival!"

Flash's eyes went wide at this.

"You recognise it I see," Trail said, "then you'll know that by paying a thousand life points this Spell Card lets me revive one monster for every face up Spell card on your field."

Trail: 3000
Flash: 4000

Flash turned around and look up at his Pendulum Monsters. Solaris and Lunara were glowing a dark light, while wincing as if they were in pain. The next thing he knew the dark light shot out of them and flew over to Trail's field and took the forms of a pair of Blazing Soul Fireflys.

"And since they were Special Summoned," Trail said, "their effect activates." The third Firefly appeared alongside the other two and Pyronus. "And now," Trail said, "I'll sacrifice these three monsters." He took the card he'd drawn out of his hand and held it up. "Forged in the flames of hell, a great rage is born. Now it appears, to burn everything to ashes!" His three monsters suddenly burst into flames which pulled together into a tornado of fire.

Flash watched in terror as he saw a shadowy figure appear inside the cyclone, before the flames dissipated to reveal a monster he knew all two well.

"Blazing Soul Dragon, Purgatory Dragon!"

Flash, Scootaloo, Misty and Vail Pixie shook seeing that card.

"So Flash," Trail said, "still think you're strong enough?"

Flash wasn't sure how to answer, but knew if he wasn't careful, this Duel would be going the same way as his first one against Cold.

Author's Note:

How's that for a Family Reunion. Can Flash defeat his father and prove himself worthy? Stay tuned to find out.

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