• Published 13th Jul 2012
  • 11,688 Views, 534 Comments

Old Traditions - NightsGlory

Twilight and Big Macintosh's romance continues, and a new obstacle is thrown in their way.

  • ...

Chapter Four

Music filled the air. Slow, sweet melodies flowed through the ears of the ponies gathered, and many of those present were swaying in time with the tune like so many life-sized metronomes. The source of the melodious delight came from a small, four-pony orchestra off in a corner of the area.

The ponies were gathered for a very special occasion, one that had been well on its way for years. Rows of spectators were quickly filling up, all friends and family of the ones they were gathered here for. They sat upon plush pillows that had been carefully laid out, so that there weren’t too many cushions, nor were there too few. Each spectator had on clothes or accessories of some sort, and although a sacred ritual was to take place, none had on formal attire.

The event at hoof was taking place at Sweet Apple Acres, out by the pond that the family loved so much. Or rather, that one mare in particular loved so much.

Twilight viewed the proceedings from her vantage point from within the branches of the lone willow tree that grew next to the pond, something that she had recommended Big Macintosh plant years before this day. All around her, three of her closest friends chatted amongst themselves merrily, occasionally making a comment to her respect. Meanwhile, Rarity couldn’t stop fussing with the dress Twilight was wearing.

“Now, darling, does it feel too tight? I know we double, and even triple checked the measurements, but I just want to make sure my friend has the very best on her big day!”

The lavender mare sighed for the umpteenth time. “Yes, Rarity, I’ve told you time and again, the dress fits just fine.”

Rarity deflated a little at Twilight’s obviously annoyed tone of voice, but smiled nevertheless. “Okay, dear. I’m sorry; I’ve just never made a dress like this for one of you girls. I suppose one could say that I’m nervous.”

Twilight’s expression softened as she embraced her fashionista friend in a tight hug. “I’m sorry too, Rarity. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m a bit nervous myself.”

“Applejack said you probably would be,” Rainbow Dash interjected. “Don’t worry though; you’ve got all of us here! It’s like when I was at the Best Young Flier’s competition all those years ago, you’ll do just fine!”

“Yeah! And we know you’re going to have a superiffic day today, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie said, her styled mane bobbing around as she bounced like a pogo stick. Fluttershy’s head moved in time with Pinkie’s jumps, conveying a sense of agreement with the party pony.

Smiling at all of her friends, Twilight said, “Thanks girls. I’m so glad you could all be here today. I love you all.”

“If only Applejack were with us,” Rarity said, with a huff.

“Yes, but she’s with her brother,” Fluttershy said. “After all, he needed somepony to help him, too.”

“It’s a good thing stallions only need one pony at these sorts of events,” Rarity responded, turning her nose up a bit. Her friends laughed then, the little motion having grown on them after all the years they had been together. “Alright girls, you all go on out. Twilight and I will join you at the appropriate time.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pinkie Pie said, as she settled down and acted as though she was a mare of class.

“Crazy how she can just change like that, isn’t it?” the white unicorn commented to Twilight.

“Don’t even get me started,” Twilight laughed.

A few moments after their friends departed, the music heard over the low din of chatting ponies changed. A song that every little filly dreamed of one day marching to started to play, and Twilight took a deep breath.

“That’s us, darling. Are you ready?”


“Okay then. Here comes the bride.”

Twilight stepped through the branches of the willow tree, and looked to the aisle where her father was waiting to walk her to her soon-to-be husband, Big Macintosh. Slowly, she put her front hoof forward, and began her journey towards…


…The floor. Twilight fell hard, her muzzle making a direct hit with the old loose floorboard next to her bed. She quickly jerked her head up and looked around, rubbing her nose and mumbling incoherently.

“Whazzat? Wha’ happened?”

Twilight had no idea where she was, or how she had gotten there, until she heard a loud snort from across the room as Spike rolled over in his basket. Gaining her bearings, she lazily glanced out of her window, and noted that it was the dead of night.

What happened last night? she thought. The last thing I remember is being…on the balcony…

Her eyes narrowed as her mind sluggishly brought forth the memory, bringing with it her latest letter from the Princess and the dream she had just awoken from. Twilight groaned as she remembered her mind’s wandering while she was sleeping. It had not been a peaceful few hours on her pillow.

I might as well do something while I’m up, she thought, as she rose to her hooves and moved towards her desk. Once she was seated at the cushion in front of it, she noticed that the letter from Celestia was sitting right on top of whatever it was she had previously been working on. Her eyes scanned over it several times, still in disbelief that the Princess just knew what was going on.

The subject of marriage can make a pony think crazy things!

Simply reading it again made Twilight a little dizzy.

“Not so hard to believe I fainted anymore,” she mumbled to herself. Her mind was replaying the scene of her dream again, and she caught herself smiling a bit. Realizing this, she shook her head violently to clear the cobwebs. “No. That’s bad, Twilight. You shouldn’t be thinking about that at all.” Still, she found her thoughts wondering back to it, and that goofy little smile playing across her lips as she pictured Big Macintosh in a tuxedo.

“No!” she huffed, rising from her desk. “I need a book to distract myself!” She quickly trotted down the stairs into the library proper, and began scanning the shelves for something on astronomy.

Astrophysics is Simple, Really! “No, it’s not, and that book doesn’t make it simple for an average pony, either.”

Luna’s Sky for Fillies and Colts. “I think I’m a bit older than a filly.”

Astronomy and Dreams: Magic of the Night. Twilight stared at the title for a few moments before deciding that it sounded interesting enough to keep her mind busy for a while. Pulling it off the shelf with her magic, she happily trotted up the stairs to her room, where she hopped up on her bed and hunkered down for a few hours of good reading.
Within seconds, the open book became a pillow as the overstressed mare fell back asleep.


Big Macintosh rolled over at the sound of the rooster crow. Celestia’s sun was slowly starting to creep its way into his room, even with the blinds closed.

“Darned things never blocked out much,” he muttered, trying to get comfortable again. Typically, when the large stallion first awoke, he was up for good. Now that he had finished all the harvesting for the year, however, he just wanted to go back to sleep. He had a headache that could put down a rhino, though.

Mac groaned as he turned, feeling the wee rays of the sun on his eyelids. His head pounded inside of his skull, reminding him of the night before. After getting the news that certain family members were visiting, he had broken into his stash of hard cider he kept in his room. The last time he had gone to that was two months before, when his marefriend had kissed him and run off.

Best thing for it is some breakfast, he decided. Rolling out of bed, and moaning as he did so, he moved out into the hallway and walked downstairs into the kitchen. Applejack was sitting at the table, with her head on the table and coffee in hand.

“Ain’t feelin’ too good this mornin’, AJ?” Big Macintosh asked, with a bit of a slur in his voice.

“Ah should ask ya tha’ same question,” she grunted. “Heard tha’ clink of the bottles last night. What had ya worked up, Mac?”

Her brother went to the stove and fired it up, cracking two eggs that had been brought in not moments before by Applejack. While beating them in a bowl, he replied, “Did ya read tha’ letter ya gave me last night?”

“Well of course Ah did!” Applejack said, picking her head up off of the table. “Did Ah miss somethin’?

“Eenope,” he replied, adding a few spices to his mix. “Just think about it.”

Silence reigned over the dawn-lit kitchen as the wheels in Applejacks mind turned. Before long, the sizzle of eggs was heard as Mac poured them over the hot cast-iron skillet he was using.

“Ah give up,” Applejack finally said.

“Think about who sent the letter. And tha’ conversation we had with Twilight yesterday.”

Sudden realization dawned upon the orange mare. Her green eyes grew wide as she took in a sharp breath. She quickly took a swig of coffee to calm her nerves, and scalded her tongue in the process. After breathing in and out for several seconds in a futile attempt to cool down her throbbing throat, she turned to her brother.

“Are ya gonna warn her?”

“Ah…don’t rightly know. Ah mean, what would Ah say, AJ?” His eggs had finished cooking, and, cutting off the stove, he joined her at the table with his own mug of coffee. Black, as usual.

“Ya could tell her that she might wanna steer clear of tha farm for a few days.”

Mac shook his head vehemently. “Absolutely not. I think she needs ta meet ‘em.”

Applejack’s mouth hung wide open for a moment. “That’s settin’ yerself up fer disaster, Mac! Ya know how she freaks out over tha littlest things! And impressions are huge ta that mare!”

“All the reason Ah know she’ll be just fine,” he said. He was silent as he took several bites of his breakfast, and drank some coffee. There we go, he thought, as a soothing sensation washed over his mind.

“Well, maybe with you there…” Applejack trailed off. “But Fuji and Devine?”

Mac shrugged.

“Ya ain’t worried ‘bout what they’ll say?”

“Let ‘em say what they will, AJ. If they got badmouthin’ to do, then Ah don’t need ‘em.”

“But they’re family!”

“That we haven’t seen since we was fillies and colts!” Mac yelled, slamming his hoof on the table. His sister shrank back a bit. “Sorry,” he quickly said.

“Ah—Ah guess I’m worried ‘bout Twi,” Applejack muttered. “She don’t take well to criticism. And as far as Ah know, she ain’t never been exposed to ponies who just don’t like other types ‘a ponies. Ah’m worried how she’ll take it.”

Big Macintosh took a deep breath before releasing it in a long sigh.

“Yeah, Ah ‘spose Ah am, too. But what’s the worst that could happen, AJ? She gets upset, Ah talk to her ‘bout it, and then she’s fine.”

His sister shook her head, slowly. “Didn’t ya figure it out with the Smarty Pants incident? When there’s a problem, any problem, Twilight wants to fix it. Ah don’t wanna even get started on tha’ worst that could happen.”

The siblings sat in quiet as Mac finished his plate, and stared idly down at the black pool of bitter drink. He took a swig, and watched as the liquid swirled around the mug before coming to a still halt.

“Ah—guess Ah’ll warn her,” he said, finally. “See what she thinks. If she want’s ta come over an’ meet ‘em or steer clear.”

“That’s mah brother. When are the folks gonna be here?”

“Two days from now, by mah count. The letter said three days from when Ah received it, so Ah’m guessin’ that puts ‘em here in two days.”

“Best let her know as soon as ya can, then,” Applejack said. “She’ll wanna prepare no matter what, best to get her started early.”

Big Macintosh, of course, knew this. It was his marefriend they were talking about, after all. He just hated to even think of the look on her face when he told her, but he knew that it would be better than dropping it on her last minute. She would kill him if he did that, and between him and Celestia, he’d like to live many more years before going wherever it was ponies went after death.

“Yeah, yer right.” Taking a few last swigs of his coffee, Big Macintosh removed himself from the kitchen, and went to go shower off before starting his hectic day.


Something is inside of my ear.

The lavender mare twitched in her sleep.

Something is inside of my ear. And it’s…squirming?

She rolled just slightly, and her eyes creaked open just a touch.

And it’s….WET?

“Ew! Ewewewewewewew!” Twilgiht immediately jumped out of her bed, horn flaring up with its purple aura as she performed a quick spell to remove all non-living skin cells on the inside of her left ear. It was a spell she normally used for exfoliation purposes, but dire circumstances called for dire measures.

“Spike! SPIKE! What in the hay is in my ear! Do we have a slug infestation?” Twilight was practically shouting as she ran towards her dresser mirror, checking her ear for a gooey intruder. Finding nothing but her normal ear, she heard laughter behind her. The librarian shifted her gaze in the mirror slightly, sighting two males cracking up at her expense.

“Good one, Big Mac!” Spike said, holding his stomach. “Bet she hasn’t ever had a tongue in her ear!”

Mac’s rolling laughter peeled through the room, and despite the circumstances, Twilight couldn’t help but smile.

“I wouldn’t say that, exactly,” she said, as she trotted up to her coltfriend and gave him a peck on his cheek. She then levitated her manebrush over to Big Mac, and rapped him on the back of his head a few times until his eyes were slightly crossed. “And that’s for waking me up in such a disgusting manner! It’s a good thing I’m not Rarity, or you would have been through the window!”

“That an’ other reasons,” Mac muttered, rubbing his head.

“What was that?” Twilight asked, raising the hairbrush again.


Spike was still recovering from his laughter. “You gotta admit, Twilight, it was pretty funny.”

“Yes, Spike. Ha ha, I’m dying of laughter. Now might I ask why you woke me up like that, smoochykins?” Twilight could almost feel herself die a little on the inside when she uttered that term of endearment, but it was all for a purpose.

“Ugh,” Spike said, pretending to put his finger down his throat. “I’m outta here. See you guys later!”

The two ponies watched as he exited the room, slamming the door as he went.

“I knew using a word like that would make him leave,” Twilight said, placing her brush back on her dresser.

“Why’d ya want him to leave?” Mac inquired. “Somethin’ wrong with Spike bein’ around?”

“No. I just…” Twilight trailed off as she walked up to Mac. She planted another kiss on his cheek, stretching out her neck and standing on the tips of her hooves to fully reach it. “…I like to have you to myself.”

Mac hummed in contentment as he turned his head to meet his marefriend’s lips. They held the kiss for a moment before Big Mac broke it.

“Twilight, there’s somethin’ Ah gotta talk to ya ‘bout.”

“Go ahead, shoot,” she replied, placing a trail of kisses on his neck.

“Ah—let’s be serious here a moment.” He used a hoof to push her away slightly, and he moved to sit beside her bed. Motioning for her to hop up on the mattress, he waited until she was in place to begin his news. “Ah got a letter yesterday.”

Twilight cocked her head slightly, giving him a confused look. “So? I get letters all the time,” she said. “What’s the big deal?”

“No, Ah got a letter that’s a bit—that is to say, it ain’t the best ‘a news. Dependin’ on how ya look at it.”

His marefriend placed a hoof over her mouth. “What happened?”

“Well, not what happened, ‘xactly. More like, what’s gonna happen.”


Mac took a deep breath, and looked out of the window before continuing. “Now, Ah don’t want ya ta freak out on me, aight? You remember tha conversation we had with mah sister yesterday, Ah’m sure?”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed as she nodded in agreement, the dream she had coming to the forefront of her mind once again. “Yes. Why?”

“Now, Ah’m a bit reluctant ta bring this up ‘cause it was kinda an awkward conversation, if ya know what Ah mean.”

“Y—you can say that again.” Twilight could feel her heartbeat begin to beat a little faster as the topic was brought back into light.

“Right. Well, this letter Ah got was from one ‘a them family members. Turns out they’re comin’ ta visit in a few days’ time.”

Nothing was said for minutes. Twilight was seemingly staring straight through Big Macintosh, at something that he could not see. He allowed her to process the information for a few seconds more before he decided he should try to calm her down. She had that look in her eye that said something along the lines of ‘Help me, I’m about to go off the deep end.’

“Now, Twilight, Ah don’t want ya to—“

“To what?” she asked, making eye contact. “I’m okay! That’s great news! I’m sure they aren’t that bad!” Her pupils had shrunken to pinpoints, and her left eye and ear twitched.

Mac’s mouth was hanging open. Eeyup. Ah may have just broken mah marefriend.


“Ah—ya know, you’re right. They ain’t that bad. Ah really just wanted ya ta know, so ya’d be prepared and whatnot.” Mac paused and glanced at Twilight from the corner of his eyes. “Ya aren’t ‘bout ta freak out on me, are ya?”

Twilight closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Thank Celestia I’ve got him here. Only he can calm me down. “No, no I’m not. Just—stay with me today, please? For a little while, at least. I need to sort through all of this in my head. Mentally prepare, if you will.” She leaned her head against his as she said this, emphasizing her need for his support.

“Of course. But ‘Twi?”


“Ah think you’ll do jus’ fine. Ah’m sure mah family will like ya once they get ta know ya. After all, they are comin’ to mah farm, and that means playin’ by mah rules.”

Twilight giggled, earning a look of confusion from her coltfriend. “I thought it was Applejack’s farm?”

Mac raised an eyebrow. “Is that what she tells you?” His low laugh echoed throughout the small bedroom, filling Twilight’s chest with its warmth. “Ask ‘er next time ya see her who handles all tha finances. That’ll throw her through a loop.”

It was Twilight’s turn to laugh as she nuzzled Mac’s cheek, soaking in his positive demeanor. I just have to keep smiling, as Pinkie would say, Twilight thought. Mac won’t let anything bad happen.

“So by stayin’ with ya, did ya mean we had ta stay in tha library?”

“Oh! No,” Twilight said, ears folding back as she blushed. “We can go do something, if you’d like to.”

“Good, ‘cause you’ve had enough ‘a all this worryin’, and stayin’ cooped up in here won’t help ya none. Let’s go get some fresh air.” Big Macintosh smiled and rose from his spot next to the bed, and began making his way out of the little room, Twilight close behind.

Once they were downstairs, Twilight called out to her assistant. “Spike! Spiiiiiiike!”

“Yes, Twilight?” he asked from atop a ladder. His arms were laden with books all going in the same area. A really, really high up area.

“Mac and I are going out. Are you okay to run the library for a while?”

“Of course I am!” he said, with a little salute. Doing so caused him to wobble back and forth, almost falling off the ladder and landing in a heap upon the floor. Fortunately, Twilight gave a slight burst of magic to steady him once again.

“Be careful up there! You know what a fall like that could do!”

“Yes ma’am,” Spike grumbled. “Have fun while you’re out. And if you see Rarity—“

“I know, I know,” Twilight huffed, rolling her eyes, “give her your best wishes, and tell her you’ll probably be over tomorrow to see if she needs help with anything.”

“You got it! Thanks, Twilight!” Spike smiled and waved as the two ponies left.


“So, where do ya wanna go?” Big Macintosh asked Twilight once they had walked a good ways away from the library.

“Well, are you thinking about going to the farm, or into town?”

“It’s up to you, really.”

“No, no. You’re the one that wanted fresh air! You decide, honestly!”

“Ah—“ Mac narrowed his eyes. He knew this situation. The one where the mare has in mind exactly what she wants to do, but she wants the stallion to make the right decision. It was all a test. He groaned internally, hoping this was one exam that he could pass. “Ah think we should go—“ he paused as he heard Twilight’s stomach growl, silently thanking Celestia for this small victory. “—grab something to eat. What d’ya think?”

Twilight gave him a sheepish smile. “You know me too well. To town it is!”

The happy couple made their way through the Ponyville streets, tails intertwined together, as they talked about nothing in particular. They passed several friends of Twilight’s, including Lyra and Bon Bon, who were out looking for home décor items, as well as the town’s mailmare, Ditzy Doo. After several hellos and how-do-you-do’s, they reached their destination, which was one of the small cafes that sold Twilight’s favorite daisy sandwiches.

The couple took their seats at an outdoor table, the one that Twilight still remembered being at when Rainbow was trying to get a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. The waiter came by and collected their drink orders promptly, before leaving them to their own.

“You know, Mac, I don’t think we’ve been out to eat before, really.”

“No? Well Ah ‘spose Ah do eat most of mah meals at tha farm.”

Twilight giggled. “If I could cook half as well as your sisters and Granny Smith, I’d probably never leave my library.”

“Ah thought ya hardly did anyways,” Mac replied, poking fun at his bookish marefriend.

“Hey now, watch it! I’ve got magic, and I’m not afraid to use it.” Twilight lit her horn while giving him a playful look.

Before too long, their drinks were brought out and their orders were made, leaving the two in a comfortable silence. After a moment, Twilight had to ask a question that had been on her mind for a while.

“So, Mac,” she began. “These ponies that are coming to visit you, what are they like?”

Big Macintosh set his drink down, and rested his head on a hoof. “Well, they’re different, that’s fer sure. Fuji an’ Devine both come from tha eastern portion of Equestria, situated a bit between Baltimare and Fillydelphia. Their family’s been there a long time, so like Ah told ya yesterday, they’re real homebodies.”

“So why are they coming to visit?”

“They said somethin’ bout wantin’ to learn how Ah grow mah apples, said they been havin’ some real bad luck as of late.”

“I see. Did they say how long it’s been going on?”

“Naw. Just said they been havin’ issues. Apparently Sweet Apple Acres is a bit famous. Our Zap Apple Jam and our cider spreads tha word, or somethin’ like that. Ah try not to worry ‘bout it too much.”

“Yeah,” Twilight agreed, smiling, “you aren’t the sort of stallion that lets little things bother you. And that’s part of why I love you.”

“That, and Ah keep ya sane.”

“Hey! I’m a perfectly sane pony!”

Mac was laughing then, thoroughly enjoying himself as he joked with Twilight. It wasn’t something he did much, which made it all the better when he did. The unicorn waiter emerged at that moment with their food, and set it in front of them.

“Do you need anything else?” he asked, a bit of a Canterlot accent laced throughout the speech.

“Eenope,” Big Macintosh replied, recovering himself. “Thank ya, though.”

“Alright, you two enjoy your meal, and let me know if there are any problems.”

“Thanks!” Twilight said, before levitating her sandwich over for a bite. Both she and Macintosh were quiet as they took the first sampling of their meals, Mac having ordered a small vegetable pizza. Twilight moaned in satisfaction, eyes rolling in the back of her head. “What?” she asked, seeing Mac eyeing her.

“Nothin’. Yer just enjoyin’ that sammich a bit too much,” he said, grinning.

“Well, it tastes better than you,” she replied, hoping to give him a dose of his own medicine.

“Oh really, now?” he asked, his speech thick with his southern accent. “Ah’d beg ta differ, from what Ah’ve heard.”

“Um—I—uh.” Twilight’s mouth was full, and she couldn’t form a full response, so she just shrugged and continued eating. Mac chuckled at her expense, going back to eating his pizza.

Halfway through the meal, the two ponies heard the unmistakable sound of a gallop headed straight their way. Upon looking in the general direction, they discovered Applejack booking it for their table. The orange mare skidded to a halt right before crashing into said table, panting for breath as she recovered her stance.

“Thank Celestia Ah found ya!” she said, in one quick breath.

“AJ? What’s wrong?” Mac asked.

She was still trying to catch her breath as she relayed her news. “Th—that letter that,” huff, “you got yesterday,” huff, “gimme a sec.”

They waited until she had taken a few more breaths, and then one large one to finally calm herself down.

“What about tha letter?” Big Macintosh finally asked.

“It apparently was supposed to get here much sooner than it did. Fuji and Devine just arrived at tha farm.”

Nopony said anything. The only sound that could be heard was the clanking of silverware and chatter from other guests, mixed in with Applejack’s labored breathing. Big Macintosh looked at his marefriend, almost scared of what he’d find. Her pupils had shrunk to the size of pinpricks, and her ears were plastered back against her head. If he knew anything about Twilight, then Mac knew she was probably already playing out the worst possible scenarios of what would happen when she met them.

At that moment, the waiter was trotting by. Big Macintosh tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

“Check, please.”