• Published 12th Dec 2017
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Student 32: Sunset Shimmer - Show Stopper

Sunset's flight through the mirror has landed her in a rather strange world with even stranger magic. Can she survive this middle school life while being taught by a 10 year old from Wales? A Negima crossover fanfiction.

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Arc 4: Chapter 21


“Because none of the teachers will think to check outside for students, especially once the others start getting caught.”


“Of course they will. Kaede may be a ninja, but the rest of them lack any sort of stealth or subtlety. They’ll begin dropping like flies almost immediately. I’d be thoroughly surprised if no-one has been caught yet.”


“Exactly. With Nitta guarding those in the lobby, we can’t afford to take the shorter route in front of the hotel. So we’ve got to go around the back.”


“Honya and Yue are both Library Exploration Club members. If I know them, they'll be taking the balconies around the outside. We’ll meet them at the fire-escape and work our way in from there.”

Zazie nodded as she continued to follow Sunset. They’d snuck out their window almost immediately after the game had started and were now approaching their target destination, Zazie carrying a single pillow while Sunset had two hastily modified ones tucked into the sash of her robe. Upon reaching the far side of the hotel, Sunset stared up at the third-story door, a frown on her face.

“I can get up there easily,” she muttered. “I guess I could pick you up and jump with you, but...” Sunset trailed off when she saw Zazie run at a nearby tree. She leapt up, grabbing one of the lower branches and using the momentum to swing her body around once. Twice. Thrice, and she let go, launching herself further up. She landed on another branch, one that stretched out towards the hotel. She walked along it confidently, her arms out to either side. Just as the branch started to sag, she leapt forward, somersaulting twice before landing perfectly before the fire-escape.

Sunset rolled her eyes as she channeled her magic, leaping up to join her. “Show off.”

“Eh?! N-Nichi-chan? Zazie-san?” Sunset and Zazie turned to see Yue and Nodoka cautiously approaching them. “Wh-what are you doing here?” Nodoka whispered.

“To be honest, I was going to ask you the same thing.” Sunset crossed her arms and gave Nodoka a concerned look. “You realize what's probably going to happen, right? Springfield's pet is probably stalking this little event and waiting to make contracts with anyone who succeeds in kissing him.”

Yue shared a glance with Nodoka, who nodded. “We know,” Yue said. “Nodoka wants to do this.”

“I-I want to get to know Negi-sensei better,” Nodoka said, stammering at first but growing in confidence as she spoke. “He still doesn't know that we know about magic, right? I can't get closer to him if there's such a big secret between us. And… I want to help him if something else happens. I… I don't want to just sit on the side if something like Evangeline-san happens again!”

Sunset took a step back, surprised at her friend's conviction. I've never seen her this confident about anything! She sighed and nodded, smiling. Springfield, you don't know how lucky you are. “Alright, I'll keep everyone off your back, then.” Her smile morphed into a confident smirk as she grabbed her modified pillows and slipped then over her fists. “Let's do this!”

The hallway beyond the door was dark and quiet, with no sign of anyone’s presence. Sunset half worried that Kaede might be hiding in the shadows before recalling who she was paired with; Baka Yellow was almost as loud and unsubtle as the rest of the class.

“No-one’s here yet,” Yue whispered as they crept along. “This is our chance. Negi-sensei’s room is just down this hall, number 304.”

“Great,” Sunset whispered back. “Let’s hurry up an- wall!” At the familiar command, Yue and Nodoka flattened themselves against the walls and began looking around for any traps. Sunset put a finger to her lips from where she hid beside them and pointed up at the ceiling where a small part of it was beginning to shift. Sunset looked around for Zazie and was surprised to find that the other girl had vanished as well. She turned her attention back to the ceiling just as a hole appeared and a rope ladder dropped through.

“No-one is here yet,” a young-sounding voice whispered from above. “Now’s our chance!”

“Auuu, I’m scared,” an equally young voice wined back. Yue and Sunset shared a brief glance before Yue held up her pillow, along with the one she had taken from Nodoka. Sunset nodded, turning to Nodoka and gesturing along the wall. They began making their way along as silently as possible while Yue stepped out into the middle of the hallway just as Fumika began climbing down the ladder.

“Ah!” she cried, looking down. “Yue-kichi of team 5!”

“Damn it!” Fuka hissed, staring down after her. “She must be scouting ahead. Eliminate her, Fumika!”

Sunset smirked as she and Nodoka hurried along, unnoticed by the twins. “Don’t worry,” she hissed into Nodoka’s ear. “Yue can handle them. And I’m pretty sure Zazie’s keeping a close eye on them just in case she needs to step in.”

“A-a-are you sure?” Nodoka whispered back, constantly turning to look over her shoulder.

“Aah! Yue-kichi! Using books is against the rules!”

“If the books are inside of the pillows, then it’s allowed!”

Sunset repressed a chuckle as she hurried them along. “I’m sure. So long as no-one else shows up-”

“Oyo! We’ve found them!”

Damn it, Murphy! Sunset grit her teeth as Ku Fei and Kaede stepped around the corner, their eyes instantly spotting Sunset and Nodoka despite their efforts. Sunset stepped out into the open, bringing up her pillowed fists and thanking whoever was listening that they’d made it to Negi’s door. “Go, Honya,” she hissed, squaring off against the martial-arts duo. “I’ll take things from here.”

“N-N-Nichi-chan!” Nodoka cried, looking from the door to her friend. “I- but- you-”

“Ohoho.” Ku Fei grinned at Sunset, a pair of pillows held in her hands. “I see you’re using the rules to your advantage aru.”

Sunset grinned, faking confidence. “What can I say? Go with what you know.” The two pillows fit over her hands almost like boxing gloves, letting Sunset fight in her usual style. It was a small advantage against a martial artist like Ku Fei, but she hoped it would be enough to give Nodoka some much needed time.

“Get in there, Honya,” Sunset hissed out the corner of her mouth. “Now! Before someone else gets here!”

Nodoka finally seemed to snap out of her panic. She quickly opened the door and slipped into Negi’s room, closing the door behind her.

“Are you sure about this?” Ku Fei asked, looking from Sunset to the trio fighting behind her. “I know that you’ve been learning to box, but I don’t think-”

Sunset darted forward while Ku was distracted, throwing a right jab straight for her face. Ku dodged easily, her attention immediately snapping back to Sunset in time to easily block the follow-up strike.

Crap! Sunset thought, striking out with quick jabs which were easily blocked or dodged, though Ku didn’t seem to have enough time between strikes to counter. Speed’s the best thing I’ve got going for me, and she’s outpacing me easily. Come on, Honya; just one kiss, and-


Sunset immediately disengaged, leaping back and rushing for the door to Negi’s room, Yue and Ku close behind her. She threw it open, all thoughts of being quiet shattered by Nodoka’s scream. “Honya!!!”

Nodoka lay on the ground, obviously dazed. Zazie knelt beside her, fanning her face with her own pillow. The room was vacant apart from them, the window behind them flung open.

“Damn!” Ku shouted, rushing for the room’s balcony. “He escaped through the window!”

“After him, Fumika!” Fuka shouted, leaping over the edge without a second though. Fumika, Ku, and Kaede followed immediately afterward, the last one wearing an amused smile that had persisted throughout the contest.

“Nodoka!” Yue shouted, kneeling down beside her friend and shaking her shoulders. “Get ahold of yourself! Nodoka!”

“Uuun,” Nodoka moaned. “Five Negi-sensei…”

“Five?” Sunset asked, looking up at Zazie. “What does she mean, five.”

Zazie stared blankly at Sunset for a moment. She opened her mouth. Closed it. Considered for a moment. Finally, she shook her head and held up one of her hands, all five fingers extended.

Sunset blinked before turning to stare out the window. “Damn it, Springfield.”


“Five Negi-sensei? And they’re confessing to everyone simultaneously!?”

Sunset sighed and massaged the bridge of her nose. She’d snuck back to Group 6’s room and switched on the TV, turning quickly to the channel where Asakura was streaming the War of Lips. She’d watched as the rest of the competition split up in their search for their wayward teacher. And now she watched as five Negi-clones declared their intentions to kiss five of her classmates.

“Well,” Sunset muttered, smirking slightly as she saw Yue smack one of the clones across the room with one of her book-pillows, “at least one of them realizes that something strange is going on.” The fake burst in an explosive cloud of smoke, and Sunset turned to leave, checking the hallway quickly before slipping out. Now, let’s see if we can’t bring an end to this farce before it gets even more out of hand.

Dodging Nitta was easy, as the sounds of commotion from downstairs soon drew him away from the third floor. From there Sunset went from room to room, testing anything with a lock. She finally found what she was looking for; the women’s toilet was locked. Sunset did a quick search for security cameras and, finding none, slipped out her wand. A couple of quick taps and a whispered incantation unlocked the door, and Sunset made her way inside.

“It seems all of the Negi-sensei were fake! Does this mean the proceeds from the betting pool go to me?”

“I suppose,” Sunset said, closing and locking the door behind her, “if you want to get the entire class on your back.”

“N-N-Nichi-chan?!” Asakura dropped her mike, grinning nervously and trying to hide a massive bag of meal tickets behind her back. “Wh-what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be chasing down Negi-sensei for Honya?”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Rather hard for Honya to kiss someone that isn’t here.” A flash of movement caught her eye and she shot a glare at Asakura’s laptop. “I knew you were involved in this somehow, rodent, but I never thought you’d go so far as to drag another student into your machinations. Especially after my last warning.”

“Y-you’ve got it all wrong, Ane-san!” Chamo peaked out from behind the computer, grinning nervously. “Y-you see, Asakura nee-san found us out on her own. See, there was this truck, and it was about to hit a cat. But-”

Sunset held up a hand, cutting him off. “Yeah, let me guess. Springfield blew it once again. I guess you get to live another day, then.” She switched her glare back to Asakura, who had been trying to sneak around her towards the exit. “So I guess that means this whole ‘War of Lips’ was your bright idea after all?”

Asakura chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of her head. “W-well, it seemed like a good idea, you know? More partners, more power. And the fact that Chamo-chi gets a pretty good payday per card is a nice bonus.”

“Of course he does.” Sunset sighed and looked back to the laptop. “Well, at least it’s all over no-” Her eyes went wide. “Hello? What’s this?”

One of the outside cameras had caught another Negi making his way towards the hotel. Unlike all of the others, this one wore a familiar staff across his back. “That’s him!” Chamo shouted. “That must be the real Aniki!”

Asakura quickly switched the feed to the outside camera and scrambled for the mike. “I-It seems the real Negi-sensei has made an appearance! And group 5 is the only one in the area! Is Honya going to go for it?!”

Sunset couldn’t help but watch in anticipation, and she found herself wishing the hotel’s cameras could capture audio. Both Nodoka and Negi seemed nervous as they met in the lobby, but Nodoka didn’t seem to be pressing anything or moving forward. Their conversation was quick, and they began moving away from the lobby. Guess she decided to save that conversation for later, Sunset thought. Can’t really blame her, with everything that’s-

And then Yue stuck out her leg.

Nodoka tripped, Negi just managing to catch her as their faces collided, their lips meeting each other briefly before they hurriedly pulled apart, no doubt stammering apologies.

It was enough for Asakura, and for the pactio.

“Honya-chan won!!” Asakura shouted into her mike as a card appeared in Chamo’s paws. It featured Nodoka in her uniform and a light duster, an open book hovering before her. A spread of six books floated behind her head, two more open ones hovering at either side. Asakura quickly swiped up the card, stuffing it into her pocket.

“Alright,” she hissed, grabbing the bag of meal tickets. “Not quite the result I expected, but it looks like we’re still making a profit. Let’s split, Chamo-chi! Nichi-chan!”

Sunset nodded, checking a couple more of the cameras. “Looks like the way back to the dorms is clear,” she lied, smirking as she slipped her wand out of her pocket. “I’ll see you two tomorrow.”

“Eh?” Chamo asked, surprised. “What are you doing?”

Sunset smirked, focusing her magic and sneaking a peak at the computer feed which showed a rather irate Nitta-sensei approaching the restroom they were hiding in. “Just taking a shortcut. Ianuae Magicae." She vanished in a flash of light just as the door started to open.


Setsuna sighed and massaged the bridge of her nose. “So, let me get this straight,” she said. “Kazumi-san found out about magic and started working together with Chamo-san. They organized a ‘War of Lips’ in the hopes of getting several pactio for Negi-sensei. Meanwhile, Negi-sensei made several faulty paper clones which caused havoc when the competitors got to his room, resulting in everyone except for the two of you getting caught by Nitta-sensei and forced to squat in the lobby. And because Nitta-sensei thought Negi-sensei was in on it, he has to squat there too.”

Sunset and Zazie shared looks before nodding. “Pretty much,” Sunset said. “Though you missed the part where Nodoka managed to nab a kiss and a pactio from Springfield thanks to Yue.”

“Of course.” Setsuna sighed. “This isn’t good. Negi-sensei is becoming far too conspicuous. If it gets out that he’s a mage-”

“Yeah yeah,” Sunset said, waving her off. “Back to England. Turned into an ermine. Blah blah blah. Honestly, if his cover hasn’t been blown after tonight, I doubt anything will get through our classmates’ thick skulls.”

Setsuna pondered that for a moment before nodding. “You… may be correct. Our class is strangely accepting of the unusual and impossible. I only worry because Kazumi-san is doubtless going to give Nodoka-san her pactio card. If she happens to activate it somehow…”

“Don’t worry about that,” Sunset said. “If she activates it, it’ll be entirely intentional. She and Yue already know about magic, after all.”

Setsuna’s eyes went wide. “What?! You told them?!”

“Didn’t have much of a choice after Evangeline attacked,” Sunset said. “I had to tell Nodoka something, and I knew it would be impossible for her to keep it from her best friend. Besides, if she’s going to keep getting closer to Springfield, do you really think she won’t find out about it sooner or later?”

Setsuna groaned and went back to massaging the bridge of her nose. “You’re taking this entire situation entirely too casually.”

“Blame my upbringing,” Sunset dismissed with a shrug. “When you grow up in a world of constant magic, you fail to see the horror of the secret getting out.” She stretched a bit before walking over to her bed and lying down. “In any case, we’d better get some sleep. Tomorrow’s another full day, and I doubt that monkey-woman is going to let us rest any more than she already has. G’night.”

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