• Member Since 4th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago




Set after The Flash Season 2 finale:

After being betrayed by Zoom (Jay Garrik) Flash is willing to change the past and save his mom, but the Speed Force sends him to Equestria instead so he can become the mentor of a young speedster whose powers are to be awaken.

In the meantime after spend four years trapped in a desert island, Blue Blood is willing to fix the mistakes of his past.

Edited by rich-online. Thank you for all your help budy!

Chapters (26)
Comments ( 235 )

This came out 3 minutes ago... well


So, ArrowVerse: FiM edition...? Seems legit.

It is now six hours old... Reading now... I like it

Interesting though it's not nearly as interesting to have him be a pegasus

I like it. One thing though. Failed to equestria? Do you mean failed equestria? It kinda awkward to read or say, or is that a reference I'm not getting?

They failed to equestria. Sounds like they failed as a cartoon pony

Not bad, let’s see how this goes.

I like your Asuna profile pic.

Blueblood is the Arrow in this universe!? I should have known this screamed DC TV Universe...

"Fail to Equestria"

You not know grammar

Love this story... When will he meet rainbow dash?

I like this but you have to stop saying "Failed to Equestria" it's really awkward to read.

I like how Barry pretty much shattered RD's ego with his presence.

Yes it is funny that rainbow suddenly isn't the fastest around

Sorry, I just wanted o adapt Green Arrow's catchphrase: You have failed this city

You can simply take out the 'to' and that makes it work in almost every case.

It’s okay but, should it be teen?

Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped, when did he took the letter?


without even reading this yet I know RD is gonna be frustrated!

And I love the OC!

its sad that no matter how hard rainbow trains she never will be as fast as barry he can move so fast he can go back in time sonic rainboom is nothing compared to that

wait flash and mlp. buck yes!

ok awesome story but i have to ask is derpy the speedster cause ive always had this theory that she has a natural affinity for lightning. i mean after the time she jumped on a lightning cloud and for some reasons was mostly fine after being electrocuted, or during slice of life being drawn to the tesla coil thing in the doctors lab. plus it someone who can be played off of both barry and blood pretty easly while also not being an obvious choice. also shes alot like berry, she has a desire to help people even if she messes up and shes pretty determined when she wants to be like a certain constantly late csi we know. if not derpy than my second guess is pinkie, i mean she already has weird abilities plus theres was that one time she had super speed and kept up with rainbow dash. also it would make for a pretty interesting conflict between her and rainbow dash. i mean she said rainbows a true speedster but if she was the speedster i have a feeling that would really piss rainbow off, feeling like she got cheated or something. plus she seemed a little weirded out by the whole speedster and arrow thing. so yeah you could expand and show hows shes torn having to hide things from her friends and her hesitance with dealing with the darker side of the world. i dont know that could be fleshed out more but who knows. my third guess since everything comes in three is spike because the guys usually ignored and honestly he needs a win every now and then. ok but seriously my real guess is lyra, shes weird enough to go along with the whole speed force multiverse thing, also she has a significant other so you could write up something similar to how barry hid his powers from iris. plus like derpy i could see you playing her off pretty much everyone pretty well and lyra like derpy is a flexible enough character that you can really do your own thing with her.

RD's ego knows no bounds and at this point I wonder why she's picked to be the Element of Loyalty.

Please tell me Lightning Dust will appear in this story.

I applied you good sir did not see that coming with blueblood.

Boi twilight is jumping the gun again this is why she's my least favourite characters

Oh look, HiE story that isn't a Brony in Equestria story. Adding to my Read Later pile. Might jump the list if my active fics aren't updating that day.

Methinks Rarity could have made a living as a detective in an alternate universe.

Hey are you going to include some of the flashes other abilities cause he has some cool ones, hopefully god next season will delve into themnlike how he can think and perceive things so much faster then a normal person or some of the other awesome one.

Ps just once I would love to See berry do the intimate mass punch.

How do you know its not pinkie pie?

“Perfect, switch it with this one” said the figure as he gave the butler an identical-looking envelupe in return.


“I tried to follow him. I… I messed up, and he saved me. He tied up those unicorns so fast I could barely follow his moves. And the worse part was that he didn’t need to take this time to accelerate, he instantly moved at that speed, and, and, he wasn’t even tired! I thought I could catch him, but he was too fast, even after I did a Sonic Rainboom! He literally turned into a sterak of light!”


Ow hey I know Barry is helping out blue blood right now, along with looking for the speedster but I was wondering if we were going to see Barry do any other hero stuff like see him save people from burning buildings or from crashes or anything else. Also it would be really cool to get the general populace opinion on the flash, I mean we've heard most people say how there afraid of he arrow but it would be cool to get some more people's opinion On the flash just to flesh out the word a bit more. Like clearly the news knows about him and the sudden appearance of a super powered being must have shaken some stuff up in canterlot.

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I have a horrible, horrible feeling that RD's obsession will cost everything. Including her friends.
I've watched enough of the Flash to know that she might become Equestria's equivalent of the Reverse-Flash. I also know this because this crossover is based offa the DC TV universe.

Yay they now know that the flash is real

Oh gods; Rainbow is this story's Eobard Thawne in the making...

Ohh damn.

This just got real.

Oh, good. Rainbow Dash is NOT gonna become the Reverse-Flash after all. Not sure why, but I can imagine several analogues here from the Flash-verse, with the exception of Barry as the mentor.

Huh, there was a chapter 6, and now there isn't, really wanted to read that.

should have know twilight experiment would have created a speedster.

Sorry about that, a last minute change from my editor. It'll be back soon, I promise

Hi there, sorry for the inconvenience. The chapter is available again

i like the start of this story, but it needs an editors touch.

Well, I look forward to reading this, nice title by the way, 4/5 stars for originality

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