• Member Since 19th Oct, 2011
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the dobermans


Twilight makes a new scientific discovery that could change the course of history. With Spike at her side, she embarks on a quest to test her hypothesis, and do what no pony has ever done before.

(Set before season 8)

Special thanks to Pre-reader 63.546 for first-rate editing.

Featured on EQD 24 Sep 2018.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 38 )

:moustache: ... grabs a quill and parchment "Dear Princess Celestia. Twilight is having a stupid moment again. Please help. Spike."

what does that even mean???

I believe you mean viscosity?


Hello, and thanks for reading! While viscosity is certainly a property that blood possesses, it relates stress on a fluid to shear velocity (kind of like stiffness relates stress and strain for solids, but not really), whereas Twilight is investigating the velocity itself.

One can also note the difference in the tensor rank: viscosity is 4th rank, I believe, while velocity is rank 1 (a vector).

gunpowder? tubes? Things look dangerous!


Oh come now, Karmada! Nothing here but apple pies and raspberries :pinkiesmile:

I can already tell this will not end well.

I don't think there has been more than once or twice before that something I've read has given me such a creeping sense of doom.


...Twilight, what the hell are you trying to do? What does the velocity of blood have to do with stopping entropy or...whatever?

Very confused.... :derpyderp1: And somewhat creeped out. :pinkiecrazy: What the hay is Twilight up to? What does blood have to do with friendship? Also, what did that linked article about the creation of nylon have to do with this?

Also feeling an impending sense of doom for Twilight and I'm not sure why....

...This isn't going to end with Twilight creating or becoming the first Incubator, is it?

Finally reading this!

She’d been with him for so long that it was often hard to see him as a separate creature rather than a faculty of her own thoughts.

I really like this line.

She wondered whether she would ever be called like Starlight had, not too long ago.

It should have been twilight!!!

Ahh, okay, I thought the velocity of blood might be a metaphor last chapter. She means it literally. I'm curious to see where the experiment goes and what it has to do with friendship. Perhaps you're using it both literally and metaphorically...

Generally speaking, it’s what keeps us from knowing the absolute truth about the natural world

And really screws with your mind on the quantum level. :derpytongue2:


It should have been twilight!!!

I wanted to cry, and in the end be uplifted, but now it's too late, too late ...

I like that Spike calms Twilight down. He understands her better than most. Either way, Twilight is taking this quite seriously. I suppose she does every experiment, but I dunno.

a droopy-eared stallion who had either forgotten or not bothered to doff his pajamas for the day.

This is me. :D

Entropy increased. It has to. That’s the only real progress that’s ever made.

Does entropy apply to our understanding of entropy? :scootangel:


Does entropy apply to our understanding of entropy? :scootangel:

Entropyception :rainbowderp:

I look forward to seeing more of this story. It really is well tied together! Though I would disagree with Twilight’s conception of science.

She seems to be in remission on friendship, but also there's something deeper going on. I'm sure you have a plan, let's find out what happens :)

I can't quite figure out what time period Twilight's conception of science and the technologies she's using most closely apply to.
Water clocks are reliable enough for day to day use, but not for anything requiring precision, because the flow rate changes with temperature. I can't guarantee that Celestia's horn is not a constant length, so I'll let that slide. And Spike highlighted part of the problem with using the length of a day in Equestria as the base unit of time; the other part being that there is no guarantee that Celestia and Luna are perfectly on time every time.

Is your prereader's name really 63.546?

Well. If we are to take this chapter at face value then there are some critical tags missing from the story.


My math is a good decade or more out of date. Gonna try and puzzle some of this out...

I assume 1/N is to find the average or the resulting Matrix, yes?
And the E symbol, gives the results in each subunit of N, with i starting at 1.

The net part I'm rusty on. SHe was talking about sum of square of a triangles legs, equalling Hypotenuse. So that's Pythoagoras theorum. A² + B² = C²

So I assume the top if the equation being... (Square roots cancel out squares correct?)
d² (i), so that's... distance to the sensor terminus
Rate of change of the distance each unit has traveled.
Rate of Change in time it takes to get to the sensor, from 0.

Velicoty if Distance over time.
So we're adding the distance form the sensor, and the distance traveled, squared (to measure in 2d space). But then rooted to...cancel that?
And the distance travelled is always the same subunit (being 0), so that would always remain the same then wouldn't it?

So she's measuring....
SquareRoot (Distance from sensor² + Gradient times static distance moved² )
Gradient times Time since 0. (which was her heartbeat).

So what's controlling the integer trigger? The time calculation from last chapter with the water clock?

So if we're not measuring her blood flow since that's subset 0. We're only measuring her distance from the sensor, and what that rate of change is over time?
So, she's measuring expansion, so...entropy?

All in all my hunch is that's she's dispering herself into fundamental particles, to literally turn herself into magic, and change the reality of the universe maybe? The formula calculation might just be a red herring for Spike.

I suspect she was using the most theoretical words and formulas she could to throw Spike off of what was actually about to happen. Instead of the math, consider what equipment she set up, and how the equipment is arranged. Also, consider the preparations she did, especially concerning Spike.

Yeah, I kind of assume that.
Like, technically the machine she's made could track a spray of blood. And she's certainly locked herself into the machine.
But the story doesn't have any warnings or a dark tag, so I'm....assuming it's not direct suicide?

I really don't get it...at all.

It seems all I am left with is the face value... and some horrible slapstick? Just what the heck?!?

Head canon: Twilight went a bit nuts after discovering she was imortal and going to outlive her friends. so she built a "suicide by science" machine.

Why not just repeat the printout?

Like, I get it's appears to be open ended to interperetation, and possibly a suicide machine?
Her whole build up to this felt like it was something else though, with the focus on the build, frustrations and sometimes outright anger at spike over tiny things. He really felt like the butt of a joke/whipping post throughout (which admittedly the show does a lot too).

Like. Not a bad ending, it just felt like you were leading to something else/ more.

But anyway! Regardless of all that, thank you for writing this story for everyone to read :)

with it being an ambiguous ending as to whether twilight is alive or dead i can't help but picture this song in regards to the darker side of it with spike dealing with her being gone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM4WsTWdCDQ

Sometimes I don't mind an ambiguous ending. It's not really my thing. But it can be done well. That being said, I had no idea what was going on or what the goal was through the entirety of this story.


I don't get it...


in that case she would fail. (and go even more nuts?)
If you think she is truly immortal, then she (or Harmony?) can rebuild her body from nothing (like during her ascension). If she knows that, that may be a reason for going a "little" crazy. (And using her body as a replaceable test subject too, that would be very much in-character for her)

just as depressing an interaction as I was afraid it would be

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