• Published 20th Oct 2017
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Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

Hanging with the Ninjas

The next morning, while the girls had already gone to the Turtles Lair, Indigo having slept in had gotten dressed and left the hotel to catch up with them, "Oh, man I am so late!" she hurried down the block only to bump into someone, "Ow, hey watch it!" she said.

"Sorry about that." came a male voice.

The two looked up and saw each other. The boy Indigo had bumped into was Keno who wasn't wearing his Antonio's jacket, "You!" the two gasped.

"You're that pizza boy from last night who cracked jokes about me!" Indigo accused.

"My name is Keno, and since we're on that topic, I want to apologize for what I said." Keno answered.

"Apologize?" she asked.

"Yeah. I didn't mean to offend you or anything. Just trying to make a laugh." Keno said, as he got up and offered her his hand.

"Uh, thanks." Indigo took his hand and was brought up.

"So you know my name, what about yours?" Keno asked.

"I'm Indigo Zap." she introduced herself.

"Indigo, huh? I like it."


"So where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"I'm supposed to be meeting up with my friends but I slept in."

"Hey, I know what you mean. Sometimes I lose track of time I'm almost late for my delivery shifts." Keno explained.

"Right. Well, it was nice meeting you. I'll catch ya later." Indigo said, as she hurried off.

"Bye!" Keno called, before thinking, 'She's probably going to go see those turtle men again. I think I better do some investigating on this case.' he went into an alley and was suddenly on the roof dressed as the Night Watcher. He trailed Indigo before spotting her ducking into another alley and went down a sewer.

As Indigo reached the bottom, she started trekking her way to the lair. She was unaware, however, that the vigilante had made his way down into the sewer and began following her while sticking to the shadows.

Meanwhile in the lair, everyone was doing their own things, until Indigo entered, "Hey, sorry I'm late." Indigo said.

"You're lucky we weren't waiting long." Sugarcoat said.

"So what kept you?" Casey asked.

"Well, I ran into an old face while coming here."

"Old face? Who?" Twilight asked.

"The pizza boy me and the girls met last night at Antonio's."

"The one who called you fat?" Sour asked.

"Huh?" the turtles asked.

"Yeah him. Keno's his name." Indigo answered.

"Did he come to crack more wise about you?" Sunny asked suspiciosuly.

"Actually, he apologized."

"He did?" Lemon asked.

"Well, that's nice." Fugitoid said.

"You're so lucky," Mikey said, "I'd love to talk to a Pizza boy. They're like the heralds of sweet cheesy goodness." he salivated, only to get slapped in the back of the head by Raph.

As the group continued to converse, Keno was creeping up to the entrance of the lair. He peered around seeing the design, 'Wow. Not a bad place.' he thought to himself.

Suddenly April began concentrating, as Sunset spoke, "What's up, April?"

"Guys, we got an intruder." she said, as Keno realized he was busted.

The group looked to the entrance, and saw the Night Watcher, "Night Watcher!" they gasped.

"Get him!" Raph shouted, as the ninjas and girls ran over to the intruder.

The vigilante was unable to escape everyone ganging up on him, and was restrained by Applejack and Raph, "Now let's see who's behind the mask." Mikey said, as he removed the mask to reveal Keno's face.

"Keno?!" the Shadowbolts gasped.

"Hey, girls." he winced.

"What's going on here?" Juniper asked in confusion.

"Let him go," Indigo told A.J and Raph, who released him, "Keno, what're you doing here?"

"And more importantly, you're the Night Watcher?" Sour asked.

"Guilty." he answered.

"So you're the punk that stole my mask?" Casey got into his face.

"Your mask?" Keno asked in confusion, before holding up his mask, "You mean this?"

"Yeah. How'd you get it?"

Leo spoke up, "Before we start pummeling him with questions, I think an introduction is in order."

"Agreed," Indigo nodded, "Keno, these are my closest friends Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Lemon Zest, and Sugarcoat."

"Right. I remember you lot." Keno recalled.

"And meet the Rainbooms, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity." the girls smiled at him.

"Then there's Juniper Montage, Starlight Glimmer, and the Fugitoid."

"Delighted to meet you, Keno." Fugitoid greeted.

"I'm April O'Neil and this is Casey Jones." April motioned to Casey who was still looking suspicious about him.

"And these green boys are the turtles. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo." Indigo finished.

"Turtle mutants," Keno began, "I gotta say you four are much better looking than some of the other freaks reported in the city."

"Why thank you." Mikey smiled.

"So now could I get some back story here?" Keno asked.

"Agreed. Come on we'll talk in the dojo." Leo said.

"You have a dojo?" Keno asked with interest.

Soon enough everyone was present in the training dojo, as Keno was sitting before Leo who explained the turtles origin along with the several adventures they shared with the Rainbooms, in Equestria, and so much more, "And since then we've all helped each other out with our problems and other dangerous threats." Leo concluded.

Keno looked around at everyone in shock, before answering, "This is some pretty heavy stuff. Mutant ninjas, magic, pony worlds, aliens, cyborgs, talking dogs." he motioned to Spike.

"But it's the truth." Spike confirmed.

"If it weren't for the fact this city has had faced one incident after another with mutants and aliens invading I might not have believed it," Keno began, "But after what happened last night and seeing a talking dog and robot with a human brain, and this magic you used to fight the Purple Dragons I have all the proof I need."

"We appreciate you being so understanding, Keno." Sunset said gratefully.

"And we trust you'll keep all this to yourself?" Donnie asked.

"My lips are sealed."

"Good. Now let's get down to business," Casey began, "Why'd ya take my mask, and why're you going out picking fights with crooks?"

"How long have you been at this, anyway?" Raph inquired.

"It was many months ago. I was coming back from a shift, when I saw two pieces of a broken mask in the street," Keno explained, "I don't know why, but I felt compelled to take it with me. I mean it looked like a cool mask, even though it got broken."

"Ya darn right it was cool." Casey agreed.

"So I brought it home and decided to repair it good as new."

"Well, ya did a good job." Casey admitted.


"How can you even fight like the way you did against the Purple Dragons?" Starlight wondered.

"I study martial arts at my dad's dojo."

"Your dad owns a dojo?" Lemon asked.

"Yeah. It's nothing fancy like a Chris Bradford dojo, but it's not about looking like it's A class material."

"Agreed." Leo nodded.

"I trained with my dad since I was eight years old. He wanted me to be able to defend myself and my family against anyone who wanted to cause trouble."

"Based off your moves you learned well." Applejack said.

"Thank you."

"So what got you on this whole Night Watcher thing?" Raph asked.

"Ever since all the stuff happened from the Kraang invasion, the Triceraton Invasion, even that giant bug ship invading I knew this city was a beacon for trouble. I wished I could do more for it and not just run and hide with everyone else," the pizza boy explained, "Then when I found the mask I looked at it and felt like it was speaking to me telling me I have a greater purpose. And so it was a month ago I would try and protect this city from the crime that plagues it. I fashioned myself my own armor, and dawned the mask becoming the Night Watcher."

"Deep, bro." Mikey gasped.

"Do your parents know about this?" April asked.

"No way," Keno answered, "I mean do yours?"

"My dad does." April admitted.

"Not my family." Casey answered.

"So what made you decide to become a Pizza Boy?" Sour asked.

"I love the smell of pizza, I love Antonio's, I get to ride the scooter, and free pizza for me."

"It's the perfect job in the world." Mikey said while feeling giddy.

"How do you balance time as a delivery boy and a vigilante?" Sugarcoat wondered.

"I always keep my costume close by in case I run into something suspicious, like I did last night."

"And what other types of trouble have you gotten yourself into?" Leo asked while crossing his arms.

"Nothing big. Just a few muggings and pickpockets. It's not like I'm going after mobsters or psychopaths."

"Well, if you're smart you'll quit while you can." Leo tried to discourage him.

"Quit? Are you for real?"

"Trust me, the less vigilante's there are the better." Leo explained.

"Yeah. We got that covered because we're professionals." Raph added.

"I was taught by a master martial artist just as you guys were taught by a master ninja. I'm sure I can handle a few thugs."

"All I'm saying is, don't get in over your head." Leo warned him.

Casey spoke up, "Leo's actually right about that. Take it from me, I do a lot of crazy stuff myself."

"Literally." Raph quipped, as Casey ignored and continued.

"But there are a lot of things you shouldn't engage by yourself. So if you ever find yourself in a pickle don't try and take it on your own." Casey finished.

Keno looked at everyone sensing how serious they were about this, "Got it. If there's anything out there too much to handle I won't take it on my own."

Leo smiled, "Thanks for understanding."

"Yeah, all's well. Can we get pizza now?" Mikey asked in irritation.

"I got a better idea," Keno replied, "How about I make us pizza?"

"You make pizza?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah. I don't just deliver. I watch the chefs make it all the time. I have a good memory of it."

"Well, we got all the ingredients." Donnie admitted.

"Great. Take me to your kitchen."

"Right this way." Mikey showed him out.

Later on in the kitchen, Keno was making some pizzas like a pro. Everyone watched and marveled, "He makes it look like an art." Rarity gasped.

"Like Murakami." April added.

"My kind of art." Mikey said.

Keno popped the pies into the oven, and they waited, "And that's how you make pizza."

"Not bad, pizza boy." Indigo joked.

"Maybe sometime after we eat we can spar together?" Keno offered, "I'd like to test my skills against other experienced fighters."

"That would be cool." Rainbow answered.

"And maybe Raph won't go all crazy on you." Mikey put in.

"Mikey!" Raph growled.

At the sound of the oven pinging, they opened it and out popped several freshly made pizzas cooked to perfection, "And voila." Keno declared, as the pizzas were spread out.

"Not bad, Keno." Raph admitted.

"Awesome." April said.

Pinkie ate a slice, "Delicious!"

"Maybe instead of a vigilante, you should be a pizza chef." Sunny suggested.

"Maybe, but we'll see." Keno replied, as the group chowed down.

Later on after finishing their pizza, Keno was in the dojo with everyone testing his skills against Leo, "Hope you're not going easy on me, Leo."

"Trust me, you don't want me to go all out on you." Leo cautioned him.

"I can take it." Keno beckoned him, as they sparred.

"Better do what he says, Leo." Raph answered.

Leo seeing it would be a good lesson answered, "All right." and suddenly Leo began fighting Keno head on without holding back.

Keno found himself fighting harder and faster to keep up with Leo. Eventually Leo caught him off guard and knocked him onto the floor, "Ok, that was awesome." Keno admitted, as Leo helped him to his feet.

"Not bad, Keno. Nice to see you take your martial arts training seriously."

"My father wouldn't train me if I didn't." the boy replied.

"Well, keep that training up and you just may be on par with us." Pinkie said.

"Maybe even surpass you all?" Keno asked hopefully.

"Let's not be crazy." Donnie answered.

"Indeed. Surpassing this group is no easy feat." Fugitoid added.

"A guy can dream, can't he?" Keno asked, as the group laughed.

As it got late, the girls were heading back to the hotel with Keno accompanying them, "I envy you girls what with all the adventures you go on."

"They may seem fun, but they're really dangerous." Fluttershy answered.

"But still awesome." Rainbow admitted.

"Yeah, and when we got here we started realizing that ourselves." Sour explained.

"And before all this both your groups were bitter enemies." Keno chuckled.

"Well, it was Cinch that tried to mold us into becoming exactly like her." Indigo answered.

"But we learned winning truly isn't as fun as it is getting to your opponents." Lemon said.

"And now we're all better people." Sunny put in.

"And being ninjas has made us twice as better." Sour noted

"Because we fight side by side and not against each other." Sunset finished.

Keno nodded, "Teamwork is they key to bringing down an opponent. Especially if you're on a team."

"And that's a fact." Fugitoid said.

As the girls reached the hotel, they went inside, as Indigo turned to Keno, "It was nice hanging out with you, Keno."

"Same here, Indigo. Maybe tomorrow we can get in some sparing one on one?"

"I'd actually like that. Night." she bid him adieu.

"Goodnight." Keno replied, as he left. He was unaware of a purple Dragon member who was spying on him from afar.

As Keno was heading home thinking about all that transpired with him he didn't realize he was being watched. Suddenly taking him by surprise, were multiple Purple Dragons surrounding him, "Oh, great. You chumps again? All right. I guess I'm gonna get another nightly work out." he got into a stance. A couple thugs went at him, but he managed to defeat them. Unfortunately, more kept coming, and his luck eventually ran out.

The Purple Dragons grabbed him by the arms and restrained him, until Hun walked up to him, "So the infamous Night Watcher is nothing more than a mere Pizza Delivery Boy?"

"There's nothing mere about me, Hun!" Keno spat.

Hun got into his face, "Normally we end the existence of those who get in our way. But I have a much more fitting fate in store for you. Take him to the lab." Hun ordered, as the thugs bounded him in chains.

"Wait, what's the lab?" Keno asked, as he struggled.

Hun smirked, 'You'll find out soon enough."

Meanwhile on a roof top close by, Karai and Shini were on a nightly patrol, "Looks all clear, Karai." Shini stated.

"I know. We'll do another round before heading back." Karai ordered, before hearing a cry.

"Let me go you dragon scum!"

The two girls hearing the cry followed it and stopped before looking down seeing the Purple Dragons struggling to put Keno into a truck, "Why're the Purple Dragons kidnapping a common boy?" Shini asked.

"Not sure, but we should find out." Karai said, as they got closer, before hearing Hun speak to the boy.

"This time your turtle friends and the Rainbooms won't be helping you." Hun told him.

"Turtle friends?" Karai gasped.

"Rainbooms?" Shini asked in surprise.

Keno was put in the truck, as the Purple Dragons got in and began driving off, "We got to follow them." Karai ordered Shini, as they followed the trail. Karai knowing this was big had to call her friends.

Back in the lair, the turtles were about ready to turn in, until Leo's T-Phone rang. He quickly answered it, "Hello, Karai? What's going on? What?! All right hang tight we're on our way. Just don't let them out of your sight. Ok, bye."

"What's going on?" Donnie asked.

"Karai and Shini spotted the Purple Dragons kidnapping Keno." Leo explained.

"What?" Raph gasped.

"Holy cheesy balls!" Mikey said in worry.

"They're trailing the Dragons right now, but we gotta get out there and help." Leo continued.

"I'll call April, Casey, and the girls now!" Donnie said, as he started sending an S.O.S to the group.

"Come on, ninjas. Let's move." Leo said, as they grabbed their weapons and headed out.