• Member Since 16th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I write what I think can work as a great piece of fiction. That's the author way.


A Crossover of Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V & MLP

Coverart not mine

A great evil capable of mass destruction has made its way into Skyrim, and I'm the only one destined to stop this threat from turning the world into oblivion. However, when I used an elder scroll to try and destroy Alduin into oblivion it ended up back firing on me. The magic made us both vanish from our world entirely.

Now, I ended up in a relatively different world with talking humanoid ponies instead of Nords scattered across its lands. The elder scroll and Alduin currently missing. But I'll find him and defeat Alduin because..... I am Dragonborn.

Might contain suggestive themes: mention of sex and brief nudity.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 60 )

I'm already excited for the next chapter.

This is gorey? There's no mention of blood, barely a description of death, and no actual gore - this could happen in a PG Disney movie these days and nobody would bat an eye.

Good to know, I was hoping for that response.

Interesting.......... It has potential but you need to work on the delivery a bit more as it seemed rushed. Good premise though keep at it:ajsmug:

After reading this...my copy of skyrim is going away for a while. Thanks a lot.

Would you mind telling me why you hate the chapter?

Your grammar is awful (he slained the dragon), the action scenes as underwhelming and believable as Grizzly Man's heterosexuality, the pacing is bad, the dialogue has less passion than bathroom stall graffitti, and consistency seems to come and go (fighting Alduin on an even footing, then 'the creatures in the mountains are a threat'/I'd never seen anything like a castle on a side of a mountain, coming from someone that had repaired Pelagius' mind/marched through purgatory to get the Dragon Scroll/interacted with Sheogorath).
I know it's the norm for displaced "writers" to simultaneously bungle nearly aspect of the franchises they're handling and nearly every writing custom of the English custom, but this made me realize why I avoid every "crossover" of a series I love. That being said, thank you for that. I'll be sure to never make that mistake in the future.

Well. Thanks for giving me the reasoning for your dislike. It really helps with my writing. I'll be sure to be more careful of that in the future (Not that you would read it anyway).

um you do know he fucking attacks everyone's fic regardless if it's a good story or not I've seen him attack one author so bad that the author had to delete his comments


trust me man first me

For the record, let it be known that this navel-gazing fellow wrote first instead of *trust. Good god. Nice grammar by the way.

Truth hurts. I'm surprised you didn't use turnip instead of off and zinger for dude.

Just ignore that hamster he is a "fanfic troll" which makes negative comments to make people delete said fanfic for laughs and when someone points out the truth he annoys them as a poor excuse to get back at them; so don't do anything that hamster says just ignore him i bet if he try be either negative or try be annoying at my comment it would further prove my point and if he says nothing then it would prove that hamster is within denial which would show that the hamster will lose either way

Thanks for the comment, pensuka. I do plan on continuing this story once I complete the on-going project I have, then All Hail the Dragonborn will get priority along with a new story that is in the making right now.

Long Hiatus is finally over for this story! Now for this story to be unravelled even more!

First and yesh update woo

*Meanwhile, In Skyrim*



Now, without further a due, back to our regularly scheduled program!


Time slowed almost to a bug crawl as I vault myself on to thr platform. I made it in front of Princess Twilight before time resumed its course. I the shock the assassin showed of my presence gave me enough time to draw mt greatsword.

"I the shock the assassin showed of my presence gave me enough time to draw mt greatsword" you need to check this again.

Ah! Thanks very much! I do try to limit the amount of mistakes. I'll correct it now.

Edit: Done!

Another chapter to chew on! Hope you all like it as much as I like writing it.

Why does he kee letting them him think he’s an Earth Pony? I would have corrected them by now.

It doesn't bother him that they think he is something he is not. It also makes it harder on Alduin if he tries to look for him. Granted, the armor is a dead giveaway, but if Alduin went into a far away town, say, Canterlot and overhearing a creature known as a 'Nord' that is living in Ponyvile. He would instantly make the location a top priority target for his dragons to overwhelm and conquer. Remember, the shouts are really powerful, and right now, only two known beings have this kind of power on Equis. (Excluding the dragon that was taught Frost Breath.) The Dragonborn knows Alduin is somewhere, so he is being careful with his identity right now until he knows, for sure, where he is hiding.

ooh, he about to get in trouble. the locals (read: animals) will not appreciate him cutting down the trees and Fluttershy will undoubtedly give him the STARE over killing the ones that attack him for defending their homes. awkward

Nice! I have been looking for the lyrics and original tone to that song. I appreicate the help. :twilightsmile:

Did the title of this chapter come from the video i sent you?

Yes and no. I was trying to come up with a clever title and the video gave me some inspiration.

Might contain suggestive themes: mention of sex and brief nudity.

In that case, there should be a sex tag. Please respond to this comment.

I didn't think it was necessary because it was not the main focus, and it is barely described in any real detail.

Why wouldn't people just assume Alduin's dead?

What do you mean by that? If you mean the Skyrim community then he is officially canon dead, yes. Dragonborn kills him. But in this timeline, the dragonborn thought he could contain the creature back in the fabric of the time stream again. You know, banish him the same way the ancient nords of the first era did with one of the Elder Scrolls. The plan back fired sending them into a different timeline. Hence, Equestria.

Sooo.... Any good reason why you added this to Deus Ex folder? As opposed to, say, The Elder Scrolls folder?

That was my mistake. You can take it off that folder if you wish.

I`m not the administrator of that group. You want to poke Jigoku Luna or do it yourself for it to happen.

Do you still have plans to update this

Yes. One last update, but I promise I'll push the chapter out soon.

I want to point something out, and I really don't want to sound too critical on this, but I want to warn against an easy pitfall that any writer can fall into.

Our Dragonborn hero offered to take care of the Dark Sisterhood, and you should have that addressed as it was accepted.

If you plan on making one last update, please don't forget to have it addressed in some way. It's easy to have a plan for something then forget it and it becomes a plot hole.

Its believable that with everything, he simply forgot to go after them, and that pretty much fits in.

Just something I wanted to point out because I do love your story.

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