• Member Since 24th Mar, 2017
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Gummy !!!


How could someone not take a promotion when it's just in front of you. I took it, and one day later I found myself in a strange body and in a strange world. At least I can freeze things now.

Thanks to Rhawkas, for editing my story.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 51 )

I’m probably a fox cup or something akin to a child.
Cub not cup.
“What does this animal doing here,” said the blue one.
This sentence doesn't really make sense, a better line would be "what is an animal doing in here" or "what's an animal doing in here"
Other than that this was a very good start to the story and I cannot wait to see more.

Not bad for a first story. I gave certainly seen worst ones and yours count more to the good ones^^

I'm looking forward what happens next :pinkiehappy:

“Oh, then it’s my duty to tell you! Dramatic pause. You’re female. See you.”

OMNI:Jokes on you gender is meaningless to anyone who wields the reality stone because we can rewrite our gender...or any thing about our selves really.

Please make chapter three soon. Or I'm coming after you. Let's go with that.

Glad to see another chapter was wondering where this story disappeared off to. Also for a name you could use "Glacies" it's the Latin word for ice. Luna is rather stright forward and using "old equish" for a name suits her.

I will admit I was hoping the whole becoming female thing was a literal case of the mind playing tricks on the individual.

That said, it ultimately doesn't bother me.

Ice kitsune? Oh, an Alolan Ninetails! or Vulpix.


I was hoping the gender swap was just the other-self within the mind playing a trick.

Beyond that: GET! AN! EDITOR!

Sorry, for my late replies.

Yes, this was one of my inspirations, other than this are Glaceon, the fact that I really like foxes, kitsunes and that I love the element ice(water).

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this type of mental problems won't be in my story and I'm working on an editor.

Thank you for the name, after it reminded me of Glaceon I just had to take it.

Another great chapter, I cant wait for the next one.

So... Luna made ABSOLUTELY no mention of how Glacies brought attention to the thief being a thief?

Oh, no! I forgot to add it after she caught up to them. Thanks, for reminding me. I probably will add that in the next chapter when they're alone in the throne room.

Actually, a young fox is called a Kit, not Cub.

I fill in Kitsune because I love them. Next was my favorite element, I just wrote down Ice(water). The next and surprisingly last question was if I like kids. I marked yes with a cross and handed the form back.

On my end, Pegasus (you might guess that by looking at my avatar), Earth, yes.:pinkiesmile:

Then I noticed that my body was completely different from what I used to. I felt considerably smaller than before. In front of my eyes I saw a little snout with ice-blue fur. I tried to move my head to see the complete changes my body had gone through. The rest of my body was entirely covered in the same color fur as my snout. In place of hands and feet, I have four tiny paws. The proverbial cherry on top is a fluffy tail with white fur at the tip.

Not exactly alolan Ninetales. :ajsmug:

“But aren’t kitsune females?”

“Yes, mostly. But there are males too. Why’d you ask?”

“I just was frightened for a moment that I’m female now.”

“Wait, you didn’t think about looking if your male or female?”


“Oh, then it’s my duty to tell you! Dramatic pause. You’re female. See you.”

“What…” Was the only word I could say before my vision was enveloped in bright white.

Okay, that was funny!:rainbowlaugh:

“Your majesty, you can’t possibly think that she understood you.”

In a world where most animals -including cows, rabbits, and deer, though oddly not pigs or chickens- are either fully or semi-sentient, you'd be surprised.

“Welcome to Golden Hammer, the store where y-” The pony who I now know is a stallion turned around and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw who had entered his store. “Your high-” A loud thud echoed through the room and I winced as I saw him hammering his forehead into the wooden surface of the counter when he attempted to bow.


KITSUNES! Just read all the chapters up to this point, and I can see that you are a person of cul-wait, what do you mean that meme is dead. Let's see here...*incoherent mumbling*... Ah, sorry about that. But yes, this is a good story, and I cannot wait to read more. Kitsunes are best.

great chapter, very nice keep updating

I enjoy this story please do continue to update!

Just read everything, great work. May want to review certain chapters manually, your eyes can get somethings that spell checker will miss.

I’ll do, my oc [ ;) ], creation, and yes!

Can I have a chance to edit?

I’m reading the ePub download and the grammar mistakes are kinda pissing me off

loving this! more please!

Awesome chapter and nice nod to 101 Dalmatians and paw patrol

Oooh, looks like Luna is maybe maybe starting to actually understand our little fox boi? Maybe? Perhaps?

Yay its back whoooooooooooooooo



That was a little much.

That transition was cold -_-

<<Your poor thing. As the Colonel I won’t let a pup be uneducated in the art that is hunting. Attention cadets.>> The four pups stood up in a flash as the Colonel turned around. <<Slight change to our morning lessons, we’re going hunting today.>> He looked at me a slight frown on his snout. <<Cadet, why are you not in line?>> ‘Me too?’ <<What are you waiting for, Cadet Glacies? Get in line.>> A light cackle came from Philomena as I slowly walked over to get in line. <<Ok, follow me.>> He walked in front of us, not forgetting to bow in front of Philomena. One by one we left, the Colonel leading the way with the four pups following and me at the end. I’m sure we looked like ducklings following their mother.

Kinda reminds me of

<<This would work with a female deer, but a male would skewer your companions on his antlers if it thinks it has no other way out. But for a first idea, it wasn’t bad.>> He patronized me. <<For a male deer, you need to come from the sides and never from the front.>> He waited to let it think in for a few seconds until he spoke up again. <<Ok, we won’t hunt a deer until you’re older. Today, we make two groups who will hunt smaller creatures separately. Tip, Line, and Glacies are on team one, and Mist and Rex are team two.>> A slight groan came from the bluish-gray dog.

And that brings to mind this bit from The Future is Wild.


<<Glacies.>> He waited for me to look up at him. <<You’re not the first dog I saw with this problem. He had the same problem, couldn’t take a life for food. I saw him getting thinner and thinner when he figured out where the meat came from after our first hunt. We tried everything, but nothing helped. Until the Colonel before me, said something to my friend and I want to tell you the same. His words were, “Every being has its place in nature, the plants are eaten by the herbivores, the herbivores are eaten by us carnivores and when we’ll die we are going back into the earth to feed the plants. This little one is the circle of life and every being, be it plants, herbivore or carnivore knows about it. No one will blame you for hunting, even your herbivore friends won’t do it, because it is in your nature. Only if you hunt for fun then it is another matter.” >> The Colonel paused, letting me take a bit of time to grasp the sentence with my heart. <<I know it is hard, and it will probably take some time until you can do it. I hope it’ll help.>> With his last sentence, he went back to his cadets. I sat there, thoughts running through my mind.


<<Follow me.>> I followed Philomena and we shortly came to the stairs, which I recognized as the stairs towards Luna's chambers. <<Where are the guards?>> Philomena looked a little bit puzzled by the absence of guards.

<<Probably missing again, this isn’t the first time with these golden clad guards.>>

To take a quote from Fable, "Where the hell's the guard?! Get more men out there!":flutterrage:

when is the next chapter?

Curse you like button and your limit of one like per story!:flutterrage:

Dude made two big mistakes :rainbowlaugh:

Mine would be Phoenix and ether fire or light maybe plasma it confusing for element

Comment posted by sinewystatue382 deleted Sep 10th, 2021

Little nitpick, but baby foxes are called kits, not cubs.

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