• Member Since 30th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen June 1st


Comments ( 197 )

Saw the picture; Saw the title.
Will follow and read.
Anon's in this two?

Also, I'd to say that the place— unless you did this on purpose— was not called Equaltown; it was called Our Town.
At least, I'm pretty sure it was. Well, I'm certain it wasn't called Equaltown.
If you decide to stick with Equaltown, go ahead; I just wanted to point that out.

I did it on purpose. I think the name 'Our Town' is beyond shit, and decided to go with the fan name Equaltown instead. Besides, it was only called 'Our Town' in the premiere because they were saying that it was their town in the song (at least I don't think it was mentioned after that).

I kind of hated the name too. Like, a lot.

not a bad story...went off a rough start, but it's showing interest.

le to do anythΘR/T+

hrm..curious question, whats with the odd lettering after words? Are they suppose to mean anything?

also...I feel like that mare has a secret selection for any who's into BDSM or petplay.

Why use a magic restricting item when you could just remove the horn at the base entirely?


you know twilight could of had that whole converastion shortened to this

hey anon how would you like to earn a thousand bits a week

whats the catch?

you just have to watch this potentaillt dangerus crimminal

meh fuck it sure

“She’s not exactly doing much at the minute, and I can easily stop her if necessary.”

Looks like Twilight said it before noticing that the ring is gone, but I'm really surprised that she didn't reconsider after: Starlight kicked her ass pretty hard during the first encounter.

There could be the possibility of build up that could be fatal. See some of the fics on that subject.

He said to himself, starting the relatively short walk back to his house. le to do anythΘR/T+

Remove bolded bit, please.


I have no clue where that even came from. It's not even on my copy of the story on word. Strange. Edited out, though

Oh, That explains the odd symbols and such: I used italic for thoughts in word, and I guess the format didn't copy directly a couple of times

You have a thing for Starlight as a pet huh :ajsmug:

She never actually enslaved the town, despite what people think. She was the one who founded the town and allowed ponies to move there. Which means they came there seeking her and her philosophy. Why else would a bunch of ponies come out to the middle of nowhere where Starlight is living?

Than every pony there willingly gave up their mark.

Plus, if you pay attention to the map, her town is actually outside of Equestria, which means she didn't actually break any of their laws, so the princesses have no authority there. Her town didn't become part of Equestria till after Starlight had left. And it would make sense why Starlight was living outside of Equestria. To get away from that countries love of cutie marks.

So Twilight would actually be in the wrong here because she is forcing her countries rules on somepony who is not even a citizen at that time and actively living outside the country.

Eh I'd rather devote resources to a permanent alternative and not let starlight have the opportunity :)

lol I think equal town is better.

cuz she,d stick some tin foil in her head and they would be back to square one.

why stop there just remove the head entirely

this seems like it will be fun

Dude, your comment got mega downvotes and I really can't see why.

“I-I was scared. I’ve n-never been without my magic before. W-when I got the ring off, my magic didn’t return. I freaked out, and got quite angry…” It was the best she could do. She really just didn’t like Anon. There was just something about him that un-nerved her. It may have been because he was this weird bipedal creature she had never heard of, but she thought it was something else as well. Anon legitimately scared her, and there wasn’t much that could scare her.

Emmm. It is too fast for her to talk her feeling to a stranger who just met her yesterday. It could be better if it was Anon investigate by himself than Starlight talk by herself.

It's actually a really interesting situation, even though the story needs some foreshadowing and deep character development. But I do enjoy it really well. Please give us more!

Do you know? who drew the illustration was Jericoanon and then colored by duop-qoup?

Just a guess, but perhaps it's the same reason modern police forces use handcuffs instead of chopping off peoples' hands?


I don't think "Our Town" was ever officially named in the show. The residents referred to it as "our town" and "our little village" and later on in the series, the Mane Six refer to it as Starlight's village.

I've chosen to call it Equity in my stories.

Of course, if the residents ever decide to turn their community into a pirate Freeport (presumambly for airships, as they are definitely not on a coast of any kind), they could always rename their village as: Arr Town. :pinkiehappy:

Pinkie, don't help... :facehoof:

I’m not much of a golf fan, never been Skiing, but I would definitely try, I would’ve said Basketball.

No I was not aware of that. Although now that I look at it, the image is slightly different to duop-qoub's usual style.

hmmm, i shall follow this and see where it goes. :ajsmug:

To continue my words on why Starlight did no wrong, the ponies could have gotten their marks back and left at any time.

1. The cave with the mark was unguarded.
2. The staff which they think can put the marks back is floating in front of the marks, again unguarded.
3. The Glass is easily breakable.
4. They are allowed to go to the cave at anytime they wanted.
5. For all they know, Starlight can't stop them once they get their cutie marks because she would be too weak to do so without her staff and mark.
6. They were able to easily get their marks back even when they knew Starlight had her full powers.

Sounds an awfully lot like they are just spineless. 😑

Plus what supports my views on her never stealing their marks to begin with (only happened to the Mane 6):

1. They were only angry because she lied to them about not having her mark. 'We trusted you.' ' We thought you were our friend'

No 'You brainwashed us' or 'you stole our marks'.

Uhhhh. Wow. Ok.

Sounds like you ran into Equestria’s version of Stalin

Sounds like this Anon knows about as much about history and Stalin as any other average American brought up surrounded by Cold War propaganda.

I thought by now most bronies HAVE realized that the only thing Starlight had in common with Stalin is that they share the same first letter of their names. Or are you making your Anon ignorant on purpose?

Aside from that this guy sounds pretty entertaining. Will be interesting to see what happens next.

Starlight is not a communist though. She's a cult leader.

Look, I'm Starlight's biggest defender but even this argument is very paper-thin. Semantics of the situation don't matter when we're discussing the actual, moral choices of Starlight Glimmer.

"It's for kids" is right, so exaggerating what she did in calling it "torture by our laws" doesn't seem very justified. Don't mistake me - Starlight did some pretty heinous shit.

To both of you: Starlight was a villain. I'm not denying that. But part of why I can forgive her (not defend), which is what Twilight and co. did, is because Starlight was just misguided. She didn't just brainwash the ponies of her town - she brainwashed herself into believing all of that nonsense about cutie marks being evil. She genuinely believed all of that, and believed that what she created was a beautiful society of "true friendship," because, in the end, Starlight's goal was to create a utopia where nopony, especially her, would risk losing friends because of their talents. That's what she saw a cutie mark as - just a rep for your talent. I'm willing to bet she didn't know that a cutie mark was literally your soul and everything that makes you you, and this just further feeds into the idea that she was utterly misguided.

For me, that's why Starlight was compelling as a villain - for all the horrible stuff she did, Starlight didn't think she was a bad pony. She truly believed that what she had was real friendship, and gave that to several sad ponies.

We are under the assumption that ponies found her because they were "missing something from their lives," which is clearly a dissatisfaction with their lives, and because of Starlight they founded a place of belonging. We can't assume every pony in her town forcefully underwent the same treatment, they likely did it willingly until they were just as disillusioned as their leader.

This all funnels into the fact that Starlight is a really messed-up pony. It's why she felt such crushing guilt after gaining perspective, realizing just how horrible she was on top of that fact that she was never outright punished to begin with. Thus, she felt penitent to an unhealthy degree.

Honestly, it's why I can't help but feel a little disgusted when people talk about how Starlight "should have" been punished, like that would have been better, even though seasons 6 and 7 show blatant evidence to the contrary. To use a quote from a wise fictional character:

"When your enemies defy you, you must serve them steel and fire. When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you."

Starlight was served steel and fire in the form of the cold, harsh reality. Is it less satisfying than seeing her punished? Of course. But Twilight, the one who is the Princess of Friendship and thus knows what she's doing (and not "because kidz show") , and who has greater empathy for the broken pony she saw Starlight had become, decided to instead help her to her hooves, dust her off, and show a better way to live.

I'm going into this assuming/hoping it doesn't turn into clop. So far, it's good.
Edit: Wow, What's with the dislikes? I want a Good story with a Dark Topic, Is that so fucking BAD? Grow a pair. Also, I just remembered that there's a Tag specifically FOR clop now, and this story lacks it. Question answered.

You don’t think that Communism is a pseudo-spiritualist movement? The whole purpose of Communistic Atheism was to ensure that there is no more room in the hearts of man but for a devotion to the cause.

Except Starlight couldn't remove her mark because she would be unable to do it to anypony else. So she limited her magic to only doing that and basic levitation. In her mind, she was just like everypony else because she already believed in her philosophy

Just as a lot of bronies. And by amount of downvotes, I see that majority of readers here are as ignorant.

If SG got something in common with some political figures of that class\period, then closest would be Arkady Maslov or Ruth Fisher (german communists, equalists by their outlook). That's not strict but more realistic analogy, her model is too ideal.

Pony Stalin would be someone who will recognize what SG is doing in Our Town, hit her on the head in proper moment and take her place. Would find that the forked stick is, well, just a stick, then would find some individuals, who would work with them , hiding their marks under the paint. New society would be build based blackmail and on work of those who truly had their marks removed . Or those who afraid to disclose that their marks weren't removed, thinking that majority had them removed. Proper steps to maintain secrecy will be made. They would undermine Equestrian rule, e.g. by causing conflict with Yakyakistan. THAT would be somewhat like Stalin.

Starlight is equalist and Stalin never ever hid the fact that he didn't support that. Starlight is a more successful Old Major from Animal Farm. Her luck that she worked alone and didn't had her Napoleon.

Comment posted by Luna Aeterna Solutae deleted Jan 17th, 2018

i was going to read this story, but the comment section is YIKES, not a single comment is discussing the content of the chapters! :raritydespair:

I TRIED, but someone didn't like that. I got downvoted for it.

I went ahead and read it through; this is definitely an enjoyable story! :twilightoops:

It is neither over the top, nor is it too dark! everything is given a fairly plausible reason for the events that occur, even the one or two "dumb decisions make for good stories" moments are kept generally in-character. :moustache:

The writing is ok, but the dialogue of the ponies tends to be as clunky as show-canon scripts, but no clunkier, although Anon's dialogue interactions notably mark increases in quality... This must mean the author is purposefully copying the show's compressed dialogue writing style to help keep the ponies' characterization clean. It seems to be working! :twistnerd:

The story has not used the word "slave" even once yet, outside the title, and seems to be treating the topic of Starlight Glimmer's enslavement as an emergent story element to facilitate entertaining character drama interactions instead of being the main focus. :raritywink:

I would favorably compare Anon and Starlight's master-slave relationship with Twilight Sparkle and Spike's master-slave relationship from the "Mentally Advanced" parody series by "Dawn Somewhere", with just as much sass and attitude from both parties as you would expect, excepting that Anon actually gives a fuck and that Starlight has to face her powerlessness issues.:rainbowdetermined2:

If you came here to read with a slavery fetish in mind, go home, because the story is focusing on the drama of Starlight's powerlessness and the comedy of Anon's fumbling about with the intricacies of his sudden de-facto ownership of his very own pony-slave versus his royally-assigned paid-commission of reformation-via-friendship. :trollestia:

I see that. I was only trying to participate in the discussion though

Starlight's cult isn't communist though. Communism doesn't shun people of exeptional talent.
Her quest for Equality was not aimed to save the working ponies of Equestria from capitalist oppression, by seizing the means of production.
She did not mean to build a classless society, in fact she was quite esctatic at the thought of having a Princess endorse her bullshit.
Her idea of Equality, was to take away, what made everyone special, because she is a bitter womanchild.


News flash: it's a literal joke.

That I'm aware of, though I do not take her "cult" to such extreme either. She shuns exposed representation of talent, such as cutie mark is. I.e. she considers it as sign of flaunting said special talent. Her enemies are ponies like Diamond Tiara. Loss of talent... is price she is willing to pay and she actually tries to covince others, yet is forced to keep hers.

That 's why I connect her with Old Major, who created... it was called "animalism", right? Equal rights and possibilities to all animals. Yeah, not taking in account that some of those animals are predators.

Also, I'm very intrigued about what Starlight_Glimmer wanted to say , but did not :p

You fail to name reason why did that. She got abadonement complex (a real disorder, btw). So creates environment she wanted. We cannot be sure that everyone in village hate it, for creator simplified social sitaution, though for a child show it isdone suprisingly deep even this way. There might be content ones, unhappy and unsure ones (who give cue on what is going on) and those who are afraid. I cant say that anyone there is happy, the fake smile hints that CM removal is somewhat akin dopamine reuptake inhibitor - impaired creativity and "flatlined" mood as result - and that's drug that is used widely to battle anxiety in our world!
As I mentioned already, created order would be excellent start for an usurper/unbeliver, who would subvert and expand it after finding a cozy grave for lavander unicorn or a nice excuse for her early demise.

It was to such an extreme though. We can see it in the two parter. The equal sign, she put on her followers, magically compelled them, to be equally competent at everything. Dash can't even fly faster, than the rest of the Mane Six can walk, after they get branded with it.

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