• Published 31st Jan 2018
  • 10,279 Views, 390 Comments

DODGE!: Advanced Basic Combat Training for Pathetically Passive Pretty Pony Princesses - AdmiralTigerclaw

The princesses get a new personal combat instructor to teach them the advanced combat art of getting the hay out of the way.

  • ...

Evading Consequences

“Ow... Ow... Ow...” Luna grumbled as Shining Armor and Cadance applied a dressing to one of the many burns on her fur. “Remind me not to step in front of anything like that ever again...”

“You know,” Cadance frowned as she wove some healing magic in with her ministrations. “I think that was kind of the point.”

“I don't recall points needing to be demonstrated by explosions,” the Princess of the night grouched. “It was uncalled for.”

“Well,” Celestia, an ice pack levitated to her cheek by Twilight, commented idly. “You did try to strike him down yourself.”

“But he struck you!” Luna protested. “What else would I have done?!”

“Evaluate the situation, sister,” Celestia replied. “Even with the rough treatment, it was clear what his test was, and I failed it spectacularly.”

“Test?” this came from Twilight. “What kind of test involves punching a princess of Equestria into next week?!”

“A reflex test,” Cadance answered, putting the finishing touches on her tending. “And as much as I hate to admit it, aunty is right. It's just like the drills Shiny puts the troops through. She put a hoof forward, and made herself the first target. Isn't that right dear?”

“Yeah, that's about the size of it,” Shining replied. “Never be first. Never be last. Never volunteer for anything. Break those, and you get... Special, attention.”

Twilight stared at her brother and sister-in-law with a look of pure shock.

“But,” she began. “But that's insane! And how does it justify-”

“Be at ease, Twilight,” Princess Celestia placed a wing over her former student. “I think Piccolo means well. And we will need to learn to be stronger and faster if we are to hope to improve.”

“Yeah but,” Twilight paused, taking a moment to regulated her breathing. “But did you see how he moved? That wasn't a teleport, but I'm pretty certain it was fast enough for one. What even WAS that?”

“That,” came Piccolo's gruff voice. “Was Zanzoken.”

The green-armored changeling settled into the group silently, resting once more on his hind legs as his cape billowed in the breeze.

“And as you saw,” he continued. “It is quite effective at hitting unsuspecting fools in the face.”

“How does it work?” Twilight asked. Piccolo only gave her a brief condescending glance.

“Not saying,” he groused. “You're not ready for it. Not until you pass my lesson.”


“AFTER,” Piccolo glared. “You pass.”

With that, the changeling turned to address the group as a whole.

“Now, if you're quite done kissing your owies and crying about how the big bad Namekian hit you-”

“Nameh-what?” Twilight interrupted.

“...” Piccolo stated, his glare intensifying. Twilight's ears folded as she ducked further under Celestia's wing.

“I'll just be quiet now,” she mumbled.

“Good,” Piccolo grunted. “You're learning. Now, as I was saying. If you're through being a bunch of brats about this, we can get started with your intense training by your's truly. I'm not going to sugarcoat this or lie. One or more of you might be killed.”

Cadance gasped in horror, a wing covering her mouth.

“Yeah, don't worry about that,” Piccolo waved it off. “If that does happen, we've got Dragon Balls on my side of the portal. You die, I wish you back, we keep training. Easy as a kick in the teeth. Just be prepared to experience cardiac arrest. It's a shock the first few times.”

Allowing a moment for that to sink in and ignoring looks of confusion, Piccolo then tossed a small bag on the ground in the middle of the group.

“Those are Senzu Beans,” he stated curtly as a few spilled past the drawstring. “They're magical. You get magical, right? You get seriously hurt, break a dozen bones, run out of stamina, or otherwise get punched through a mountain, eat a Senzu, you'll be right back in top form. No problem. However, we've only got a limited supply, so if I catch you eating any for anything else, I'll make sure you need a second one immediately.”

Piccolo spared a moment of his explanation to cast a slow look around the group. Cadance visually swallowed, and Twilight continued to hide under her mentor's wing while Luna just shot him a stern look. After a few pregnant seconds of silence, Fizzle, silent to this point stepped forward, sweeping the bag up.

“I'll hold them,” She stated.

[Removing Embed. Youtube Deleted it. Was Karaoke Version of 'Be a Man' from Mulan]

Piccolo spared Fizzle a momentary glance, nodding almost imperceptibly in approval before turning back to his four new proteges. A quick sweep assigned them in order of power and their body language shuffled that order in terms of who would need to be given the highest priority.

“Right,” he stated after a moment. “So, first thing we're going to do is-”

And then he paused, his ears twitching at the distant sound of a snare drum.

“What's that sound?” he asked. Princess Celestia responded, her ears going up as she noticed it too.

“Oh,” the elder princess replied, an almost imperceptible bob of her head. “That's just the Guard DNC Marching Company starting their afternoon practice. Don't worry, they won't interfere.”

Piccolo glanced across the field, noticing the group of ponies marching in gleaming armor. A quick power assessment measured them as non-entities even if they did interfere. At best, an extra training obstacle. Something he could make use of to throw the- His eyes caught synchronized movement in front of him and he returned his focus to the four princesses. Their tails were all swaying together like a metronome, previously imperceptible swaying now very much displayed in uncharacteristically lockstep fashion as their bodies seemed to rock forward with the distant beat the marching band was playing.

Confusion gave way to horror as he realized what was going on, even as distant brass started a crescendo.

“Oh we are SO not-”

Shining armor landed between him and the princesses, his voice snapping out melodically, and with great force.


He was definitely a former commanding officer, if the pipes on him were any indication. Even Nail and Kami agreed he didn't sound bad.


All four princesses were now all but dancing in place, heads clearly bobbing to the beat. Piccolo's eyes narrowed.

“Yeah, no.”

Before shining could start the next line, a brilliant beam of energy leapt from Piccolo's now outstretched hoof. It shot over the band, crashing into a castle tower in the distance and exploding with a force that made what he did to Luna look like a firecracker. The thundering blast had the effect of both drowning out the band, scattering them in terror, and making sure that he had the undivided attention of every princess there.

“Nope!” he stated with a bark. “I'm not doing that again. We are NOT going to have a musical training montage here. We're going to do this the RIGHT way. MY WAY.”

With the echo of the blast still bouncing around the mountain side, the green changeling leaned forward, glaring at his trainees.

“Any questions?”

There was no response, only stupefied gapes.

“Good,” he continued with look of satisfaction. “Now, a question from me...”

Piccolo returned to the vertical, floating up and and backwards silently.

“Which one of you wants to go first?”

Silence reigned as the princesses glanced at each other, it slowly dawning on them just what they were actually in for. Even without words, it was clear from the glances that an argument was taking place. None of them wanted to be first, and were hoping someone else would volunteer. Piccolo's frown became a smirk.

“All of you at once then,” he stated. The shocked looks he immediately received were highly satisfying.

“EEEYEEEAHH!!!!” his voice suddenly thundered with a volume that could be heard all around Canterlot. The changeling exploded into a terrifying display of fire and lightning that threw everyone near him off their hooves and backwards several meters.

“What sorcery-?!” Luna shouted into the din of rushing air and crackling static. Her shock was mirrored on the features of her fellow princesses as they gazed at the maelstrom now surrounding their new instructor.

“We're going to play a game,” Piccolo thundered from the heart of the storm. “It's called Namekian Dodge Ball. The rules are simple. If you get hit, you're out. There are two teams. The chumps, and those who are 'It'. Spoiler alert: I'm 'It'.”

“I'm suddenly very apprehensive about this!” Twilight shouted, some of her color having drained from her features. “That's... EASILY Tirek levels of power with Discord thrown in for good measure.”

“It's just training!” Cadance shouted back. “Just play the game!”

Piccolo held up a hoof, a sphere of light forming on it.

“We think he plays a bit rough!” Luna chimed in. “It occurs now that easing in is not something he understands!”

“Then perhaps we should take his advice!” Celestia shouted, turning tail and bolting as fast as she could. “Make like the wind and-”

Piccolo hurled the sphere of blazing doom towards them, a familiar shout leaving his lungs.


Author's Note:

Buckle up.

It's time for Namekian Dodge Ball.
It's like 'smear the queer', but in Soviet Russia.

Because in Soviet Russia, Queer Smears YOU.