• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 3,915 Views, 581 Comments

Bleach: Heart of a Hero - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra was defeated, but his soul survived and traveled to a new world. He joins Ichigo and his friends as they invade Soul Society in an attempt to save another... while trying to remember his long forgotten past and who he really is.

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Hueco Mundo: Uryu and Chad's New Skills

While Ichigo and Sombra were busy battling Dordoni, and Rukia encountered Aaroniero and followed him into the building that was in front of her, Uryu found himself in what appeared to be a large chamber with a high number of cylinder shaped pillars, ones that covered three-fourths the size of the chamber he was in. He knew that, based on the levels of reiatsu that were coming from the Arrancar near his friends, that he didn't have to worry that much, as Sombra's power was more than enough to overcome whoever his opponent was, even if he let Kurosaki fight them first, and he knew that Rukia was strong, so there shouldn't be a reason for her to get caught off guard. He also sensed that Chad had found an opponent as well, making Renji the only one out of their group that hadn't found a foe yet, as his senses determined that there was someone else in the chamber with him, which was why he carefully walked into the chamber while he wondered what the others were getting themselves into, before focusing on the task at hand.

Not even a few seconds after entering this part of Lash Noches he had to dodge something that was thrown at him, which appeared to be some sort of disc shaped blade that was connected to a whip, as not a few seconds later his opponent withdrew it and allowed him to figure out where his enemy was hiding, or rather standing since she wasn't hiding at all.

His opponent was dressed in the Gothic lolita style of Japanese fashion, inspired by the Victorian version based on what he was seeing, though he also noticed that the Arrancar had short purple colored hair, had purple colored eyes, black fingernails and light purple teardrop markings on each of her cheeks. Her outfit consisted of a frilly dress with large, poofy sleeves that cut off at her shoulder and a pair of knee-high boots, while at the same time she also wore fingerless, evening-style gloves, as well as leg warmers that attached to garters at her thighs. The interesting thing was that she had wings on her back, ones that looked like they were simply additions that were added to the back of her back and went with her outfit, and the remains of her Hollow mask happened to be positioned in her hair, right above the left side of her forehead, while at the same time Uryu thought it resembled a spiked hairpin. She also seemed annoyed that she had missed her target, even though she withdrew the disc shaped blade and readied herself again, though Uryu wasted no time in calling his bow into existence as he started to run, as he didn't want to get caught by the weapon and knew that he needed some time to plan his attack out.

The Arrancar, as he noted from the number of times that he dodged the attacks that were coming his way, and even used his bow to block one of them while giving him a sense of where his opponent's power was in terms to what he had felt before, had terrible aim at times and it was likely from a lack of training, but her reiatsu was powerful and that worried him... there was also the fact that she had no problems shattering the tips of the pillars that were in her way as she send the blade of her Zanpakuto after him. After a few moments of running around and dodging her weapon, and the large sections of the pillars that she broke off to crush him, Uryu stopped behind one of the pillars and calmed himself, as he needed a plan before he did anything else, and fortunately his opponent didn't send another attack out at him while he was doing all this.

"Hiding won't save you!" the Arrancar called out, though at the same time she pulled her disc blade back to where she was standing and tightened her hold on the whip portion of it, with her left hand since the hilt of her Zanpakuto was in her right hand, before she frowned for a moment, "How many times must I tell you?! There's no gett..."

Uryu took the chance and flashed through the air while his opponent seemed distracted, as he needed to test some of his thoughts out before he actually tried to fight her seriously, just like Sombra did against all of his opponents, and he fired an arrow at her backside, where the Arrancar turned around and used the disc blade to block his attack.

"...ing away from me." the Arrancar finished, to which Uryu noted that the remains of her smile had disappeared and a frown had replaced it, telling him that she was unhappy with what he had just done, but since this was a battle between the two of them he couldn't afford to play nice, "Don't attack me when I'm trying to talk. You don't have a delicate touch, do you? Jeez, I hope all Human men aren't like you."

Uryu sweated for a moment, as he honestly wasn't expecting his opponent to stop his arrow so suddenly, though as the Arrancar talked she spun her disc blade around for a few seconds before sending it after him, to which he flashed out of the way as it barreled into the bottom of the pillar he had been standing near, sending it crashing to the floor. Not even a second later the Arrancar called out to him, telling him that he shouldn't be running from her and that he was a weirdo, causing him to frown as he told her 'look whose talking' before dodging the next attack and loosed another arrow at his opponent. This time around the force of the arrow knocked the Arrancar backwards and forced her to do a backflip through the air, as she had to leave the pillar she had been standing on behind and landed on another one with her frown still on her face as she focused on him. Uryu knew that he might be in trouble, as his opponent was a very light Arrancar that was unlike all the other ones he had heard about, and she was able able to swiftly block his arrows when he fired one at her, meaning that he needed to keep attacking her until he figured out how he was going to land a direct hit, otherwise he'd be forced to call on Sombra for aid if things dragged out in the Arrancar's favor. He knew that Sombra would be able to figure out her weakness and bypass it before she had a chance to use her Resurreccion, if he was inclined to end the fight before it actually began, but right now he wanted to see if his plans could work without forcing his friend to come here and help him... especially since he wasn't sure if it was a single use type ability that he had given them or if could be used more than once, and he'd rather not waste it just yet.

A few seconds later he jumped out of where he was hiding and loosed an arrow at his opponent, who swung her disc blade at him, but this time around he verbally called out 'Turn', causing the arrow to spin and avoid the disc blade, and then added 'Fly' to increase it's speed as it hit the pillar his foe had been standing on, even though she moved a second or two before the arrow hit the pillar. From what he was able to tell his opponent's weapon moved in a straight line, while also keeping an open mind that it might be able to change direction since he had heard about weapons like that, and quickly came to the conclusion that he had to avoid attacking her head on, like Kurosaki would, as he should be attacking her from positions that she wasn't expecting, as it was the greatest way to overcome her defenses and damage her. As such he fired an arrow towards the ceiling, intentionally giving himself away as his opponent called him a 'dork' as she swung her disc blade at him, but he smiled as the arrow obeyed his thoughts and corrected it's course, allowing it to fly at her, only she jumped backwards and let the pillar she was standing on take the damage as she landed on another one. That, in reality, was all part of Uryu's plan as he started to run around the area that he was in, forcing his opponent to swing at him in the process, and he'd fire either two or three arrows at a time, depending on how quickly the Arrancar reacted to him being out in the open, though the arrows were intentionally fired away from his target and struck the tops of the pillars that she could stand on, eliminating them in the process.

There was even a moment where three of the arrows were sent directly at the Arrancar, since she was anticipating them hitting the pillars, and she swung at the trio with her disc blade, breaking them before they could reach her, but at the very least this was giving Uryu a chance to study her before seriously attacking her... and the second time he tried to hit her in such a way his earlier guess was proven right, as the Arrancar curved the path of her disc blade and shattered his arrows in an entirely different fashion.

"Are you stupid or what? Your just dug your own grave!" the Arrancar called out, though at the same time her frown turned into a smile as she recalled her disc blade once more, this time keeping it near her so she could stare down at her pitifully weak and retarded opponent, "I tricked you. I made you break all those pillars, so you'd leave yourself wide open. There were so many of them that I didn't feel like breaking them down on my own. Now I can weave my Zanpakuto all over the place, all thanks to the room you provided me with."

True to her word the Arrancar started spinning the disc blade and used new tactics against him, forcing Uryu to run and rethink his plan, because it had been going great until she revealed that she was only using him to take out the pillars so she'd have more room to attack him from different angles, but at the same time his plan had been to destroy them to limit where she could run off to. This time around, when he was forced to use his bow as a shield, the Arrancar gladly struck him with more power than she had used the last time around, as this time his bow broke apart and she cut into his left shoulder a little as he jumped back towards the opening he had come from, but he knew that even if he ran either the Arrancar in front of him would chase him or he might find an even stronger opponent that he couldn't defeat.

"How does that feel? Does it hurt, white four eyes?" the Arrancar asked, though at the same time the smile shifted into a frown as she thought about something, as Uryu was conserving his energy as he considered what sort of plan he should use this time around, "It looks like you don't even have the strength to respond. I guess... Who the hell are you?"

Uryu was surprised for a moment, as he was sure that he hadn't sent the distress command that would alert Sombra to what was going on, and he was relieved to find that he hadn't done that, as standing at the opening that he had come through was Pesche, who was now the Arrancar's target as she pulled her disc blade back and fired it at him this time around, to which he freaked out and jumped out of the way, only to crash into a nearby pillar.

"Wait a minute, you're Pesche, right?" Uryu inquired, just to be sure that he had the name right, but at the same time he knew that his memory hadn't failed him, even though he knew that entering this area meant that the weaponless Arrancar, who was reminding him of Aisslinger since he seemed to be in a permanent released state, was going to have to run like he was.

"Actually, it's Pesche Guatiche," Pesche replied, knowing that he and his brother, Dondochakka, hadn't really given their full names to anyone in a long time, and had forgotten to do the same thing when they were in the presence of the Dios Hueco, before he fell to the floor, "and you are Uryu Ishida."

"Well, at least one of you remembered my name." Uryu said, to which a light smile appeared on his face for a few seconds, as with how caught up Nel, Pesche, and Dondochakka were with Sombra's existence as the Dios Hueco he was sure that he and the others would have been forgotten about.

"That smile... do you love me?" Pesche asked, though that was followed by Uryu's smile shifting back into it's normal expression, as he couldn't believe how idiotic the Arrancar was acting, especially since they were going to be under attack from the female Arrancar any moment now.

"Shut up!" the female Arrancar called out, to which she swung her Zanpakuto and let the disc blade fly at them, where both Uryu and Pesche dodged the incoming attack as it struck the area between them, though that only encouraged the two of them to continue running as she started to target them once more, though she decided to address the one that was called 'Uryu' for a moment, "Who is that termite-looking guy? Is he a termite?"

"Wha..? A termite? How rude!" Pesche stated, to which he got up and pointed a finger at the Arrancar that Uryu had been fighting the entire time before his arrival, though at the same time Uryu stared at him like he had lost his mind, even though his arrival changed all the plans that he had already come up with to take out the Arrancar, "Call me a stag beetle at the very least."

"Honestly, there's not much of a difference between them." Uryu commented, even though this gave him a chance to actually think of a new plan to topple the Arrancar so they could move forward, because he didn't want to spend too much longer in the presence of the foe that he had been fighting.

"There's a huge difference between them!" Pesche replied, sounding upset for a moment, even though Uryu truly didn't care what sort of insect Pesche thought he was, especially since he had no idea what the Arrancar looked like before his transformation into his current state, "Stag beetles are black, shiny, and cool!"

"Not to mention your armored parts are white." Uryu said, as it appeared that he might have been paired with the more insane member of Nel's group, though it was hard to tell if Dondochakka was above Pesche or not, since he barely knew either of them.

"I don't need that from you!" Pesche stated, to which he pointed an accusing finger at Uryu for a moment, while at the same time staring at the clothing that Uryu was wearing, as if he found something offensive about the attire he had chosen for this venture, "You're completely covered in white clothing!"

"But it's fine if I'm wearing this, as it's customary for a Qunicy to wear all white." Uryu replied, though at the same time he knew that the Arrancar was getting annoyed with them, which was why he decided that it was time to refocus on their enemy and not worry about Pesche.

"I told you to shut up!" the Arrancar loudly said, though that was when she swung her arm and the disc blade came at them once more, forcing them to dodge the attack once more, before she retracted the disc blade and stared down at the two of them with a smile on her face, "It seems that the termite is a friend of yours."

"No, not really." Uryu stated, to which he considered the situation that they were in, because he had one thing that might be able to help him win this battle, but at the same time he honestly didn't want to reveal that he had them now, not when he was sure that their enemies might be watching them, "He and his 'brothers' told Sombra that they would serve him once he gained control over Hueco Mundo, so he's more of a reluctant ally, since I'm one of Sombra's friends. Think about this for a moment, the new ruler of this world has come to take his throne and you're fighting..."

"I have lost interest!" the Arrancar said, to which she swung her Zanpakuto and the disc blade came at them, to which Uryu dodged the attack, and noticed that Pesche did the same as well, before he started to run once more, forcing the Arrancar to change her angle to follow after him.

As Uryu ran away from the Arrancar's attacks, and continued to figure out how he was going to defeat her with her speed and reflexes, Pesche followed after him and informed him that the reason that he was here was because he was trying to find Nel, who had ran off in search of Ichigo. Pesche also mistakenly thought that Uryu was Kurosaki, something that he remedied the instant it happened, even though it appeared that Pesche had a hard time remembering Kurosaki's face, as he thought that Uryu was talking about Renji when he mentioned a spiky haired Shinigami, even though he said 'orange-haired' instead of 'red-haired', but in the end he decided not to worry about him too much. When the Arrancar's weapon caught up with them, however Pesche knocked Uryu out of the way and told him to leave this to him, as he had the ability to create a liquid that was incredibly slippery and he used it on the disc blade, covering it in the liquid, which in turn allowed it to basically bounce off his shoulder when the weapon struck him. The only disappointing thing was that Pesche ruined the moment by revealing that he didn't care about the Arrancar's panties, causing her to cover the area for a moment and caused Uryu to glare at him as well... and then he sighed as Pesche decided to declare war on the Arrancar and loosed a good bit of liquid at her, forcing her into the air.

What Uryu and the Arrancar weren't expecting was for the liquid to spread over the top of the remaining pillars and covered all of them, so it gave Uryu and Pesche the chance to watch as the Arrancar slipped on the liquid, hit her head on the pillar, and fall down to their level, which was what he had been planning on doing at some point, so at the very least Pesche aided him by bringing the Arrancar down to their level... and Pesche, not knowing when to shut up, informed Uryu that this liquid was his 'Infinite Slick', not that Uryu really cared all that much.

"Rip off, Golondrina!" the Arrancar declared, apparently growing annoyed with the fight that they were having and had decided that it was time to bring an end to this battle, before she was covered in a vortex for a few moments as she finally released her Zanpakuto, the one thing that Uryu had been trying to avoid.

Not even a few seconds after the vortex appeared two large wings erupted from the area in front of them, no doubt coming from the Arrancar's back and likely gave her the ability to fly, though what really surprised Uryu was that there were ten crescent-shaped blades, five on each wing, that took the place of feathers. As the vortex disappeared he noted that the Arrancar's mask had become a beak-like headpiece with a large, feathery mane protruding from it, covering most of her body and trailing past her legs, while at the same time she also gained a long prehensile tail, which emerged from her back, and Uryu suspected that it wasn't just for show. Uryu also noticed that large pieces of armor that resemble the disc of Golondrina's sealed state, now that he knew the name of her Zanpakuto, had formed around her shoulders, and that her arms had become long and slender, with large claws in place of her fingers.

"From the way you're fighting, you don't seem to be taking me seriously." the Arrancar said, though her tone told them that she was annoyed with them, which was understandable considering what just happened, but Uryu prepared himself for whatever was coming next, "You're the first enemies I've fought in a long time, so I was going to take my time with you. I, Arrancar Number Ciento Cinco, Cirucci Sanderwicci, am going to crush you! Now then... which one of you should I slice first?"

In the following moments the Arrancar, now called Cirucci, flapped her wings and flew towards them, where she also used those wings to carve the pillars around her in half and used them to try and crush both Uryu and Pesche, who resumed running as Uryu noticed that the blades on her wings were vibrating. Cirucci called out that Uryu, or 'four eyes' as she called him, and informed him that all he was good at was running away, even though she was trying to kill the two of them for Aizen, but Uryu paid no attention to that as he avoided the attacks that were coming his way and focused on what he was going to do next. Uryu then decided, as Pesche decided that they would fight side by side, to jump up on the broken pillars and took to the air, where he summoned his bow back and loosed some arrows at Cirucci, who used one of her wings to knock the arrows away like they were nothing, but it was information that he needed and was grateful to have her give him. He could tell that the blades on her wings were vibrating at high speeds, as the sounds they made were evidence to that, and the second test produced the same results, but before he could progress further in his thought process he had to get Pesche out of the way of one of Cirucci's next attack and then continued running as he considered what he was going to do next.

He had an idea that might work and called out for Pesche to use his 'Infinite Slick' once more, though he found that his thoughts about it were true, because in that moment it was revealed that Pesche had lied about the name and had actually run out of... and when Pesche slipped on his own ability, what was left of it, Uryu used his Hirenkyaku to grab onto Pesche and pull him out of danger, before reappearing on a nearby pillar as Cirucci struck where he had been laying.

"Did you feel it connect?" Uryu asked, though at the same time he felt his opponent's mood shift for a moment, as she seemed a little surprised by the fact that she had missed her target, but at the same time he was planning on getting rid of Pesche before he cost him his life.

"Ah, I know what that was." Cirucci replied, where she glanced back at where Uryu was standing, but at the same time she was preparing something else for him, as he and his termite friend were really annoying and she wanted them to die so she could relax, "That was Shunpo, Flash Step, wasn't it?"

"Actually, that's the Shinigami version. Mine is called Hirenkyaku." Uryu answered, though at the same time there was no harm in telling his opponent the name of his movement technique, especially since she was going to have a hard time hitting him now that he was getting serious, as this was dragging on and he wanted the battle to be over soon.

"How are they different?" Cirucci asked, to which the blades on her left wing glowed for a moment as they detached from her wing and flew towards where Uryu was standing, where he flashed out of the way and let them slice through the pillar, turning it into a number of blocks before they embedded themselves in the wall behind the pillar.

When Uryu appeared on the second pillar, however, Cirucci launched the second set of blades from her other wing and tried to hit him again, but he just avoided the attack and appeared on a pillar that was close to the entrance, where he tossed a crying Pesche to the side and used his bow to fire an arrow into his sash, sending him flying into the opening that he had come through when he was following the tunnel he had picked. As that happened Cirucci raised a hand and the blades returned to her wings, meaning that she could reload them with ease, but at the same time Uryu knew that he needed to take them out before this battle went on too much longer, as he had the feeling that she had more surprises for him and he honestly didn't want to see them. It appeared that he had no choice, as the blade feathers prevented him from doing anything, so he landed close by his opponent and had his bow disappear as he reached behind his back and pulled out one of the special thin rectangular objects that he had brought with him... and when the next blade attack came at him he swung at them and cleaved them in half, before spinning the device around as he noticed a look of shock appear on his opponent's face.

"What... is that?" Cirucci asked, as she had no idea what her foe had done to her blade feathers, but seeing them get cleaved in half like that, from someone that used a bow, worried her and made her wonder if her chances of winning had suddenly disappeared all of a sudden.

"How unfortunate." Uryu replied, to which he stopped spinning the device he was holding and held it so it was pointed off to his right, revealing that it appeared that he was wielding a blade of some kind, while at the same time he kept his eyes on his opponent, "I was really hoping to hold off on using this for a little while longer. Before Urahara-san snuck me out of the hospital, I had him help me find my father's secret and hidden warehouse, allowing me to recover these from there, especially since he won't be using them anytime soon. This is Seele Schneider, or Soul Slasher, the only edged weapon that a Quincy uses."

"So you're a thief!" Pesche stated, pointing his accusing finger at Uryu again, though at the same time he also remained hidden in the hallway, as best he could, because he didn't want Cirucci to attack him again, even if it meant that he couldn't converse with Uryu like he had been doing earlier.

"No, though judging by how large the warehouse was I'm sure that my father could be called such," Uryu said, as he recalled all of the Quincy artifacts and weapons that had been stored away inside that warehouse, never to see the light of day again since his father hated being a Quincy, "I just borrowed a few things with every intention of giving them back to him when we leave Hueco Mundo."

"You aren't a Shinigami... you're a Quincy." Cirucci said, though at the same time she smiled, as she now understood the reason behind the bow and the speed, while Uryu glanced back over at her, since he knew that she'd attack him again at some point in time.

"Oh, you know about us. That's a rare honor these days." Uryu replied, because it was rare to find someone that actually knew what a Quincy was, especially since a good number of them had been killed so long ago and most of the survivors were hunted down by Mayuri and his goons.

"I heard that they were a troublesome clan that were exterminated by the Shinigami." Cirucci stated, to which her earlier smile reappeared, because if the Shinigami were able to destroy the entirety of the Quincy, and leave only one or two behind from the sounds of it, then she should have no problem finishing off her opponent.

"I figured as much." Uryu said, as that appeared to be everything that the Quincy, if they were remembered as a group at all, were known for, their extermination, and yet he didn't let that bother him, because he still didn't care about it and wasn't about to change his tone, to which he flashed behind Cirucci and swung at her, getting her to use her wing against him before moving backwards after making contact.

"Then why are you aiding the Shinigami?" Cirucci asked, because based on the reports that she and the other Privaron Espada had been given the one that Lord Aizen was interested in was the Shinigami called Ichigo Kurosaki, and she would have loved to face him in battle so she could rip his head off, "It doesn't make any sense!"

"Oh, but I'm not aiding the Shinigami... I'm aiding Sombra, the Dios Hueco and future ruler of Hueco Mundo." Uryu answered, to which he noticed a look of recognition appear in Cirucci's eyes for a moment, indicating that she knew what he was talking about while confirming what he and the others had been told by Pesche and Dondochakka, "Besides, right now I'm more worried about the blade feathers on your wings than I am about the history of my clan, or the fact that you think I'm helping the Shinigami."

Even as he said that, and landed on the floor near his opponent, the remaining five blades on Cirucci's right wing had the exposed tips removed, as the portions of the blades fell to the floor while a look of pure shock appeared on his opponent's face for a moment.

"Did you forget what happened a few moments ago?" Uryu inquired, as he had a hard time believing that his foe could have forgotten what he did to her other wing, but at the same time it appeared that she had forgotten, "It wasn't a fluke or a one-time increase of my reiatsu. Vibrating objects, like those blades feathers of yours, can be destroyed or damaged by hitting them with something that moves at a higher frequency, such as my Seele Schneider, which can be likened to a chainsaw if it helps you understand what I'm talking about. The surface of the blade is made of spirit particles which vibrate three million times a second. In case you didn't know, Quincy are talented at perceiving reiatsu, and at a glance I could tell that your wings were vibrating at 1.1 to 1.3 million times per second, not even half of what Seele Schneider is capable of doing."

"I see... in other words, my wings won't work against you." Cirucci said, to which she sighed for a moment as she shed the broken blade feathers on her left wing, though at the same time the pieces that resembled the sealed form of her Zanpakuto and the arms attached to them fell off as well, leaving her with a normal pair of arms and fingers as she touched the floor.

"I didn't think that you could freely separate parts of your released form like that." Uryu commented, as it wasn't something that the other Arrancar he had been told about had done, and that might have been because the Shinigami they were fighting caught them off guard, but that didn't make him lower his guard.

"They're not separated... I ditched them." Cirucci replied, though at the same time she growled as she stared at the opponent who had cost her more than he knew, while also preparing an attack that would cost him his life if she could stall him long enough, "I'll never be able to return to that form again. In case you didn't know, the true name for when we release our swords is Resurreccion, and it gives us back the attacks and abilities that we had when we were Hollow. The only way to turn back to our Human form is to seal those abilities back into our swords, though changing form without reforming the blade is like cutting off an arm. And, since we're talking about attacks, what I was using earlier was eating up a lot of reiatsu, so if the wings and arms aren't going to be useful I might as well get rid of them, let's me use the reiatsu for something else during our fight... like a single weapon that's focused on your demise!"

As she said that the parts of her Resurreccion that were the wings finally broke off, though that was when Uryu noticed that her tail was moving, as it's top split in half and a pink crescent shaped mass of reiatsu formed between the two points, all while Cirucci was sweating from all the reiatsu that she was using. Cirucci informed him that the Arrancar were solders and the Espada were their leaders, so failure wasn't an option, before she attacked him with the attack that her tail had formed, knocking Uryu backwards a little after a few seconds of blocking the reiatsu with his edged weapon. In the following moments Uryu found himself back where the battle started, him avoiding Cirucci's attacks while trying to come up with another plan to defeat another aspect of her that he didn't even know about, and yet this time he could tell that she was getting tired, much faster than he was. After a few moments he found himself guarding from another attack, much like the first one he encountered, and instead of being pushed back he fought against his opponent's power and ended up slicing a gash into the attack, knocking Cirucci back a bit... only for her to rethink her attack and transformed it into an energy wave that mimicked the appearance of an actual sword, like Kurosaki carried when he was in his Bankai state or one of the katana that Sombra carried.

Cirucci even proclaimed that if two swords were equal in power, assuming that both her attack and Uryu's Seele Schneider were at the same level of power, than the longest one of the two had a greater chance of victory, which actually explained why her attack was shaped the way it was.

"The same strength? I think you're misunderstanding something." Uryu said, as he couldn't believe that his foe honestly believed that she had a chance at winning this fight, because the reality is that she was closer to losing the battle than she thought she was, "Seele Schneider's reiatsu vibrations aren't meant for cutting. Due to it's extremely ripid vibrations, it is able to soften the reiatsu around the area it cuts, thus making the reiatsu easier to steal. Allow me to educate you a little; all Quincy fight by collecting the spirit particles in the area around them and forming spirit weapons, usually bows, to battle whoever or whatever their opponent is. Seele Schneider is the best tool for doing that. The spirit particles that make up your sword are as good as mine."

As Uryu explained all this, however, he demonstrated what he was talking about by actually absorbing some of Cirucci's spirit particles from her blade, making her sweat in the process, but at the same time that meant that he would be ready for what came next... especially since Cirucci was getting ready to charge at him.

"Also, there's one other thing you're mistaken about... Seele Schneider isn't a sword." Uryu added, to which he formed his spirit bow and switched his hold on the edged weapon, allowing it to act like the arrow that it was as it nocked it into position on his bow and took aim, "Quincy only use bows as arrows."

Not even a second later he released the arrow and watched as it flew through the air, cutting the entirety of Cirucci's sword in half, causing her eyes to widen in the process, before it found it's target and pierced her chest, sending all the spirit particles into her body before it all disappeared, to which Cirucci crashed to the floor and the depleted Seele Schneider did the same as well, allowing Uryu to collect it and return it to his belt.

"Cirucci Sanderwicci, as the victor it is within my right to determine whether you live or die," Uryu said, though at the same time he sighed, as normally he would have either killed her or left her alone to face her fate, but since there was another aspect to this war he couldn't do either of those things, "and I know that you would rather die, after facing such a defeat, but I'm not going to kill you. Sombra, the Dios Hueco, is recruiting all Hollows and Arrancar to his side, those that are willing to serve the true ruler of Hueco Mundo, and I'm sure that you would find a new home if you decided to forgo your alliance to Aizen."

"I... I hate... you!" Cirucci stated, though as she spoke Uryu noticed that there were tears, not sweat, running down her face, but he wasn't sure if that was because of the fact that he wasn't killing her, or the fact that Sombra was actually recruiting new allies and severing their connections to Aizen, the 'Usurper', just like Pesche claimed that the legend of the Dio Hueco said.

"I know." Uryu replied, as he had known, just from the amount of time that he had spent in this area, that the Arrancar he had fought didn't like him, and while he may have shot her where her spiritual powers came from Orihime could easily repair the damage by nullifying what he had done, before he turned around and walked away from her, "Come on, Pesche, let's get moving."

Cirucci, despite not being able to watch them leave, could hear both the Quincy and the strange Arrancar that had been with him leave the chamber that they had been fighting in, heading down a different path than the one they took to reach her area of Tres Cifras. A few moments later she felt the beak-like headpiece, the flowing mane, and the tail break apart as her Resurreccion shattered, forcing her to revert back to her previous state as her Zanpakuto formed nearby, but she did nothing as she laid there, as she had no idea what she was going to do in her current state.

"Cirucci Sanderwicci," a voice said, to which she shifted her gaze to the best of her ability and her eyes widened when she found the Exequias and their leader Rudbornn Chelute, the horned leader of the execution squad, standing near her, though she knew who had spoken, "We have come for you. Please, do not resist."

"W... Wait." Cirucci replied, knowing that, regardless of what happened, she'd be taken to Szayelaporro's lab and have the information on her fight taken from her in some manner, as she had never bothered to figure out what the Espada did during his experiments and studies, and she'd rather not die just yet if she could help it, "T... Take me to Szayelaporro... I have some information that's better... passing on verbally, instead of... whatever he does. Let him... decide my fate."

"As you wish." Rudbornn stated, to which he sheathed his blade and stood back up, where the rest of the Exequias sheathed their blades as they followed his lead, before he turned towards two of his followers and pointed at them for a few seconds, "You two, take her to Szayelaporro's lab, then come back and rejoin the group. There are more invaders to chase and more fights to clean up."

Cirucci mentally breathed a sigh of relief, because at the very least the Octava Espada would keep her alive until he was done with his tests and had gotten all the information he could out of her, and she offered no resistance to the pair of the Exequias that picked her up, returned her Zanpakuto, just an ordinary blade instead of a disc blade, to it's scabbard, and carried her towards the lab in question... though she only hoped that she could survive long enough to meet the Arrancar that Uryu had been talking about and see what he was really doing.

While the others were dealing with their enemies, and figuring out how to beat them in the process, Chad found that his opponent wasn't anything like the Arrancar that he had heard about and seen during the couple of attacks on the World of the Living. The reason was because the moment he entered the square chamber that his foe was located in the Arrancar wasted no time in attacking him, not even saying anything to him, and he barely had enough time to call his armored right hand into existence before the battle started. Of course he was surprised by the power that his foe had, meaning that he had to be an Espada of some kind, and he had even been forced into one of the walls during the opening moments of the fight, where the Arrancar claimed that he wasn't even worth being called a warmup, but when Chad fired a blast at him the Arrancar jumped out of the way and seemed to smile for a moment as Chad readied himself for the next attack that was coming his way. What he wasn't expecting was for the Arrancar to knock him against the floor a few moments later and send him flying into the wall behind him, this time denting it with the form of his body, but at the same time he got a good look at his opponent before he did anything else.

His opponent, from what he could tell, had brown eyes and a big burnt orange afro-style haircut with thick sideburns and a goatee, though his outfit had been modified from the original style to match his particular style, including large frills on his collar and thighs. The remains of his Hollow mask appeared to be some sort of sunglasses-shaped plate on his forehead with four teeth coming out above each eye, while at the same time there is a blue star in the center of the mask fragment, though Chad had no idea what purpose the star served. Attached to his wrists appeared to be some sort of punch daggers that had hinges attached to them, though at the moment they were pointed up the Arrancar's arms and hadn't been use against them, but Chad had the feeling that the two pairs of daggers were his Zanpakuto, as he didn't see the ordinary blade that the other Arrancar had.

"Guess you weren't cut out to go against Arrancar Ciento Siete, Gantenbainne Mosquede." the Arrancar said, though at the same time he revealed his name to Chad, as if he felt that Chad was done for without even offering a challenge to him, but that meant good things for Chad.

Chad let the smoke from his collision with the wall swirl around him for a few seconds, shrouding him from his opponent's view, before he burst out of where he had been resting and rushed towards Gantenbainne as his reiatsu gathered in his right fist, fully intending to beat his foe down.

"You're little Human punches will never connect if you can't use Sonido." Gantenbainne stated, though at the same time he flashed up to where Chad was and grabbed onto his head with his left hand, surprising Chad with how fast his foe was, before he was sent flying against the ground again and crashed into the wall again, "I believe I've said that a few times now, haven't I, Sado Yasutora? Or do you prefer Chad? Either way, if you want to keep coming at me like you have been, then I won't stop you from trying to reach me. You'll still die in the end."

"We'll see if I die or not." Chad replied, to which he pulled himself up and readied another blast in his right hand, but even as he did that he knew that this opponent might be too much for him to handle, so much so that he considered calling for Sombra to come and help him, but he wanted to be absolutely sure before he did something like that.

In the following moment Chad charged forward and swung at Gantenbainne, who grabbed his punch with his left hand before delivering a pair of punches that knocked him towards the ceiling, but Chad then used his new height to gather his power and punched at his opponent again, who jumped out of the way as he hit the ground where the Arrancar had been standing seconds ago. Before he really had a chance to do anything, or even raise his defenses, Gantenbainne rushed at him and kicked him once more, sending him to the floor some distance away from him, but, just like the last few minutes had gone, the Arrancar didn't chase after him and simply stared at him for a moment.

"Look, I'm holding back as much as I can." Gantenbainne stated, as he honestly wanted a fair fight, because it had been a long time since he had anyone to fight since the other Privaron Espada kept to themselves and rarely came into the area that he called home, before focusing on Chad again, "I'm trying to be nice here. So I'll say it again: you're going to die if you keep this up."

"I'm not ready to die yet!" Chad declared, though at the same time he picked himself off the floor and faced his foe, where he channeled more power into his right hand and readied himself for what was going to happen next, as he was still unconvinced of whether or not he needed to call for any aid.

"Man, you've got guts." Gantenbainne said, to which he smiled for a moment, because while he wanted a more fair fight he was pleased to see that his foe was at least trying to fight him and not running away like a baby, though at the same time he prepared himself for what was coming next.

In the next few seconds the two of them charged at each other and let their fists connect, where Chad fell to his knee for a moment as Gantenbainne stopped a few steps behind him, but at the same time an opening presented itself, to which Chad swung his fist and punched the Arrancar in the side of his face, sending him flying straight into the same wall that he had sent Chad into the last few times.

"It is as I said, I'm not ready to die yet." Chad said, to which he stood up straight and faced the Arrancar, because he knew that his attack didn't have the power necessary to defeat such an opponent and knew that he needed a plan of attack to defeat Gantenbainne before things got out of hand.

"I understand how you feel now, Chad." Gantenbainne spoke up, though as he pulled himself out of the small hole that had formed around him he decided to call his opponent by the name he preferred to be called, based on the amount of information that they had on the Human, and he was still a little surprised by the fact that the Human had been able to punch him in such a way, "You want an all-out fight, don't you?"

"That's correct." Chad replied, as he had known that his opponent was holding back, before he had been told that a few moments ago, and since it appeared that all his friends were fighting their enemies at their full strength, so that they wouldn't be able to be chased should they survive the encounter, he decided to do the same, "I must move on from here, and you need to be defeated before I can do that."

"Sounds like fun." Gantenbainne replied, because the way Chad talked he had the feeling that he might still be holding something back, just like he was holding back a good portion of his power and his Resurreccion, to which he flashed through the air and got the battle started once more.

Chad barely had time to react as Gantenbainne appeared behind him and punched him a few times, stunning him for a few seconds, before bringing his hands together above his head and used them to knock him into the floor, where a small crater formed around him. When the Arrancar jumped into the air, and came back down to punch at him, Chad rolled out of the way and let his opponent hit where he had been laying a few seconds ago, though as he stood up once more he noticed that Gantenbainne was now using the daggers that were attached to his wrists, adding a new level of danger to the fight. As such the first thing he did, when the Arrancar came at him again, was dodge a few of the attacks to the best of his ability, but that soon changed when Gantenbainne changed tactics and used his fists, with the daggers, in a rapid fire barrage of punches that were all aimed at Chad's chest area, stunning him and causing him to cough up some blood in the process, before the Arrancar punched him down into the ground with a 'Ciento' that followed the final punch, leaving Chad in a Human sized crater.

"Get back on your feet, Chad." Gantenbainne said, as the moment he finished his attack he had backed up to give his opponent some space, because it was time to see if his guess was right about what the Human had left to give him or if his skills were getting rusty thanks to having no enemies to fight for a long time, "I know you're still hiding your true power. You're strong, I can tell that by our exchanges so far, and I can tell that someone like that shouldn't be fighting like you are at the moment. This should be a fair fight, for God's sake... you have no response? That hurts my feelings!"

Gantenbainne raised his left hand, with the daggers still out, and let a bit of his power dance between the two blades as he swung his arm down towards Chad, who snapped his eyes open a second later and did something that caused the area between them to detonate, forcing Gantenbainne to sweat as he stared at what was in front of him.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to hide it." Chad said, as he honestly hadn't been trying to hold anything back against such an opponent, rather he had been thinking about something that had stirred in him the moment they came to Hueco Mundo and hadn't told the others about his discovery, "It's just that ever since we came to Hueco Mundo, my powers felt different than they did in the World of the Living. It confused me, and I was unable to get a hold of my true powers until now. But now, I finally have it under control. I'll be able to fight with my full strength from now on. Brazo Derecha de Gigante... or Right Arm of the Giant. This is my right arm's true form."

As the smoke cleared Gantenbainne stared at the black armor that had encased Chad's right arm and hand, as it had transformed into a shield of some kind that now protected him, with markings that resembled teeth, a nose, and basically could protect his entire arm at this point... though at the same time he backed off so he could get a good look at Chad's new arm while wondering what sort of power he might have gained from the sudden change.

"I never realized it until now, or maybe I just didn't want to accept it, but my inner power stirred in excitement when we first came to Hueco Mundo," Chad continued, to which he glanced at the transformed armor that was around his right arm, as it was strange to see that it had changed from what he had been using the entire time, but oddly enough it felt better having this armor and not the older armor, "It's a feeling that I never got when I went to Soul Society. The longer I stayed here, the more the feeling of excitement grew, and when you rained those attacks down on me... well, it was the first time that feeling settled down. At first I thought that the feeling was linked to my eagerness for the fights that I would be getting into, but ever since I came here my power has been alight with joy that's akin to coming back here... it's as though the brutal homecoming of it's kinsman had reminded it of what it really was. Truth be told, I've been suspicious of my power since the day I gained it, because it's different than the abilities of the Shinigami and Quincy, and I've finally found out the answer. My powers are less like those of the Shinigami and Quincy, rather they're more like the powers that belong to a Hollow."

As he neared the end of his statement Chad began to release the true power of his right arm, with a large amount of blue energy, the same he used in the arm's prior form, emitting from the upper part of the shield as he prepared to attack Gantenbainne with his new might, and when he loosed his punch the power surged forward and barreled into his foe, and that including blasting him through the wall that was behind him, allowing them to move into a new chamber. Following the attack he had fired off, and he kept his surprise to himself, Chad walked through the hole he had made and kept his eyes on his foe as he entered the new chamber, where Gantenbainne flashed up to him and tried to kick the right side of his head, only for Chad to surprise him when he used his arm to block the attack entirely. For a moment he wondered if he had gotten faster or if Gantenbainne had gotten slower, though instead of focusing on that he waved his foe off and sent him flying up to the upper part of a pillar, where the structure beneath the Arrancar's feet cracked as he looked down at it in surprise, opening him to another attack as Chad jumped up to where he was and punched at him, sending the shockwave through the pillar and the ones that were behind it.

When Gantenbainne tried to use his Sonido to flee, however, Chad caught up with him and knocked him towards another pillar, though when he tired to punch him again the Arrancar flashed out of the way as he collided with the pillar, breaking it as his foe remained in the air and Chad returned to the ground, but that was only for a second as Chad used his new speed to get behind Gantenbainne and punched him into the floor, where he landed some distance away and started to slowly approach his opponent. From there Gantenbainne tried a few tests to really test Chad's powers, finding that he was faster and stronger than he had been before his arm's transformation, and that the first one resulted in him being blown into another wall as part of it broke on him. He was also sure that Chad's speed had increased because he tried to use his Sonido to get into a good position to attack Chad, before he fired another empowered blast at him since he appeared to be charging one at the moment, but, as he expected, his foe was able to keep pace with him and brought him to a point where he was outpaced, resulting in another blast that destroyed some of the pillars and sent him into the floor, covering him in smoke for a moment.

Since it appeared that Chad was now using his full power, and the true form of that power, Gantenbainne decided that enough was enough and released his power while mumbling his Release Call to himself, allowing the smoke to vibrate for a few moments before he was ready to go.

"I hope you didn't forget about us." Gantenbainne stated, to which the smoke cleared and revealed his true form to Chad, as his arms had grown longer and were now covered in dome-shaped, armor plating, while his punch daggers now resembled dragon heads, and at the same time more plates also extended down his back until they stopped in the form a tail, giving him an appearance reminiscent of an armadillo, "We have a true form, too, remember? Don't we, Draga?"

Chad readied himself as Gantenbainne lowered the part of his mask over his eyes and then connected his hands together, finding that the two dragon heads and his arms seemed to connect perfectly like they were a cannon or something like it, before he felt some power being drawn in while his foe said 'Dios, ruego nos perdone', meaning that he was praying that God forgave them. That was followed by a large burst of energy that raced towards Chad, who had just a few seconds to raise his arm in defense, before the energy tore through the pillars around him and destroyed a good portion of the area around him, though as Gantenbainne raised his mask fragment in surprise Chad used the smoke cover to do one thing with his left arm, and that was transform it as well.

"I'm sorry, Gantenbainne, I left one thing out." Chad said, to which he waited for the smoke to clear before he lowered his right arm, though since that would be a few moments away from happening he decided to tell his opponent something before he revealed the truth to him, "This really is the true form of my right arm, and I know that the soul of my Abuelo, who taught me to use my strength to protect others, resides within it. At first I didn't understand what he told me, but now I finally do, as the power within my right arm is only meant to defend... and during my training, deep within myself, I finally found the power to attack."

Gantenbainne stared at Chad's left arm as the shield was lowered, because instead of being black with red markings, like the right arm was, the left arm was covered in white armor that had a red stripe running down the length of his arm and only stopped at the center of the back of his hand. In addition to that his fingertips had a red diamond shaped marking that covered them, while a spike protruded from Chad's left shoulder, make by the armor, and two more spikes, smaller than the first one, extended over his chest, resembling claws.

"It's name is Diablo... Brazo Izquierda del Diablo, or Left Arm of the Devil." Chad explained, making sure that his opponent had a chance to see the full true form of his left arm, since he was the first one that had the honor of fighting this new power since he hadn't shown anyone it, before he started to walk towards Gantenbainne.

Gantenbainne clearly didn't like the name of his attack, or the fact that he had another trick of his sleeve, as he pulled his hands near each other and charged two balls of reiatsu that he combined into a single powerful attack, one that he threw at Chad a few moments later, but it did nothing as Chad raised his left hand and caught it, before crushing it as he closed his fist. Gantenbainne understood that Chad was now fighting at full power, now that both of his abilities were out in the open, so he gathered his power together into a single mass and sent a powerful burst of reiatsu, that shifted into the form of a dragon's head, that raced towards his opponent, but Chad surprised him again by raising his left hand and braced himself as the attack struck him. A few moments later the attack broke apart and the Arrancar realized that he was now fighting a losing battle, as it appeared that Chad was even stronger than what he had been expecting, to which he flashed up to where his opponent was standing and tried to kick him into the ground, only for Chad to catch the leg with his left hand and threw him into one of the few standing pillars, breaking it in the process. Gantenbainne tried several other attacks after that, as he loosed small blasts at Chad, tried to get behind him, and even tried to punch him, but when he tried the last one Chad pushed forward and started pushing him backwards, where he found himself being pushed all the way into one of the nearby walls.

When they reached the wall in question, and Chad stopped him once he was against the wall, Chad raised his left arm into the air and Gantenbainne watched as five small blue disks formed at the tips of Chad's fingers, before he formed a fist with his fingers and prepared for the strike that he was planning.

"La Muerte." Chad said, to which he punched Gantenbainne right in his chest, stunning the Arrancar for a moment before his Resurreccion shattered, though that was followed by a large skull shaped hole was carved into the wall behind him, like he was a sacrifice to something.

The force of his attack not only cracked Gantenbainne's mask fragment, removing the area with the star, but the skull hole blasted an actual hole in the wall, where Chad walked out into an open area that had a sky that mimicked what the World of the Living had, while at the same time the defeated Arrancar landed on the ground some distance in front of him, with some blood that indicated that he had been wounded by the attack. A few seconds later Chad walked forward and let both his left arm and his right arm return to normal, as in the armor disappeared as quickly as he had formed them earlier, before he eventually stopped beside the downed Arrancar, who he knelt beside.

"Gantenbainne, it was because you fought me with everything that you had that I was able to grasp my true power and understand it." Chad said, as he felt that he might as well thank the Arrancar for allowing him to gain a better idea of what his power was capable of before he moved onto the next opponent, "You have my gratitude, because thanks to you I'll be able to survive the upcoming battles and rejoin my friends, including Sombra and Ichigo."

"You're friends... with the Dios Hueco?" Gantenbainne asked, as he had felt the powerful Arrancar arrive in Hueco Mundo and had been dreading coming into contact with him, since he was able to best Dordoni with a single attack, but if this was the strength of one of the people who followed the most powerful Hollow around he could admit defeat, "I see... then I'll warn you and hold on to what life I still have until he claims this world as his own... there's an Espada coming this way, and he might just kill you if he catches you off guard."

"There's no need to run. I'm already here." a voice said, to which Chad turned to the side and found someone that was carrying the strangest weapon he had ever seen, as it appeared to be a giant axe-like weapon with two crescent blades that were fused at the backs, standing near them, "Sup? So you're leading the charge, huh?"

"No, that would be Sombra." Chad replied, though at the same time he knew that this Arrancar was far stronger than Gantenbainne, meaning that he was definitely stronger than he was and that he might be in trouble, which was why as he formed both his left arm and his right arm he sent the signal, as he wasn't about to fight someone of Grimmjow's level without Sombra assisting him, "Who are you?"

"My name is Nnoitra Gilga, and I am the Quinto Espada." the Arrancar said, though at the same time he shifted his stance and readied his axe weapon, showing Chad that he was getting ready for a fight, which meant that he needed to have his guard up as he waited for Sombra to appear.

"What are you going Chad?! Run for it!" Gantenbainne called out, because despite the pain he was in, as that La Muerte attack he had taken had been more powerful than he originally thought it would be, he didn't want someone who had fought him with his full power to fall so soon after his victory.

Chad, despite waiting for Sombra to appear, did what he thought was best at the moment, he charged forward and tested his opponent's defenses by punching him a few times, though as he did that he found that his attacks, now fully awakened thanks to his battle with Gantenbainne, did absolutely nothing to the Espada that was in front of him.

"Nah, he's as good as dead." Nnoitra said, to which he raised his axe weapon into the air and swung it down on Chad, barely giving him the chance to defend himself as a deep gash was cut into his chest, causing him to cough up some blood as he fell to the desert floor that was under his feet and his armored arms reverted back to normal, only for Nnoitra to frown as he looked down at Chad for a moment, "I knew it. You're weak as hell. Not even worth bragging about. At least there's another powerful foe nearby, otherwise I'd actually kill you instead of leaving you to bleed out."

Chad said nothing as he weakly felt Nnoitra lift his weapon back to where he carried it and wandered off, hearing something about a 'Tesra' person being nearby and stating that Chad needed to be killed, but as the seconds ticked by the voices got softer and softer until the Espada and his minion were gone. One thing he had caught was that someone Nnoitra called 'Aaroniero' released his Zanpakuto, meaning one of the weaker Espada, and he briefly felt Rukia's reiatsu in the same area, but that was all Chad was able to feel as he closed his eyes and focused on not dying, until his eyes were forced open when a familiar reiatsu entered the area he and Gantenbainne were in.

"Sorry I'm late Chad, I was helping Rukia deal with her oppon..." Sombra said, as he had teleported into the area that Chad was in, to which he ignored the ceiling that was above them as his eyes widened when he noticed the condition that one of his friends was in, "What in the world happened?"

"He was attacked... by the Quinto Espada... Nnoitra Gilga." Gantenbainne replied, though at the same time he was surprised by how suddenly the other Arrancar had appeared, but what shocked him was the sheer power that was coming from the person in front of him.

"I see. The Espada above Grimmjow." Sombra said, as he wasn't expecting the defeated Arrancar that Chad had fought to answer him, but at the same time he wasn't about to leave his friend on the ground in a pool of his own blood, even though there was only one way he could fix this without resorting to the long process of healing Kido, to which he drew Shokyo and prepared himself, "Bankai."

Gantenbainne watched as the Arrancar transformed his attire into a suit of armor that belonged to a knight, with a broadsword to match, though before he could say anything Sombra picked him up with some sort of levitation ability and gently placed him beside Chad, which was followed by a crystalline dome appearing over the two of them as Sombra worked the healing properties of his Bankai upon them. He stood there for a moment as the wound on Chad's chest stopped bleeding and closed, allowing his friend to open his eyes and smile, while at the same time he quickly mended his opponent's wounds as well, making sure that the two of them were as good as they could get with his skills. Once he was sure that both of them were ready to go, and didn't need any additional attention, Sombra pulled his power back and sealed his Bankai, knowing that the brief burst of power would draw attention and that they needed to move, even though it appeared that he was needed elsewhere and not where Chad was.

"Thanks for the aid... though it's a shame that you got here after Nnoitra left." Chad said, as he could already imagine the damage that Sombra would have done to the Espada that had wounded him in such a way, while at the same time noticing that his friend seemed to be sensing something else.

"Oh, I intend to find him and pay him back for what he did to you." Sombra replied, and he meant it, as it sounded like one of the Espada felt that his friends were worthless and treated him like trash, before he glanced at the Arrancar that was staring at him, "And you are?"

"I am Gantenbainne Mosqueda," Gantenbainne answered, to which he dropped to one knee and bowed to the new ruler of Hueco Mundo, as just the brief showing of Sombra's power had been enough to show him that the legend was true and that change was coming, "I, like those that you have come across before entering Las Noches, swear to serve you, the new ruler of Hueco Mundo, and do as you command."

For a moment Sombra felt that the whole 'Dios Hueco' thing was starting to get out of hand, as now a good number of Arrancar and Hollows were vowing to give him their allegiance and follow his orders, but at the same time he wondered if some of the Espada might do the same once they realized that they had no chance of beating him... and, since he was sure that enemies were coming, he decided to just accept Gantenbainne into the fold and get moving.

"Very well then, welcome to the club." Sombra said, as he really didn't want to think that he was taking over Hueco Mundo, but at the same time it was starting to look like his assault on Las Noches was giving him the ability to slowly take over everything that Aizen had built, "For right now the two of you should hide your reiatsu and continue to where they're keeping Orihime and Sora, or at least try and find one of the other groups so we can get back together. I'm not saying that you shouldn't fight anyone, but please double check who your enemies are before things get out of hand, as we wouldn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to either of you, not when one of the Espada think you're both done for... though if you do see Nnoitra again, Chad, don't be afraid to signal me so I can teach him a lesson. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to make sure Ichigo and Nel are okay... and something tells me I'll be called away from them before they reach whatever is in the next chamber they're heading to."

Chad had no idea what was going on with the others, but he nodded his head and watched as Sombra vanished as quickly as he had appeared, no doubt surprising his new ally, though since Sombra was right about the possibility of enemies coming he and Gantenbainne headed off into the area in front of them, hoping to disappear before they were spotted... and he hoped that whoever called upon Sombra next had a good reason, as the powerful Arrancar looked angry and he didn't want to be the one that set him off.

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