• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Forget not that I am a derp.


Even Wallflower Blush had to admit that Sunset changed after she admitted she made a mistake to the entire world and worked to fix it. But even a new world of magic and wonder hasn't made Wallflower stand out any more. As far as she can tell, all that changed was her nails.

It turns out that even she didn't notice her magic's capabilities for a while. But it can only stay under the radar for so long, given who's looking...

Part of the Oversaturated World, folding in more Magic: the Gathering elements than average. Takes place about a week after the much-delayed Friendship Games.

Wilting flower isolated from this image, and extrapolated from Wallflower's backpack before that.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

I was going to ask which game Hellspawn: the Corruption mapped to but then I looked up and noticed my Demon: the Fallen book sitting in a stack of books (sandwiched between the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the Ironclaw base rule book) just past my monitor and I felt a little dumb. Though mentioning "cyberpunk" made me think it mapped to Genius: the Transgression for a while.
Of all of the OWoD that was not one of the "Big Three" (of which I played Vampire the most, because vampires) I really liked the style and themes found in both Demon and Mummy. Mummy: The Resurrection doesn't really get enough love.

Also I am not really that deep in to the who is who of Magic so I'm rather sure I'm missing who White Hat and the other younger Dimir are supposed to be. The various other people I got, mostly because they had cards printed.

Also also, I have no idea about "the Wholesome". I'm not sure if that's an MTG thing or a Oversaturated World thing (I really should read more Oversaturated World stories).

I feel a bit bad for Wallflower, having a "Notice Me Not" effect you don't have full control over could be maddening, even for the most introverted.

Goodness, she’ll be unstoppable once she gets some practice under her belt.

Which really is just another way to say she’ll be unstoppable once the faculty at her new school figure out how to kill Sunset for good.

Most of the lore here is introduced in-story. There are some in-jokes here and there, but they don't factor into the actual plot.

White and her fellow club members are OCs. Unsurpisingly for the Ravnican Illuminati, there's not a lot of data on lower-level Dimir operatives. (Mirko Vosk already existed, but he's not in that club.)

The Wholesome are the Oversaturated World's answer to changelings. See Rise of the Wholesome for details on how Chrysalis went from a niche religious leader to a demigod.

And yeah, Wallflower went crazy from isolation in canon. Thankfully, here, she's found her people.

Comment posted by PhycoKrusk deleted Mar 6th, 2018

Let us see what I can do with this.

I'll let Principal Mizzet field this one:

"Kill Sunset Shimmer. Kill Sunset Shimmer? Is that what you think this is all leading up to? Some short-sighted reach for power beyond my grasp simply because it's there? I assure, I am neither suicidal nor omnicidal. Miss Shimmer has nothing to fear from me or my students. Not in terms of some grandiose plot to murder her, anyway. No, we can leave those to the other conspiracies in the area."


It occurs to me that Wallflower has become a conspiratorial nexus. All the major players are interested in her in some fashion, if one takes in the Group Precipitation stuff...

Wait... What's so special about the five, if there's other Pentachromatic users? I guess they're prodigies, right?

Ah, nice, connecting Fuchsia and Wallflower! "Fyoosh", lol! ... How's Fuchsia gonna handle learning her cousin's changing schools?

... And I guess Sunset won't key into the Pentachromatics as something to pay attention to, until she learns about 4/5 and wonders where Blue is... And Black is hiding... Does Niv-Mizzet know who's Black?

White really did mean what she told Wallflower. Indeed, she was more genuine in those moments than she usually wants to be. The identity shell adjusts parts of your personality and can bring repressed ones to the fore, but it can't make a new one whole cloth. Not this early iteration of it, anyway.

Hmm... White Hat X Dovri Ship is a go!



Remove the apostrophe?

All I took out of that, is that Mizzet has no plans that would directly lead to Sunset's murder. "Leave those to theotherconspiracies in the area?" Including the ones that will be enabled by whatever is going on here?

I'm onto your murder plot, murder-plotter!

Why, yes, I do have a hat made from tin foil! It's a pirate hat, because everyone knows those are the superior hats! Why do you ask?

I feel the incredible urge to protect Wallflower from everyone at the school. If White Hat does anything to hurt her....:twilightangry2:

"ahem" But this is an excellent story and one I'm glad to finally read :)

bleh. Stick to slice of life. Every attempt to add some sort of drama to the orversaturated world sucks.

So she put on a personality to appeal to Wallflower. And then took it off, depite buddying up to her for the next year. They're so smart. Like she won't notice the change?

As an avatar of Harmony Sunset isn't going to be cool with any of this super secret conspiracy crap

I believe there was a snippet in the side thing for Oversaturated where Niv-Mizzet expressed interest in acquiring Applejack because of her incredible nature-related abilities. That places her squarely in Green. As for the other three...?

Also, where do the rest of the Gatewatch fit in? Will they even appear? Do they even exist?


Yep, Group Precipitation - Stoking the Firemind.

I really don't think Applejack will transfer, but maybe visit once or twice... If Wallflower still likes plants, well, Applejack's Green...

I imagine that Gideon works as a police officer (possibly with Shining Armour, but I don't know if Shining's job in the Oversaturated World has been established).

We know Jace is VP of Ravnica High.

Liliana would be hard to pin down, since Necromancy is a touchy subject to begin with. I could see her as an mortician/funeral director who heavily channels Morticia Addams, or some sort of spy who leaves a lot of corpse in her wake (subtly).

Chandra's family is hopefully still alive in this universe, and she's doing metal work with her hand-welding-torch while partying hard.

Nissa's probably a nature activist somewhere.

Ajani's a lion. Might not be sapient yet.

Red is Gilda, Black is Sunshine Smiles, and White hasn't been revealed yet.

There there, it's not like the MTG lore is hosted on a website with tons of broken links and an illogical design where finding a cohesive timeline is nigh impossible. :pinkiecrazy:

Wait- :trixieshiftright:

Personally due to my own lack of knowledge in MTG lore, I couldn't really get into the story. It felt more like shoehorning than a natural flow.

I would read the absolute pants out of more Ravnica High stories. This is amazing and needs to be a thing. XD

At first glance the cover art looks like the memory stone... Then I see the Dimir signet and my mind is blown.

I wonder what aspects they got. We know Jace is unicorn-aspect, and I'm almost certain FoME has had Chandra appear as an earth pony in the past. Would Nissa even fall into one of the equine aspects, or would she be subject to the whole elf-elk-deer punnery the Phyrexian elves suffered from in My Little Praetor?

Gideon could be a Griffon, thanks to his G-name, but I think he'd be an Earth Aspect, just because of his invulnerability magic.

Liliana would be either a unicorn or a Wholesome, whom I think is most definitely a femme fatale spy. Her necromancy just lets her interrogate marks after they've already been killed.

I kinda think Chandra would be Unicorn as well, just because pyromancy, but a Pegasus would be interesting, too.

Nissa would be an Earth or an Elk, yeah.

"Call me if there's any trouble," said Aunt Magenta."

Random quote mark on the end.

Nothing makes me appreciate the Ixalan developments more than seeing a story using old Jace like this.

I never thought of Fuchsia Blush and Wallflower Blush being cousins, but it makes sense (also, I can never spell fuchsia correctly on the first try).

"And the attention span of a caffeinated monkey," added Ms. Harshwhinny. "Fuchsia, please keep your comments to yourself during class, no matter how merited.

Man, they need to bring back Ms. Harshwhinny. It's a shame they went so long without using her distainful professionalism.

"Never think Chartreuse forgot about you, Wallflower.”

Knowing this story, maybe Wallflower's mom did forget about her.

"And now how do you feel about her?"

White's eyes fluttered open. She tried to stand, staggered back into her chair, and put a hand to her forehead. "Ugh. Right now, I feel like I got hit by a truck. Seriously, those identity shell things need work."

Is White willingly subjecting herself to memory manipulation? Why would she do that? Also, Wallflower is going to notice White's personality changes, unless Lazav scrubs her memory too.

Anyway, this chapter served as a helpful introduction for readers like me who know nothing about Ravnica High. The “weird, Eastern Stirropean names” are going to take some getting used to in an EG fic, however. The guild names sound like ancient, mystical races.

That was fun. It's good to get a closer look at the dimir (this time).

FWIW, I think that Forgotten Friendship confirms the existence of intrinsic magic in the human world aside from the magical fallout from Equestria. There is no other explanation for Trixie's teleportation and I suspect that Wallflower has some psychic capability that clouds minds and stops people who aren't actually focussed on her from seeing or remembering her.

If I'm right, it should be interesting to see how this impacts on the story. Will the girls start an evening class at school (based on the Ponyverse's School of Friendship) to teach their peers how to control their magic without it massively and destructively impacting on their lives such as with poor Wallflower?

Right, I should probably respond to some more comments, shouldn't I?


Wait... What's so special about the five, if there's other Pentachromatic users? I guess they're prodigies, right?

Future Jace? (Relative to this story, anyway.)

"I wouldn't call them prodigies so much as prominent anomalies by virtue of the... call it the purity of their mana signatures. Every student and faculty member at Ravnica High with this kind of ability has at least two colors to theirs, myself included. But Wallflower, Applejack, et al. are completely, one hundred percent one single color. I hypothesize that this level of chromatic homogeneity is externally imposed rather than internally emergent; color appears to depend at least partially on psychology, and based on available data, a healthy human mind just seems too complex to produce this kind of solitary conceptual focus."

In other words, they're weird because of how intensely their magic focuses on a single color.

How's Fuchsia gonna handle learning her cousin's changing schools?

She knew Wallflower was at least thinking about it since Wallflower asked her what she knew about the place. When she sees how enthusiastic Wallflower is about the transfer, she'll go along with it.

Trixie, naturally, won't notice any change.

Does Niv-Mizzet know who's Black?

Possibly. He always avoids the question when I ask.

Hmm... White Hat X Dovri Ship is a go!

Eventually. Maybe. Goodness knows she's trying to launch it.

Rest assured, White genuinely wants to help Wallflower become a happier person. Her plans for achieving that goal just happen to further several other agendas...

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The presence of the rest of the Gatewatch is something I haven't fully decided on yet. One thing I will say is that Vraska definitely exists. She's in private security, she's an extremely rare cockatrice-aspect (which results in a surprising amount of snake tails coming out of your scalp,) and she and Jace have definitely met. They may or may not have gone a vacation to Central Amareica together.

Fortunately, the MTG Gamepedia has excellent archives for Savor the Flavor, Uncharted Realms, and Magic Story.

8779141 8779441
I have to appreciate how you two managed to comment right next to each other. :rainbowlaugh: Such is the risk of crossovers.

May I ask why?

Eyes in ovals seem to be a recurring theme when it comes to magical memory manipulation.

Glad to know the attempted introduction to some Magic lore worked for at least one person. As for the identity shell issue, White's personality didn't shift too much while giving Wallflower the tour. Just enough to make her more gregarious and open, traits that the Dimir don't exactly encourage, but necessary for making sure none of the other guilds snap up the techno-invisible girl.
(And, given how on card game Ravnica these organizations have existed longer than recorded history on Earth, it makes sense that there's an air of antiquity to them.)

Also, I can state with seventy percent certainty that Chartreuse Blush still remembers her daughter exists.

I've suspected the human world's had magic practically from the moment Pinkie Pie came on screen in the first movie. It is nice to get some confirmation. And night classes on magic would be pretty neat.

Many thanks for the link my fellow human :pinkiehappy:
I've been wanting to read this since forever and the closest I've gotten has been downloading all the .PDFs of all the novels from the interwebs.

Have some light reading that definitely won't drive you insane and probably won't destroy all biological life on Earth


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"Yeah! Or Nightmare Moon, the Prince of Canterlot, if you want to talk to her in character."

Nice to see Luna has found a somewhat less apocalyptic way to get that out of her system.


FWIW, I think that Forgotten Friendship confirms the existence of intrinsic magic in the human world aside from the magical fallout from Equestria. There is no other explanation for Trixie's teleportation and I suspect that Wallflower has some psychic capability that clouds minds and stops people who aren't actually focussed on her from seeing or remembering her.

I have to agree, both about Trixie's impossible stage magic, and Wallflower surreal levels of being unnoticed since the idea is that she was present for all those events we see in her memories, but WE THE AUDIENCE didn't notice her!


Knowing this story, maybe Wallflower's mom did forget about her.

Given what seems to be Wallflower's curse, or rather, her innate nature, it sadly makes 100% sense. Is it any wonder she snapped?

Find I like White Hat more than I was expecting to from the other references to her I read first. She's also an excellent example of the strengths and weaknesses of the stereotypical Dimir mindset. (Blue/black/white myself, in order of importance; as much as I empathize I also can't deny this way of thinking snags on every possible opportunity for you to be your own worst enemy.) Also, I suspect we all find Ravnica guilds a lot more in-our-backyard tolerable when softened to the (setting-relevant) high school level and immersed in a greater sea of Harmony magic which is probably limiting the accidental side effects and damage from their pet projects.


Is White willingly subjecting herself to memory manipulation? Why would she do that? Also, Wallflower is going to notice White's personality changes, unless Lazav scrubs her memory too.

Not the author, but if I was experimenting with this on my students, and wasn't (and really, wouldn't be) convinced all that "Equestrian magic, proven mind-body duality, soul frequency" stuff meant you really can't permanently screw up someone's identity or psyche....Oookay. So. No memory manipulation. You don't need it, even if you're worried about surface levels of mind reading..Basically, White Hat retains all her memories and values. This is more like a wordless mantra at the subconscious level which alters the interface between memory, thought processes and the outside world.

Imagine you had a pet as a child and no longer do. Now, you have a lot of memories of that pet, but there are probably a limited set of initial recollections you get whenever that topic crosses your mind. Say you remember both playing with a happy, young pet and the pet dying of a fatal illness. All your memories are part of who you are - but which one hits first every fraction of an instant your thought patterns happen to include "pet" contributes towards how you act and how other people see you. Mood pattern, minor hormone levels, body language, word choice. And since most of the time you aren't thinking "pet" for more than a brief flash, there are memories which you almost never access. Expand on that concept. We all socially compartmentalize. Who you are playing an online game is who you are riding the bus is who you are speaking to the police is who you are alone in bed with erotica - but hopefully how you behave is different in each of those cases. There are channels which can be widened - or switched.

So White Hat is being herself - just a happier her who's less reflexively defensive and is remembering more about how much fun she's always found finding and sharing information (probably because she's doing so much of it right then) than how much not fun the consequences of oversharing can be. The spell just means she doesn't have to train herself to act that way and focus on it. And presuming White doesn't just keep the spell going around Wallflower, actual friendship should keep the differences in White's behavior rationalizable as stress or the presence of other people.

No doubt Dimir is developing more hardened or encompassing spells. Carefully. They're abyss-watchers, but nobody in this setting, really, can be considered safe - and sane is debatable. Doesn't automatically make them either ambitious or villainous.

"I'm part of the Dimir, and we put our weirdest face forward," said White. "As far as most of the school is concerned, the Dimir are a bunch of people in trenchcoats and heavy makeup who have midnight Bloodsucker: the Facade LARPs."

Vampire: The Masquerade

Author Interviewer




I honestly hope you don't write any more of this, that was a chore to get through. :/

Yeah, this was definitely one of my more self-indulgent stories. :twilightsheepish: My apologies.

Why is this only a one-shot?

Also, as a Bolas player, where where/what is he?

While part of a larger setting, this story doesn't significantly connect to any others... yet. Though there are a few shorts featuring Wallflower and White. (Note that that's a sequence of four links.)

Also, my sources have confirmed that if Bolas has any analogue in this world, we definitely don't know about him, and he definitely isn't running for Senate.

Okay then. Allow me to add dragon-proofing to my anti-politician wards.

I love your oversaturated universe and Ravnica High in particular, I dearly hope to see a sequel to this one :pinkiehappy:

I have zero familiarity with MTG, so the crossover elements mostly went over my head. I like this depiction of Wallflower, though, and I'm glad to see her finding a better place for herself that won't lead to Memory Stone shenanigans.

Niv Mizzet isn't behind Dimir, Dimir is behind Niv Mizzit, maybe all of Ravinca high are just Dimir but for their plan have made a fake idetity of other people. As for Wallflower, why they just need to alter her memories and she will be a willing puppet.

What if all this entire universe is false and White Hat is Yagmoth who is actually Lazav!

I'm not crazy your crazy:pinkiecrazy:

Liked this a lot. Hope to see more of Ravnica.

Interestingly done. I don't recall a lot of my Magic knowledge (many years ago I played a little and had a group who was *very* into it) so most of the references passed me by.

Still an intriguing story. n_n

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