• Published 5th Jul 2018
  • 3,849 Views, 314 Comments

Pokémon of harmony - Firefoxino

A normal day for Anne, well not that normal. A good day and a good birthday were too much to ask for it seems. A story about adventure, love and mystery fetch your pokedex and let's start.

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Chapter 2 On the long road

Our journey through the Everfree was mostly uneventful, we passed beautiful rivers and many many trees. At some point, I thought I saw something move in the foliage but I didn’t sense any emotions so I thought it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. Thomas and I learned that we can levitate ourselves with our telekinesis but the action is very difficult and hard to use.

We were talking about Trixie’s magic when a red blur hopped on the wagon making a solid sound on the roof of it. “What was that?” Trixie asked. Thomas and I went on the wagon to see what exactly the blur was. It was a Paras, it had an orange body with mushrooms on its back. The Paras looked at us and made some kind of clicking noise then it launched at us slashing its pincers.

Thomas and I avoided the hit and stepped back. “You little…” Thomas said and grabbed a twig from the ground smashing it against the Paras, the action didn’t serve its purpose though because the Paras was angrier than before, it ruffled its mushrooms and a cloud of spores rained upon us. Thomas, unfortunately, breathed them in and passed out immediately, I held my breath and used confusion on the Paras making it dizzy and causing it to fall from the wagon.

“Trixie run!” I shouted at her from the roof of the wagon, I took Thomas in my telekinesis and teleported the both of us inside the wagon then I put him on a bed made out of socks. After making sure that he was fine I teleported on Trixie’s back.

“Trixie you must hurry! More pokémon are coming and they are not very friendly.” I said, I could sense them from miles away, they were all scared and confused but they were mostly angry, and I didn’t want to face that anger.

“More of you?” Asked Trixie galloping down the road.

“Not exactly, there are a lot of different species of pokémon in the world, and most of them are very dangerous. We must hurry and get out of the forest, this place has become far too dangerous.” I replied with a tremble in my voice, the feelings of confusion and fear surrounding me were having an effect.

“The great and powerful Trixie doesn’t need to flee!” Trixie said in her usual tone.

I grabbed her mane and talked some sense into her. “Trixie, this is not something we can face now. We must get out of the forest or we're all dead! Now hurry, p-please.” The pokémon were now near us and I was so scared.

“Fine.” Trixie said and ran faster than before. “We are going to pass the Gateway in a hurry. It will be uncomfortable.” She said.

“Better uncomfortable than dead!” I cried out grabbing her neck with all my strength. Suddenly the trees in front of us fell down and a giant Scolipede ran into the road, the Scolipede looked at us with anger. Trixie managed to barely avoid it. The Scolipede then started chasing us into the forest.
“Ruuuuun!” I shouted.

“Almost there!” Trixie replied I looked in front of us and noticed a tree that curved into an arc. “Ready to go!” Trixie crossed the arc and in an instant, our vision shifted and we found ourselves in a desert. Fortunately, I didn’t feel too bad from the teleportation but the whole thing took a toll on me.

Trixie panted and stopped the wagon with a smile on her face. I on the other hand was completely overwhelmed by all the emotions that I felt in the forest and so like a child, I broke down.

I started crying on Trixie’s back. Trixie seemingly heard me because I felt her magic taking me and I found myself in her embrace immediately. I stayed in her lap crying for a while, Trixie remained silent for the entire time and just held me there.

“T-thank you, Trixie.” I muttered after a while.

“Think nothing of it Anne. The great and powerful Trixie is happy to help you as you helped her before.” She said boasting and laughing. I couldn’t resist and I laughed with her, when we calmed down we finally noticed that the sun was going down. “We'll have to camp here for the night. Where is Thomas?” Trixie asked.

“He’s sleeping, a Pokémon shot spores onto him and he fell asleep. Strange though the spores shouldn’t be strong enough to put him down for so long.” I said to her, I teleported into the wagon and noticed Thomas who was standing up and staring at the wall. “Thomas?”

“I can’t believe I lost to a Paras...” He said clenching his hands in obvious frustration.

“Thomas…” I said hugging him from behind. “You couldn’t have known how to fight and use your powers. Everything is new, don’t shoot yourself down for a mistake.” I said to him.

“I understand Anne but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to do something about it. He stated firmly. “From tomorrow I will train as hard as I can.” He said and turned around looking at me. “I heard you, you know? Before, when you were so scared.” He said and looked down. “ I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there for you Anne. I felt what you felt too but it was, foggy. You are probably more attuned to that than me. I felt fear when that Scolipede showed up, I can’t think of what you felt.” He finished.

“Thomas… Don’t worry I’m fine. We got out of the forest, we’re safe now.” I said to him.

“No, we are not. If pokémon are popping into existence than we are in danger. There could be a lot of dangerous pokémon roaming around the desert right now and we can't fight .” He said. “We need to reach a village or something otherwise we are screwed. We will try our luck tonight, but tomorrow we must reach Dodge Junction as soon as possible.” he said.

I nodded. “I understand, I’ll go and tell that to Trixie.” I said and teleported outside. ‘Strange these teleports aren’t really difficult anymore, does this mean I grot stronger? The more I use a power the easier it gets? Probably, tomorrow I should train with Thomas.’ I finished my thought and looked for Trixie, she was casting some spell over the area around the wagon. “What are you doing Trixie?” I asked.

“This is a spell to repel wild animals, Trixie uses it when Trixie needs to camp outside cities or villages. She explained. “What was that thing with the mushrooms?” Trixie asked.

“That was a Paras, a Bug Grass-type of pokémon. It’s a creature that shares its body with a parasitic mushroom when it evolves the mushroom take over the body and completely controls the Paras.” I explained..

“They evolve?” Trixie asked, sitting down.

Yes, though it's not really an evolution as much as a metamorphosis. Pokémon usually evolves into other forms, those forms can be achieved by different means. Raw strength, special items, and emotions can make a pokémon evolve. For example, if I get stronger I will eventually evolve into a Kirlia and later on into a Gardevoir. While Thomas being a male will also evolve into a Kirlia but after that, he will try to find a special stone called Dawn stone. With that, he will evolve into Gallade instead of Gardevoir. There is also another step called mega evolution. Some pokémon can use mega stones to evolve further becoming even stronger than before. That’s called a mega evolution” I said.

“Fascinating… Never before Trixie has heard of something like that. Trixie has many questions but I think it’s better to ask them tomorrow. Let’s go to bed.” She said and entered the wagon she I followed her and she put a mask over her eyes before entering her bed. I created a bed made out of some more socks and drifted away in sleep. I think Thomas also slept there but I’m not too sure about that.

I woke up after a dreamless sleep hugging Thomas which I decided to use as a teddy bear. It was very embarrassing but he was so warm that I couldn’t let him go, so I fell asleep again. After a while, I was woken up by Thomas.

“I’m flattered you see me as a teddy bear Anne, but we need to go now.” He said, I blushed like a tomato and hid my face with my hands stuttering apologies while retreating in a corner.

“It’s not- ehm- no what I mean is- I uh” I gave up and just fell on the floor trying to enter it to disappear. I felt Thomas putting a hand on me.

“Come on Anne.” He said laughing. “This teddy bear will help you train.” I blushed even more from embarrassment but followed him outside anyway. Trixie was already up and was cooking breakfast.

“Are you two ok with eggs and salad for breakfast?” She asked. We nodded and headed away from the camp. We found a flat area filled with rocks, I also finally noticed the giant arc made out of red rock from which we exited the forest.

“Alright, let's test our limits with the telekinesis shall we?” Thomas said, I nodded and we began. Turns out I can move a rock big enough to smash me, Thomas though barely managed to lift a boulder the same size as him. Frustrated he stomped the ground and psychic ball exited from his body when it hit the boulder it separated in different balls that rained over the boulder destroying it.

“Woah... “I said. “I think you just used Psychoshock.”

“That shouldn’t be possible, I should have used a TM to do that.” He said.

“Seems like the normal rules don’t apply here, we can learn moves without the disk.” I explained to him, “From what I saw, I think you are more into physical damage rather than special damage.” I said to him.

“Seems right, I will probably evolve into a Gallade while you will evolve into a Gardevoir.” He said.

“Right.” I nodded. “Now let’s go back, I’m hungry.” I said. He nodded and we headed back to Trixie who just finished cooking. We ate our breakfast and prepared to start our journey towards Dodge Junction. I hoped on Trixie's back and she started to move. Fortunately, we didn’t encounter any dangerous pokémon on the trip, there were some Roggenrola and Trapinch but they mostly left us alone. After half an hour of walking, we finally reached our destination. The village was humble and consisted of a few houses, it resembled an old west village.

We stopped in the center of the town with many ponies that went about their lives in the village, there were some trace of annoyance but I didn’t think anything of it.

Apparently though I was spotted and a mare with a cream coat, a brown mane and green eyes that neared us. “Oh Celestia it’s so cute! What’s its name?” She said petting me with a hoof.

“This is Anne, one of the assistants in Trixie’s show.” Trixie declared.

“She’s so cute! Can I have one too?” She asked.

“Trixie is sorry to say this to you but Anne and her friend Thomas are both my assistants so Trixie cannot leave one of them here with you.” Trixie replied to the mare, which deflated hearing the news.

“Oh I see…” She said sadly.

I took her hoof and snuggled it. “Don’t worry lady, I’m sure you will find another pet of your liking.”

“You can talk!” The mare replied with huge eyes.

“Yes I can. Hi my name is Anne and I’m a Ralts.” I introduced myself to the mare.

“My name is Tumbleweed and I run the local store here in Dodge Junction. A pleasure to know you.” She said.

“Why are you out here then? Shouldn’t you be inside your store? I mean if you don’t mind me prying.” I asked her.

“Not at all, how can I say no to such a cutie?” She replied. “Unfortunately the last night a group of animals attacked my shop and stole almost all of my food so I need to go to the station to call for a restock.”

“I see. I’m sorry for the loss of your goods, miss Tumbleweed.” I replied. Without noticing it though we attracted a big deal of ponies that were interested in me especially, many asked questions about me and my nature but fortunately Trixie saved me.

“Now my fellow ponies.” Trixie interrupted the flow of questions. “I’m the great and powerful Trixie and I’m the top expert on Ralts among pony kind.” She said boasting like usual. “So be ready to be amazed at the great and powerful Trixie’s show in a few hours from now.”
“There are a lot of different and dangerous creature in the wild and the brave Trixie will tell you everything she knows about them.” She said and created an image of the Scolipede that chased us in the forest, I couldn’t help but cringe at the sight of it.

The rest of the ponies looked amazed at Trixie display and promised to return later for the story and the show. “Trixie what- “

“Teach Trixie more about your species Anne. This is Trixie’s moment to shine, think about it, Trixie will be the most knowledgeable mare in all of the world about pokémon!” She said.

“Fine, I’ll teach you.” I replied to her. “Now the first thing to know is the variety of types…”

Author's Note:

Second chapter of the story :D Yay alright I hope you'll like it and if you do then put a thumb up for little old me okay?:pinkiehappy:

Anyway stay tuned for next chapter see ya:twilightsmile: