• Published 13th Apr 2018
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Diamond of Darkness - alfonso_rd_33

My name is Diamond Tiara, and this is the story of how I became a Succubus Royal in another universe...

  • ...

17 - Youth in Ecstasy - Aftermath and Research I.

Of course, Opal's death was something that could not be hidden from Diamond Tiara, which made Aurora the very succubus in charge of informing her Mistress of Opal's demise.

Diamond Darkness

Chapter XVII: Youth in Ecstasy - Aftermath and Research I.

"So Morrigan killed her? Well, that was to be expected, according to Ajamiri, Opal allowed a witch under the employment of the Shapeshifter Queen to enter into the dreams she gave Morrigan. And those dreams belonged to some of the most despicable beings on record, to begin with. It's a miracle Morrigan didn't break, which I find offensive and an affront to my family and to myself."

Diamond said as she looked at Aurora, who, along with Weiss Schnee and her Mistress, was in Beacon Tower, facing Glynda Goodbitch, who could only say in a faltering whisper as she looked down at the floor and blushed in utter humiliation.

"I apologize, my Mistress. It is now obvious to me that allowing Opal to take the position of Staff Teacher for the Dream Factory was a mistake, so I beg of you to punish me properly."

To which Diamond Tiara only laughed out loud before looking at the blushing woman, saying sweetly.

"Nonsense, Miss Goodbitch, the late Miss Opal was a bitter old bitch, but she was good at her job, at least for the rest of the factory workers. In the end, she earned her death by her actions, but if what she said before she died has any trace of truth, someone could be working behind the scenes to undermine the House of Aensland."

And he gently raised Glynda's face while the rest of the women gasped in shock, after all, who would want to risk everyone's safety? Still, Diamond continued.

"In the end, I'll have to consult with Father, after all, Morrigan's crime shouldn't go unpunished, at least for the public. Now with regards to... this one..."

And Diamond looked at Aurora, who shrank under the gaze of her Mistress, who only showed disappointment in her eyes.

"Well, Miss Morrigan offered her Opal's old job, I'd say we should honor that offer, after all, it was Master Belial's very own heiress who did it."

It was Weiss's input on the issue that made Glynda raise an elegant eyebrow, pressuring Jacques Schnee's heiress to retract her idea, who just looked at Diamond Tiara, who sighed before saying.

"Well, as Succubus Queen, I could order you to do what I want, Miss Goodbitch, but this place is your domain, given to you by Father himself, so I will not impose my position and will let you decide the fate of this little slut. Whether you want to keep her in Opal's old job or not, I don't care."

So Diamond moved to leave the Tower, right after looking at Aurora, winking and telling the terrified Succubus.

"Excellently done, Miss Aurora, keep up the good work."

Leaving Glynda to decide for herself what to do with the Temporary Staff Teacher before her.

Back at Aensland Castle, Diamond decided, as she had said at Beacon, to consult with Belial before facing Morrigan, so she tried to do exactly that.

"I see, and what do you plan to do, my little Diamond? Obviously, any form of retaliation you use will be scrutinized by the nobles and seen as a weakness in our little family, they might even try to usurp my reign of the House as a result of your actions."

"I'm painfully aware of that, Father, which is why I asked you what to do with Morrigan, after all, I can't attack someone who's earned my loyalty and especially not for a low-level succubus like the late, stupid, Opal."

"Then, if I can offer, you could banish Morigan to the Shikima Lands"

Suggested Belial, looking at his eldest daughter, who paled at that advice. According to most Succubi in Aensland, the Shikima Lands were the closest they had to a Hell, a land where the ugliest and most grotesque demons, cursed with endless stamina and sexual drive, raped and abused any Succubus unfortunate enough to fall there until the victims ended up as little more than empty husks, with their minds broken by the endless use and abuse.

"Nonsense, darling! I heard Morrigan used the dream factory to learn how to fight like a human woman. Surely a tour through the Shikima Lands will teach her how to fight like a succubus."

Belial said as he watched Diamond, noting how she seemed to be bothered by the suggestion, yet the Lord of the House Aensland continued before she could respond.

"And I hope this will be a lesson to you, and that you’ll be a lot more thorough in your studies. As you know, Morrigan is an impetuous and daring woman, she will need you to provide her wise counsel and to temper her more impudent tendencies.

"O... of course, Father. May I be excused? I'm afraid I... I really need to know... what your suggestion would entail and how it would damage my position before Morrigan."

And Diamond Tiara saw Belial stand up from his seat at his desk, saying warmly.

"Of course, my little Diamond, don't let me stand in the way of your personal improvement. Just keep in mind that you don't have all eternity to decide, and sooner or later you'll have to do it."

Hours after the meeting between Belial and Diamond Tiara, at the castle of the Queen of the Shapeshifters, a meeting took place. As usual, the Queen of the Shapeshifters sat on her throne in shadow, hiding her from the visitor, the same one who had visited her before, who was still kneeling, with his eyes lowered in an exhibition of obedient submission.

"And that is the rumor, it seems, that Morrigan will be banished to the Shikima Lands by Diamond Tiara herself, leaving the House of Aensland without Heiress."

"What about the pony bitch?"

"Well, the slavery of the Succubi prevented her from truly suffering, the only cause of her suffering was the abuse Morrigan suffered at the hands of your witch, even the death of the Staff Teacher was just an afterthought for the pony"

The handsome man replied, his long silver hair covering his face, which made the Queen of the Shapeshifters aware of the absence of said witch, which made her ask about her fate.

"Well, according to our spies at the Dream Factory, she was ambushed by the workers and has been missing ever since."

If the news affected her in any way, the Queen Shapeshifter didn't show it as she went along, saying.

"All right, as always, here's your reward and the rewards for our spies and allies at both Aensland Castle and at the Dream Factory. Unfortunately, for those who serve us at the latter, I feel their services will no longer be required, so make sure they are properly compensated."

And the queen's bodyguard, until then stoically standing by her side, moved to give the kneeling traitor a large bag of gems and other valuables. Upon receiving the bag, the man sang praises to the Shapeshifter Queen before running off, but before the queen and her bodyguard could comment on the state of her campaign against the line of Belial Aensland, the doors of her throne room opened violently as a new figure entered.

"My Empress! Has there been any news about my little witch?"

Said one distraught looking woman as she approached the throne, her petite figure looking haggard as her eyes had deep bags under them, her silver-blond hair was frizzled all over and with deep signs of neglect, but she knelt before the throne.

"Ah, dear Aimi. You just missed the informant we have regarding Aensland's affairs. Sadly, I asked him about your little pet, and he said she disappeared after some of the succubi from the Dream Factory ambushed her."

This caused the girl, Aimi, to throw a withering look at the throne, which, of course, wasn't directed at its shadowed owner, but at the Aensland whores who dared to touch her property, so she asked, rage seeping from her voice.

"Is there any plan to get it back, my Empress?"

"The plan is simple, my dear Aimi: you will go and find me another witch, hopefully, the new one will be superior to the last one."

The callousness displayed by his Empress froze Aimi's blood, as she stared at the throne in shock, stammering.

"My Empress, please! She has always been a useful pawn to you, is she not worth at least the slightest effort to retrieve her? I know for certain that she was eternally in your debt and your Kingdom! Please rescue her. My Empress, I beg of you."

And she stood up, her voice became hysterical as she spoke, moving forward, trying to go and prostrate herself at her owner's feet in the hope of rescuing her beloved, of course, Ástríðr got in the way, blocking her way as she said firmly.

" Restrain yourself! Or are you going to willfully disobey your Empress? You have your orders, now go find our Empress a new witch for her to use!"

This seemed to calm Aimi, but in reality, her anger only grew more and more intense, yet she stood up, turning abruptly to walk away, but the Queen had one last thing to say to her.

"Oh and Aimi, dear... make sure you rest and rejuvenate a bit before you go witch-hunting... you look awful, and remember our custom: beautiful forever."

And back with Diamond, she was back in her rooms, walking around while she considered her father's proposal, Ruby Rose watched her Mistress move and fidget, so she bit her lower lip and said.

"I... shouldn't say this but... Why not go to the library, Mistress?"

Ruby's newfound shyness honestly surprised Diamond Tiara, after all, all she knew about Ruby Rose was the confident, sweet young woman with a sadness not so hidden within her soul, so she said.

"Now, Miss Rose, what has brought this new shyness upon you?"

"Well, you see, I know for a fact that the most terrifying monster in Makai lives in the Main Library of the House."

And Ruby squirmed nervously, shaking her head so that she could look away from her Mistress when the tips of her feet met, her face completely red with shame as she bit her lower lip, this made Diamond laugh, as she knew that Ruby's mind was cursed with being so powerful that it seemed to be childish, so maybe the "Scariest Makai Monster" would be something not scary at all, so she said.

"So, the Main Library of the House, eh, Miss Rose?"

"W... Well, if you want to know something and the Castle Library doesn't have any books or information about it, then the Main Library is the place to go, but the scariest monster took it for herself."

That was Ruby's response, to which Diamond could only respond with amusement.

"Take me to the Main Library, Miss Rose."

And the sight of Ruby Rose almost drowning in nervous sweat was the most fun Diamond Tiara had ever seen.

After several bursts of super speed, courtesy of Miss Rose's semblance, Diamond Tiara and her regent stood before a massive building, beautifully designed columns holding up a triangular roof, while two demonic beasts sculpted from the same black stone that made up the main building flanked the door, posing as if they were protecting it from any intruder, yet Diamond Tiara walked confidently, Ruby Rose marching terrified behind her, as the terror that filled her little body threatened to destroy her from within.

"Mmmm... for a library, looks like someone misspelled its name."

Diamond Tiara reflected as she saw the sign above the main entrance that read "Myne Library" proudly displayed, she noticed that the only letter of the wrong word that was left from the original sign was the M, as the rest was scribbled with a strange ink, such ink covered the original carved letters, somehow making them less visible.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

Said Diamond boldly as Ruby finally managed to stand behind her Mistress as they entered the library, meekly trying to shut her up by saying.

"Mistress, please! We must not draw the Monster's attention!"

And Diamond Tiara turned to look at her regent, the fun gained from the fear that had been consuming her was long gone, but before she could scold her, there was an inhuman groan that reverberated through the massive building, a groan that was also a whisper, one full of sadness and desire.
