• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 30 minutes ago


"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


After returning from a long trip away, Twilight and co are somewhat surprised to discover Spike's hitherto unknown interest in stand-up comedy. But as he 'roasts' each one of them in turn, is everything as it appears to be?

Hmm... I wonder.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 40 )

"My, Flurry Heart certainly has grown up fast!"

That doesn’t sound like something Twilight would say.

8871723 Really? Because I can imagine it in Tara Strong's voice right now. :twilightblush:

"...I play an overworked manservant called 'Pikes", who's trapped under the hooves of six dastardly overlords in the realm.

Ah, that's an anagram for Spike! nice.

I just don’t think it matches her character. But maybe that’s just me.

Remember, she's talking about a foal, so she'd probably be a bit more enthusiastic than normal. :twilightsheepish:


Without further ado, the alicorn flew over to where her friends were still recovering from their earlier ordeal, and together they created an impenetrable equine huddle. They alternated between talking urgently amongst themselves, and casting baleful looks at a blithely relaxed spike, who took the time to make sure his nails were nice and sharp.

"*whisper, whisper*"
"*mutter, muter*"

Hopefully Spike comes up with some less barbed jokes in the future.

He was a bit more 'barbed' this time for a reason, when his usual schtick failed to get him what he needed. Poor dragon has to pay the bills somehow... :pinkiesad2:

He won't in any case... he's retired. Remember the contract? :moustache:

8871830 He retired from stand up comedy. One of Spike's defining traits is spur-of-the-moment comedy. Especially of the deadpan or derisive sort. I get the feeling that (though more careful about his choice of words) he'll be back to it eventually.

Pity we won't see this in TV.

Other than that, faved, thumbed up and saved for future readings. Thank you for your work. :twilightsmile:

No problem. Always a pleasure to spin yarns for such a great show and for a great fandom. :scootangel:

Let's hope so. Spike wouldn't be Spike without the occasional eyeroll, or the odd snarky quip... :pinkiesmile:

What if Spike became Silver-Tongue Scales?

Using stand-up comedy to negotiate? Not bad. Not bad at all.

And the sequel, 'Twilight Takes Spike To Court' coming on April 30!.. am I funny yet?

I have exactly one problem with this story: It made me want to punch Spike in the face.

Premise is fine, setup is good, motivations make sense and everyone except spike seem in-character. Just that spike comes across as more malicious than driven to an extreme by the M6's behaviour. He claims it's a last resort but shows no inclination to have attempted to get another job, move out etc. no instead he jumps straight to mean-spirited emotional manipulation and blackmail. Because we all love spending time with people who make us feel terrible and threaten us if they don't get what they want.

I couldn't buy Spike in this story because for all of his childishness on the show he has always been a dedicated assistant who genuinely cared about Twilight whilst sometimes showing more wisdom and common sense than anyone else involved. The Spike in this story showed none of that: he was callous, manipulative and spiteful.

Furthermore, you have seriously misrepresented Spike's dynamic with Twilight. Not once has Spike ever shown interest in being compensated for what he does for Twilight, in fact he seems content with the way things are. Hell his worst fear is Twilight not needing him anymore! No Spike has never wanted to be payed, his main problem has always been that his work isn't recognised by the M6, he's so dedicated that he's taken for granted and that is painful.

Otherwise it's fine I guess

PS: I find the fact that someone posted a Frankie Boyle video actually insulting to his comedy. Seriously, Frankie is a good comedian and the fact he uses mean spirited humour is the only similarity.

I need more Spike-snark, maybe a little toned down compared to this but did it work up an appetite for a very bitter dragon. Given how often everyone around him freaks out, I'm totally down for more of this.

Bravo, a second helping if you please!

As was already stated in the text, Spike was 'driven' to these measures by constantly being turned down by his friends for better treatment in terms of a better wage, vacation time, less workload etc. :moustache:

Just look at a lot of the episodes... doesn't Spike's constant labour and sacrifice deserve slightly more than a pat on the head? Just because he doesn't complain about it on the show, it doesn't mean there aren't moments when he feels that way. This is what headcanons are for. :pinkiesmile:

Regarding his relationship with Twilight, yes they love each other and are pretty much inseparable, but Spike has been known to be a little sneaky and underhand even with her. The fact this fic notches it up a tad isn't a bad thing I think, and as an added piece of information, if his bluff in this story hadn't worked (he never had any intention of being a stand-up comedian), he would've gone back to work soon afterwards, with no complaints and no hesitation. Lucky for him though, it was an unparalleled success. And he did apologise in the end for being a bit over the top with his 'jokes'. :pinkiehappy:

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the story enough to add it to your favourites. Thank you for your thoughtful critique, and have a good day. :raritywink:

We'll see, if a lot of people enjoy it then, why not? :raritystarry:

A bit... maybe. :twilightblush:

Yeah. Why more people don't try it, I don't know. It's a guaranteed success! :trollestia:

I can just see that on a poster, with a 'SOLD OUT' sticker on it. What? I can. Dragon comedy is such an untapped market. :rainbowderp:

Let's say Spike has mo' money than all of Equestria combined and has kept it secret from his friends.


a total missed oppurtunity to throw shade at the MLP movie lol

I'm afraid I gonna have to give you a neutral for this one. It doesn't work for me this time. (If it wasn't you, I'd probably not have bothered with a comment, but it is so here is some - hopefully (as it is intended as such) - constructive critisim.) My big problem wth this - and I'm surprised no-one brought it it up - was that it failed to deliver on the premise - the stand-up. The problem is, you basically told, not showed. Apart from the first couple of bits, you informed us of the reactions of the mane six, but skimped on the advertised roasting. (And what he did wasn't even really roasting. And Spike, of all people, is in a good position to know all the foilibles of his friends and even to make pointed commentary on not only those but how they do treat him sometimes.) I felt you... kind of half-arsed that bit, sorry. I'm pretty sure you can do better.

Basically, I think for this to work, you'd need to start earlier, show us Spike getting frustrated to his last eye-twitching straw (to give us, the audience, some measure of sympathy and rationale with him - and a good place to have some additional humor as well) and then make a more spirited attempt to do the routine, which is the core of the premise, properly.

(If the stand-up wasn't intended the core of the story, if that was supposed to be just a vehicle to get to "Spike should get better treatment," and his treatment not just a ratonale for why Spike would go off on one one his friends (for the audience's amusement), then I would have to say you picked a poor vehicle.)

Hope that was in some way helpful or useful (as it was intended).

I'm actually pretty happy with the way the fic is now. I covered all the bases I wanted to, and people seem to like it, so yeah. Thank you for commenting, though I really don't think I deserve to be held in that high an esteem... :twilightblush:

Hard working dragon got to do, what a hard working dragon got to do! Sarcasm in full effect here people!

Good job!:moustache:

P.S. Would have been better to have heard all the roasting!:trollestia:

SPIKE DRAGON BAY-BAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, a total 'lounge lizard'. Literally. :moustache:

10\10 would read again.:twilightsmile:

His apology is totally half-arsed, though. It doesn't sound honest at all. So yeah, I'm also left with the impression Spike's a total jerk but gets away with it because... well, Spike. I don't dislike this enough for a dislike, but I can't say I enjoyed it.

First off, a very special round of applause for my lovely partner this evening: the beautiful, intelligent, powerful, will-never-try-to-destroy-the-world-again-honest-to-Celestia pony, Starlight Glimmer!

Spike, you old charmer.

If nopony else will show you any love, then don't worry... I always will. Strictly platonic, of course

Awwwwwwwwwwww . . . And, yeah, same here, big guy.

"I wish we had queues at Sugarcube Corner that size once every year. It isn't fair! Booo !!"

Are you from the UK? Just curious, as people in America (or in the show, for that matter) usually say "line" instead of "queue". Not a criticism, just asking.

Yep as you’ll see by my consistent use of other Anglocentric words. And the characters may not use them in the show, but I’ve seen plenty of other stories where they use swears in the dialogue. Which I’m also pretty sure aren’t uttered. Anyway, off I go for my bangers & mash washed down with a nice cup ‘o char. Pip pip. :duck:

Sorry, just an observation from a dumb American. Anyway, one of the funnier stories I've seen on this site is this, which I don't know if you would appreciate or be offended by, but whatever, it's somewhat relevant, and it's hilarious. :rainbowlaugh:

Interesting. I'll check it out as soon as I've polished my monocle and put away my brolly. It's chucking it down cats and dogs out there, I'll have you know. :rainbowderp:

Incidentally, welcome to the site! I see you just joined today. Unless, you lost your password and reenlisted instead. It happens... :scootangel:

No, I'm new. Thanks for the welcome! :pinkiehappy:

this story...
rather sucked
decidedly uncomfy
also, painfully OOC behavior from Spike in this one, honestly had me waiting for the twist where it was Discord pulling a jackass prank

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