• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 937 Views, 13 Comments

Unnoticed Threats - smirker

Dr. Whooves becomes a therapist and learns about other threats Twilight and her friends have missed.

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Doctor Whooves was looking at the statue of Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow while the paparazzi took pictures of it, he then looked around Ponyville and saw everyone being nice to one another and making new friends, he waited for his next patient that he called from outside Equestria, he had a hard time since the pony lived alone and did not have any family or contact with the outside world, he went back to his home and waited. Doctor Whooves sat and read a book and soon heard walking outside and knocking at his front door,

"Enter." Doctor Whooves said, and the pony came in, it was a muscular unicorn stallion, he had a black coat, long ragged and dirty looking gray mane and tail, red eyes, and his cutie mark was a skull. Doctor Whooves looked at him with discomfort while the unicorn sat,

"Alright, I'm here, I'm ready to start." the unicorn spoke,

"State your name and occupation." Doctor Whooves stated,

"Blood Sport, I'm a hunter." the unicorn replied,

"You're... a hunter?" Doctor Whooves questioned,

"Uh-huh, not an official one, but I do hunt for a living where I live." Blood Sport answered,

"Getting in touch with you wasn't easy, you're my first patient from outside Equestria, too." Doctor Whooves stated,

"How did you find me?" Blood Sport asked,

"One of my patients was traveling the world and heard noises in your house and thought he saw monsters in your home, he told me because he thought you might need therapy and counseling after your experiences." Doctor Whooves explained,

"Oh, well, I'm fine and don't really need therapy." Blood Sport spoke,

"Can I at least know what happened so I can prepare in case I encounter the same threat as you did?" Doctor Whooves requested,

"Sure, here's what you need to know." Blood Sport replied, and he got ready to tell his tale.

Blood Sport was living in the woods outside of Equestria all by himself and hunted animals to hone his fighting and hunting skills, he had no contact with anyone on the outside world and made weapons as a hobby to pass the time. He lived in peace and admired the hanged animal heads on his walls and then his weapons that he crafted by hoof. He looked outside into the woods and saw no bugs or animals, he headed outside and looked around and saw and heard nothing, he watched for about thirty minutes and went back into his home. Blood Sport began sharpening his knives and threw some of them at a punching bag, he heard voices outside and went out to look, he saw three black shadow-like creatures who looked like earth ponies running by his house, he listened to their voices and realized all three of them were female. He looked at where they were at and noticed they have set off his traps and taken the baits he had for the animals.

"Wait, wait, wait. Traps? Animals?" Doctor Whooves inquired,

"Yeah, gotta keep my hunting skills sharp." Blood Sport responded,

"But us ponies don't require the consumption of meat to survive." Doctor Whooves reminded,

"It's mostly to keep wild animals away from my home, there are some dangerous animals living around my house." Blood Sport said,

"And the baits?" Doctor Whooves questioned,

"Keep the animals away from my crops." Blood Sport responded,

"I see, continue on." Doctor Whooves said, and Blood Sport did.

Blood Sport made more traps and put fruits in them and heard their voices again, he watched them carefully while noticing they only appeared in the dark and disappeared when in a light source, he went inside and read a book on surviving skills and suddenly heard rustling again, he looked outside and saw the moon's light has moved and the three creatures were running again, he watched them from afar and they left, he wondered about something and a gray aura appeared on his horn and he made an enchanted item. He began enchanting a chain with light magic and it glowed white, he went outside and began laying it, he buried it in the ground with a very dim white light just on the surface, he hid it with leaves and went back home.

Blood Sport practiced throwing his knives the next day and sharpened his other weapons and tools, he heard rustling at night again and looked and saw the three shadow pony-like creatures again, he heard one exclaim loudly in pain and he watched from afar and in the shadows. He looked and saw one of the creature's hind left hoof touched the hidden light magic enchanted chain hidden in the ground and it burned her hoof a little,

"Can you stand?" one shadow creature asked,

"Come on, the sun's going to be up soon, we have to head home or we'll get burned out of existence." the other shadow creature spoke,

"Wait, Lumen, Umbra, don't just leave me here." the injured shadow creature begged,

"Come on then, Necra, we don't have all day." the second shadow creature stated,

"Umbra's right, we should get going." the first shadow creature added, and Necra limped forward while Lumen and Umbra ran up ahead. Blood Sport enchanted his items and traps with light magic and set them up to catch them next time.

Blood Sport set up his traps during the day the next day and he waited until night time, he noticed the three creatures did not go to the same area as before and were behind his house this time, he watched them run through the shades and shadows and went to his traps, they grabbed the baits and he set them off with his magic, the three creatures screamed when they got wrapped in ropes enchanted with light magic and tightened around their knee joints to make them unable to move, Blood Sport walked over to them and teleported them and himself into his house.

Blood Sport arrived in a room with no lights on and put Lumen, Umbra, and Necra in chairs around a round wooden table and light magic enchanted chains wrapped around them,

"Please, don't hurt us, we just want food." Necra begged, Blood Sport glared while the three sisters looked at him,

"Wait, it's a pony, their country is big on friendship, understanding, and forgiveness, I think we're fine." Umbra remarked,

"Do I look like someone who likes or cares about my own kind's culture?" Blood Sport asked, the three creatures had horrified expressions,

"What do you want? Money? Companionship?" Umbra questioned, Blood Sport did not respond,

"Can you please let us go? We're sorry, we just need food to eat and survive, we'll go look elsewhere if you let us go." Lumen bargained,

"Please, we won't cause any trouble, we just wanna survive and live in peace." Necra begged, Blood Sport threw a light magic enchanted knife past her and she exclaimed when it went into her chair, a small cut appeared on her right cheek and the light magic made black smoke come out of it, she screamed loudly in pain. Blood Sport used his magic to gather more light magic enchanted knives and the three creatures screamed and panicked,

"Please, we're sorry!" Umbra begged,

"You should've thought about that before you began setting off my traps and taking my bait." Blood Sport remarked,

"What do you need traps for? Your kind doesn't need to consume meat to survive." Lumen reminded,

"You're about to learn why I hunt animals." Blood Sport warned, and he cast a spell with his horn and white light appeared on Necra's teeth while she and her sisters screamed and panicked.

"And like that, I began to have my fun and began testing their pain tolerance levels." Blood Sport spoke,

"How was Necra after you were through using the spell?" Doctor Whooves questioned,

"Weak, she was crying like a baby after that, and of course, her cries of pain and tears made me more motivated to hurt her more." Blood Sport boasted while Doctor Whooves looked at him uncomfortably,

"Go on with your story." Doctor Whooves said calmly while sweating nervously and Blood Sport continued his tale while smiling.

Necra was laying her head on the table and crying with black smoke coming out of her mouth and her teeth gone,

"You're actually crying from that? What a weakling." Blood Sport remarked,

"What is wrong with you?! You ponies have always shared your food with us!" Umbra exclaimed,

"I am ashamed and hate my kind's culture, we shouldn't be focused on making friends and forgiving, we should be focused on war, revenge, and hurting others, making friends and forgiving is boring." Blood Sport responded,

"You sound like you were raised by dragons." Lumen stated,

"No, dragons are still too sensitive for me." Blood Sport replied,

"Can you please spare us? We and our family are all that's left of our kind." Necra begged while struggling to speak,

"What is your kind called?" Blood Sport inquired,

"We're shadowbenders, we're an ancient breed of ponies that came into existence when Nightmare Moon first appeared a thousand years ago, we were caught in her magic and changed us to what we are, we're living shadows whose bodies disappear in the moonlight and other light sources while sunlight and light magic harms us, we don't age anymore and we cannot bear children, us three and our family members back home are all that is left of our kind." Lumen explained,

"I see, I never seen you guys around till now." Blood Sport remarked,

"We been around here for years, this house's previous owners used to leave food out for us, too." Necra lamented,

"Well, they're gone now, it's my house now, I'd say your luck ran out when they moved out and sold it." Blood Sport stated,

"We're sorry we trespassed on your property, we won't come here again if you release us and let us see our family." Umbra begged,

"Oh, I'll make sure you never come here again." Blood Sport remarked, and he cast more light magic and it appeared on Umbra's hoofs while she and her sisters screamed.

"I then had my fun with the second sister, she didn't walk again after that, I made sure she felt that, too." Blood Sport boasted while Doctor Whooves had a shocked expression,

"Do you have to be proud of inflicting pain on others?" Doctor Whooves inquired,

"Of course, most fun thing to do in life." Blood Sport responded while Doctor Whooves' jaw dropped a little,

"You do not feel any regret or sympathy over the suffering you caused?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"No, of course not, it makes me want to harm them even more." Blood Sport responded,

"Why?" Doctor Whooves questioned,

"Makes it more fun." Blood Sport answered,

"Well, go on, I don't have all day." Doctor Whooves stated, and Blood Sport continued his tale.

Blood Sport finished casting his spell while Umbra cried and her hoofs were gone with black smoke coming out of her legs,

"You hurt my sisters and have no remorse, you be ashamed of yourself, I'll never forgive you." Lumen remarked,

"Never forgive? If there's anyone who deserves forgiveness in my life? It's me." Blood Sport responded,

"What? You? Wanting forgiveness? Did you do something you regret when you were younger? Were you abused by your family? Bullied in school? Why do you act the way you do?" Lumen inquired,

"None, Equestria's natives were always mad at me ever since I was a kid due to them being weak and sensitive, I always wanted to fight, kill, and wage war, they didn't, so I punished the foals who didn't agree with me, I beat them, locked them in safes, and teleported them into forests far away from home, my family and the others got mad at me when I beat up and tied up one foal and then teleported him into the Everfree Forest, I was punished, they should've been thanking me, they also punished me when I smashed another foal's pet turtle's eggs when they should've praised and rewarded me for preventing more oversensitive weaklings being born into the world and ruining my fun. As for my parents and siblings, I had enough of their scoldings and sending me to counselors and therapists when I became a stallion and cut ties with them." Blood Sport explained, the three sisters had horrified expressions,

"You're crazy." Umbra commented,

"I'm not crazy, I'm right, they're only mad at me and scold me because they're in denial and not enlightened like me on war and torture being culture." Blood Sport remarked,

"This is your idea of culture?" Lumen asked,

"Yes, it's now your turn to experience it." Blood Sport responded, and he cast more light magic and white circles appeared on her body while she screamed.

"And I then proceeded to make her look like a changeling and she lost it when she cried like a baby and no longer tried to sooth her even weaker sisters." Blood Sport boasted,

"You could have just had them do manual labor if you wanted to punish them for stealing from your traps." Doctor Whooves reminded,

"No way, manual labor and time out is no fun to use as punishment, torture is only way." Blood Sport remarked,

"And you didn't forgive them, did you?" Doctor Whooves questioned,

"No way, atonement is just an excuse to torment someone physically and mentally, and when done, you don't forgive, you're supposed to hate them even more." Blood Sport explained,

"Why?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Because they forced you to waste time of your life when you could've spent it doing something else, finding new ways to hurt others in my case." Blood Sport explained,

"I see, go on then." Doctor Whooves spoke, and Blood Sport continued his tale.

Lumen cried while she had holes in her body and Blood Sport finished casting his spell,

"Now then, I'd like to have more fun, but it's getting late, time to get rid of you three now." Blood Sport remarked, and he got ready to cast a spell and the three sisters panicked, he heard one of his traps go off and he teleported outside.

Blood Sport looked at where he heard the trap went off and checked one, he saw it has been triggered but the animal managed to dodge it, he tried to find the animal but could not and teleported back to in front of his house, he looked for the animal while he heard the three sisters moving around,

"Come on, Umbra and Necra, we have to try to escape while he's gone." Lumen stated, Blood Sport heard three objects fall and them grunt, they screamed and soon panted, he then teleported back into his home.

Blood Sport arrived back in the room and saw the three sisters crawling on the floor, they panicked when they saw him return, they crawled away as fast as they could while Lumen and Necra managed to stand up and they carried Umbra while limping and staggering, they left the room while Blood Sport smiled. He watched them from afar and saw the three struggle to move together, Umbra fell over and Lumen carried her on her back and her injured knees almost gave out, Blood Sport cast a spell to make his throwing knives appear and shot them forward with his magic, he missed them on purpose and the three sisters screamed and moved faster while panicking, they arrived at the end of the hallway and Lumen went left while Necra went right, Blood Sport smiled and teleported to Necra.

Necra limped and staggered while panting heavily and did not focus on where she was going, she turned on impulse and soon arrived at the front entrance while Blood Sport teleported. Necra arrived outside and panted heavily, she limped forward but stopped and looked on in horror when she saw Blood Sport,

"NO!! Please! Don't hurt me! Just let me leave!" Necra begged, Blood Sport's horn glowed and he had white light on his hoofs, he began kicking Necra while she screamed with black smoke coming out of her wounds,

"Necra?" Lumen called out and things were heard falling in the house. Blood Sport kicked her more and she screamed until she saw Lumen at a window with Umbra on her back and they saw them, Blood Sport smiled and shot white light magic out of his horn and Necra screamed while she got obliterated,

"NECRA!!" Lumen yelled,

"NO!!" Umbra yelled, Blood Sport finished casting his spell and Necra was gone, Lumen and Umbra screamed and cried while he smirked. Lumen tried to find a way out of the house while Blood Sport cast his spells to make his weapons and hunting tools fly around and just missed the two and left small scratches on them, they screamed in pain while Blood Sport continued making his weapons and tools fly past them, they got out of the hallway and Blood Sport cast another spell while smirking.

Lumen carried Umbra while looking for another way out and came into a room with suits of armor lined up on the sides, they began swinging their axes around while Lumen panted heavily. She moved slowly while Umbra ducked down and crawled while sweating profusely. Blood Sport smirked while he made the knights swing their axes faster and the two sisters screamed when they were almost hit, Lumen limped and crawled faster while her knees gave out several times and made it out of the room. Lumen entered the next room and saw she was in the kitchen, Blood Sport made his kitchen knives fly around with his magic and turned on his stove to make fire come out of it. She and Necra screamed and quickly ducked, Lumen panted very heavily while Umbra clanged onto her tightly, Lumen crawled under the knives and headed to the exit, they crawled out and came to another hall, Blood Sport made light magic appear above them and begin falling. Lumen limped and hopped forward and fell over several times,

"You're weighing me down, Umbra." Lumen spoke,

"Please, don't abandon me." Umbra begged, Lumen went as fast as she could and had to begin crawling when the ceiling came down far enough, she arrived at the door and grunted while pushing it open, she panted and crawled while Blood Sport shot light magic out of his horn at them. Umbra screamed when she got hit and her body began disintegrating,

"UMBRA!!" Lumen hollered, she saw the light magic coming to her and she quickly went into the next room while Umbra got obliterated.

Lumen arrived into the next room while crying and she screamed at what she saw, there was a fireplace with many animal heads mounted on the wall and stuffed animals everywhere,

"Please, no more, this is a bad dream, it has to be a bad dream, I wanna go home, I want mommy and daddy, I want my sisters back." Lumen said while covering her face with her hoofs and crying, Blood Sport appeared behind her while smiling and began shooting small light magic zaps at her, she screamed in pain and she tried to run away but fell over, Blood Sport smirked while he shot more small holes into her body with his magic and she screamed while crawling to the nearest door, she panted very heavily and sweated all over her body while she crawled, she got to the door and Blood Sport smiled while teleporting out.

Lumen arrived outside and in the backyard and saw moonlight up ahead,

"Yes, moonlight, thank Celestia." Lumen stated, and she crawled into it,

"Huh? What the? Why aren't I disappearing?" Lumen questioned while panicking, the illusion dispelled itself and it was pitch black with Blood Sport standing in front of her and smiling,

"NO!!" Lumen yelled, Blood Sport shot a big white blast out of his horn and Lumen screamed while she got obliterated. Blood Sport looked around and smiled since all three of the shadowbenders were gone and went back into his house.

Blood Sport was sitting across from Doctor Whooves with a big smile on his face while Doctor Whooves watched him uncomfortably,

"The next night, I looked around to see if they actually did have a family, I was bummed out when it turned out they lied and actually didn't because I was going to do the same things to them." Blood Sport spoke,

"So you made them extinct?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Not sure, but there's no more where I live, I hope what I shared will help you if you ever do fight them one day." Blood Sport stated,

"Well, it seems we're done, price is ten bits." Doctor Whooves said,

"Do you accept animal heads as currency?" Blood Sport asked,

"No." Doctor Whooves replied,

"That's too bad." Blood Sport replied, and he paid him and left. Doctor Whooves went to the back room of his home and contacted Demonicus with his devices,

"Demonicus, I just had myself another criminal as a patient." Doctor Whooves reported,

"I heard everything, Lumen's, Umbra's, and Necra's souls are still in the Void." Demonicus responded,

"I'd like to see them." Doctor Whooves said, and Demonicus cast a spell. The scenery changed to the Void and The Judge was looking at the three sisters' souls,

"That stallion has lied, these three actually did try to fight back a few times, Lumen has also reported seeing unmarked graves in his backyard and no crops anywhere, the house's previous owners didn't move out, he killed them, same with his family and the foals who didn't agree with him." The Judge explained,

"I see, so he was a bad seed ever since he was a child, it's a shame we didn't hear about him and these three until it was too late, but thanks to their souls' reports, we can get him ourselves so he doesn't harm anyone ever again." Doctor Whooves remarked, The Judge nodded and declared that Lumen, Umbra, and Necra receive salvation and hit the gavel with the angelic side of his hammer, a light blue portal opened to his right and they went in and it closed. Demonicus finished showing the vision and Mother Nature was with him, he also saw Meteorite Hellfire scowling, Tsunami crying, Earthquake looking down, and Raging Tornado standing by with her eyes closed and tears falling out,

"Where does he live? I'm going to pay him a visit." Meteorite Hellfire declared, and Doctor Whooves told her. Blood Sport was at home at night and smiling while looking at his animal heads and stuffed animals, he saw Meteorite Hellfire in the corner, he quickly began to cast a spell while Meteorite Hellfire ran to him and took her sword out, she swung it once and he put up a magic shield but the force of her swing made him stumble back, she did another swing and Blood Sport screamed loudly and it echoed throughout the woods.

The next day came and Doctor Whooves looked into the Void, he saw Blood Sport's soul panicking while The Judge read out his sins and sentenced him to receive damnation and hit the gavel with the demonic side of his hammer, a light blue portal opened to his left and Blood Sport's soul went in while he begged and cried and it closed. Doctor Whooves smiled and turned off the device and went outside.