• Member Since 16th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I love to write, and I'll write just about anything. I seem to be most well known for my stupid little comedy pieces though...



It has been a few days since the Fall Formal. Sunset is the construction crew's gopher, she still eats lunch alone, and she's feeling worse than ever. At the very least, she can feel proud of not having been a total she-demon since the dance. In fact, other than being lonely, she's been a model student.

So why in the name of Celestia is she being called to the principal's office?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

I'd like to comment on this story, but I honestly don't have anything to say that would be adequate.

I have to agree with Charlie_k I've got nothing this is just good

This was really well-done. I quite liked it.

Well done sunset doesn't have to travel on this road alone . I had something like this happened to me a few nights ago I went into depression .

Very well done!

Wanderer D

Nice story, thanks for sharing it!

Very nice story.


The priest writes out a pray

Shouldn't that be prayer?

Shush! You saw nothing.

This definitely feels like it came out of left field with how you portray Luna.

however, I find it very refreshing. Usually it's Celestia that has all the motherly care to give out. And giving Luna a secondary role as a counselor is quite unexpected.

Kudos to you for breathing some new life into her character.

The way princess Luna helped the cmc in their dreams really reminded me of my time in therapy. It really seems to me that she's the one who would connect with the ponies on a personal level and help them.

It seemed natural that her counterpart would have a simmilar role, which led to the idea that she would be the school counselor.

That priest ain't worth his salt.

Got as expected from the doctor though.

As someone whose siblings struggle with depression and anxiety, allow me to extend my heartfelt thanks for this wonderfully written oneshot. I have nothing negative to say about this. You have some serious writing talent. Thank you.

As someone who deals with depression and anxiety regularly, and had a big hit of it thanks to recent events, I gotta say, I appreciated this story immensely, Well done.

This was perfect. Especially Luna.

The Leo line was golden! Bravo.

Pretty much this, though I've also got to say that this is my favorite version of Luna, Princess or vice-principal. Well done.

I have to wonder, why do you think Sunset has depression?
Abandonment issues, sure. Anger issues, yes. Obsessive tendencies, quite possibly. But depression? Doesn`t seem like it.

Consider the situation carefully - what she does when she runs away to another world, one with no easily accessible magic? Plots revenge, that`s what. Granted, her plan was not exactly the best and the less is said about execution, the better, but those actions don`t really match the profile of depression.

Neither does her post-harmonizing behavior, when you think of it. What are the usual signs of depression? Inability to cope with life, putting it bluntly. Apathy, self-loathing, self-isolation are common signs of it. We don`t quite see that. While Sunset does acknowledge her actions were ill-conceived, she does not dwell on them too much. A measure of caution not to fall into old habits is all that we see.

First, I would like to be clear, I did not say Sunset has depression, merely that she has issues. While depression may be one of them, it is likely not the only one.
Two, I do think she has depression. It would be a perfectly reasonable response to having everything she thought she had ripped away from her and shown just how worthless it all was. She comes out of the crater sobbing, and for a good part of rainbow rocks is clearly still dealing with who she was and how everyone still sees her.
Third, we see snapshots of Sunset. Snapshots in a movie aimed at children. It is beyond the scope of the show to handle depression. However, just because you don't see depression in someone doesn't mean it isn't there. A common response to suicide is 'I had no idea. They seemed so happy.'
Lastly, depression is different from person to person. While there are 'usual' markers, depression is not defined by them.

Gah! Believe it or not I have some notes on my thoughts on EQG Luna and Celestia, and you just used part of my head canon lol, with her being a counselor before going to the Vice Principal position.

Makes sense if you think of it too. Princess Luna is in charge of dreams, and helps ponies with their nightmares, not just by vanquishing them, but helping ponies understand their fears and get over it. In psychology, a lot of early stuff assumed a link between dreams and our mental health (Freud)... so it always fit in my mind.

Great story though, it really was a good pickup

I don't know. That scene in Rainbow Rocks where she and Twilight are talking in the kitchen hints at both anger and depression. Feeling like everyone expects you to screw up/cause problems can be a sign of depression. And those plans of revenge? Possibly a cover for feeling inadequate since Celestia wouldn't teach her what she wanted. Yes there was anger, but I also feel there was a little part of her saying, "she doesn't think I'm good enough."

Depression isn't always as obvious as the signs you listed. Sometimes it's there but hidden by a pretty good mask. As someone who wears a lot of masks, I know this very well.

I can see the possibility of Sunset being depressed. Does that mean she was? Nope. Not at all. But the chance was there, and that's what this story explores.

This was beautiful. I can't say anything else.

To be honest, I don't really see Sunset as having depression. From what was established in the comics and in the first movie, it seemed more focused on her wanting power from the mirror, and finding that in being the most popular girl in Canterlot High.
I also don't see Luna as a student counselor, considering the whole "Framing Twilight" debacle, or that bit when she was mind controlled by the Dazzlings.

Other than that, I thought the story itself in its own self-contained universe was pretty good, especially when it came to Sunset's problems. I wish I could've seen the actual conversation of Luna and Sunset, but before then, it seemed pretty good in exploring depression and how the most important thing you'd need (though I'd argue medication helps) are loved ones who'd happily stick by your side.

I've been dealing with some horrible circumstances in my life last year, and I've made it through thanks in large part to folks I've met through this very site. People who have been there to listen to and talk with me. I've also found out that several of the people I called "friends" in real life didn't give a fuck, and on the other hand, I've grown closer to several people that I only considered casual friends or mere acquaintances. All I'm saying is that it's really important to have help when fighting against setbacks and depression in life, and I've gotten that help thanks in part to MLP.

“I’m not just the Vice-Principal, Sunset. I am also the school counselor.”

How’d You Like To See The School Councilor!?

As for my view on depression, I know what it’s like. It is truly a difficult struggle that you can’t fight alone. I have for for the longest time to fight it alone, and it took someone asking if I needed help to reach out. Don’t wait for the help, you are wrong if you think you can find it alone. This is not a sign of weakness, this is only a sign that others care for you. Find help, don’t try and fight depression on your own terms.

This little story Luna told Sunset got me deep. There were some very dark times I'm not sure I would have survived without the help of some people and because I took some help myself. I really want to thank you for writing this little gem and providing some information for people to get some help.

I have the feeling that more and more people just seem to don't give any care for others except for themselves. I'm glad that it isn't always the case from time to time.

A lovely take on human Luna and an all-too-important message. Very nice work.

There`s an opposite side to it, you know? Just because person shows SOME indications for depression does not mean they are definitely depressed. To wit, a fair number of high-functional psychopaths come across as depressed, because people mistake their disability to give a fuck for depressed apathy. Potentially a very costly mistake, because psychopath in question WILL show unbelievable amounts of energy and drive pursuing something they determine to be of worth to them.
It`s possible to be depressed and not show it at all, yes. It`s also possible to look depressed and yet be perfectly fine or deviant in wholly different direction.

I do not believe Sunset is depressed because the show had fair amount of breaking points that should have caused a depressed person to backslide into self-isolation. She doesn`t.
Consider this - in Sunset vs. Celestia debacle, Sunset is NOT in any way of an opinion that she was "not worthy" of learning something. She assigns blame to Celestia in that case. Sunset`s assertion, in a nutshell, is this - "Celestia had made a mistake assessing my capability and intentionally hamstrung my education after taking unilateral control of it." And if we are entirely honest, she DOES have a point. As a teacher, Celestia had an obligation to her to either instruct her in all the fields she was interested in, or give concise and logically sound reasons as to why Sunset should not be instructed in the specific field. I am not surprised Sunset was furious when she run off into the mirror - I would be in towering rage myself if I discovered that my trusted mentor had sabotaged me like this.
In short, the whole debacle with the running away and subsequent attempt at zombie army was a teenager tantrum caused by "reasonable authority figure" flubbing it rather badly in communication. Which, if we`re going to be honest, is a running theme with Celestia - she has problems communicating. With Luna, with Sunset, with Twilight.
In the end, if it were not for a temporal disjunction between EG and Equestria realities, Sunset would have had returned in a couple years, had a verbal throwdown with Celestia and settled in as her personal pupil again, with maybe less reverence for Celestia, but more connection.
But the temporal disjunction exists, and a relatively short term for Sunset is a couple decades for Celestia, plenty of time to abandon any plans she had riding on Sunset and transfer the riding bets to Twilight. This is what throws the final monkey wrench into whole Celestia/Sunset fustercluck. Sunset is pretty much bound to badly overreact to the news she`s been completely replaced and cut out of equation. Which is exactly what happens.
The aftermath of the harmonization is also easy to explain from the anger management point of view. Those tears when she gets out of crater? Frustration. Both from the fact she tried her best and came up short AND from the fact that she had learned enough to admit to herself that she overreacted and not in a good way. Her consequent mood is entirely consistent with sullen "dog-damn it, I really clucked it up and squandered a good thing I could`ve possibly salvaged, I gotta try harder to salvage what I still can". As we can see it, she does acquit herself with flying colors on several occasions since, and does not shy from enjoying her victories. Does that sound like depression to you?

See above. Some signs are shown, but they`re not unique to depression. It`s entirely up to author if the story will have a depressed Sunset or not, but if yes, it needs a lot of grounding to stand to reader scrutiny.

Not liking a story because of a cuss word is rather childish if you ask me. If everyone on this site had that mind set, over 75% of the stories on this site would never see the feature box. There are plenty of AMAZING stories that have the occasional swear in it, it's just something you're gonna need to get over. People swear in life as they do in movies, tv shows, books, comics, anime, manga, and pretty much ALL forms of media. I could understand if you didn't like it because of grammar errors, inconsistencies in the plot, or constant spelling errors, but because of a swear word? Come on man, that's just stupid.

I wasn't trying to start an argument, I apologize if that's how it seems. You don't need to ' Kill me with Kindness' as it were, we're both obviously mature enough to handle this civilly. I made my opinion known as you made yours, that's all there is too it. Again, I apologize, I hadn't meant to cause you undue stress when you were already dealing with someone else who may have caused unnecessary harm. I admit that I was likely a bit harsh in my response to your comment and I'll own that mistake.

been meaning to read this for a while its good

thoe i wana say THANK YOU so many stories focus on making stories about depression uber dark and edgy crap instead of showing the real issues and addressing them and focusing on a better future

One of the reasons I really enjoyed this story was the fact that it shows us sunset in between the two movies. It's not possible that she would've just bounced back to be a happy girl with friends, still working through some issues but very much recovered, and this story recognises a serious struggle on sunset's part to improve herself and her mental health. Very well done!

I cried a touch. Very nice.
It's always good to see someone else trying their best to hand out sticks and help people out of holes.

Luna the counselor was a nice touch.

“I don’t care, Tia! This is my job, my responsibility. Let me do my damn job!” interspersed by what was clearly a fist pounding on wood. A few seconds later vice principal Luna stormed out.

Sunset got balls, because if I heard that I would have dashed out there.

I thought I was going to go in a much different way

This was one of my favorite stories to write. I hope you enjoyed it.

If you don't mind sharing, what direction did you think it was going?

I thought for a moment because I didn’t see the tags it was going to be a lunar sunset story

ohh, more of a shipfic. I have written quite a number of those, lol.

“Ya, back when I was queen mega bitch "

So that's where I get that from.

“There’s a little story I’m fond of, Sunset,” Luna added. “A woman is walking along when she falls down into a hole. The walls are so steep she can't climb out. Looking up, she sees a doctor walking by. ‘Hey! Can you help me?’ she shouts. The doctor writes a prescription and tosses it down the hole. Next a priest walks by. ‘Father,’ the woman says. ‘I’m down in this hole with no way out. Can you help me?’ The priest writes out a prayer and drops it into the hole before walking away. Then, a friend walks by. ‘Hey Silver!’ the woman cries. ‘Please, I need some help.’ Looking down, the friend jumps down in the hole with the woman. ‘Why did you jump down?’ the woman asks. ‘Now we’re both down here.’ ‘Ya,’ responds the friend. ‘But I’ve been down this hole before. I know the way out.”

I always liked that one

“There’s a little story I’m fond of, Sunset,” Luna added. “A woman is walking along when she falls down into a hole. The walls are so steep she can't climb out. Looking up, she sees a doctor walking by. ‘Hey! Can you help me?’ she shouts. The doctor writes a prescription and tosses it down the hole. Next a priest walks by. ‘Father,’ the woman says. ‘I’m down in this hole with no way out. Can you help me?’ The priest writes out a prayer and drops it into the hole before walking away. Then, a friend walks by. ‘Hey Silver!’ the woman cries. ‘Please, I need some help.’ Looking down, the friend jumps down in the hole with the woman. ‘Why did you jump down?’ the woman asks. ‘Now we’re both down here.’ ‘Ya,’ responds the friend. ‘But I’ve been down this hole before. I know the way out.”

That...was a PERFECT analogy

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