• Published 5th May 2018
  • 12,292 Views, 203 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year One - Doug Graves

Seven years before the events of MLP:FiM, a human appears in Equestria, meeting Applejack and other ponies of Ponyville.

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7 The Carousel Boutique

February 19th, 993

Late in the afternoon, Doug slowly walks along the road leading into Ponyville. His muscles still ache from the cardio with Rainbow in the morning. It's obvious the pegasus is more comfortable in the air, but neither of them put forth a very good showing. Doug was happy for the frequent breaks and slower pace that they settled on for the several mile jog around the farm. Rainbow grumbled both about the slow pace and lack of flying but her bravado couldn’t cover how exhausted they both had gotten.

That was followed by a long day of moving baskets filled with apples, loading the cart before walking with Applejack and unloading the baskets in one of the barns. Doug helped Granny Smith sort the apples, which was a thankful break from hard labor. Granny Smith instructed him on all the different kinds of apples they grew and the uses for the different varieties. When they were finished sorting Doug helped crate some of the apples and loaded those crates onto a different cart, which Applejack delivered to town.

Doug spent some time with Big Mac, though there was little for the two of them to do together. Big Mac was working on plowing fields that day and didn’t seem particularly inclined to talk, so Doug spent more time with Granny Smith in the house. Her earlier displeasure with him and Applejack had somewhat dissipated after Applejack came back in the house yesterday and apologized, cleaning herself up and going back to town. Doug and Granny talked about how to prepare the various apple products, though she warned him against testing too much of the apple cider that made their farm famous.

His previous cooking experience had mostly been trying recipes from a cookbook, but it seems like the Apple family doesn’t care much for writing down their trade secrets. While he has prepared a lot of different meals in the past he hadn’t done much with baking or anything at all with apples. At least Granny Smith was treating him like family now, trusting him with this information. He laughs to himself, thinking how Applejack will like it if he tries variations on some of the dishes he remembers, but done with apples instead.

Doug is roused from his thoughts as he walks into town, spotting a pink earth pony with a poofy mane. She gives a loud gasp and takes off; Doug shrugs and continues walking, starting to take in the various sights. He has directions from Applejack, and makes his way through the curiously deserted streets. He sees some ponies from further away but can’t make out any specifics. He can hear excited sounds off in the distance, but mostly sees shuttered windows and closed doors. He walks up to the Boutique, going to the door and knocking. Soon after, Rarity opens the door, looking behind him with curiosity.

“Oh, Doug, what a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Do come in, I was just closing up the store here.”

“Good to see you too, Rarity. How was work today?”

“Oh, busy as usual, I’m sure you can understand. I mostly spent today preparing attire for the upcoming Summer Sun festival; you can never go wrong with having too much inventory for that. Though I am starting to run a little low on gemstones.”

“Yup, yup.” Doug nods. He notices that Rarity is eyeing his body, mentally sizing him up. “So. Did you want help with anything? I was hoping to commission some sort of backpack, I took the liberty of drawing out how it would look. It might be a bit different than your normal saddlebags.”

Rarity grabs the piece of paper with her magic, quickly glancing at it before placing it on a nearby desk. “Yes, I believe that will be no issue at all. Though-“ she grabs several measuring tapes, a pad of paper and a pencil with her magic before turning to Doug. He has a somewhat frightened expression on his face, slowly backing away from the array of tools. He sees a pair of scissors in the background as well, before looking at the mare.

“Uh, Rarity? What’s going on?”

“Idea~!” Rarity moves to cut Doug off from the store exit, giving him a determined look. “Now, I just need you to stand still while I take a few measurements. And possibly samples…”

Doug stands still, eyeing the tools, though he flinches a little at the word samples. “Um… I think I’m okay with measurements. What will this be for?”

“Why, for my upcoming fall line of course! It will be something nopony else has thought of, I can just feel it!’

Doug closes his eyes as the pad of paper flies around his head and shifts uncomfortably as one of the measuring tapes makes it way around his upper thigh. He looks at Rarity; she has buried her head inside a closet, pulling out various colors of fabric. She glances over at the bolts as they line themselves up against Doug, comparing them to the hair on his head and chest. As the fabrics drift lower, Doug tries to distract himself by asking, “So, what was that you were saying about gemstones? You have a supplier or something?”

“Oh, heavens no. One of my many talents is a spell that locates deposits of gemstones. Why, I was planning a trip down to the Ghastly Gorge, or possibly the Badlands if I wanted to do a longer trip, sometime next week. Would you like to accompany me? I think that would be a sufficient trade, for the backpack you are thinking about. Though I could throw in some other accessories if you would like. Also, would you mind if I took a lock of your mane? For color comparisons, of course.”

“I think that will work; I’ll need to talk to Applejack about clearing my schedule for that day. I was also thinking about some work gloves or boots, I just didn’t know if you carried those kinds of materials here. As far as the hair, fine, you can have an inch off the back.”

“Ah, I think you would want something comfortable, yet sturdy. Rugged, even; yes, that will go quite well with your… image. I might need to special order some materials.”

Doug watches as the measuring tape wraps his hand in an inexplicable pattern. When it does the same for his foot he jumps up, laughing as the tape tickles him. At Rarity’s disapproving frown he settles down, lifting one foot and then the other for the measuring tape. She nods at the measurements, before going back to her closets. Doug walks over, peering inside at the clutter of materials.

A tap at the window surprises Rarity; she turns and spots a certain pink pony motioning to her from outside. She looks back; Doug is distracted by the contents of the closet. She walks over to the window, asking in a low voice, “Pinkie Pie, what is it?”

Pinkie Pie says in an excited tone, “Rarity! You have to come quick, while it’s distracted! I’ll cover for you!” Pinkie pulls out a large noisemaker but stops as Rarity shushes her. Pinkie asks in a loud whisper, “What?”

Rarity rolls her eyes, “Pinkie, Doug here isn’t trying to hurt me or anything. He came over to discuss some items he would like made, and offered some work as payment.” Rarity raises an eyebrow as she looks at Pinkie, whose eyes are now focusing on something above and behind her. Turning, she sees Doug standing there and staring at Pinkie. Rarity coughs, saying, “Doug, this is my friend Pinkie Pie. She was just telling me how surprised she was to see you, as you are new in Ponyville.”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes widen in surprise and see gives out a quick gasp. “OhIdidn’trealizeyouwerenewinPonyville Ineedtogogetafewthingsbye!”

Doug looks confused as Pinkie disappears in a cloud of smoke and balloons. He glances at Rarity who just shrugs and says, “It’s Pinkie Pie, just leave it at that. I should be able to get all your materials by next week when we go on our little expedition. If you can, bring a shovel along or something to dig with.” A muffled scuffling behind Rarity causes her ear to flick back, and she turns to see Pinkie Pie with a sheepish grin standing in front of a full blown party set up in the rest of the Boutique.

Rarity facehooves, saying, “Pinkie…”

Pinkie looks at Rarity and Doug, shouting, “Surprise! I wasn’t able to get as many ponies here on such short notice, but I did manage to convince a few that you weren’t a monster!” A thoroughly disoriented Applejack and Rainbow stumble out from under one of the tables, both looking around with confused looks on their faces.

Rainbow starts, “Ugh, Pinkie, I was having the most wonderful nap, just before I’d go to sleep for the night.” She notices one of the banners above, which says in hastily scribbled lines, ‘Welcome to Ponyville, Doug!’. There are tables covered in treats behind her, which she moves towards. “Well, you don’t mind if I get an early start, do ya?” She turns to start gobbling down some of the tasty looking treats before Pinkie rounds on her.

“No Rainbow, you have to at least let Doug try some of them first, or how will we know which is his favorite and which ones he ate just because you ate them?”

Rainbow rolls her eyes as Applejack perks up. “Well, Ah already know which is Doug’s favorite, right?” Applejack moves over to a table that contains a large number of apple themed treats, but gives a small frown as Doug moves to a different table, trying out one of the cherry pastries.

Rarity moves over to Applejack, consoling her, “I’m sure he is just trying to appear unbiased, darling. It would look a little off to come straight to your flanks again.” She winks at Applejack who just rolls her eyes. Rainbow laughs, carrying a plate of food over to the three of them before chowing down. None of them notice Fluttershy as the butter yellow pegasus continues to cower under one of the nearby tables.

Applejack remarks, “Well, at least this party is quieter than most of Pinkie’s get togethers.”

Rarity nods, grabbing a few items in her magic. “Yes, it is much more subdued than normal. Do you think it’s because she wasn’t able to get as many ponies?”

Pinkie Pie appears between the two, answering, “Nope! I knew Doug would prefer a party that’s slightly less rambunctious than my normal fare. Ooh, I think he’s found his favorite!”

Doug is currently holding onto a chocolate brick, studded with nuts and covered in caramel. He grins as he walks over to Applejack. “This might be my favorite candy, but none of them compare to my Apple.” Rainbow groans as Applejack blushes, kissing Doug as he leans down.

Rarity clops her hooves as Pinkie shouts, “Now let’s get this party started!”

As Pinkie goes to turn the music up, Rainbow notices Fluttershy hiding under the table. Fluttershy gives Rainbow a pleading look, hoping she doesn’t reveal her position. Rainbow winks at Fluttershy, turning to see Doug looking right at her with a raised eyebrow. Rainbow tries to hide what she was looking at with an awkward smile and raising her eyebrows.

Doug follows her previous gaze and spots Fluttershy under the table. The petrified mare has her face almost completely hidden behind her pink mane, one unblinking eye watching Doug. He neatly folds his body, shrinking down until his eyes are level with Fluttershy, his hands on his knees. He sits there, eyes slowly blinking, and watches the mare as she draws short, quick breaths.

Rainbow floats over to Rarity while Pinkie Pie starts narrating in a deep voice, “A pegasus mare, named Fluttershy, is one of the more skittish creatures located in Ponyville. One must be very careful never to disturb a Fluttershy, as it will panic and hide for at least three days before even thinking about venturing forth again. You can see Doug has chosen a very passive approach, a good choice, as he does not want to startle her.”

Fluttershy slowly moves her head past her mane, continuing to stare at Doug but with two eyes while Rainbow silently circles behind her.

Pinkie continues, “Ooh, it appears that Doug’s technique is working. We can now observe the Fluttershy’s slow, almost sloth-like approach to anything she perceives as remotely novel or exciting.”

Rainbow exclaims, “I’ll show you exciting!”

Fluttershy’s ears dart up and the mare looks behind herself frantically, only for Rainbow to collide into her. Rainbow pushes the struggling mare all the way to Doug, who reaches out with his hands to catch Fluttershy. She collides into him, bowling him over. Rainbow pumps a hoof as she flies higher while Rarity and Applejack glare at her. Pinkie starts laughing, having appeared near the sound system, and turns the music up.

Pinkie Pie starts dancing, raising her hooves back and forth and moving her body to the beat. Fluttershy quakes as she lays atop Doug, holding him tightly with all four hooves. Doug tries to console the frightened mare, though any attempts he makes to ask questions are met with silence or very hushed answers, too quiet to hear with the music. Even attempts to rearrange her clutching limbs end in failure as the mare continues clinging to her new teddy bear. Doug sighs and lays down on the ground, resigned to his new role as the music blares.

A few hours later, Doug and Applejack are walking back to Sweet Apple Acres, having just said goodbye to Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Pinkie had cleaned everything as quickly as she had set it up and bid them both a good night.

Doug looks up at the night sky, trying to find a constellation he recognizes. He says, “Well, that was certainly an enjoyable experience. You know how she managed to get a citizenship form, signed by Mayor Mare no less, on such short notice?”

Applejack laughs, “Sugarcube, best not to delve too deep into that mare. She’ll hurt your head worse than Mister Smokeless hurt your leg. Did ya have fun at least?”

Doug nods, “But, did so many of the games have to be, how shall I say, made for foals?”

Applejack shrugs, “Well, Pinkie does get a lot of requests for those kinds of parties; she’s really good with foals and all that. It could have just been the materials she had on hand. Although, Ah’ve never thought to ask her about a more… adult… themed party. Who knows what that mare would think you were asking for; she’d probably throw you a cute-ceañera party.”

Doug looks over to Applejack, “A what now?”

“Cute-ceañera - it’s like a coming of age party, for when you get your cutie mark!” Applejack motions towards her flank, the three red apples shining in the moonlight.

“Huh. You know, I thought those were just a fashion statement, telling others about your career or something. They are more than that?”

“Oh, they are way more than that! A cutie mark lets a pony know what they are good at, what their role in life is! Why, I knew that farming was going to be for me when I got my cutie mark…”

Applejack finishes her story about going to Manehatten and discovering her true calling back at the farm. Doug says, “There was something else I wanted to ask about. Your Grandma mentioned something called a ‘herd’, and you said the same thing about me straying outside of one. What does that mean?”

Applejack thinks for a moment before responding, “A herd is just another name for a family. You know, stallion and mares. Sometimes it will also refer to the foals those mares have with their stallion. Or from a previous herd, if something happened.” She looks up to the sky, "Sometimes a group of mares will form a herd, without a stallion, but that's not as common."

Doug looks inquisitively at Applejack, “Multiple mares?”

“Yup. Stallions end up with around four mares, on average. Why, how many mares do human stallions end up with?”

“Where I came from? One. Some other areas in the world men could have multiple wives but relationships were more balanced in my country. There are about the same number of men and women overall, but I suppose that isn’t the case here?”

“Nope. Close to four mares to one stallion, but Ponyville is skewed with more mares than that.”


Applejack looks closely at Doug, smiling mischievously, “Why? You interested in anypony?”

Doug shakes his head. “Your friends are cute, but I think I’ll hold off on that.”

Applejack sighs to herself as they continue walking home.