• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


A somewhat well known author, who is also well known for his inconsistent upload schedule. (My Patreon!)

Comments ( 126 )

Good thing I don't need to remember all of the previous story to understand this. Now I just need to go reread .-.

It's been a while since I read this series, but I'm glad to see it continue.

It’s great to see you back mate and great chapter

I thought you were done making stories. This makes my day 3 times better!

Aaaand instantly added to my watch lists

Welcome back, friend. You have once more found the call of the ponies.

Glad to see you back again! I can't wait to see where this goes!

It's been some time. Feels like forever ago.

So the plan was to lock away all his mental issues and try to ignore them until he inevitably cracks and everything explodes in their faces?

Yep, sounds like a Celestia plan.

Well look who dug themselves up out of their grave. Thank fuck, always wanted more of this, cheers pal.

fuck ya a new sequel to alex or xander thank you soooo much

Well I'll be damned… never thought I'd see this series be continued.

Uh, Yay, please.

Good, I have a soft spot for overbearing lovers, especially if its from the female side

Eager to see more

Comment posted by LightGust deleted May 30th, 2018

Oh..my..God...he's back..

And here I thought you were gone. Good to see you come back man.

In a strange Irish accent that I have no business having.

Welcome Back Lad, Glad to see you alive and a desire to continue with such wondrous works!!!

I'm so looking forward to this series. It's one of my personal fave's,

Never did read this series back in the day. Figured, why the hell not now? Gotta say I enjoyed it more then then I was expecting. Now with this notion of what is real? Yeah, this should be fun.

Awwww yeah, so keen for the conclusion of this!
All your other previous works have had me completely hooked, such a great psychological thriller!

I had to read all previous stories/chapters to refresh my memory. I'm so glad that you decided to continue this story.

Welcome back Zam! :pinkiehappy:

glad to have you back buddy, LOVE your stories

To anyone reading this, I haven't really read Zam's Alex or Xander series, and I'm curious as to what it's like. Could someone give me a general rundown and how it compares to Royal Breakup Chronicles, Cinnamon, and Absolute Power, as they're the only ones of Zam's stories that I've really read and enjoyed? I think what I like most about Zam's stories are how the princesses slowly break the will of the human, not out of hate and anger, but because they generally love him and can't bear to live without him. Alongside that, I like that fact that they break his will through love and care rather than any kind of traditional torture. The ending of the stories is also something I enjoy as the princesses eventually win in the end.

Most of all, however, all his stories have morally ambiguous characters and no real good or evil that I just really enjoy. If Alex or Xander contain elements of this, then I'd think I could enjoy it. Could someone give me a run down?


You need to re-read it, but to make it short. No, the part of Luna that kept him captive was insane and wasn't the real thing, she's all better now.

Well, she's heartbroken. But she's sane.

Coulda swore you said you were done after the last story, so color me surprised that we get more awesome stories from you! :pinkiegasp::yay:
Also welcome back!:twilightblush:


Well I can go if you want... :trollestia:

no stay please this is a great story don't leave us hanging i want to see this story to completion and have my big questions answered is he alex or xander or is he both and if he's both can he love both Luna and Cadance or be forced to choose between them

Noooo don't do that!!
I'll take a page out of your stories and keep ya here! :pinkiecrazy:

Jk...or am I? Dun dun duunnn! :trollestia:

Error: "Does what did to me in the past not matter to you?"
It is missing she or celestia.


Sorted, thanks XD

There's always something :facehoof:

Ok but what about To run from the sun?, do you remember that one?

Nobody's perfect. I probably mess up more than you do. Keep up the great work. 👍

Happy to see that you're back into the swing of things. I've always enjoyed your take on pyscho princesses.

I can't help but feel that if Celestia ever TRULEY understood how much pain she caused Luna, it would break her completly and utterly.
Also, it's great to have you back again, looking foward to more of your fics, if you plan to write more besides this one that is.

Aw heck dude, were going in right away?

I wonder if it's Luna's obsession that's leaking to his mind.
Would you be kind and continue provide more horse words? I want to see where this goes. :rainbowderp:


Of course good sir, I've been busy with work lately but I shall endeavour to have another chapter out this weekend.

im so glad to see you are back i really love all of your work

this really is wonderful i cant wait to see where this goes

It's good to see you writing again.

I love the Alexander Hamilton reference! nice to see more from ya :3

cant wait to see more pages

I know this doesn't have anything to do with this story but are you still planning on doing the immortal lover main story. Help My Lonely Soul is most definitely my favorite story on this site and the way it ends made me want more immidietly. I'm super glad your back and look forward to reading the absolute fuck out of your stories. 🌙

GET ON WITH THE IMMORTAL LOVERS QUARTET! And Afraid to Dream. It's great your posting on both sides again, so now I can nag you more!

May you please update if your not already? Plzz :applecry:

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