• Published 9th Jun 2018
  • 4,306 Views, 227 Comments

Discord vs. the Greeting-Card Industry - SoloBrony

Starlight Glimmer and Chrysalis find themselves the subject of Discord's latest prank; shipping them on a dare.

  • ...

Meet the friends

Chrysalis had taken the form of a tall, slender, black-coated unicorn mare after her shower. It was a bit on-the-nose for her original appearance – especially once she insisted on adding some green-and-turquoise saddlebags she found in the market to it – but so far they had managed to avoid a trademark Ponyville stampede, so Starlight had to admit it was working for her.

Chrysalis, for her part, cackled to herself.

"These gullible ponies don't suspect a thing!"

"Actually, we've been attracting some weird looks. Some of them probably realize you're a changeling."

"What?! I haven't noticed any weird looks!"

"They're doing it when your back is turned. You're definitely the one they're staring at."

Chrysalis shook her head and glared at Starlight.

"You're just ashamed of your species' inherent ease to manipulate. No one suspects."

"I think you're forgetting two important points, Chrysalis."

"Queen Chrysalis."

"Fine, but then you have to address me as Counselor Starlight."

The two of them glared at each other for a few seconds. Starlight smirked.

"Counselor Glimmer will also do."

Chrysalis threw her hooves up in disgust.

"Ugh! Fine! Call me Chrysalis if you insist. It's not like I have a hive to be queen of right now anyway. What am I forgetting?"

"First, changelings are welcome here now. We see them every day."

Chrysalis gaped at Starlight for a second, and then facehoofed.

"Right, the school. I've seen it. Ugh."

"Second, you're with me. They figure if a changeling is with me, they're probably alright."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, setting her hoof back down.

"Right. Because they trust you so much."

Starlight winced at that, and Chrysalis immediately regretted the comment.

It's only been a day, but I've gotten used to being just as blunt as this pony with her. I didn't realize there were still raw nerves to trot on.

"H-hey, they trust me. I... I think. Most of them do!"

Chrysalis waved a hoof placatingly. "Forget I brought it up. Clearly they trust you enough not to accost you over suspicious behavior with strangers, so that must be good enough."

Starlight considered that and nodded, sighing. Chrysalis' mind scrambled for something to change the subject, to get off of this awkward.

Chrysalis didn't do awkward. Chrysalis gave orders and they were obeyed. Being forced to interact with someling else and deal with their feelings was just... eugh. An idea came to her.

"Let's get something to eat. Going to a restaurant forces a waiter to get up-close and personal with you, so you can gauge how uneasy they are and how well your disguise is holding up."

Starlight quirked an eyebrow at that, smirking.

"Well, I wouldn't mind a good breakfast. You just had to make it all changeling-y, though, huh?"

Chrysalis threw her head back with a regal (she thought) laugh.

"Starlight, I am the Queen of changelings. Everything I do is archetypal for my species."

"And how do you take a changeling shower?"

"Simple. Plot your enemies' downfall while you do it. I came up with three new ways to make you pay for your insults against me just this morning."

Chrysalis had actually spent the entirety of the shower entirely focused on detangling her mane and thanking all that was green and gooey for the chance to get a proper warm shower and a cup of coffee after weeks in the wilderness, but really, what did it matter?

Starlight, for her part, brightened immediately.

"Hey, I used to do that!"

"Contemplate your foe's downfall in the shower?"

"Yeah! The whole time-travel revenge idea came to me in a shower!"

Chrysalis laughed as they set off in the direction of a small restaurant.

"Perhaps you would make a better changeling than pony, Starlight. Ever thought of converting?"

"Yeah, but the wings totally clash with my magic flight thing. Just wasn't meant to be, I guess."

Both of them laughed companionably as they grabbed seats at the outdoor cafe.

Starlight took a second to take stock of the situation.

Am I actually befriending Chrysalis? I mean, I'm sure she's just putting on airs to get at me – or at least to escape Ponyville unharmed – but it sure feels genuine. This is... nice.

Weird! I meant it's weird. But I guess it's nice too. I had today off-duty anyway, so I guess might as well spend it bonding with my current-arch-rival or whatever we are to each other. Not like I had anypony else to—

"Fear not, Starlight! Your greatest and most powerful friend has arrived!"

With that announcement, Trixie Lulamoon, accompanied by a small fireworks display for her entrance, took a seat at their table, violently jarring Starlight from her reverie. Chrysalis, for her part, was glancing hurriedly between the two of them, and Starlight could virtually see the gears turning in her head.

Quick, gotta put her at ease!

"Trixie! What a surprise!"

Trixie looked at Starlight quizzically. Starlight suddenly took note that Trixie wasn't dressed in her usual attire; she was wearing a tuxedo of all things. Trixie leaned in as she spoke.

"What are you talking about, Starlight? You invited me here!"

"What? When? What? How?"

Trixie recoiled in surprise and pulled a small letter out of her saddlebag, floating it over to Starlight. Starlight quickly read it aloud.

"Dear Trixie,

I've met a new friend I'd like to introduce you to, so please stop by Ponyville tomorrow.


Starlight groaned, rolling her eyes. "That's not even my hoofwriting!"

Chrysalis groaned, rubbing her head. Trixie just looked between the two of them, becoming increasingly flustered. She started to rise from her seat.

"Well, if I'm not welcome here—"

Starlight quickly reached across the table, catching Trixie and pulling her back down. "No, no, you're fine. Somepony's just been... messing with us lately. But I'm glad to see you! It's just unexpected is all."

Trixie looked at Starlight suspiciously, but then shrugged and took her seat. She looked over at Chrysalis.

"Well, Starlight? Are you going to introduce us?"

"Oh. Right."

Starlight's mind went into panic overdrive. Before she even realized it, she was mentally preparing to enchant both of her breakfast companions into a stupor while she thought through what she should do. She rubbed her head and immediately dismissed the idea.

Come on, Starlight, just figure out a simple way to deal with this! Hurry!

"Trixie, meet ChrysIMEAN Criss-Cross, sorry. She goes by 'Crissy' to her friends. Crissy, this is Trixie."

Trixie and Chrysalis shared fake smiles and shook hooves. Mentally, Starlight contemplated the many ways she would make whoever had pranked her suffer for this awkwardness. Chrysalis' smooth voice did little to put her at ease.

"Charmed. You're the famous Trixie Lulamoon, stage magician and performer, correct?"

Trixie's fake smile immediately became genuine, and excited.

"Yes! Oh, I didn't know you were a fan of mine!"

Chrysalis shook her head, and Starlight looked across the table at her pleadingly. Chrysalis opened her mouth, a confident and slightly vicious expression taking hold, until she spotted Starlight. She hesitated, and then gave a shrug and took on a much more demure demeanor.

"Oh, I've just heard of you. I've never had the chance to see you in action, but I would certainly like to."

"Well, Trixie will not disappoint! I shall put on a special performance this evening!"

Chrysalis grimaced for a brief second, and then smiled warmly as Trixie looked at her.

"Oh, great! Can't wait."

Trixie looked over at Starlight, and leaned to her. "Starlight, may Trixie speak with you privately for a moment?"

Starlight glanced between Trixie and Chrysalis, and then shrugged helplessly. "Al... Alright."

Not that it will really be private if Chrysalis can hear everything I say anyway...

Trixie and Starlight stood up, and trotted a short distance away. Trixie gave her a playful push and put on a winning grin.

"Starlight, you lynx! She's cute!"

Starlight could only stammer in response, confused, but Trixie paid it no mind.

"Trixie must admit, when called here, she wasn't certain if there would even be another pony. Invitations on Hearts and Hooves day usually mean something else, but Trixie can see you wanted her approval, and she is honored you thought of her. Whatever happens between you and this Crissy, Trixie has your back, Starlight."

Trixie leaned in closer as Starlight's brain slowly digested everything she had said.

"Another mare, too. Trixie always suspected, of course, but she's very flattered you invited her along and trusted her to accept you. Trixie does! And don't worry, your 'someone else sent the letter' ruse is safe with Trixie. Clearly, Trixie was not expected here, but no one can improvise like Trixie!"

With another playful jab to the shoulder, Trixie departed back to their table, leaving Starlight to go into mental overload.

It's Hearts and Hooves day?

Oh, right. That's why I have the day off.

Wait, Trixie thinks we're a couple?!

Wait, wait, wait, Trixie wasn't sure there would be another pony? Did Trixie think I was... wait... is that why she's in a tuxedo? She was entertaining the possibility of us...?

Starlight applied a hoof to her face.


Author's Note:


That link is actually legitimately worth watching.

Also, you could say your comments filled me with determination.

If you were Undertale trash.

Like me.

Man, there's no way things could get more awkward for Starlight from here in.