• Member Since 14th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago



It's the end of the world, and I died.

Well not really, I managed to stay alive because God decided I was worthy of a new life with cool powers and I get to be with my family in this new world...too bad there are a lot of things keeping me away from them still.

So watch as I flounder around with my new powers, meet new friends, and save my family as monsters I know and don't know appear and try to destroy my new home.

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 46 )

good to see you writing again and I am gonna track this story for now but did love Life of A Nobody so far

Thank you, and don't worry I'm still writing, just waiting to get a good amount of chapters than just gonna mass post

This is probably what she’s thinking.https://youtu.be/ddi_M1gka1k



Well...that is true

I will eagerly await the next chapter

Thank you, as you can clearly see me, and my wonderful friend Bio, are having a blast writing this

Another great chapter

I've sorted by updated for hie fics, and this is a page or two in. I hope it turns out good, it seems desently long, anyway. The important bit is if you've got a good "voice" going, and maybe not too many grammar mistakes.
Dunno why I felt like narrating my thought process when I could have just looked, but it happened.

Felt a bit awkward feeling, but seemed to get a bit better by the end of the chapter. I dunno why you bothered to define the ages of your characters. I could assume the parents are around 25-30ish years older, so just the brother and the main characters could be listed, if important.

Bunch of missing commas

Looks like someone is going to be rather busy in the future.

Cant wait for more i love this story.

Nice to see an update :D

This chapter answered questions I didn't know I had

Funny how that works sometimes huh?

There will be more, me and Bio just have to get through a whole lot of stories

I love this story and cant wait to read more

“So you need my help to gather more girls that can treat Gilda right, not care about their more female look and be more than happy in a large interspecies herd? Right, I’m on it.” Pinkie said, her tears stopped as if on command and pulled a nearby lamp down, opening a trap door she jumped down that closed behind her. Several moments later Pinkie fell from a trap door above us. “Alright, I know only a little about Gilda but the information you two gave me will help broaden my potential mates list.” I noticed she was not holding a rather large folder simply titled, Gilda.


that's pinkie for ya

“Depends on where we arrive.” She said, opening the door. Once she did we entered- HOLY SHIT! Asgard was… large. We were easily half the size of people here, and given Luna is pretty tall, that’s saying something. “Now then, Just too…” Luna held her hand out, and after a moment some sounds of yelps and people getting knocked over got close to us. Soon Mjolnir was in her hands… and a large, dirty blonde haired asgardian was on the floor holding the strap at the end of the hammer. “Hello Thor.” Luna said.


Nice chapter, will wait for more.

Didn't this story used to be complete?

nope, and if so, I might have accidentally put that there instead of hiatus

This chapter pisses me of to no end, it seems every time Anna gets a TINY bit of backbone she's trampled and goes all submissive... and I really hate some much other shit that goes into this chapter that makes the MC worthless... if the other races are 'superior' in almost all other fashions

I loved how you put that twist on changling drones and how they can fuse with others to help heal them!

Thank you, it was a good idea Bio came up with

“Ah, Anna.” Odin said, running back down over to me. “My bad for leaving you. Ah, Hilder, glad you are here valkyries, meet Anna, I’ve married you all off to her.”

Omg he's a perverted old father!

“Be free my apples!” The apple tree shook like a wet dog, throwing apples all around with no real direction. “Grow and plant your roots!”

Holy shit this is hilarious

That last bit of fuckery... lol

Its not the end of the story yet, so stay tuned

It chased a Pony into a shop of sorts, quickly turning to me and using its claws, latching to my head.

Rather a poor showing that none of the Mane Six were engaging it. I can think of one way that COULD happen (Fluttershy took the lead, but it ran away from her), but this is treading dangerously close to Mary Sue territory.

I can bring and place items from this other world around in chests, but can’t actually give them to you upright, they need at least a few moments in a contained space to self stabilize to their new reality. Living things take the spilling easier than inorganic matter.”

Why does he need to scatter the chests around, rather that appearing in the library or.somewhere convenient like that? Also, Twilight being level 2 while also having practiced her art at least as much as Rainbow Dash and being able to pull off what she did in "Boast Busters" is going to take some justification. Actually their levels being so low in general seems... a bad sign for the literary quality.

Why not just hand him 5,000 bits to shortcut his citizenship? Wait, nevermind. They set her up as a gaurd for Pipsqueak, and since contact with him was what she wanted the citizenship for most urgently it all works out I guess.

“Cool, so what monsters are there?” I hummed while sifting through the pictures...and my heart sank a little. “Oh jesus, these things are there?” I muttered nervously, seeing Varuna, Master Tonberry, Black Elementals, Adamantoise, and even a fucking Behemoth King. “Well...I suppose mom’s area should be high level considering she was the third part of the quest…” I muttered while getting a quill and paper and writing down all I knew about the five monsters, even using my strategy guide to give even more exact details about the monsters and how powerful they are.

They should have assigned three shifts of scribes to copy the strategy guide if there is not a spell for that.

<SNIP> Rarity and Twilight each had a small library of combat spells at their use. Twilight's focusing on defence, based on her brother's own shield spells, and manipulation of the environment to deal impacts. Rarity took more of a classic mage approach, knowing two ice type spells, one fire, three lightning ones and a simple healing spell.

Since when is Twilight NOT able to hold her own as a combat mage? I mean, she should be widening her array of offensive options beyond "horn lazor(sic)" since elemental typing is important with fiends... feels like shoehorning them into the Final Fantasy X architypes. I hope to see Twilight at least using horn lazors and liberal teleportation.

Did not really expect to see a complete tag on this one, looks like ima read again.

Yeah, I didn't expect it to be done either. Even if me and Bio could have done more, we have a lot of other stories to work on so eh

That is true I've been enjoying them quite a bit, especially Poké Fans

Thanks for enjoying mine and Bio's nonsense

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