• Member Since 31st Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen May 1st

Phoenix Nebula

Chaos is not the opposite of Harmony but apart of it. Both chaos and order together create a balance known as Harmony. Without one you cannot have have the other and without either there is nothing.


A retelling of Twilight's Kingdom inspired by PrinceWhateverer's Frailty.

Celestia, Luna, and Cadance must make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that Twilight will be able to emerge victorious against Tirek. Twilight will be given the greatest responsibility anyone pony can be given; to be the protector, and ruler of all of Ponykind.

Warning: Grossly overpowered Twilight ahead, if you don't like that turn back now!

50 upvotes and I'll write a sequel, so be sure to like and share this story as much as possible if you want that to happen!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 63 )


Maybe... if it gets enough love and notice I may make a sequel.



If you guys want sequels; share this story as far and as much as you can, if this story gets 50 likes I'll start planning it.

I just have one small nitpick: Queen is so underpowered for where Twilight now stands. Empress sounds better.

But that's just me. Have a like, an upvote, and a demand for a sequal.

Is it enough if I give it love?

If you show your love for it by sharing it, it may get even more love!

I like dis, dis be good. More Twueeny plez

Give me more, please. This is one of the better OP Twilight stories I've seen

Like and share it as much as you can and I can assure you there will be a sequel.

Sure thing, quick question, while you are still on, why not check out a few of my stories?

Sure I'll look at them! I'll be on for at least four more hours so I got time.

Remember, comments are welcome.

I looked at them one of them has caught my interest, I added it to read it my read it later. I should get around to reading it in the next week, if I don't read it today.

Did you forget to mention that the only part which underwent any editing was your multiple attention begs?

Is that meant to be an insult or... what?

I'm honored to give this story the 50th upvote. I believe a sequel is in order. :twilightsmile:








This story has reached 50 upvotes! I am already over 500 words into the first chapter! I don't know when it will be out but I'm glad you all enjoyed this one so I hope you will like the follow up!

Huh.... well I guess I couldn't care less then.

Most definitely, you have gained a fan :)

It means that there's an unacceptable number of grammar and spelling issues, obviously.

I had my editor go over it I don't know what to tell you other than tell me what they are, so I can avoid them in the future.

Sure, my rates are 10c a word, plus $10 for every 1,000.

If your not going to be helpful and just troll around, then leave. I'm looking for constructive criticism, not people coming to be a dick. I'm trying real hard to be nice and not stoop low to give you a taste of your own medicine.

I loved this story, but to be honest it feels more like a prolog or introduction to a much larger AU tale.

I hope that actually ends up being the case given the A/N. I could see it going several different ways, but a drama focused on the changes to the world with lots slice of life elements involving her friends and the princesses sounds the best to me. I could also see some romance with Discord on the side working quite well. This would need to be a large fic me thinks.

I have a story planned, but no discolight and more action than slice of life. I already have the prologue for the sequel as well as the first two chapters planned, at least somewhat.

Awesome! I hope I didn’t offend; I was just spitballing where I thought the story might go. I’m looking forward to whatever you’ve got for us.

It's okay I was more afraid of disappointing you. Nah there will be a bit of a Twi x OC shipping but it's not really going to pay off until the end. The story will be mostly focused on Twilight as she has to learn to cope with new threats much greater than Tirek. That's all I'm saying so as not to spoil it, but be assured that it will be interesting.

2 things. 1. Work on your grammar. Dear god, it was hard to stay immersed with all of these errors.


Like I said my editor is not available. Stick around and I should have it fixed tomorrow by the latest.

Comment posted by aalelu deleted Jun 27th, 2018

Please tell me this isn' "canon"😭

This is the True end. I know it's sad, but it's a necessity for the sequel.

Sorry, but when I was planning the sequel I realized the princesses lessoned the impact of the conflict and would just make the story feel stagnant. I sadly need to do this so as to not turn Twilight into a mary sue.

I do enjoy the fact that you took away twilights "cushion" per say, it would have been fun for the three princesses' to stay with her even spiritually but for the story and character purposes, this seems to me, to be the best way to go. It will be fun to read the sequel and I await further works from you, thank you for the great read :raritywink:

Oh yeah Definitely. I need to have Twilight be pushed and tired as a character. I have a huge character arc planned for her and I need her to constantly be struggling. By removing the princesses I remove her crutch, now she needs to learn to walk on her own.

Definitely agreed, I am really looking forward to your future works, thanks for replying :pinkiehappy:

Of course, I love interacting with my readers, it shows I truly care about the work I do and how people enjoy it!

Being honest, I'm a little disappointed that we won't get to see how the other alicorns thoughts influence Twilight.

I figured they wouldn't stick around forever, but I imagined something along the lines of their consciousnesses fading into/merging with Twilight's, blurring the line of where Twilight begins and the others end.
Meanwhile, before that happened, there could be interesting interactions between Twilight and other characters, like Shining or Sunset. Twilight could act as something of medium for their final farewells or something. I guess it could still be that certain memories, emotions, thoughts, etc. could still be passed down to her, but I figured a gradual merger would be more interesting.

I suppose if the sequel is going to be more action-packed and such, have the other princesses disappear asap is something of a necessity. Still hope they ended up giving Twilight more than just a power-up. All the same, looking forward to more.

That was actually the original idea, but once again, like I told FLUTERXXDASH; I needed to remove that crutch, and the sad thing is this will not be her only loss. I would normally consider this a spoiler, but I think it's too obvious; Twilight will be outliving those around her and she will have to cope with it as well as deal with new threats and changes along the way. The journey ahead of Twilight will not be easy in the slightest, but there will be a massive payoff in the end, that I can assure you.

I think you have addressed this somewhere in the comments but the only issue I have with this is that it is too fast paced for you to enjoy it thoroughly enjoy it but otherwise I’m kinda looking forward too it.

I guess it goes a little fast, side effect of thinking a million miles a second I guess. I'll try to keep that in mind in the sequel, though I don't know how much slower I can make it without wanting to tear my hair out.

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