• Member Since 7th Jan, 2012
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For the first time in history, the Archon of Freeport has come to Equestria. Princess Twilight Sparkle has been given the honor to host Archon Sunset Shimmer, but she quickly finds herself at odds with her prestigious guest. Things turn sour when something is stolen from the Archon, and Twilight is the prime suspect. Twilight must uncover the real thief to avert an uproar of international proportions.

A Winningverse story.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 188 )

A shame Strumming didn't come along for the tour. If ever there were a time to divulge an embarrassing story about Sunset's early years in Freeport...
Of course, atomizing one of the dignitaries for getting potato chip crumbs in the books often offends.

In any case, I've been looking forward to this meeting for a while. Hopefully the positives of this visit will outweigh the negatives.

Doesn't surprise me it's off to a rocky start; though we're seeing this from Twilight's point of view, Sunset's gotta be having a "what did she have that I didn't" sort of mentality going on right about now.

Oooh this looks like a good story.

Is this officially connected to the Freeport Venture series?

At this point it feels almost weird to see Sunset and Twilight on a cover and not see a romance tag :rainbowlaugh:

Probably gonna have to give my shipping senses a break here since I hardly see it happening. Even without Twilight's...less than stellar first impression.

Sunset I know you master warmth and cold, but you seem to lean very heavily on the last one this visit.


How many people would really care if Strumming were vaporized? I mean, okay, maybe Puzzle, but...


Yeah, I'd be surprised if there weren't a lot more envy.


So, Fluttershy's environmentalist friends didn't bother picking up after themselves? Typical eco-hypocrites. (Ecocrites?)

Hmm... not too much happening this chapter. Sunset seems characteristically less than pleased to see another student of Celestia as an aliciorn (as her character stands in her own series as of now). Definitely interested to see them have a more meaningful interaction, so to speak, and what exactly gets stolen from Sunset. Overall, a bit of a dry start but definitely interested to see how it picks up.

Question; how can Sunset Shimmer be here as Archon of Freeport, and ALSO on the other side of the mirror? I know there are stories dealing with EQG and she’s a character in there too!

Damn my inner TwiSet shipper. As soon as I read the description, with something of Sunsets being stolen with Twilight as the only suspect, I immediately thought "Sunset's Heart". Then I noticed there was no Romance tag :c


Since they are fictional characters, can't blame them: the author made them do it. :twilightsmile:

A little bit of introduction in the story description would make this a lot less WTF-inducing for people not familiar with this alternate universe, whatever it is.

"He put quickly put the scroll"
"He quickly put the scroll"?

"as well a pair of bipedal golems"
"as well as a pair of bipedal golems"?

"towards the the changeling"
"towards the changeling"?

Well, that was awkward. At least its going better than with the yaks (so far anyway). Interesting to see Sunset as Archon, well, at least in the main Winningverse (compared to the Sombra war timeline). I wonder if this is being coordinated with Northern Venture, in terms of showing Sunset's character development. Hard to tell how Sunset is, but that's what makes it fun to speculate about.

Looking forward to seeing how better (or rather worse) Sunset's visit to Ponyville will go. Twilight needs the practical experience, and was this visit partially in response to Luna's "visit" to Freeport in another story? I have a hard time keeping track with everything going on across these fics (and AUs). Twilight didn't reference it, but hard to tell how knowledgeable she is about all the politics.

Given that Winningverse and its various spinoffs are supposed to take place alongside canon, and the canon version of Sunset did go through the mirror, wouldn't that make Freeport Venture and its continuity the AU? (Having checked the tag on a few recent FV stories they're apparently tagged as such.)

And given that the Freeport Venture stories are an AU, it's really confusing as fuck when Archon Sunset Shimmer keeps showing up in the main, not-an-AU stories. My theory is that it's just Puzzle Piece, because we haven't seen him in the stories where Sunset is already the Archon and he had political ambitions of his own. It's basically the only explanation I can think of that even begins to resolve this logic knot.

More juicy story goodness! Keep up the good work Ponibius!

Spike seems much better at organising things than Twilight.

The Winningverse follows canon only up to a point. Sunset going to Freeport instead of the human world and becoming Archon is canon to the main Winningverse storyline. The Oncoming Storm series is a Winningverse AU where Sunset did go to the human world and the events of Equestria Girls played out.

For the first time in history, the Archon of Freeport has come to Equestria.

Finally the thing we've been waiting for for years, is going to happen! :pinkiegasp:

So the whole Fluttershy thing was inherently useless ugh. Also still not thrilled with either Sunset or Celestia Luna's visit.

The meeting we've all been waiting for. With all the build up to this point, its nice to finally see it happen. Sunset has indeed returned... but not with a set of wings as she once promised Celestia. That has to be weighing on her mind, though I have my own guesses as to why.

It will be interesting to see the comparisons as we follow this and its companion, Northern Venture.



That’s some straight up David Copperfield stuff.

Huh, get the feeling the other ambassadors are going to be the ones trying to pin the blame on Twilight. Sunset isn't stupid and Twilight wasn't acting like someone who had already stolen such things.

Granted had they been taken tomorrow it would be a different story after Twilights questions.

Hope nothing comes from this marriage thing. Twilight is bound to the map. It would be a long distance relationship that really wouldn't work well.


Sunset and Twilight together, could Equus handle that?

Hmmm.... Lots of political discussions here. Definitely lots of emphasis on how important all the potential marriage alliances could work out. Kind of wondering what Gryphonia has to offer in terms of benefit, they don’t seem to have much trade or military power. Also, we now know who became Sultan. That’s neat. We also now know what exactly got stolen, and Sunset is definitely going to be upset about it. She already seemed rather suspicious of Twilight taking an interest in her own golem’s, so I see why she would likely suspect Twilight. Most curious to see how the other ambassadors respond to this. Also wondering who this “backup plan” of Sunset’s is. Very excited for the next chapter! (Also wondering how the thing with Cloud is going. Is it ongoing or has it resolved itself at this point in the story?)

huh it seems like history repeats twi kinda has the same problem middy does at the moment

"The Sunset’s mouth turned"
"The archon's mouth turned" or "Sunset’s mouth turned"?

I've read the Phoenix Empire stories, but didn't expect that pairing to pop up here, since this is the first time they've ever met in this 'verse, probably after years of hearing about the other. I love that pairing, so its a happy surprise, although still quite up in the air at the moment of course, but I like the teasing anyway.

Nice to see Sunset relax a bit, but then keeping neutral is an important part of politics. Too bad Twilight hasn't quite shifted from friendship (and science) to politics yet. Especially having so many ambassadors (some not so friendly) in one place at once as part of an important first visit. And of course something has to interrupt just when they were getting closer. I just hope neither side jumps to many conclusions, but we'll see.

“Shimmer-mare!” the changeling cried out. “Someone cut this one off from its golems! This one can’t sense them anymore, and they’re both gone!”

Ah crap, theft of military assets, plus insult to both Freeport and Equestria as the hosting nation (possibly gross insult), whoever did it is willing to take some big risks.
And beside the political backlash, the dino-golems are not inconspicuous, so how does the thief plan to get them out of the country without being noticed?

Looks like Batur won the Zebra civil war. I hope we get a side story about that happened. He was stirring up things in Freeport with the Blood Stripes and now he's proposing marriage to Sunset. I can't put my finger on it but for some reason I really want to know about Princess Zanza. She was mentioned only once in passing but ever since "Freeport: Thousand Masks" I've been dying to know more about her.

my money would normally be on one or both of the gryphons but the answer seems so obvious it seems like it must absolutely be wrong.

Any of the three are viable just get phone seem more likely especially the ride one but wouldn't be surprised if it was the Zebra.

I could definitely ship Winningverse SunLight, better by far than some of the alternatives.

Here's hoping we get to see Kukri interact with Dinky before the story is over, they're presumably some variety of distant cousins and that could be interesting.

Ah, politics. There's just no escaping it when you're that important, though it is sweet that Twilight's trying to provide some more downtime for Sunset. And if Baconmane can't be with the human Purplesmart, the equine one is certainly an acceptable alternative. Though based on Twilight's future recollections of Sunset, this meeting is going to south pretty darn quick...

Also, not sure if this has ever been covered, but is Twilight still definitely mortal? And then there's the question of Sunset's backup plan. I can only hope that she didn't take inspiration from the Cybernetic Ghost of Hearth's Warmings Past from the Future the flaming golem-lich who clearly had absolutely nothing to do with Sunset whatsoever.

Of course, Twilight panicking at the accusations (because Twilight) wouldn't exactly do a lot to support her innocence...

Huh, would have thought Sunset would let herself be more casual once they were past the official side of the meeting.

Covering Sunset’s involvement in the Zebrican Civil War is on the to-do list after Northern Venture.

Glad to hear it! The Freeport stories are what keeps me coming back to FimFiction


Hm, I have a feeling you're trying to get across a message here...


(Also wondering how the thing with Cloud is going. Is it ongoing or has it resolved itself at this point in the story?)

The Cloud thing happens after this story, and all of that will be dealt with in a future story I'm probably going to start on here before too long.

Thanks for catching that.


Also, not sure if this has ever been covered, but is Twilight still definitely mortal?

She's mortal in the Winningverse, yes.

Thanks for catching those.


Twilight needs the practical experience, and was this visit partially in response to Luna's "visit" to Freeport in another story?

Sunset primarily wanted to visit Equestria to improve relations between their nations, and to help push through some treaties she particuarly desires. Such as lowering the tariffs between Euqestria and Freeport. Equestria hasn't approved of many of Freeport's practices in the past, like the use of indentured servitude, and thus kept high tariffs on Freeport in protest. Which naturally resulted in Freeport also throwing up its own counter-tariffs. These tariffs have significantly limited trade between them, but Sunset's initiated several reforms that she's hoping will make Freeport more palatable to Equestrians and remove the trade barriers.

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