• Published 15th Jul 2018
  • 8,259 Views, 107 Comments

Displaced DemonSlayers - Flowjam

Two best freinds get transported to equestria by a man in a resident evil merchant costume at con.

  • ...

Chapter 3 Demon Contact

Nero reached the two that were talking in front of the door. Pinkie held her hand out, stopping them “Ok before we go. I want you both to wait here”

Dante was confused “Why should we do that?”

Pinkie booped dante on the nose “Because silly, I want to surprise everyone. You two are new here so I want to introduce you to everyone in one single act”

Nero thought about it and said “Seems right. If we just go in we could scare everyone inside”

“Everypony inside you mean” pinkie exclaimed with a smile

Nero rolled his eyes “Yes. Everypony” inside his head “This whole pony talk is going to take awhile

Dante agreed as well “Sounds good to me. Just don’t take too long ok? Still hungry and all”

“Oki Doki loki” pinkie said then walked inside the bakery. They could hear the noise inside quite a bit. They were both able to hear pinkie talking but stopped.

Dante turned to nero and said “You think they’ll be ok with use around. Both looking different and what not”

“Maybe. Where not from here, might not even be in the same world or planet. Some might be ok with use but that’s a small chance, and the way those guards acted who’s to say the ones inside may be the same” nero said.

Dante nodded. But that didn’t change how he was going to act in the party.

The guards came up to them. The males were keeping a watchful eye on the two, while some of the females in the group were doing the same but with a different purpose.

Dante felt eyes on him and nero. One being cautious and the other intrigued.

He turned to see the mares looking at him and Nero. He grinned and waved at the guard mares, their reaction made dante chuckle. A faint blush could be seen on their faces before they all turned around and looked somewhere else.

Dante whispered to nero “Good thing we didn’t go looking like aliens or monsters to con. The looks i’m getting from the female guards is nice”

Nero turned his head just a bit to peek at the mares that were still looking at them both. Nero looked towards the stallions and chuckled at their reactions to this.

Nero whispered back “You may be having fun with this discovery but their not sharing the same courtesy”

Dante raised one eyebrow and turned to look at the stallions. They were all frowning and giving the two demon slayers death stares.

Dante looked back ahead “Damn, it’s like high school all over again. Jealous guys that get pissed at you for attracting all the ladies, it’s like a blessing and a curse” dante said, fake drama in his voice.

Nero smiled “Yeah. But more like a Blessing for use and a curse for them” dante placed a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud from how nero phrased it.

Once dante was able to keep himself from laughing the door opened. Pinkie's head popping out. The smile she had when they met her still on her face. “Alright. I told them I brought some new friends here. You two can come inside and introduce yourselves to everyone”

Dante and nero nodded. Pinkie opened the door to let them in, they both walked inside with the guards right behind them.

When they got inside everything was a little bright and a bit colorful to them. They looked around to see all the ponies inside. All of them were looking at the two with widen eyes, a few backed away in fear.

Nero thought “Guess I was right, this could get problematic for use” nero looked and saw pinkie bring a group of mares to them.

She was bringing 5 mares towards them. One of them was hovering in the air. Her fur was cyan blue, she was wearing a white tank top with blue cargo pants, her eyes were pink and her hair was what caught their attention, mostly dante’s. Her hair was rainbow colored with every color of the rainbow, on her shoulder was a mark with a cloud and a rainbow lighting bolt coming from the cloud. She was looking at the two in suspicion.

Next was a earth pony mare. Her fur was orange and her mane was blonde, she was wearing a western cowgirl shirt and blue pants, she had freckles on her cheeks and was wearing a brown stetson hat on her head, her eyes were a beautiful green color, on her shoulder were three apples. When nero saw her he found himself interested in her not to mention he had a thing for cowgirls.

The next one was a white furred unicorn mare with purple color mane and tail. She was wearing a classy light blue shirt and a black skirt, they both could tell she was wearing makeup the only one wearing any. On her shoulder were three diamonds, she was looking mostly at dante’s and nero’s clothes.

Next to her was a butter yellow pegasus. Her mane and tail being pink, she was wearing a no sleeve green shirt and a white skirt, on her shoulder was three pink butterflies, her eyes were a lovely turquoise color. She was hiding behind the white mare making herself seem smaller.

And lastly of the group was a pony the two haven’t seen before. Her fur was purple, her mane and tail was dark blue with shades of pink and dark purple. She was wearing a purple school uniform with a pink tie and, white undershirt with a pattern skirt. They couldn’t see her emblem because of the shirt. Unlike the others she was the only pony that had both a horn and wings, she was talking to pinkie while getting a good look at the two other worldly being.

When they all got to dante and nero the purple mare that was in front of the group spoke first “Hello, my name is twilight sparkle. Pinkie told use who you two are and said you two were lost?”

Nero greeted back “It’s nice to meet you twilight. And yes me and dante got lost while walking through the woods, we were trying to find somewhere to stay”

Twilight raised an eyebrow “May I ask what woods your talking about”

Dante spoke up “We don’t know the name but when we got out the first thing we saw was a farm and a bunch of apple trees”

The orange cowgirl pony said “You two must be talkin about white tailed woods, the farm your talking about belongs to ma family”

“Thanks for the info, umm?” Dante said, not knowing her name.

Twilight saw this, thinking introductions were in order “Why don’t I introduce you to my friends. You already met pinkie” they looked to see pinkie waving at the two, dante the only one waving back.

She first started with the orange mare and ended it with the yellow mare “This is applejack, rarity, rainbow dash, and fluttershy” she pointed at each one so they knew who was who.

Nero was trying to understand why their names were so weird. He knew just by looking at them and how they acted symbolize their names but that just confused him even more.

The one known as rainbow dash spoke up but in suspension “What were you two even doing in white tails anyway” she got up close to dante’s face, he didn’t back away but moved his head back “Trying to sneak up on use?”

Dante grinned “Nope just lost. And if we were then me and nero are terrible at sneaking. Those guys in armor found use fast” rainbow looked around dante to see the the guards standing by the door.

She looked back at dante and said “Ok. But don’t think this is over, I'll be watching you two”

Dante said “That’s cool with me, I like it when a cute girl looks at me anyway”

What he said made rainbow dash back her head a bit, a blush was on her face from being called cute with no hesitation in dante’s voice. She tried to speak but stuttered. She saw dante giggle at her, he said “You're even more cute with that blush on your face, goes with those pretty eyes you got there”

Rainbow dash was unable to say anything and flew back to the girls trying to get her blush under control. Applejack and pinkie giggled at rainbow dash while the rest just smiled.

Twilight put on a serious look just like how nero does “Even if it’s wrong to suspect bad intentions from other, I have to ask. Are you two here to cause any harm to the ponies that live here”

Nero shook his head “No, just like I said me and dante were lost and didn’t know anything. We saw the shield and thought we could find a place to stay if we got inside. Were both not the type to cause problems or hurt anyone, only if they attack first”

Twilight nodded understanding what nero was saying. “Ok. I just wanted to make sure, being a princess does that to some ponies”

Nero nodded back. Dante's stomach growled “If that’s all done and settled i’m going to enjoy myself like a true party animal. Peace” dante did the peace sign then walked off to the nearest food table.

Pinkie skipped away were dante went “Wait for dante!!”

Rarity spoke up finding it the right time to speak “Well it was nice meeting you both but I must get back to talking with cheerilee about my dear sisters class work, ta ta” rarity walked off.

Rainbow dash was looking were dante and pinkie went “Yeah same here. Gotta enjoy the party while it last” she then flew off towards the two party animals. Well one being a animal and the other starting to become one”

Applejack spoke up “Better check ta see if all the apple cider didn’t run out. I’ll talk to yall later” applejack walked off near a bunch of barrels.

Twilight turned to Nero “Guess that leaves use two”

Nero was about to say use three because fluttershy was still with them but one of the male guard ponies came up “Princess Twilight, Capitan stone heart wishes to speak with you”

Twilight signed. She wanting to talk to Nero about himself and maybe ask some questions “Alright I'll be right there” the guard pony saluted and walked off, not without giving Nero a glare. He didn’t mind, Twilight turn to Nero with a sheepish smile “I gotta go, I’m really sorry but I have to”

Nero waved off her apology “It's fine. Your a princess, keeping them safe is your top priority”

Twilight smiled “Thanks. I’ll be back so we can talk” twilight headed of to where stone heart was at.

Nero signed and looked to see fluttershy still standing where rarity was, staring at him. Nero scratched behind his head not knowing how to start the conversation with her.

Nero said “Umm so..” but ended when fluttershy eeped and flew away. Nero blinked then sighed again “I could just relax, that sounds good

Nero’s side

Nero walked off to the nearest corner, some of the ponies saw him and moved out of his way. They all saw him and Dante talking to twilight and believed they weren't dangerous but that didn’t mean they would trust them easily.

Nero didn’t mind and walked towards a good corner. He laid his back on the wall and chilled. He looked around to see all the ponies getting back to talking and eating, the music turning back on. The music was somewhat retro with dubstep, he turned towards were the music was coming from and saw a white furred mare, with headphones, wearing tinted glasses over her eyes playing the music.

The music wasn’t bad but it wasn’t the kind Nero listens or likes “Shit. Should of brought my phone and headphones with me” Nero put his left hand inside his coat to scratch an itch but felt something inside his coat. Nero grabbed it and pulled out a iPod that wasn’t his and headphones that went with it.

Nero got a good look at them and remembered Nero had his own headphones to listen to music “Well look at that. Lady luck must love me” Nero thought then placed the headphones on his head over his ears.

He stuck the piece into the iPod and looked to find anything to listen to. He found some of his favorite music such as, fall out boys, skillet, songs from Ed Sheeran, maroon 5, Bruno mars, and rap music like Dj Khaled, rick ross, Ace hood, and big Sean, not to forget Kendrick Lamar.

Nero smiled and played Immortals From fall out boys.

Nero let the music sink in, closing his eyes he nodded his head to the beat.

Nero wasn't the type to party to hard like dante, he liked parties but enjoyed them in a different way.

While he was listing to the music he felt someone was getting close to him, he opened one eye and saw it was fluttershy that was heading towards him. She was walking slowly probably not wanting Nero to notice her. He closed his eye and pretend he didn’t see her.

Fluttershy was right next to him. She reach out to tap his arm but pulled back, she tried again and tapped Nero on the arm.

Nero opened his eyes and looked down at fluttershy, his height making him taller than her “Can I help you?”

Fluttershy panicked not thinking what she wanted to say “U-umm I w-want t-to u-um” she started to talk quietly lucky Nero was able to hear her but wanted her to talk properly.

Nero put a hand out to fluttershy’s face stopping her from talking “Stop. Breath in and out from your mouth. Slowly” Nero pulled his hand away.

Fluttershy meekly nodded and did what Nero said. She breath in from her snout and breath out from her mouth a few times, when she was done she felt her nerves go away.

Fluttershy looked up to Nero “Thank you. My nerves got the better of me”

Nero found her voice sweet like honey “No problem. I didn’t want you to feeling scared or anything, you wanted to ask me something?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widen “Oh no, no, no. I wasn’t scared. Well maybe a little, but I just wanted to talk to you”

Nero said “So you wanted to have a conversation with me” fluttershy nodded. Nero took his headphones off so he could focus on fluttershy “Ok. What do you want to know, I’ll try answering your questions the best I can”

Fluttershy thought for a bit and asked “May I ask were you and umm Dante are from, if you don’t mind”

Nero smiled at her finding her shyness cute “A far away place. So far you may never get there” Nero didn’t want to lie to fluttershy so he told the truth in a different way”

Fluttershy seemed surprised in Nero's answer “Wow that must be really far. Is it out of equestria’s border”

Nero nodded, in his head “You have no idea

She asked another question “Umm I never seen anything like you. Can you tell me what you are?”

Nero said “Me and Dante are both humans with something else mixed with it, you could say it’s half and half”

Fluttershy nodded listing to Nero “What’s the other half?”

Nero shook his head “Sorry can’t tell you”

Fluttershy back away thinking she may have step over Nero's boundaries “I-I'm sorry I shouldn’t have ask. I”

Nero stopped her “It’s ok you didn’t do anything wrong you just asked me a question. Everything is fine” Nero said trying to calming her down.

Fluttershy stepped back forward shyly “O-ok I'm sorry I overreacted”

Nero moved a little closer to fluttershy “Like I said you didn’t do anything wrong you don’t have to say sorry to me, ok?” Nero said reassuring her.

Fluttershy looked up to see Nero looking at her right in her eyes. She blushed a little and tried to hide behind her pink hair “O-ok” she said in a shy voice.

Again Nero smiled at her shyness then thought on something “She reminds me of someone, but who?” Nero shrugged it off then asked “Is there anything else you wanted to know?"

Fluttershy peek out of her mane then looked at Nero's sword “Um. Why do you carry a sword, if you don’t mind answering”

Nero looked at red queen then said “Red queen’s is used in fighting back enemies. I never go anywhere without her. I only use her if I have to fight, protect myself, or others”

Fluttershy somewhat knew what Nero was saying. Just like the guards they carry their weapon to protect other ponies and the princesses “Only when someone attacks you first”

Nero looked away “Well sometimes”

Fluttershy didn’t understand “What do you mean?”

Nero said “It’s not always the first encounter, sometimes you have to jump in to protect those in danger”

Fluttershy understood what Nero meant. It’s just like when she ever has to use her stare to save her friends at times.

Nero said “Anything else?”

She looked at Nero and saw his headphones “What are those?” she pointed at Nero's headphones.

Nero looked were she pointed, seeing his head phones. He was confused at her question “These are headphones. Don’t you ponies have these?”

Fluttershy shook her head “No. The only one that has those is vinyl but no one knows how she got them”

Nero looked at the white furred, Blue mane mare that was jamming out. He turned back to fluttershy “Huh. Guess that means I'm special then” Nero juggled his headphones making fluttershy giggle.

She looked at Nero's headphones again, a blush could be seen on her face thinking about something. She looked up at Nero. He looked back making her pivot and hide her face behind her mane.

She peeked out to see Nero smiling with one eyebrow raised. When she looked at Nero's smile she found herself liking it. She did the whole breathing thing and tried asking again “Um. is it alright with you if I could listen to your music?” after she said that fluttershy went back to hiding behind her mane.

Nero thought about it and didn’t find anything wrong with her request “Sure” he took his headphones off and placed them on fluttershy’s head. She shuttered from the contact, Nero made sure he placed them where her ears were. He changed the music to something else for fluttershy.

He played Girls like you by Maroon 5.

Fluttershy waited for the music. She got startled from the sudden start of the music. She listen, the music started slow but pick up. She started to bob her head from the music, even closed her eye. A smile could be seen on her lips.

Nero saw her smile, his choice of music was right. He moved to stand right next to fluttershy with their backs against the walls. Nero closed his eyes, because of his enhanced hearing he could listen to the music also.

When the music ended Nero opened his eyes to see fluttershy looking happier. She looked up at Nero her voice soft and not loud “That was amazing. I've never heard music like this before” her soft voice made it hard to tell if she was excited but Nero knew she was.

He smiled back at her “I’m glad you liked it”

Fluttershy was starting to relax around Nero. When she met the two they seemed scary and dangerous, mostly Dante. But after talking to Nero she found herself feeling comfortable around him.

Fluttershy soon notice how close they were, their shoulders were almost close to touching.

She blushed. She made the mistake in look up, looking into Nero's grey blue eyes making her blush hotter than before. She turned her head away from him making Nero confused from her reaction.

Fluttershy was trying to control her emotions “What’s going on?! I never blushed this hard before, I've ever do it when I'm embarrassed

She placed her hand on her heart “And my heart is beating faster than normal” she looked back up to Nero. He was looking elsewhere “Could he be making this happen?

Nero heard commotion coming far off in the party. He looked and saw Dante fist bumping the air in victory “Wonder what’s going on there?”

Nero got off the wall and turned to fluttershy that hide behind her mane when Nero looked towards her. He didn’t mind it and said “What to come and see what their doing. I would like it if you came with”

Fluttershy eeped, in her head “He’s asking me to come with him!” Fluttershy peeked out from her mane and saw Nero waiting for her reply. She blush a little then moved her mane away “I w-would like to, if you don’t mind”

Nero turned forward and said “I Never did” he started to head to the crowd of ponies. Fluttershy heard what Nero said then blushed even more, she fluttered to catch up to him.

The two were at the crowd but there was a lot of ponies bunched together so getting through could be hard. Nero could just shove them away but that would just start something, that and him and fluttershy could get separated easily.

Nero turned to fluttershy. He saw her face change to fright. She was looking at all the ponies in there way. Nero had an idea and grabbed fluttershy’s hand, making her body shake and jump a little from the contact. She looked to see Nero holding her hand she could feel warmth coming from it.

She was blushing a storm she heard Nero cough to catch her attention “Sorry but this was the only thing I could think of if we want to get through without losing each other. Are you find with this, if not just say so”

Fluttershy Shook her head, she couldn’t speak because how she was feeling from Nero's hand touching hers. Nero nodded and pulled his iPod out with his right hand, but kept the hand hidden “I’ll Change the headphones to play something for you to relax while we try in get through”

Nero played Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

The music started and fluttershy already felt relaxed. She nodded to Nero that she was ready. He made sure he had fluttershy in a good grip so he doesn’t hurt her, that only made her heart skip a few times.

When he was done they both started to walk through the crowd towards Dante and the girls that went with him “Hope that knucklehead didn’t do anything crazy” Nero said than moved through the crowd of ponies with fluttershy.

Dante’s side

Dante was at the food table stuffing his face with cupcakes and cakes. He would liked to eat chips and stuff but he was too hungry to argue. Pinkie and rainbow dash were with him.

Pinkie was looking at Dante in amazement at how fast and the amount of food he was eating. It reminded of her when she was really hungry. While rainbow dash was shocked, watching him eat so much and not stop.

She wasn’t the only one. A few ponies nearby were watching and had the same reaction as rainbow dash. Dante finished off one more cupcake. He patted his stomach feeling full and the most crazy thing about it was that he didn’t get fat from all the food he ate.

He rubbed his slim stomach and said “Man... I needed that”

Pinkie ran up to him “Holy cupcakes. You at every cupcake and almost all the cakes all by yourself!”

Pinkie got on her knee and worshipped Dante “Teach me your way master”

Dante laughed and played along “Stand child. If you want to learn you must first eat 20 cupcakes and 10 cakes if you want to learn from me”

Pinkie stood back up and saluted “Yes sir” she pulled a table of 20 cupcakes and 10 cake and started eating

Dante saw this and was very confused “How did she-”

Rainbow dash stopped him and said “Don’t bother in thinking about it, it’s a pinkie think”

Dante looked to rainbow than pinkie, looked back at rainbow and said “That's cool”

Rainbow dash was still somewhat shocked from the event “How amazing and awe- I mean ok the feat was how did you eat all of that”

Dante said “I don’t know what your talking about. I was hungry that’s pretty much it”

Rainbow dash rolled her eyes “I know that. Watching you eat almost everything said it all. What I find weird is that you didn’t gain weight from eating all of that. Your stomach didn’t rise at all!”

Dante shrugged “There’s no trick to it, I've always eat a lot of food and never gotten fat from it. It’s my very own blessing passed down to me by the gods!” Dante yelled out acting silly.

Rainbow dash giggled but stopped when she did. She had an annoyed look on her face “What the heck is going on with me. I don’t know who he is or what he is. But I'm being all chummy to him, I can’t get distracted him and his pal could be evil

Her thought ended when Dante tapped her shoulder, she looked to see Dante right next to her. She could see his silver eyes looking at her. A small blush was on her face at how close Dante was “W-what?” her voice cracked, she hated when her voice cracks.

Dante said “Is there any drinks here. Gotta wash the food down”

Rainbow backed away a bit “Yeah. Applejack and big mac brought barrels of apple cider to the party, just follow me”

Rainbow dash started to walk with Dante behind her. Pinkie saw them walking off and didn’t want to me left behind so she grabbed the last 4 cupcakes on the table, stuffed them in her mouth and followed them to where applejack was.

Dante turned and laughed at pinkie’s chubby face it was silly and adorable. He turned back forward and said “Is this apple cider drink alcoholic” hoping it was.

“Heck yeah. Apple cider is one of the best drinks you can have, and trust me it is” rainbow said wanting some as well. When they got there they saw applejack talking to a red earth pony stallion bigger than them all even Dante.

Rainbow dash said “Hey Aj. Can we get some bottles of apple cider, the new guy wants to get a taste” grabbing applejacks attention.

She nodded and grabbed three bottle of apple cider for them. She gave each of them a bottle “Here you go sugarcubes” rainbow and pinkie started drinking theirs. Dante was looking at his bottle, he took a sip and got a good taste of it.

Not bad. It’s sweet and taste like apple. It’s not burning like American alcohol beverages. Might have to drink more of these if I want to get slightly drunk” Dante thought and drank more of it.

Applejack saw Dante drink more of her family's apple cider, she said “Liking the ol apple cider there partner?”

Dante drank the whole thing in one go surprising all of the girls “It’s great. But I'm going to have to at least drink 10 of these if I want to get drunk at all” what he said made the girls eyes widen and shocked.

The apple family cider could make any strong stallion wasted in just two to three drinks, only a few like big mac or the canterlot guards could drink up to 5. But 10 was something only legendary.

Dante walked passed them and grabbed a few more bottles next to big mac. He saw Dante grab three more bottle making his eyes wide a bit at the amount of cider he was getting. That’s when he made the mistake in saying something he would regret “Woah there little fella, might want ta be careful with them apple ciders”

Dante stopped and froze. The girls saw this and were about to see if he was alright but stopped when they felt the air get hot. Dante placed the bottles back on the table and turned to look at big mac. Mac stepped back a bit and stood up when Dante was giving him an angry look.

Dante stepped forward towards big mac. Mac stood his ground not knowing what he had done to cause Dante to act like this. The girls saw this and went to stop whatever was going to happen. They froze when Dante spoke in a dangerous tone.

“What. Did you just say?” Dante was right in front of mac. Glaring up at him.

Big mac stood his ground and said “I said you may want to be careful in drinking to much of our cider”

Dante shook his head “No You called me little. I hate it when others looked down on me. Also don’t tell me how I should drink, your ciders good but weak”

Big mac didn’t like how Dante was speaking to him, and felt insulted when he called his families cider weak “Be careful what ya say. I don’t take it kindly when ponies insults our cider”

Dante wasn’t scared and said “Oh, and what are you going to do. I can take you on one hand tied behind my back”

A tick mark could be seen on big macs head. “Don’t get cocky colt, I’m much bigger than you. There's no way you could beat me”

Dante smiled. An idea pop inside his head “Alright. Then why don’t we find out” big mac had a confused looked on his face not knowing what Dante was talking about.

Dante walked up to big mac. He poked him on the chest then himself “You and me, arm wrestle. Winner is deemed the strongest here” Dante said in a challenging tone out loud.

The three mares heard what he said and were beyond shocked, others nearby heard it also and looking shocked as well. Big mac was the strongest stallion in ponyville no one has ever tried facing him. The only one that could even beat big mac was applejack.

Big mac was also shocked but shook it off, he didn’t believe what Dante said “Ya can’t be serious”

Dante looked right in big mac eyes, his face serious only when something involves winning “Do I look like I'm joking”

Big mac gulped feeling just a little nervous from Dante's gaze “Nope”

“Good” dante grabbed one of the barrels that was full of apple cider he picked it up with one hand. All of the ponies were once again shocked, so was applejack and big mac. They both had to use a lot of their strength to pick up the barrels but Dante only used one hand and didn’t looked stressed in holding the barrel.

Dante placed the barrel between him and big mac. He turned to pinkie and said “Mind bringing me and red some seat’s?”

Pinkie nodded and zoomed off, she came back with two chairs. Dante grabbed the two. He placed his down and tossed the other to big mac. The action surprising him but was able to catch the chair. A bunch of ponies got together around the two wanting to watch.

Big mac sat down. Applejack went on the side of the barrel trying to stop them “Wat the hay are you two doing. You can’t be having a contest out of nowhere" she turned to her brother "Bro you can’t do this you know you’ll win anyway”

“I would think first before saying that cowgirl” Dante said.

Applejack turned to Dante she stepped back from the look in his eyes, she could see a competitive spirit inside his eyes. It reminded her of rainbow dash when ever she challenged her to something.

Rainbow dash was watching the whole thing and was mostly looking at Dante. His smile, the spark in his eye, the way he was speaking It was just like her she felt a connection to it. Not to mention how awesome Dante was being. Standing up to big mac.

She blushed when thinking about it. She shook her head not wanting to think about filly things like that. She walked up next to applejack and tried to help “Aj’s right, a contest won’t change anything. And even if no other stallion has ever beaten big mac in strength” she said matter factually.

Dante looked right at rainbow dash. She did the same thing as applejack when looking at Dante's eyes but she also felt a weird sensation when looking at them.

Dante said “First this isn't a contest, what I'm doing is proving something. Second even if you keep asking we won’t stop until it’s over. And third” his competitive look harden “I'm not one to back down from something, no matter what!"

Rainbow dash didn’t know what to say from this. What he said made it hard for her to reply back. She liked how headstrong and unyielding Dante was being. A small blush appeared on her face the more she thought about it.

Dante held his arm up ready to get this thing going “Ready to go” he said to Big mac.

Mac said “Eyup” and also held his arm up.

Dante grinned. They both grabbed each others hands “Don’t get mad when you lose, others have already beaten you in that category” big mac huffed. He gripped Dante's hand really hard trying to apply pressure. Sadly that doesn’t work on Dante.

Dante barely felt it he smiled and did the same but not to much. The result was big mac feeling pain and holding in a grunt. He looked at Dante in bewilderment. Dante just smiled back “Today is the day for your pride to be broken, by me!!”

Big mac growled lowly so no one could hear. Dante signaled pinkie to come over she came up to him.

Dante said “Mind doing the honors my pinkie beautiful friend”

It was really hard to see pinkie’s blush because of her fur. Pinkie said “You got it!!”

Pinkie was standing on the side of the barrel. She placed her hands on top of both their hands “Alright everypony let’s see who will win! The unknown stallion or big mac!!”

Everypony surrounded the two. Some were rooting for big mac while only a few were on Dante's side. Applejack didn’t like this but was on her brothers team all the way. Rainbow dash was secretly hoping Dante would win.

Pinkie started to counted down “Ok. In three, two, one. Go!!!” pinkie took her hands off of their hands signaling it.

Everypony was yelling and rooting for who they thought would win. Big mac started pushing, putting all of his strength in his hand trying to force Dante's hand down. He thought it would be easy because how small Dante was and little muscle he had. Too bad he thought wrong.

Big mac notice how their hands were still at the same place unmoving. He found this odd because he was pushing with all of his strength. He looked up at dante and shocked at what he was seeing.

Dante look unamused. His arm not moving at all even if big mac was the one pushing. His hand didn’t move an inch from it’s spot no matter how much mac pushed.

All of the ponies saw this and their yelling fell into silent murmurs. Applejack went up to her brother and said “Mac! What are you doing, you need to push to win!”

Big mac strained and said “I.. am...”

Applejack went wide eyed and got a good look at their hands. She saw mac pushing, the veins in his hands could be seen. She looked at Dante's hand and was speechless to see his weren’t moving at all. It was like they weren’t wrestling to the begin with.

Dante yawn, getting bored “So are we going to start or not?” Dante knew they started and that big mac was pushing he just wanted to mess with him and the others. He grinned when it worked.

All of the ponies faces were in shocked, the same goes for pinkie and rainbow that were watching the whole thing closely. When Dante looked at big mac he had to stop himself from laughing at how funny his face looked.

Dante wanted to rile big mac even more and said “What’s wrong red? Having second thoughts”

Big mac shook his head. He breathed out and pushed harder, his arm and hand started to sweat. No matter how strong he pushed Dante's hand still didn’t move.

Dante chuckled and thought it was about time to end his this little game “Times up big fella. Don’t let this loss get to you. Many have had their pride broken by me”

Dante started to slowly push mac’s hand. The action startling all the ponies. Mac tried to fight back but Dante's strength was something he never faced before.

Slowly but surely Dante pushed big macs hand to the surface of the barrel. He connecting macs hand on the barrel taking the win with no problems at all.

All of the ponies didn’t know how to react. Pinkie and rainbow dash were the first ones to yelled out for Dante, some of the ponies that rooted for him did the same, and the rest soon followed.

Dante stood up tall fist bumping the air in victory, he yelled out “Hell Yeah” with the ponies yelling out with him

He looked to see big mac looking at his arm, the look of defeat on his face. Applejack was rubbing his back trying to help him feel better.

Dante signed and thought he should at least apologies. Thinking he may have went to far.

Dante grabbed a bottle of cider and walked up to big mac. Applejack saw him and had a frown on her face. She was going to say something but Dante put his hand up to stop her.

Dante placed the apple cider on the barrel next to big macs arm grabbing his attention. Big mac looked up to see Dante giving him an aplogy smile “You did great man. I could tell you were really giving it your all”

Mac still had a sad look on his face, Dante breathed in. He was never good at apologizing “Look. I’m sorry at how I acted. I just hate it when others underestimate me. I tend to get mad easily at the most dumbest reasons”

Inside his head “That’s why Nero is always around to keep me in check” Dante chuckled at how he needs Nero to stop him from doing crazy things or starting fights.

Big mac raised his head up hearing Dante's apology. Dante stuck out his hand “As I said, I'm sorry. Friends?”

Big mac looked at his hand, silence in the air. But then he also stuck his hand out and grabbed Dante's shaking hands and taking Dante's apology “Eyup” everypony clapped at the sight. Applejack was glad to see that everything didn’t go wrong so did pinkie and rainbow dash.

Pinkie and rainbow walked up to Dante and the two apple siblings. Pinkie was the first to speak, excitement in her voice “Wow that was one weird arm wrestling match”

Applejack chuckled “I’ve never seen anyone arm wrestle big mac and making him look like a colt trying to open a heavy door. No offence” she said when mac was giving her the stink eye “But I got to know, did you somehow cheat?” Applejack said getting close to Dante wanting him to tell the truth.

Dante was going to say he didn’t cheat but rainbow came in “Of course He didn’t cheat we were all watching the whole thing. He won fair and square!” Rainbow said making applejack back off in surprise from rainbow’s actions.

Rainbow dash notice what she was doing and tried to make it seem like she wasn’t helping Dante “What I mean is that we all saw the whole match s-so there was no way he could have cheated”

Dante smiled at how rainbow was trying to help him. Dante got to her side and said “Thank for having my back skittles”

Rainbow dash looked away from Dante “Yeah whatever. I was just helping so Aj doesn’t go lie detector on you” truth was rainbow didn’t like how applejack was accusing him of cheating and stepped in.

Rainbow heard what Dante called her and looked back at him “The hay are skittles. And why did you call me that” she frowned thinking Dante was insulting her.

Dante said “Where I’m from there's these rainbow colored candies people eat. And when I look at your hair it reminds me of them, I find it pretty awesome”

Rainbow blinked at Dante's complement. She's never had a stallion compliment her mane, they always find it weird and dumb. But here was Dante finding her mane cool. She looked at him, her pinkie eyes trying to find if he was joking “You find my mane awesome?” she was hoping he wasn’t messing with her.

Dante nodded “Not just awesome, it’s beyond awesome. I’ve never met someone with rainbow color hair and make it look good” he smiled telling rainbow dash the whole truth.

Rainbow dash blushed from his compliment. She turned away from him messing with her mane “W-well thanks. Your mane’s pretty cool too”

Dante chuckled, liking how flustered rainbow was being “Thanks but it’s nothing compared to yours”

Rainbow dash was having a hard time controlling her emotions. She’s had a few stallion hit on her but they were more dirty in speaking. Dante was just being friendly and jokeful and rainbow found it cute.

Inside rainbow dash head “Dammit why can’t I stop blushing. He may be good looking, funny, and the way he faced big mac was pretty hot, dangit I’m acting like a filly with her first crush” rainbow went wide eye at the thought. Does she have a crush on Dante.

She looked to see Dante talking to pinkie and the apple siblings. He was having a conversation with mac. They both laughed probably from a joke Dante made.

She was looking at Dante the whole time. When Dante smiled for reasons unknown her stomach felt like she had butterflies inside. And her heart beat faster than normal, rainbow whispered “Ahh pony feathers”

Back with Dante he was talking to big mac with pinkie and applejack. Mac asked Dante a question “Are you the strongest where your from?”

Dante thought about it and said “No, because there's someone here as strong as me”

Big mac and the others raised an eyebrow “Who would that be?”

After mac said that someone cut into the conversation “That would be me”

They all turned to see Nero and fluttershy finally getting passed all of the ponies that dispersed.

Dante smiled, happy to see his friend joining the fun side “Speak of the devil and he shall appear”

Nero shrugged “Well yeah. When a bunch of ponies are yelling that would bring attention” Nero said still holding fluttershy’s hand. She didn’t mind it, liking the feeling of nero's strong but soft hands.

Dante grinned “So…. what were you doing, having a good time with little miss yellow there?” Dante was looking at their hands. Nero looked down at their hands, he moved his hand and felt fluttershy was gripping it a little.

Nero looked at fluttershy and said “Umm fluttershy?” She look up and hummed. Nero looked down at his hand, she doing the same. Fluttershy saw their hands still together. Her eyes widen, she eeped then let go of her hand away from his.

She started apologizing again with Nero having to calm her down. Saying she didn’t do anything wrong.

Dante laughed with pinkie and rainbow doing the same. That’s when Dante felt something, it was in the air. A strong energy or was it the force? He didn’t know what it was but knew it was heading right towards him.

Nero felt the same thing as Dante. They heard commotion in the crown and out came a flustered twilight, her hair was all crazy and her eyes looked like she was looking to kill.

She saw Dante then pointed at him, She yelled out “YOU!” everypony heard her and looked right at her but she wasn’t focus on them.

Dante looked left then right. Then back at twilight, he pointed at himself “Me!” then got himself confused not knowing what was going on.

Twilight started to speed walk towards Dante “You. Me. Explain. Know”

She was right in front of him a little to close for his liking. Dante was liking the feeling of twilight’s breast against his chest but the crazy look she was giving wasn’t so inviting “Uhh. I don’t know what your talking about and surprisingly I'm feeling pretty scared right now”

Applejack and rainbow went in and grabbed twilight and pulled her away from Dante “Woah there, calm down sugarcube your scaring the poor stallion” she was holding twilight' s left arm, while rainbow was holding her right.

Rainbow said “Yeah. You're doing the whole crazy twilight thing. What happened, were one of your books in the wrong shelf or something?”

Twilight breathed in and started to calm herself down “No that’s not the case. And even so I always make sure with spike’s help that every book is in it’s right place” rainbow rolled her eyes at twilight's nerdy reply “But that’s not the case. I was told by captain stone heart that the shield I created by using a lot of my magical energy was breached!!”

All of the ponies gasped, the loudest came from rarity that came over when she was done talking to cheerilee. Aj and rainbow let go of twilight, Aj said “How can that be. What could have broken through?”

“Oh….” they all turned to Dante “You must be talking about the purple shield. Yeah that was totally me, my bad” he scratched behind his head. Feeling like he goofed up.

The ponies started whispering about what Dante said. Twilight walked up to Dante “Stone heart already told me it was you but didn’t say how. He said I should ask you personally

Dante shrugged “It wasn’t really hard. All I did was punch it and a part of the bubble broke, then me and Nero just walked through”

One of twilight’s eyes twitched from what Dante said “What?”

“Like I said, I punched it and it opened. It’s not really hard to understand” Dante crossed his arms not wanting to repeat himself”

Twilight backed away not believing what Dante said “That’s not possible. I made sure the shield would be powerful enough to hold back the demons from ponyville. Good thing I made sure to place a regeneration spell on the shield so it could patch itself”

She looked back at Dante “How strong are you? No normal stallion couldn’t even scratch my shield!”

Dante grinned “Well that’s where you got it wrong, were human. And to answer your question let’s just say a lot stronger than you think”

Twilight blinked when he said human. She started thinking that both Dante and Nero could be from the dimensional mirror but that couldn’t be because they didn’t look anything like the humans there.

Twilight moved away from applejack and rainbow dash and looked right in Dante's eyes “You are going to tell me everything you know, right now”

Dante smiled. Finding her forcefully attitude cute to him “Hmm I don’t know. I could make a time and place to talk for a cute pony like you” twilight didn’t see that coming and blushed, she started to sputter words that Dante didn’t know were words until now.

While Dante was enjoying messing with the pony princess Nero was thinking about how strong him and Dante were “How strong are we? Dante was able to destroy a part of a shield that was believe powerful. And what I heard from some of the ponies he won a arm wrestling match against a pony deemed to be the strongest stallion here without even trying

Nero looked at his right arm, his devil bringer creating a faint glow “I could have done the same thing just easily. We need something to test our abilities. If only we had a few test subjects

Suddenly stone heart came shoving ponies out of his way with a few guards with him. He yelled out to twilight gaining everyone's attention “Princess twilight. One of my night guards has spotted a magical flare coming from the everfree forest”

All of the ponies started to worry. A flare would mean someone was in danger, and since it was coming from the everfree forest it can’t be good. Lucky twilight was there to keep everyone calm.

“Everypony calm down. Everything will be fine, me and the guards will go and see if everything is fine” Twilight said.

Applejack and the other girls stepped in “Not with use your not” each of the girls nodded agreeing with applejack.

Twilight smiled and said “Right” she turned back to stone heart “Let’s head to the inside of the shield closest to the forest”

Stone heart nodded and signaled his group out with twilight and the girls. Before they left, fluttershy gave back Nero's headphones and thanked him.

Twilight said “Everypony will stay inside sugarcube corner were it’s safe” The ponies inside nodded and listened to twilight.

When they left the ponies started talking. Some were worried and others scared that it might involve the demons.

Dante and Nero were the only ones not worried but intrigued of what could be so wrong “Seem things are getting hectic” Dante placed his hands In his coat pockets.

Nero placed his headphones around his neck “Seems so”

They both stayed quiet until Dante said “Were going to follow them aren’t we”

Nero walked off towards the door “Yup”

Dante chuckled and followed him. Right when Nero was going to open the door a tan furred and grey mane earth pony mare with glasses, wearing a dress uniform saw the two leaving and said “What do you two think your doing?” all of the ponies heard her and gather near her.

The two turned around to see some of the ponies looking at them, Dante said “Um. Leaving, what does it look like”

A light yellow, violet mane earth pony with a rose emblem on her shoulder said “Princess twilight said that everypony should stay here” all of the ponies agreeing with her.

Nero wasn’t liking this and said “And why should we even listen. She may be your princess but she’s not ours”

Big mac was next to step in. He tried to stop the two from leaving “It’s like what miss twilight said, it could be dangerous”

Nero rolled his eyes at mac’s words. He turned back to the door and opened it. The mares in the crowd gasp from Nero not listing “That’s why were going. We want to see these so called demons you all keep talking about” he walked out not seeing the shocked facing of the ponies that all heard him.

Dante followed out not before saying “And by the way she said everypony. Were not ponies. So….Yeah, later” Dante waved and closed the door out.

All of the ponies in the room were shocked to see the two leave, well not all of them. One blonde mane grey furred mare, her eyes looking in different placed smiled and said “Bye” the only one not seeing the main problem.

The two demonslayers headed off, following the hoof prints twilight and her group left behind. The two walked passed a few house and one building that captured their attention. It was a castle that was made out of crystals. They got a good look at it then kept on walking with Dante saying “How the hell did we miss that?!”

They walked for a bit to see the girls and the guards feet’s away from the shield. They could see the forest, it looked like any normal forest back in their world.

Dante yelled out startling them and grabbing their attention “Yo guys, anything happen yet?”

The girls didn’t know why the two followed them. Stone heart didn’t look happy and stomped up to them, he yelled at them “The buck are you two doing here! You were told to stay back!”

Dante and Nero weren’t scared of stone’s outburst. Dante said “Well to bad dumb nut were here anyway”

Stone heart grinded his teeth, angry at Dante's reply. Twilight walked “But this could be dangerous”

Dante just shrugged “That’s never stopped use in doing what we wanted. Bedside's everyone needs a bit of danger in their lives” what Dante said surprised twilight and stone heart. Twilight never met someone that wasn’t even a little bit cautious from the signs of danger. She thought that Dante was either brave or dumb.

Nero cut in wanting to know if anything happened or not “That doesn’t matter. Has anything happened before we got here” he asked Twilight.

She turned to Nero, surprised at his serious and focused tone. She got herself together, frowned and said “No. nothings happened yet, we came here and waited to see but-” Twilight was cut off when a loud crash was heard coming from the shield.

Everyone turned to see the part of the shield they were watching was blasted, a smoke screen was in the way. The guards quickly formed up in front of the girls and the demonslayers. Nero and Dante didn’t react wanting to see what it was before doing anything.

Everyone waited. They could see a few pony outlines in the smoke. When they got through everyone gasped except Dante and Nero.

Dante and Nero saw five pony guards and two ponies that looked like twilight but in different colors. One was a tall white mare, her mane moving and sparkled with a few shade of colors, Dante found her hair awesome. She was helping one of the guards and holding another in her magical grip, she had a few wounds on her and looked tired.

The second one was a dark blue furred mare, her mane looked just like the night sky with stars. Nero found her mane beautiful, he always did find the night sky amazing. She was being carried by one of the guards by the shoulder, cuts and bruises on her body. The other two guards were hurt limping with them. When they got through the shield closed back up.

The Girls yelled out “Princesses Celestia. Princesses Luna” then ran to help them with the guards following them. Dante and Nero also followed but walked.

Everfree Forest

Deep inside everfree forest a army of 50 demons were packed together. Their skin molten black, the insides of their bodies creating heat, their eye sockets glowed from the heat from their bodies, each one looked different from the other, and had sharp fangs for ripping and tearing flesh.

Some were crouched down eating the flesh off a few pony guards they killed and captured. That's when a bright light shined near them, they quickly moved not wanting to burn to death.

A Bigger demon a lot bigger than them walked by, his height almost reaching the top of the forest. All of the tree and animals that got in his way were all burned down and turned to ash, the demon walked on four legs, his facial features looking like a lions, on his head were two sets of horns, his whole body was black creating flames, even his mane and tail was on fire. In his right hand was a giant sword as big as a tree. This demon was the leader of the army. The scourge of the bottom pits of Tartarus, Berial the conqueror of the fire hell.

Berial growled angered that he let the two sister get away. Berial attacked canterlot so he could be the first to rule over a kingdom before the other higher demons could. His army attacked killing all of the pony guards. Only some of the canterlot citizens were killed but the rest were transported to a safe place by celestia and luna.

The two sisters fought strong, helping their guards in taking a few of his demons. Berial had 65 but were taken out from the help of the princesses. But when he came into play the fight ended fast.

Berial beaten the two sisters alone but right when he was going to finish them celestia teleported away taking her sister and the last few guards with her.

Berial seethed, smoke coming out of his mouth “Damn them all! How dare she run from me, I'll find her and gut her like a fish!

Another high demon warped next to berial but not to close. This demon had a red mask over it’s face with black ooze running down his eye holes, the demon had some parts of its body covered but was showing his right bicep. Showing it’s rough skinny body but that didn’t mean it wasn’t dangerous, it wore a dirty cut skirt. His left arm was metallic black while the right was all skin, in both hands were two long blades. This demon was known as the Drekavac he’s the reason why so many guards died in battle.

The demon spoke in gibberish that berial understood. He hissed “So. they ran off to the nearest village. Such cowardly fools

Berial waved his hand and a pack of five bipedal demons walked up wielding spears, their bodies were coated in red, they seem weak but the guards that faced them soon found out that it meant nothing. Their claws and fangs sharp and their skin seemed like they were made out of blood. It was a babau, a lower tier demon.

Berial pointed at one of them “I want you to head over to the village and finished off the two sisters. While you're at it slaughter the ponies that live there

The babau nodded and ran off, faster than a cheetah through the forest and headed towards ponyville to finish the job. Berial thought that he didn't need to send his arm to the village. In the state the pony princesses were in, they couldn't even beat a low tier demon and the ponies living there wouldn't stand a chance.

Back with the group. The girls and guards were helping celestia and the guards she carried, while two night guards helped with the guard that was carrying luna.

Twilight had tears in her eyes so did fluttershy and rarity. Twilight said “Princess are you ok, can you stand, who did this, what happened?”

Twilight was speaking to fast for celestia to reply, she placed a finger on twilights lips to stop her from talking “I am find twilight. You should be worrying about the others and my sister” she said smiling weakly.

Twilight sniffled and wiped away her tears “Princess what happened. In your letter you said canterlot was being attacked by an army of demons”

Celestia’s smile faded, she nodded “Yes we were attacked by a horde of demons. They came out of nowhere, few of the ponies were killed without a second thought. I was able to teleport them all to safety with my magic and took arms and fought back. But We were bested and beaten easily”

The girls gasped shocked to hear about their princesses losing. Stone heart walked in “May ask princess, how many guards did we lose”

Celestia sighed “Far to many captain” stone heart looked away. His guards putting on a sad look for the loss of the guards that fought.

Dante and Nero stayed back, not wanting to intervene but was able to hear everything celestia said. Dante said “Looks like there were more than one princess here. And seeing how beat up they look they took the L hard”

Dante notice Nero not replying. He turn to look and see Nero with a serious look on his face, staring at the forest. Dante said “What’s wrong?” he knew when Nero makes that look something was wrong.

“The Shield” Nero said. “It looks faded”

Dante looked back at the shield and Nero was right. The color wasn’t as bright and looked thinner.

Nero said “The blast she caused must have weaken the shield even more”

Dante didn’t find anything bad about it “It may have gotten weak but how could that be bad, it may get worse if-”

Nero finished off for him “Someone or something, like a demon attacked the shield. And seeing how weak it is, it wouldn’t be hard for them to do”

Dante raised one eyebrow “You think a demon would come and break through the shield”

Nero shook his head “No. I think that how tired and weak celestia is she couldn’t have gotten away without leaving tracks behind. Meaning they could follow her and be heading towards here right now as we speak”

When Nero was done talking a sound of broken glass was heard. Everyone looked. The girls gasped and the guards started to sweat and pull their weapons out.

The babua that was ordered to attack ponyville rammed through the shield breaking it easily. He turned and saw the ponies. He saw both the princesses and went for Luna, the weakest of the two.

The demon ran across towards Luna. The two guards that were helping her ran ahead to block the demon. But were quickly killed by the demon ramming his spear through their stomachs.

The babua pulled his spear out fast, jumped and aimed his spear right at Luna. All of the ponies saw this, celestia would have done something but she was to weak, twilight and the girls were shocked and scared when they saw the demon kill the two guards easily, and the guards that saw what happened ran back.

Luna looked up to see the babua falling towards her. She didn’t have any magical energy to do anything. She closed her, in her head “Is this how I will die, weak and defenseless” one tear ran down Luna's cheek waiting for her death.

But that wasn’t going to happen. A loud Bash was heard near Luna and the sound of bones breaking above her. She peaked open one eye, then both. Looking at something unbelievable.

A creature Luna never seen before with white hair and a sword on his back, drop kicking the demon in the air, breaking it’s jaw. He pushed back and sent the demon flying back rolling on the ground from the kick.

He dropped down on his feet in front of Luna. She looked at him from up and down, the clothes he was wearing fitting his look And the sharp rose looking sword he had on his back. He turned his head at her, Luna could see his eyes from the glow of the moon. They were a majestic blue gray color that shined in the night.

“You alright?” Nero said, wanting to know if she got hurt.

Luna blinked coming back to reality. She nodded her head fast “Yes. We are fine” she found his voice strong and serious that made her blush a little.

Nero accepted her answer. He turned to the guards that ran away, they were staring at him with the others with shocked faces. He growled and yelled out “The hell are you standing there for! Come and help get her away from here!”

The guards Nero yelled at jolted back from his outburst. They ran up to Luna picking her up and taking her away from the demon, not wanting to face Nero's fury if they did it low.

Nero signed and pulled blue rose with his left hand out of his coat. The demon Nero kicked away was able to get itself back up, he growled and rushed back at Nero.

Fluttershy saw the demon heading towards Nero and yelled out “Watch out!!” the girls and the guards look with widen eyes to see the demon pointing his spear at him.

Nero didn’t react because he didn’t have to. Right when the demon was about to pierce Nero, Dante ran in front of him with rebellion drawn. And blocking the spear, kicking up dirt off the ground. Dante blocked the spear with little effort.

The demons eyes widen from Dante's sudden action. It was shocked to see someone being able to run faster than it and block an attack no stallion could stop.

Dante looked over his sword at the demon “Guess we have ourselves a party crasher nero”

The demon growled at Dante's words but stopped when it felt something pressed against its head. The babua looked up to see Nero pointing blue rose at its head “Not like it matters, we needed some action anyways” and before the demon could react Nero pulled the trigger and blasted the demon away.

It’s head blown clean off. The babua’s body flew back hitting the ground and lying dead on the floor.

Nero pulled blue rose close to his mouth and blew away the smoke coming out of it. Dante stood back up placing rebellion on his back, the sword disappearing. The two turned back to see the girls, the two princesses and guards staring at them.

Nero rolled his eyes at their staring while dante chuckled at them. They walked back to them, Dante said “Might as well take a picture, it will last longer than you staring”

The guards stepped away from the two as they walked by. The girls and celestia shook out of their dazed reaction, while Luna was looking at Nero.

Celestia tried to stand tall but almost fell down, twilight catching her. Celestia nodded at twilight appreciating her help. She turned back to Dante and Nero that were standing in front of them, She said “Who are you two?”

Dante spoke up wanting to get the introduction fast, he pointed at himself “ I’m Dante” then pointed at Nero “And he’s Nero. Where just your ordinary team of demonslayers”

All of them looked at Nero and Dante in shock. The main six with celestia and Luna have never seen or met ponies that call themselves demonslayers before. Questions were going to be asked.