• Member Since 28th Feb, 2018
  • offline last seen Wednesday


For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!


Part of the Wibblyverse continuity.

They have ruled for generations and lived for millennia. Their whims move the heavens and shape the earth. Their powers are immense. They are the Princesses. In these brief tales of weird terror, readers will be plunged into the darkness that lies behind the thrones of Equestria.

Find out what truly makes an alicorn in the Transition of Twilight Sparkle, a tale of transformation, terror, and getting 'the Talk' from your mother figure.

When Shining Armor tries to give his wife a massage, the force of an alicorn's uncontrolled power sweep across an empire in Liquid Crystal!

In Your Dreams sees Princess Luna, Defender of the Night, face off against what may be a force too great even for her; Pinkie Pie, loose in the Dreamworld.

In Call of Cthulestia, the Sun Princess considers her sister's banishment on its five-hundredth anniversary.

A bizarre object appears in Ponyville square, and everypony in town has a different idea of what it could be. The only way to truly describe it is as That Thing.

Over three thousand years ago, Luna and Celestia officially met with their new subjects for the first time. It could have gone better. Read about their first days of ruling under the tutelage of Starswirl the Bearded and other advisors in Be Not Afraid.

Ponyville's premier mailmare finds herself in a strange situation when she finds a shapeless figure in her basement in The Shape of Outer Time. The Doctor is in, and Ditzy only wants to know more...

During a visit from the Pie family for Pinkie's birthday, an ancient intelligence locked away in an ancient gemstone wreaks havoc on Ponyville in Rock of Ages. At least, it tries its best.

And more unearthly tales await!

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 33 )

Oooh. Okay, this was pretty neat. I look forward to seeing more eldritch shenanigans.

But why is Trixie over for dinner?

That's actually a bit of a throwaway line referencing one of my earlier fics, It's a Kind of Magic. Trixie lives at Twilight's castle now.

Okay, this is highly amusing! More!

Always suspected Shel knew something about eldritch abominations.

Comment posted by Coyote de La Mancha deleted Sep 10th, 2018

You know, thinking on it...

Ditzy has a series of “bubbles” as her cutie mark, and Yog-Sothoth’s most common manifestation is as a “conglomeration of glowing spheres,” sometimes compared to a series of “iridescent soap bubbles.”

Maybe her being there makes more sense than she lets on...

Awesome Story! Can't wait to read more if there is any!

Hehehehe, this is really crazy what can happen with Alicorns. I wonder what Flurry Heart will look like when she hits Alicorn Puberty...

Just curious, but will this ever get another installment?

Eventually, yes. Right now I'm on a pretty tight publishing schedule for my Doctor Whooves series, but as soon as this first series is through, I intend to publish some more in this, Friendship 101, and maybe The Lost Crusades. Also I might try and get something up for Halloween.

A little off-topic from eldritch-abomination Alicorns, but still an enjoyable read. The Doctor's two hearts reminds me a bit of the memory orbs from Inside Out, and how even happy memories have a hint of sadness and vice-versa, allowing them to begin to heal from their bad memories. Also, I feel like their brain is an entire galaxy.
...wait, is Dinky also The Doctor's daughter? Would she develop in any way like The Doctor or would she just be a normal foal?

As regards Dinky, I'm honestly not sure at this point. Time Lord biology is weird and sources often contradict. I'm probably going to go with whatever makes for the best story.

Ditto on this being back, your Wibblyverse stories are fun, but these stories have a certain...flavor...all their own.

(I have read at least one Dr. Who novel where it is strongly hinted that the Doctor, and all Time Lords, really are eldritch abominations, although he's a well-intentioned one. Damned if I can remember the title, though.)

Ditzy is the Gate and the one who knows the Gate. Ditzy is the Key and the one who guards the Gate. Time, space, muffins, all are one in Best Pony.

Aphrodite came from the sea, and brings it with her wherever she goes.

Magnificent stuff. There isn't nearly enough eldritch comedy in the world. Glad to find more of it.

Loved these stories. Such an Equestrian take on the Lovecraftian idea of unspeakable elder gods! :twistnerd:

Well I'm entertained. Looking forward to more this good. Have a follow lol

Overall funny, but the cultivator joke genuinely made me go LOL. :rainbowlaugh:

Okay that happened

Er, yes. Great big secrets of the universe, not meant to be read or heard by mortals, I’m sure you understand.

So why couldn't he tell Twilight? She barely counts as a physical being, let alone a mortal.

Just looking at it, I can plainly see that it’s quite old, although I’d like to do some carbon dating to see exactly how old.

Bold of her to assume there's carbon to date. Heck, that'd imply it used to be alive.

The thing about "else face an alicorn's wrath" is that it leaves too much to the listener's imagination. Normally, that would be a good thing, but with imaginations so thoroughly occupied by the mysterious artifact, the cultists don't have room for the proper level of existential dread. Ciderless dental work, that's easy to process.

Why is everything it does so hard to describe? It’s going to make the paperwork for this incident an absolute nightmare!

:rainbowlaugh: Mayor Mare either wouldn't last an hour in Call of Cthulhu, or she'd bring the entire Mythos to its knee-analogues. No in-betweens.

The summoning ritual was brilliantly dumb, as was the resolution. Fantastic stuff. Thank you for it.

I'm sure they'd say something about how they were in public and it wouldn't be prudent and then turning Ponyville into gelatin to distract everypony.


Heck, that'd imply it used to be alive.

Or that it isn't currently!

R'lyeh: "h̴̨̧̧̢͖͚̝͖̥̫̫̼͙̘͈͍͇̖̩̭̺̠͈͕̯̮͎̠̪͖͎̘͉̦̘̩̼̻̰̯͓̠̠̫̅͗̈́̋̈́̄͑͜ͅͅ-
Mayor Mare, glasses shining pure white like an anime protagonist: I hope you've got a permit for rising from the sea.

What a poor, unfortunate soul.

That line made the whole reference make sense

Not surprised that Pinkie isn't weirded out since there's a good chance that she's an eldritch abomination.

:rainbowlaugh: Hey, doing stupid stuff that we look back on in shame is what adolescence is for. (Or, in my case, doubling down on it and never looking back. :derpytongue2:)

Delightful moment for the happy couple. Poor Shining didn’t ask to marry into the local pantheon—at least, I don’t think he did, not knowingly—but he’s handling it quite well. Here’s hoping the writer’s block clears up soon.

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