• Published 2nd Aug 2018
  • 5,307 Views, 104 Comments

The Love of a Mother - Ashen Heart

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The sound of crying can be heard from outside the door, as Rainbow comes up the stairs to check on Twilight. Rainbow’s hoof hovers over the door to the room hesitantly.

“It just can’t be, I can’t be her daughter. She’s a monster.. If I was her daughter, what would that make me?” came the muffled voice of Twilight, as a loud grunt was heard and the sound of a pillow being thrown across the room.

“Twilight?” Rainbow asks as she knocks on the door. Hearing a sigh and the sound of hoofs clopping on the floor, Rainbow backs up while Twilight opens the door. “Ya can’t listen to her Twi, she doesn’t know what she’s talkin’ about,” Rainbow says, trying to cheer her up.

“But what if it’s true? What if she is my mother? What would that mean for me?”

"What would it matter? You are still our friend even if you don't want to admit it and if you want to talk we'll listen alright."

“Thanks Rainbow, but we need to bring an end to this eternal night and bring Princess Celestia back,” Twilight says, heading down the stairs with Rainbow to regroup with the others choosing to think about what she said at a later time. (lovemuffin)

“Ah’m just worried about her, this whole mother situation is a big deal and should be sorted out,” Applejack stated.

“I know, but this is clearly something she’s not ready to talk about yet, and we do have more pressing matters right now AJ, for example an eternal night and a missing princess.” Rarity replies.

“Yea ah know that, but-” AppleJack stops as she and the rest of the group hear hoofsteps coming down the stairs.

“Alright everypony, we need to come up with a plan to end this eternal night, anypony have any ideas?” Twi asks

“Don’t forget about finding Princess Celestia too,” Fluttershy mentions.

“And finding Princess Celestia,” deadpans Twilight. Applejack walks up to Twilight cautiously.

“Sugarcube, we really should talk about-”

“I don’t want to talk about that right now AppleJack, we have bigger issues to deal with right now.”

“I know, but-”

“No AJ, if we don’t take care of this eternal night we’re going to have massive issues on our hooves...”

“Fine, what’s the plan then?”

“I’m not sure, but I do know that we need the elements before we can do anything, without those we have nothing against Nightmare Moon. So I’m going to the Everfree forest in order to locate the elements”

“What’d’ya mean you’re going to the Everfree? If you go we all go.” Rainbow states

“I agree, we can’t just let you go on in by yourself,” Aj replies.

“No, I’m going to find them alone.” Twilight retorts in annoyance.

“Then we can’t let ya do that sugarcube. Plus we’ve already gone with you before.”

“But I didn't know the danger it was putting everypony else in before. This is my responsibility to take care of and I’m not going to let anypony get hurt because of it.”

“Twi, it’s no longer just your responsibility. As soon as she had come back and thrown our whole world into chaos, it became our responsibility to fix it as well as yours. Now if you know a way to fix this, then we’re going to do whatever we can to help you.”

“Fine, but please don't do anything brash, especially you Rainbow Dash.”

“No promises,” Rainbow remarks with a smirk on her face.

“So what’s the plan now, Twilight?” Rarity asks.

“Well now that we know what the elements represent we need to figure out how they apply to getting the 6th element and what the spark really is.”

“And how are ya plannin’ tah do that?” Applejack questions.

“Well if the elements represent honesty, loyalty, kindness, generosity, and laughter then we need to figure out how those elements tie into the 6th. Which means more RESEARCH!” Twilight squeals at the end. A collective groan sweeps across the room as they realize that this was going to be a long night. "I'll get the books." Spike says as sighs.

6 hours later

"Aughh we are getting nowhere." Rainbow exclaims, throwing down her book.

“Says the one that’s barely read any of the books,” mutters Applejack under her breath.

“Say what?! You take that back,” Rainbow yells out, getting in Applejack’s face.

“Why would I do that when it’s true!” Applejack questions, pointing to the few books the pegasus had managed to read.

“GIRLS! Fighting’s not going to get us anywhere.” After splitting the two up, Twilight sits back rubbing her temples.

“Well what do you suggest we do then? These books aren’t getting us anywhere either.” Rainbow huffs out. They all sat around for a moment, looking at one another, pondering ideas of where to go next.

“Why don’t we try and find some information at the castle?” Pinkie suggests.

“I’m in!” Rainbow does a quick flip in excitement ready for any excuse to stop reading.

“We might have some better luck finding something useful,” Rarity states.

“Maybe we can find an old library or something,” Twilight smiles.

“A’right, so I guess we’re going back to the castle then.” Applejack says.

Author's Note:

Sorry y'all for the long wait for this chapter. I have such a hard time with dialogue and this chapter has a bunch of it. Thank y'all for sticking around and being patient with me thus far and I hope to make a story worth your while. I have the next chapter that I'm working on and hope to have out for New Years. hope y'all enjoy and lmk what you guys think of it.