• Published 29th Aug 2018
  • 765 Views, 12 Comments

Through Time and Turmoil - Frost E Bear

The (close to canon) story of Twilight's daughter, Starlight

  • ...

How I Met Your Father

How I Met Your Father

“Rarity?” a low voice called, “Rarity, wake up! You’ve been asleep for, like, weeks!”


The panicked unicorn ran to her sewing machine and began making dresses. She muttered something incomprehensible between the folds of cloth. Within a few minutes, each mannequin wore an outfit fit for a fancy party in autumn. Rarity sighed with relief once her work was finished.

“Wow…” the deep voice whistled, “I knew you worked fast but that was intense.”

Rarity rubbed her eyes, “Oh thank you but, may I ask, who are you?”

A tall lizard like figure chuckled, “I’m Spike,” he stretched his wings, “You sort of missed out on a lot.”

“You don’t say…” Rarity’s eyes went wide, “Have I really been passed out that long?!”

Spike shook his head, “Nah, I was over exaggerating. It’s actually just been a few hours.”

“But you’re so… much older…” She pouted, “I don’t have any grey hairs, do I?”

Spike laughed as Rarity frantically searched through her mane. Hoping she wouldn’t find even a stub of grey hair. Spike gently pat her on the back.

“Chill out, Rarity, I was going to tell you about everything.”

Rarity suddenly remembered the events of the previous day, “That’s right! We ran into Starlight, of all ponies, when you started calling her your… sister?” she gave Spike an odd look.

“Eeyup, she’s adopted,” Spike nodded, “Guess that meant we had common ground to start with.”

“So Twilight really is…”

“Hotter than Celestia?” Spike snickered, “Yeah. That’s going to go south when we go meet with the Princesses.”

Rarity’s jaw dropped, “Pray tell, how did the dullest and nerdiest mare in Equestria become so radiant? No offense to Twilight… it’s just so… sudden.”

“She woke up that way,” Spike nonchalantly stated.



“…She… woke up that way?” Rarity questioned.




“Well is there a story AFTER she woke up that way?” Rarity shouted, “I mean, really, a mare suddenly becomes the most beautiful thing ever and not a single pony questioned it?!”

Spike sighed, “Alright, we’ll start with THAT story. But please don’t tell anyone else. It’s kind of embarrassing for Twilight.”

“You have my word.”

“Do I have your Pinkie Promise?”

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in the eye,” she chanted as she did the motions.

“Great! Now… it all started a few months after Starlight started her goth phase.”

Rarity gaged on a laugh, “Starlight had a what?!”

Spike rolled his eyes, “Anyhow… Mom woke up, looked in the mirror and screamed. Everyone in the house woke up and were just as shocked to see her that way, especially in the early morning.”

[Sire’s Hollow - 7 years post adoption of Starlight]

The house echoed with the screams of the Light family. Starlight wore black and purple pajamas with bats printed on them. Spike flew up to the ceiling, clinging to a chandelier. Twilight’s throat dried up, forcing her to stop screaming. Her adopted children followed shortly after.

“Mom?” Starlight shook, “WHAT THE HAY?!”

“I have no idea!” Twilight replied.

Spike let go of the chandelier, “Think this is a new alicorn thing? I mean, Celestia and Luna have those weird flowing manes and look totally different than anyone else.”

“Maybe,” Twilight examined herself in the mirror, “I don’t see any… flowing… with my mane but I think Cadence looked similar to this.”

Starlight whistled, “Aunt Cadence looks like that? Hope I could be that pretty…”

“Aw, don’t worry Starlight. I’m sure whatever this is can be applied to you too.”

Spike crept up close to Twilight, “Don’t get her hopes up too soon. We gotta figure this out before things go crazy.”

At that moment; the door bell rang. Twilight answered the door and caused the mailman to have a heart attack. Twilight defibrillated him with a stun bolt. He was mildly better, although still in shock. He gave Twilight a letter and ran off.

“If that’s the kind of reaction you’re going to get, maybe you shouldn’t go outside… for now,” Spike said.

Twilight shook her head, “Not going to happen. I still got to teach students proper magic. That includes YOU, Starlight.”

“Yes mooooom,” Starlight groaned, “So what does the letter say?”

Twilight opened and read the letter. Her eyes widened upon reaching the end. “Well… it seems we’ll be having a PTA meeting… today… after school,” Twilight looked at herself. She was going to have to think of how she was going to explain her sudden make over.

“In other words…you’re boned,” Spike nonchalantly commented.

“Oh it’s not that bad,” Starlight tried to calm her mom down, “If anything, you’ll make all the mothers jealous and all the fathers drool over you.”

Twilight planted her face into the wall.

Starlight looked to Spike for help.

“She’ll get over it,” he shrugged, “Eventually.”

[later at the school]

Twilight opened the door to the classroom and sat down at her desk. Starlight walk over to sit at her desk as well. Neither noticed (or simply ignored) the many eyes staring at Twilight.

“Good evening class,” Twilight began, “Today we will be discussing the mechanics of telekinesis and its many uses.”

One of the students raised their hoof.

“Yes, Sparkplug?”

“Who are you and what happened to Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight took a deep breath, “I am Miss Sparkle. I only look this way because I got a makeover at the local spa,” she mentally face hoofed at the excuse Starlight convinced her to go with.

“THAT’S what the deluxe package looks like,” a pink mare exclaimed, “Oh I am definitely getting that on my next trip.”

“It’s very expensive though,” her friend stated in concern.

“Hey, if we pool our money together, I’m sure we can get it.”

Twilight knocked on her desk, “Yes, yes, we’re all amazed at how well the spa is at their job. However, we’re not here to talk about that. So let’s return to our subject of the day.”

A few students groaned in disappointment.

The class went as well as usual for Twilight. Some students failed, some struggled, others passed with luck, and one particular student flew by thanks to a little extra tutoring from her teacher and mother. It seemed like any other day until someone confronted Starlight.

“You get all the special treatment,” the pink mare accused, “The rest of us have to work hard to pass this class while your mom lets you off easy!”

“That’s not true,” Starlight scoffed, “Maybe you should stop smooching your stud and read a book for once.”

The pink mare growled at Starlight. Her friend backed away a little bit. A small crowd gathered to spectate a possible fight.

“Oh yeah! If you’re so good at magic, prove it!”

The crowd began chanting “Duel! Duel! Duel!” encouraging Starlight to cast the first spell.

She reached out with her magic and tore the pink mare’s mouth off, “You talk too much.”

The pink mare turned red. Her horn lit up and lashed out a beam that missed Starlight and hit the wall behind her. Not leaving a single mark.

“Your aim is awful too,” Starlight smirked, “But, even if it did hit me, it wouldn’t have done anything.”

The mare stomped her hooves and charged straight towards Starlight. Even Starlight was well versed in magic, she would incredibly weak in a physical fight. As luck would have it, a teacher caught the students before things got too violent.

“What in blazes is going on here!”

Unfortunately, it wasn’t the teacher Starlight hopped it would be.

“Professor Firelight! Hi… we were just.”

Firelight pulled the pink mare to him, “Give this young lady her mouth!”

Starlight did as she was told, not wanting to anger the new teacher. Rumors spread across the school about who he was and why he was thrown to this school in particular. Many of those rumors were… unpleasant.

Firelight dropped the pink mare and gave both unicorns a stern glare, “Now I want you two to get along. No more fighting, with or without magic, understand?”

Both mares nodded frantically.

“Good,” he looked over to Starlight, “I’m going to want to talk to your parents about this. Magic of your level shouldn’t be used like this.”

Starlight gulped, knowing the exact words Twilight would use.

“As for you,” he addressed the other mare, “Jealousy of another’s success does not justify attacking her. I’ll let you off with a warning, but I want both of you to apologize to each other!”

Both mares glared at each other before sighing and muttering their apologies to each other.

The crowd dispersed. The pink mare waltzed off with her friend. Firelight walked back to his classroom. Leaving Starlight there to wonder what she was going to say at the parent-teacher conference.

[Later that night]

Twilight wondered the halls, looking for the gymnasium where the PTA meeting was being held. The school looked so different at night. Dark, empty, devoid of all emotion, and was placed under strict rules. It appeared more like a prison than a place of education.

She turned the corner and bumped into a stallion wearing a red vest.

“Oh, sorry about that miss. Are you alri-“ the stallion paused mid-speech when his eyes fell upon Twilight.

Twilight brushed herself off, “I’m good, don’t worry. These corners are dangerous,” she glanced at the stallion and noticed he was drooling over her.

“Um, excuse you?”

The stallion shook himself out of his trance, “Terribly sorry miss! It’s not everyday someone spots a gorgeous mare, let alone an alicorn of all things!”

Twilight hummed with a tilt of her head. She couldn’t help but find some attraction in this stallion. Perhaps it was his fashion sense which made him look more like a museum curator than a teacher.

“I thought the only alicorn in existence was Celestia. Guess I was wrong.”

“Yeah, you forgot about princess Cadence,” Twilight laughed.


“Cadence… princess Mi Amore Cadenza is her full name but who has time for the entire thing?” she gave a faint chuckle, “The point is there’s a lot more than one alicorn.”

“I can see that,” the stallion raised his eyebrow, “I take it you’re looking for the PTA meeting?”

“Yeah, you’d think I’d know this school well enough since I’ve been teaching here since my daughter attended.”

“Oh really? Who’s you’re daughter?”

“Starlight Glimmer, real prodigy of magic. Just like her mom.”

The stallion pondered, “Starlight… ah, she’s the one that was in that fight today.”

“WHAT?” Twilight shouted, “Why was I not informed of this?”

“I was going to talk to… well I guess you after the PTA meeting.”

“Hmm… alright. Let’s see if we can find the gymnasium.”

They began wondering down the halls once more. Searching for the gymnasium. Along the way they had a nice evening talking to each other.

“That was when I blasted the Roc straight out of the sky and found out Spike sprouted wings!”

“Goodness! I had no idea draconic puberty was so revolting and dangerous,” the stallion gasped, “Shows you why they’re such isolationists.”

“You know… I don’t think I got your name,” Twilight asked.

“Firelight, pleasure to meet you miss…” Firelight answered.

“Oh you’re the new history teacher, right? My name is Twilight, Twilight Sparkle, I’m the practical magic teacher.”

“Practical magic you say? Well, if an alicorn is teaching magic, I have no doubt the students will do very well. Especially your daughter.”

“Time will tell, I’m sure,” Twilight slyly said, “Time will tell…”

[Ponyville - Present time]

“Spike,” Rarity began, “You said this story was embarrassing for Twilight but I don’t see what she has to be embarrassed about.”

Rarity glanced over her dresses, “You made it sound like she had a successful, if modest, career with a loving family.”

“Well,” Spike pondered, “I might have to tell you WHY that story embarrasses her. And why we don’t talk about dad that much.”

“Oh? So Twilight found her special someone after all?”

Spike hesitantly laughed, “Yeah… you might already figured out who he was. Um…” he glanced out the window, “Let’s see what Applejack’s doing! I can tell you after we make sure she gets the food ready for the ceremony.”

“Very well, dear,” Rarity giggled.

A thought had processed through her mind. It may have taken a little while for her but she realized what Spike had said.

“Ceremony? What ceremony?!”

Author's Note:

I apologize for the grand delay. I needed to rewrite the entire story from the ground up and had been delaying it due to jumping across multiple projects and real life issues. I am going to try to post new chapters regularly. Thank you for your patience.

Comments ( 12 )

So instead of continuing where you left off you’re rebooting the entire story. This should be interesting.

Very good start can't wait for the next chapter hope you will be able to update soon

Please continue! This is an amazing little cute story and definitely needs more

If this ends with Twi having an OC husband, I am out.

Firelight is canonically Starlight's father http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Firelight I had to do a little work around to keep that true.
Which is why Firelight is the EX-husband

It's nice to see this series up and running again... too bad you couldn't get back into your old account...

I would love to see this continue!
Signing out, VShuffler42

So is this gonna be updated?

.....Keep going.

*pokes story with a stick*

nice work looking forward to more:twilightsmile:

Damn, a great start to the reboot...

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