• Published 13th Sep 2018
  • 2,758 Views, 167 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Six - Doug Graves

Herd Apple continues to grow, both out and up, as Doug meets a few more colorful characters.

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2 A Forest of False Idols

January 6th, 998

Fortunately for Doug, Prince Blueblood had arranged for the supplies they needed for the week of trekking through the wilderness to be delivered to their room. This saved Doug the stares and potential misunderstandings that have occasionally happened when he went shopping in Canterlot. And, sadly, all too frequently when he has to go into Ponyville. Unfortunately, Doug is carrying the unicorn's supplies, the heavy duty canvas alongside the sheathed rapiers, bumping along the human's back next to his own pack. At least he has lots of experience being a pack mule for the herd. Well, one of the ponies in the herd.

Doug waves goodbye to the hotel steward, the earth pony reluctantly waving back, a forced smile on her face as she glances between Doug and Prince Blueblood. She swoons a little as the unicorn winks at her, turning and sauntering out of the building. She sighs in relief; not that they had been bad customers, just an odd pair, doing weird exercises and acting out some fantasy. At least, she hopes it was a fantasy, not an actual duel.

The two make their way to the northeast, walking along the road towards Unicorn Range, the human's legs still sore from the workout that Prince Blueblood put him through yesterday. "So, what made you want to come out here, anyway?" Doug asks, stretching his legs, "It seems like an out of the way place for a prince to want to come for an excursion. I figured you would take the first train back to Canterlot. That or stick around town, keep hitting on all of the single, and quite a few of the not single, mares in town."

Prince Blueblood looks out at the sparsely treed grasslands to the north, "If you're talking about my public persona then either of those options would not be unheard of, almost expected. But that is the point of being an eccentric, is it not? That I can do nearly anything, within reason of course, and get away with it. But, to answer your question, I prefer the quiet contemplation that the outdoors allows. It is why I love my job."

Doug snaps his fingers a few times, "I know I've heard it before... something to do with maps?"

Prince Blueblood nods, "Chief Cartographer, or Maîtriser of Maps, as the alliterative say. Hence my cutie mark; though it is hardly unique, I still find joy in making sure the map matches the terrain. Your office and mine do a fair amount of work together, I dare say, though I tend to work on the more permanent side of things. As it has been a while since I toured this region, I saw a fine opportunity to combine business with pleasure."

Doug nods before motioning to the two rapiers strapped to his back, "So, do you get to practice with your weapons a lot? Your control is excellent, but I wouldn't think that your job leaves you with a lot of free time. Same with the running exercises; I've been specializing in endurance, ten mile jogs for Running of the Leaves, that kind of thing. Not so much on sprinting and fast cornering."

Prince Blueblood snorts, "The borders of Equestria have barely changed in a thousand years. Yes, we have skirmishes, but never a land grab one way or the other, though occasionally I need to pencil in the label for the Griffon Kingdom. It isn't like the rivers decide to up and move any more. So, I get to spend a lot of time verifying that the terrain has stayed put. The towns can be a little more dynamic, especially the new ones, but I delegate the major cities to other ponies in the office. They can keep track of the minutiae of a changed street name or new buildings. And that, combined with my eccentric persona, leaves me with a lot of free time on my hands, time I find best spent alone. Or with a specific tutor." He glances back, the lonely mountain barely visible over the Unicorn Range. "I have had a long time to practice, many a lonely hour."

"So, what you're saying is that you've done nothing but study swordplay?" Prince Blueblood grins as he gives a halfhearted shrug, Doug continuing, "And here I thought you were the most eligible bachelor in Equestria or something." Doug smirks, "In fact, one of my mares is quite... I don't know if taken is the right word, but she may or may not have a picture of you hidden away."

Prince Blueblood grins mischievously. "Ooh, is it the one with the rose?" At Doug's nod Prince Blueblood smirks, "Yup, that's one of my best sellers. If you want, once we're back at the hotel we can play a small prank on her." The smile on Prince Blueblood's face widens, Doug looking intrigued.

"Oh? How small are we talking?" The road they are travelling splits, the two taking the rough dirt path east.

"Quite simple, really. You replace the picture that she has of me with a hoof signed one, and say nothing to her. Try to figure out when she notices, and if she says anything to you. Does she know that you know about it?"

"I'm fairly certain she does; I've sorted through her things for her, and it was right there, on the top of a stack of items inside one of her side desk drawers. And she didn't bother moving it or hiding it between then and the next time I organized her things."

"Hmm, yes," Prince Blueblood taps a hoof to his chin, "She probably sees it as a harmless diversion. What is her name?"

"Rarity. White unicorn, purple mane, cutie mark is three blue diamonds."

"Hmm, I may have heard that name before. Let's see... fashion designer? I do believe Sapphire Shores mentioned her as one of the better up-and-comers, though I can't recall the article in question. She does primarily dresses?"

Doug nods. "That's impressive that you remember that."

Prince Blueblood shrugs, "Well, I did a little research on the rest of your herd, in the unlikely event that one of them was what drew Princess Cadance to Sweet Apple Acres, but after reading up on each of them I decided it was not the case. And I have to remember all sorts of trivial details on the many members of high society; it is unbelievably boring the kinds of things they find important."

Doug motions to his winter gear, "So, she did this clothing for me, all of it custom and unique. She does suits, but yes, primarily dresses and accessories. She's been somewhat bored as of late; I think she's looking for some sort of large order, something to bide the time until she hits it big."

Prince Blueblood considers, a hoof going to his chin as they walk, "Well, it wouldn't be glamorous, but a good test case. Yes, I can place an order for new uniforms with her, for the Cartographer's Office, of course. Eight of us, four uniforms apiece? That should be a fine test of her abilities, especially if I can get her to do a little personalizing for each worker."

"I'm sure she'll be very grateful for it." The two take a short wooden bridge over a small stream, a small house with a waterwheel visible far to the side. The trees are starting to become more numerous, though nowhere near a proper forest.

"Now, you said something about my being one of the most eligible bachelors in Canterlot." Prince Blueblood sighs, his expression becoming a bit more downcast, "Yes, it is true. The dashing good looks, Tartarus may care attitude, the tiniest hint of aloofness; it all combines to make me nearly irresistible." He looks at his forelegs, "And the sword training and workouts, primarily a mare field though you do see some stallions compete. Actually, nearly all the stallions who do so are unicorns on the horn side. Very few on the hoof side, even among earth ponies. It gives me quite the aura of virility." He shakes his head, "Probably why Mi Amore..."

Doug looks over, wondering why Prince Blueblood trailed off; the stallion is looking off into the distance, a long sigh escaping his muzzle. Doug says, "That does make you sound like quite the catch; if you don't mind me asking, what keeps you from courting another mare now? Or, before you met Cadance, from dating a mare before her?"

Prince Blueblood gives Doug a hard look, "You understand that everything I say here is under the strictest of confidences, yes?"

"What you are about to say now or everything we say for a week?"

Prince Blueblood snorts, "Just now, though I would appreciate a bit of discretion with the rest of our topics."

"You have it."

"Good." Prince Blueblood looks around, nopony anywhere near them on the now snow covered path, "Princess Celestia came to me when I first came of age, which was around the time Princess Cadance ascended. I don't know if it was as a last resort, to try to get me to pursue my noble studies, but it worked. She offered me the chance to date and, should things go well, become the first true Prince Equestria has ever seen. More than the title I already possess by nature of my birth. Not a mere consort, a kept plaything of the princesses, but an actual ruler by their side."

"Wow. And, what did she ask? Just that you learn about nobility?"

Prince Blueblood shakes his head, "More than learning about it, I had to embrace it. I would become one of those nobleponies that I despised. I had to learn to ingratiate myself, how to find out what ponies desired, what they couldn't stand, all without them realizing I was doing it. To become the master diplomat, if needed." He sighs as they head off the path, following one of the streams that feeds into the farmland to the north, "And, when I put my mind to that, of course I succeeded. That didn't stop me from disliking it, from making my unhappiness known by belittling those around me and treating others disdainfully. Unfortunately, that made many of the more eligible mares even more intrigued by me. Especially when I returned none of their advances, merely fleeting flirtations and nothing more."


"And it sounds like you know a little of what happened afterwards. Princess Celestia sent me on a few diplomatic missions, mostly to the griffons, and one to the dragons. The food, the sights, the smells; it was..." Prince Blueblood pauses again as he considers, Doug slowing down, "To sum it up in one word, abominable."

"What?" Doug asks, "That doesn't sound like the kind of opinion a master diplomat would have of another culture."

"Well, you, not being the master diplomat that I am, might think that. But you'd be wrong; Griffons cannot stand pretension. Their sense of when a pony is merely putting them on is as developed as their sense of blood, and they can sniff a wounded pony from a mile away. Nasty sorts, though I am happy to say my first mission put them off of thinking of ponies as weak and helpless prey."

"Okay, this I have to hear. First, how did Celestia-"

"Princess Celestia." Prince Blueblood stares at Doug, a touch of annoyance at his lack of contriteness. "You will use her title with respect."

Doug stares blankly at Prince Blueblood for a few seconds, "Do you know why I don't use her title?"

"Should I care?"

"...Fine. Princess Celestia. Why did she allow the griffons to, um, think of ponies as prey in the first place?"

"Well, it is their land that the ponies were trespassing on. And Princess Celestia respects other nation's boundaries and cultures, and in return she keeps a vigilant watch on our borders. More than a few of the training dummies I practiced with were adorned with genuine feathers. But, Princess Celestia was unhappy with the situation, as even you can guess, so she sent me. You see, the griffons have a very antiquated way of passing laws. Not too unlike the Counsel of Nobles, if a trifle more overt in their hostilities."

The two pass a farmhouse, the dilapted building looking to have been abandoned years ago, a chittering noise emanating from inside. "How much is a trifle?"

Prince Blueblood shrugs, taking a longer route away from the building. "Well, if two griffons dispute how a passage in a bill should read, the victor will write the line with the loser's blood. Often with a quill plucked from the defeated. If the fight was honorable, then they spare the primaries. If not, well, hopefully the griffon has a chick that can carry on his name."

"Really? That sounds pretty barbaric."

"You don't know the half of it. Anyway, I came up to the arena where they do most of their negotiating. The high court was in session at the time, and I entered in the middle of a discussion of the minutiae of the takeover of some aerie or another. Marched right into the middle of the place, started to give my request to Gregory, the acting leader that day. Simple list, really. Number one: don't eat ponies. Number two: don't take their possessions. Number three: well, I never got to number three, as four of the griffons objected to my proposal, loudly and in my face. So, in time honored griffon tradition, I insulted the egg the ringleader's hen, or dam, came from."

"Wait a second." Doug looks up in thought, one hand at his chin, his voice straining a little. "Really?"

"Well, it does one of two things. It can either get them to back down, as only somepony who can back up an insult like that would dare to make it. If that doesn't happen, well, they fly into a blind rage. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you which happened. It is very unfortunate that he didn't see my rapier until it was sticking out the other side of his wing, but, well, I didn't much care for the other option."

"And the rest of them just stood there?"

"Oh, heavens no. The senators, or delegates, or whatever they called themselves that day, they all got up and started cheering, half for me and half for the remaining three griffons objecting to my bill. Gregory just sat there, watching us with his talons folded under his chin. So, the next two were a little more formal with their challenge, as they both grabbed light spears, the ones griffons favor, and came at me together. However, my range is longer than theirs, so they both ended up same as the first. The last one, though, had a bit more smarts than the first three put together. He said it was unfair that I was using magic to win my debate, and that I should fight hoof to claw. Or, at least, I'd pick up my sword and he'd pick up his rock tipped spear." Prince Blueblood smirks at Doug, "They aren't civilized enough to insist on barehoofed combat. At least, not with non-griffons."

"Thank Celestia? I think?"

Prince Blueblood rolls his eyes, "Indeed. Well, I am not as proficient with hoof as some of the earth pony wizards, but that is only because they do not need to split their time between horn and hoof and occasionally showing up to a gathering of nobles. But, nevertheless, I accepted the challenger. The first blow of my rapier to his talons knocked the spear out of his grasp, and he surrendered on the spot." Blueblood spits, "Coward. But, after that, there were no more challengers, and Gregory approved the bill as stated. Which was unfortunate, because I had a nice long series of rules that would have made perfect the relationship between Griffonstone and Equestria. Alas, such is life."

"So, a happy end of one of your diplomatic missions. I take it Princess Celestia decided you were worthy, or whatever, and you and Princess Cadance were together?"

"Briefly. We started dating eight years ago, in early February before Winter Wrap Up, and it lasted a month before she abruptly called it off." Prince Blueblood sighs, "We made love the one time, and it was... indescribably beautiful. Auntie Celestia had insisted that both of us save ourselves for the other, and she was well worth the wait. At the time, I thought it was the same for her." Prince Blueblood's voice catches, his eyes watering, "But, suddenly, she was distraught, beside herself, and left without another word."

Doug grimaces, "That must have hurt quite a lot."

"It did, it certainly did, and though I hate to say it I have never been quite the same since. After the Princess of Love herself, any other pony just seems... common. I cannot see myself with any mare who doesn't measure up, and I despair that all of the ponies who try to catch my attention are just interested in my station. Much like the mares who showed interest in me before Princess Cadance. Nowadays, some of them do not even try to hide their intentions, the overtness of their scheming laughably direct."

"Understandable, if regrettable that you see it that way. How do you figure out, though, if their interest is genuine?"

Prince Blueblood smiles, "So, I have a very simple test to determine who is interested in being with me because of my position as Prince and Noble and all those other titles that get bestowed upon whichever pony is willing to stand there to play the part. And those who are interested in the pony behind the mask."

"And that is?"

Prince Blueblood smirks, "I act as charming and debonair as possible in a group, and as a complete boor and ruffian whenever I can get away with it. Anypony can grin and bear it for a few minutes, maybe even the entirety of one party," his smile grows wider, "But they inevitably break down, call me out on it, and stomp away, indignant that I can be such a rude bastard and get away with it." He laughs to himself, "And their self righteous anger is only increased when they see me pulling the same stunt on another unsuspecting mare, who expects me to act the chivalrous knight but is treated as if her only use it to be a stepping stone over a puddle."

Doug frowns, staring at Prince Blueblood, "Okay, so, this sounds like you are just using this as an excuse to act like a spoiled brat as opposed to any serious way to discern if a pony is right for you or not."

Prince Blueblood shrugs, "Fair enough, and maybe it is a little cathartic to treat those other nobleponies, ones who have never in their life been regarded at as anything other than a beautiful shining star, and who would immediately fire and nightlist any servant who dared to say so, regardless of the truthfulness of such a comment." He glances back at his rapiers, "And it is partially the reason I am so diligent with my training. It is no secret, my talent with a blade, both in hoof and in aura. It keeps the vindictive mares and dams away, merely stewing in their rage instead of their guts."

Doug shakes his head at the imagery, "Still not seeing the goal here."

Prince Blueblood sighs, "I am looking for a mare, a lead mare, who is not afraid to stand up to me. Who, if I was to treat her like a commoner, is a mare who stands up for herself immediately and either walks out or calls me on my behavior on the spot. Not at the end of the day, not when they are at their wits end, not after I do something egregious in front of their friends. The very first time. And, sadly, it has yet to happen." Prince Blueblood looks to Doug, "And I expect you to keep that a secret, at least until I am happily married, as otherwise my entire charade will come crashing down and I will be forced to use something even more degrading to try to find somepony worthy."

"You have it, of course; I still don't think your way is the best, but, you know, to each their own. I imagine it really hurt when something similar happened between you and Princess Cadance, where you felt like it was going extremely well only for her to leave. And now you expect every mare to treat you like that, to leave you at the end of the night and blame you for their own insecurities, and they have only confirmed this view."

Prince Blueblood's pace slows, looking down at the ground. "It... it hurt a lot. More than a creature like yourself could ever dream."

Doug's hand raises to object, deciding against it as Prince Blueblood continues, "And she never told me why. It was Auntie Celestia who came by the next day, and told me that Princess Cadance would no longer be seeing me, and that I was to never pursue her or ask her why. I was so shocked I didn't eat or drink for the rest of the day. I was plagued by nightmares for weeks, taunting me about my inadequacies. Whether it was our personalities clashing, her lack of faith in me as a ruler, or that she was that disappointed with my ability as an amoureux."

"Did either of them ever tell you why she broke up with you?"

Prince Blueblood shakes his head, "No, they never did. And their rejection of me the one time was enough, I don't need another reminder."

"It wasn't your fault." Doug stops, considering for a second before saying, "Well, not your fault personally, that is. Do you know of the partners Princess Celestia had in the past?"

Prince Blueblood nods, "Of course. They might be glossed over in standard history, her list of consorts, but the fact of their existence is not hidden by any means."

"So, do you know why she never bore any foals?" At Prince Blueblood's impassive look Doug asks, "Do you think it was from lack of trying?"

A snort echoes among the trees, followed by several others, Prince Blueblood slowly quieting down. "The mare is said to have the libido of a filly going through her first estrus, and the self control to make you never realize she is in season. It is a dangerous combination for any stallion she sets her sights on, and the country is lucky she has not taken a consort in generations." He glances back at Doug, "But no, I would have assumed they tried and were unable, but I do not know the reason."

"Well, having been there, I can definitely agree." Prince Blueblood raises an eyebrow as Doug continues, "But, it is part of the reason that Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance came to me. They saw a possibility with me that neither of them had encountered with any pony in the past. They think, then and now, that they would be able to conceive with me."

Prince Blueblood turns, staring at Doug for a long time. He tentatively breaks the silence, "You are saying... you are saying that the reason Princess Cadance broke up with me, devastated me, was because I hurt her by failing to conceive with her?"

Doug pauses a few seconds, his hand going to Prince Blueblood's withers, "No, it..." He takes a deep breath, "It is because you successfully conceived with her, and the embryo aborted itself. The same issue plagues Princess Celestia, and it devastated her when that happened to her, it deeply hurts both of them every time it happens, and Princess Cadance cannot help but think of that devastation when she thinks of you."

Prince Blueblood halts, staring at the ground in front of him. Doug stops, turning and watching as the gears turn in the unicorn's head. "Well." Prince Blueblood's frown slowly turns to a smile, "I guess that explains a lot." He continues walking to the next farmhouse, a new spring in his step as a mare glances at them through a window, "If it wasn't my fault, then maybe there is another mare out there for me. But, I doubt she'll be able to keep up."