• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago

David Silver

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All I want is a place where I fit in. Where people are happy to see me and I'll always have a part to play. Is that so much to ask? HiE, Ponified, powerless alicorn

Chapters (37)
Comments ( 499 )

This will be expanded on, promise! And, yes, you guessed it pretty well for it not being well explained yet.

Yay new story :derpytongue2:
Think it was a lil rushed, but super curious to see where this goes :O Kinda funny that he's walking around a alicorn and everyone dosent seem to care any less xD

Hope the next chapter he'll explain a little more about himself to Pinkie :pinkiecrazy:

Tracking, let's see where you take this story.

If the goal was to hate the OC, kudos. The entitlement is almost hitting Elliott Roger levels.

Plenty there to dislike. It's almost as if he needs a friendship lesson or ten.


Why is it called, "Prince of Errors" when we could just call the story, "A Complete Error"?

Edit: At least his other stories are alright.

(Reads description)

I know the feeling, man. I know... the feeling.

Holy crap is that an understatement. I haven't hated a fictional character this much since Charlie Harper. I'm going to fave this on the off chance he slips and falls into a puddle of mustard gas.

You and Psycho might have just made the longest comment string I’ve ever seen.

Just checking, what has this guy done so far, besides trigger every nerve?

mustard gas? bah

more like trips and falls into a pit of nerve gas

What's the point of reading a story for a character you hate?

His needy, sniveling personality. Like the great Patrice O'Neal once said: "This attention starved worm made me sick, but I couldn't help but stay with it on the chance he got his. When he did, it was a good day."
Mustard gas burns and slowly melts you. So no nerve gas.
You need to hit that button with the two arrows first.

Jokes on them if they think it would be much - Joke's on them if they thought it would be much

He has a hoof - He had a hoof

the thing he spent - the thing he'd spent

like someone had gotten some darker grey worked in there - like someone had worked some darker grey in there

a testing step. - a test-step. -or- a cautious test-step

around the wing - around the wings

not quite write - not quite right

He drops the muffin - He dropped the muffin

went by in a blur in a combination of pain - went by in a blur in a blurry combination of pain

Interesting start. I've always enjoyed looking for and playing with the little errors and hidden things in the show. Heck, I wrote my own (tiny) story about a character who was responsible for making them. It's actually pretty fun thinking that there's a character or force behind them and that they aren't just mistakes so much as the willful inclusion in the world.

Why did the cupcakes/muffins seem to switch back and forth between the two?
And what was happening with him?
What with those and the timeskip, I'm wondering if that last part was a dream sequence...

Wut? :applejackconfused:
........ I like LOVE this and i don't know Y :unsuresweetie:

Well, I don't see anything warranting comparisons to Hitler so looks like they were multiple cases of folks judging a book by its cover. Still, the protagonist is rather calm about entering Equestria. Possibly cut from the same cloth as a certain landlady.

Well now. The timeskip is rather abrupt, but you've left me intrigued. No idea why this got such an incendiary reaction before. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this.

Ah. As I suspected, what with Prince Neon on the cover. (And I suppose the title was a bit of a tipoff as well. :derpytongue2:) Pinkie's involvement should be very interesting indeed. A pony aware of the narrative manipulating our hero's Biff the Understudy powers certainly makes sense. Let's see if he can get past both the day's work and the existential horror that is being Pinkie's plaything.

So now we know why we see random background ponies change tribes randomly. Now how will our protagonist handle having such a troublesome ability?


"Do you have a name, a real name?" she gently continued to prod him for information, looking quite curious. But he was shut down, just squirming a little. "Well, alrighty, Mister Strangepony." She shrugged softly. "But when you walk to talk, the pinkster's right here ." She hopped up to her hooves, her nurse's hat flopping to the side a little. "You look better at least."


This is a confusing situation. We don't need typos making this worse! Fixed.

"trail snatching the brush"
"tail snatching the brush"?

"I hope things are coming a little closer to focus. Apologies for the confusing entry into things."
Heh, no problem; it was a mystery. :)
Though I'm now wondering if those muffin-cupcakes indicate that errors around him aren't limited to him...

So not only does his horn and wings don't work(at least in original form), his ability to shapeshift is random too though it would make sense how Pinkie sort of controlled it.,,sort of.

Yup. He can only use wings or horn if he is imitating a unicorn or pegasus as appropriate. He doesn't get to pick who he turns into.

Would you like to visit Equestria?

I tried to type yes, but it wouldn't allow input. What kind of shenanigans are you pullin' here, prankster-pone?

The Text can only deal with one visitor at a time, alas.

blinking sleepilly - blinking sleepily
He slipped from bed - He slipped from the bed
She poke him - She poked him
she gently continued to prod him - she continued to gently prod him
A little smile touched on his lips, - A little smile touched on his lips,

Pony historians need to tighten up their linguistics, but then, Pinkie is involved.

Pinkie is having plenty of fun I see. I do like how our protagonist is now even turning into other ponies. I wonder if he will accidentally be accused of being a changeling sooner or later?

"Having wings that worked were too tempting"
"Having wings that worked was too tempting"?

Huh. What is Soarin doing working the weather in Ponyville?

"And you owe me an explanation later on how you know about that, and their names."
He doesn't seem to have used their names, though.

Off the top of my head, with the facts we know: Rainbow asked Soarin to lend a hoof, he said he was busy. He shows up anyway, Rainbow is happy! He crashes after helping a lot with the clouds, Rainbow snickers at the shameful display, end.

Huh, so our Prince of Errors gets the powers and abilities of those he mimics though until now, those he copied weren't that special though the fact that he only turned back after he got his pay for the day seems to imply that whatever is affecting his change is contract based.
Take someone's place in their absence, do the thing they couldn't due to other obligations, (i.e: doing a job or carrying out a promise) and getting paid for it.

Wonder what happens if he takes the place of someone with significant power...I'm just glad Discord would never miss out on his tea time with Fluttershy. Or does the Prince's powers only apply to ponies?

Only trying would find out, and we'd need Discord to specifically not show up where he was wanted/needed.

So, yeah, as you said, he'd have to skip out on Fluttershy in order to create this opportunity.

Would this be wise to attempt?

Would it be wise? Definitely not. But would it be interesting? Definitely yes.:moustache:

Will it happen? 🤷

"Super happy," he said without conviction. "I made a real impression on things."

:pinkiesmile: "That explains the crater."

In any case, good to see Pinkie give the nebulous prince some much-needed continuity. Now to see how he handles the twins...

Also, Sugarcube Corner has an error to dispose of:

smiling at missus cake

Name in need of capitalization.

Typos, near our foals?! Unacceptable!

Poor sad pony. He got to be Pinkie for a bit now he must return to what he sees as a boring existence. Hopefully Pinkie and Rarity can help him find his purpose and happiness.

He started picking up the things Pumpkin had knocked over,

Pound was the one that knocked a bunch of stuff over, I think.

Oops, getting my foals all mixed up.

He reached for the dirty diaper with a hoof that grabbed it easily and tossed it into a small trashcan that waited for such smelly offerings to its unending hunger.


I fear that our hero may succumb to temptation. With great pinkness comes great responsibility, and he may not be ready for it. Here's hoping he doesn't face any kind of blowback for his frivolous use of such dread powers.

On a lighter note, have a few typos:

banging on a little zylophone


at least kids were straight forward.

Straightforward, one word.

Typos are bad for sleeping foals, let's take care of that.

How did you like when he asked you a question?

It was wise of him to turn his attention back to his own level of fictionality. That sort of thing rarely if ever ends well.

I wonder if he'd ever have to sub in for a foal. I mean, Flurry Heart is a busy Princess, right?

There have been animation errors on the foals.

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