• Published 1st Oct 2018
  • 4,454 Views, 123 Comments

Anon-a-Miss - The Blue EM2

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Dear Princess Twilight,

Sorry I haven’t been able to write to you for a few weeks. Things have been very hectic here at Canterlot High.

I believe I last wrote to you after that third Slumber Party. I’ll fill you in.

A mysterious MyStable user (our world’s equivalent of burping dragons) called ‘Anon-a-Miss' started spreading secrets of various students to try and drive me and my friends apart. They tried to make it look like somebody else trying to be me. Well, they failed at that hurdle, but they did leak some pretty private stuff.

We caught them in the end. The Sirens were behind it, as they were angry we had stopped them. So, they tried to get revenge and failed. Local law enforcement stopped them, but they wouldn’t have succeeded without our world’s Scootaloo. She really is a hero.

The Crusaders were not behind it as first thought. Seriously, who on earth thought they would do it? They would need to be utterly stupid to do something like that before the Apple Christmas Party. They got the apologies they deserved, and spent plenty of time with their families. We do have quite a broad definition of family here!

The Apple Christmas Party was brilliant. Such a happy occasion, spent in the company of those who love each other. Not to mention the barn dance at the end was amazing. Still can’t get that song about Bob out of my head!

In short, it was a very merry Christmas for everybody.

Except the Sirens and Misty Fly, of course. The Sirens got to spend their Christmas in prison, and the next 2 as well. I don’t think Swift Order plans to let them out anytime soon.

Misty Fly had the idiocy to attack Scootaloo. She got suspended for 6 months, removed from the Wonderbolts, and was grounded by her parents. Good riddance, I say.

There was one other point I intended to raise with you. According to Rainbow Dash, she and Scootaloo were able to Pony-Up without playing instruments. Given Scootaloo isn’t one of the elements, how is that even possible?

I imagine it will all become clear in time.

Gotta go, the New Year’s Fireworks are starting anytime soon. Let’s hope 2014 will be a better year!

Your stu-your friend,

Sunset Shimmer.

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas everyone!