• Published 5th Oct 2018
  • 2,627 Views, 98 Comments

Overqueen in Equestria - Xinrick

Mayan death timer is a thing, and I'm now a hero of a world...just in a very weird situation.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Lewd Edition

Author's Note:

Note, this chapter does get a bit lewd in places, but this is mostly just talking, filler, and just our two pairings getting to know each other better

"Still can't believe he just left us here…" John said as he and Tonya sat back to back in the pocket dimension of void, both crimson red knowing why they were left here.

"Yeah, like come on…you can't just expect us to…do it…" Tanya nodded.

The two sat still in an awkward silence for a while. "You think he'll be back?"

“Maybe?” Tanya said nervously. “He can’t just…leave us here forever…right?”

"Well, if he does… he'd only come back after we…" John sighed. "Come on, this is BS! This can't be karma for teasing the other two… right?"

"It can't be." Tanya agreed. "There's no way our teasing of those two could have caused this…it was just harmless ribbing…"

"This sucks…"

Tanya sighed. “So…might as well talk and get to know each other I suppose.” Tanya said honestly. “Cause…until now, we really didn’t know each other besides having playing Starcraft 2 together for a while.”

"I guess that is true… so… what state or country are you from?"

“America, and I live in New York.” Tanya said honestly. “You?”

“Also America, but up in Alaska."

“Pretty far.” Tanya said. “What do you do for a living?”

"I managed to get a work from home job doing customer support for insurance companies. It's not bad, I get to work my own hours, pay is decent."

“Lucky, I work at Wal-Mart, pays enough for everything but New York prices are just…bad…”

"Heh. Ain't that much better up north but at least I don't have to worry about rent or a mortgage. Parents left me the house. Paid off and everything. I just pay the bills and taxes. Plus I try to improve it. Little renovations here and there."

“And I live in a rinky dink apartment, that while is okay for me as a single lady…it still sucks that I sometimes have to ask my family for a handout here and there.”

"That sucks." John sighed. "But at least your family is alive for you to ask."

“What about your family?” Tanya asked carefully, taking the ‘at least your family is alive’ as something possibly very bad.

"A few months after my highschool graduation, we all went ice fishing. Frozen lakes and rivers can freeze up to two feet thick, so it's pretty safe. Well, some tourist asshole was also fishing, even drove his huge ass truck onto the ice, with the loudest speakers the whole state probably heard him blasting them. We ignored him and managed to still have some fun. I headed back to the car looking for some more bait, even if it's two feet thick, dad never liked driving on the ice so it was parked just at the edge of the lake. I heard a crack, then a loud splash. The water moving under the ice can reach up to five miles an hour… police never found their bodies. Not even the assholes' car."

Tanya gasped. “Oh my god…John…I’m…I’m so sorry…”

"It was four years ago. Some neighbors and people from town checked in on me every so often. Our town was nice, community strong like that. At Christmas that year someone gifted me a gaming PC, plus a Steam gift card for two hundred dollars. I'd played on mobile and an old PS2 I still use, so this was new. After I set it up and installed steam, I redeemed the cards and got some stuff I'd seen on YouTube and whatever else was on sale. Five months later, I downloaded Battle.net and StarCraft 2 on sale. A year later, I met you online."

“Yeah…we became fast friend’s after that.” Tanya chuckled,.

"You actually helped a lot, felt less like my house was suddenly so empty. Especially when you would go on and on and on about lore." John chuckled.

“I’m a nerd, what can I say?” Tanya giggled.

"Well… what's your family like?"

“Eh, pretty average, mom and dad both still working at their Bar, older sister is off trying to get a degree in engineering, and little brother is having fun working at the bar and learning to be social and what many people are like.” Tanya explained. “Might have to go back to working at the Bar…free drink’s, and better pay to be honest.”

"You think we'll actually be sent back when this is all over?"

“Honestly?” Tanya asked. “Well, if your meaning from ‘this pocket dimension’, maybe…but back home? I…don’t think we will.” Tanya admitted.

"I figured as much… don't even have human bodies anymore. They're humanoid but not exact. Can't exactly live a normal life after… what will we do when this is all over?"

“Go on a date?” Tanya asked. “Cause if we’re together…than it’s better than being by ourselves right?”

"I mean, yeah I guess but what if it doesn't work out?"

“Do you think it won't work out?”

"I don't know. It's bad enough some god whatever they are left us here until we Fuck, not exactly a good way to start a relationship."

“Well, depending on how time works back home…we probably have all the time in the world to just talk and get to know each other.”

"I suppose… this still sucks…"

“Yes, this sucks big time.”

"I've never even been with someone, not even sure what to do as a human let alone in this body… any experience on your end?"

“No…” She shook her head. “Never really did any dating…”

Both sighed. "We're gonna be here for a while…"

Helix huffed as she walked through the Changeling ship. It was a rough few weeks but she was at the grindstone as always moving back and forth between Gentech and the Changeling.

"And I don't even get overtime." She huffed as she entered her shared office with Imago.

“Then take a break.” Imago stated, even though he was currently downing a big mug of Coffee and working over three big stacks of paperwork.

"You first." Helix replied as she sat at her desk.

“You actually need rest, I don’t.” Imago pointed out.

"You forget I whooped you in those tests Faust set up right?" Helix reminded, smirking as Imago frowned.

“Yes, yes, I know, you just love to pride yourself on the handicap I gave you.” Imago said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, sure, keep telling yourself that." Helix added as she combed over some files.

“At least I don’t have an over inflated ego…” Imago countered, also looking over more files. “But at least the Dragon’s just found one of our Caches from what the Dark Templar have reported in…though also seeing Dane of the Thousand Blades there and guiding them as well is…mildly concerning…”

"I'm not the one acting butt hurt about the loss."

“And I’m not acting like a pompous show dog for being better than someone that just woke up from a several thousand year sleep in a dimension filled with horror’s beyond our comprehension.”

"At least I didn't wake up preaching about being the 'perfect apex changeling made in my Makers image' seriously, that's how cults and religions are formed. All I did was hammer your ego into the ground for your own good."

“Difference being, I was made to be like that with my father and auntie, you became like this due to legitimate coincidence.”

Helix shrugged. "Still knocked that God Complex out of you. It was not an attractive aspect."

“You being a bitch isn’t an attractive aspect but I have to deal with it.”

"Bitchiness is a personality and unlike you I can make it look good."

“I didn’t know you were suddenly a comedian.” Imago said in mock shock. “If you wanted to tell jokes I should get my brother Maggot here, he loves making puns.”

"Good idea, that way he can eat all your crap and make something useful out of it."

“At least it would be useful instead of whatever crap you keep spouting.” Imago rolled his eyes, handing Helix a file. “Swann and Karax need our co-signed approval on some brand new thing that they promise won’t nuke half the planet.”

"Which half?"

“Their answer was ‘yes’.” Imago sighed, the file showing off what those two lunatics wanted to do. “I keep forgetting, that letting bright mind’s with unlimited resources and man power can lead to some…unhinged shit.” He said, as Helix saw that it was a brand new reactor core…with half the energy output of a God Machine per minute.

"Hm. If it works they get a raise. Approved." She said, signing her half and putting it to outgoing. "And don't be pouty, I'm sure you're good at something I'm not." Imago smiled. "Like failing." He frowned.

“In failure, we can learn things. I see you’ve lost that knowledge ever since Auntie gave you her DNA.” Imago stated simply.

"Even with that half of DNA from her I far surpass your 'perfectly created' and flat ass."

“If my ass is flat then your tits and ass are concave.”

"They're still better to look at than the flat Equis conspiracy theory you're sitting on."

“And yet it gets more support than whatever brand of underwear you use to make them look at all presentable.”

Helix chuckled. "Don't need support. Only thing I'm okay with from Faust is resilient and naturally perky aspects, plus a reinforced spine cause screw back pain. You wish you could see the things I can do in bed."

“Like what? Flop over like a dead fish and smell just as bad?”

"Hehe, well, maybe it's for the best anyway. I'd probably clench so hard I'd tear whatever you got there off. Assuming it's long enough for me to even feel it in there."

“You probably think a toothpick is too big ya virgin.” Imago said, as Helix turned to him with a blush. “You really think I wouldn’t notice the telltale signs of actual virginity right?”

"I'm guessing you're an expert on it then to notice it when you see it? Makes sense, the only females you know all your sisters, two who reproduce asexually and the other would sooner use you as a test dummy. I'm not counting the fast one. She's fast but I imagine if you tried you'd lose the only inch you got."

“Okay, first off, Incest is what my Auntie is into, none of that.” Imago said bluntly.

“I…really…is that why!?” Helix asked in mild horror.

“Yes.” Imago frowned, knowing what she was getting at. “But no, I have had many suitors before.”

"Your hands and fleshlights don't count."

“I have met many different races, like the Tetraman race…oh boy their women…”

"Ah, so you're more the one night stand deadbeat who father's a child and is never seen again. Fair, doubt they would have wanted you around anyway."

“And I see you were just a fucking pitty case for Auntie when everything around you was destroyed and dead.”

"I'm well aware…" Helix growled. "The only reason I lived and no one else did is because I fell into part of their hive. The only reason I'm alive is because she wanted to play mommy."

“Well lucky you, she didn’t treat you like a lab experiment for half your life.” Imago rolled his eyes. “Until it was too late did she decide ‘oh wow, maybe I did want to take care of them like a mother’.” Imago said in a perfect tone of his auntie. “You got to be ‘mommy’s little hybrid’, while I was forced to be perfection down to the genetic level…and no, I never had any children with any of my past suitors for your information.”

"I'd have preferred to die than stay this. Tried, but…" Imago watched as Helix rapidly snapped her own neck, but then snap back into place. "Fucking… regenerating cells… bitch basically made me immortal so I couldn't leave her…"

“Of course she’d take the war that hard…” Imago sighed, rubbing his temple bitterly. “Now she has a fucking bleeding heart…”

"... We both are beyond fucked…" Helix said.

“Yes…yes we are…” Imago agreed bitterly.

"Well, it's at least nice someone gets it. Both our 'parents' fucked us over. Faust more than your old man but… both have faults. I just want to wake up one day and her be gone."

“If her ‘out with the old’ bit comes true…it’ll probably happen sooner or later.” Imago said honestly.

"If that happens I will let you Fuck me."

“And here I thought you were wanting to enjoy some of that early.” Imago teased with a smirk.

"Heh. I'd rather not risk bringing a kid into a world with her still in it."

“That’s fair…I mean, just look at how she’s treated Celestia and Luna.”

"You mean abandoning them and letting them be raised by some crazy wizard on a mountain?"

“And that crazy wizard was one of the original R&D people…but yes, she did literally abandon her children to go hide and hope for the best…” Imago sighed. “God damn it Auntie…you’d think she’d actually learn…”

"I wouldn't be surprised if she's brain damaged but that's not an excuse either. An explanation sure but not an excuse." Helix sighed. "So… you actually had lovers before?"

“Yes…but that was many, many centuries ago.” Imago sighed. “Even if I wanted to show women a good time, I always gave them the proper respect they deserved, and…never had a child…one issue with being a Changeling, our lives can go as long as we choose…while others have finite life spans…and if I were to ever have a child, it wouldn’t be a cross breed…so, for someone as old as I am…I wouldn’t want to see my own children wither away and die on me while I stayed the same…”

"...Unless said person was also basically immortal with cells that regenerate and never decay…" Helix sighed. "That's why she wanted to set us up…"

“I’m not surprised…” He sighed. “She kept trying with longer living races…now she practically made me a girlfriend…”

"Easy there grandpa. I'm a young fertile virgin and you're an ancient bug. How do I know what's down there even still works?"

“I’ll have you know you young whipper snapper, I’m still as virile as the day I reached sexual maturity, if not more so.”

Helix and Imago laughed. "Tell you what, we're both basically immortal, we'll probably be stuck with one another regardless and frankly we will be bitching at one another a lot due to unhealthy mental issues and such, so, here's our plan. You show it to me now, I decide how and where to put it and after Faust is either dead, in prison or lost to the void or other universe, then we can try for a child to be the parents we wish we had."

“That works.” Imago nodded. “Besides, some people already think we’re an old married couple…why not actually make something official?”

"Let's save marriage til after she's gone. I'd rather not have her alive to see the day."

“True.” He nodded.

"Well, you gonna drop them or what?"

“Alright alright.” Imago said, but snapped his fingers and made sure the door was closed and locked. “Don’t want any ‘unwanted guests’ barging in.”

With that, the changeling let their pants fall.

"Huh… it looks different than I was expecting."

“I can change it to look like any other race.” He brought up.

"Huh… well that will definitely be interesting. Hmm… is… the glowing… normal?"

“Yes…and honestly, I don’t know why, I thought it was because of our blood, the kinds of materials we can create for our cocoon…but either of those are the actual answer…”

"Huh… well, guess it's my turn to uphold my end." Helix said, unbuttoning her shirt, tossing it and her bra onto her desk. "We'll save the other hole for after work."

"Favorite Pokemon?" John asked. The two had been in the pocket dimension for about five hours by their count now. They laid down next to each other on the 'floor' and talked.

“Ech, there’s hundreds…” Tanya said, rocking back and forth. “I’ll have to go with Rapidash.”

"Fair." John shrugged. "I'm partial to Miltank. I'm aware that against one it's a bitch but using one, oh man you totally get a power trip."

“True.” Tanya nodded. “So…favorite video game?”

"Aside StarCraft? Gonna go with… any of the Jak and Daxter games. I played those games to death growing up. Almost fully completed the second and third games too."

“Oh god Jak and Daxter takes me back…if we’re talking about old Playstation games, I’d have to go with either Sly Cooper or Ratchet and Clank, both were just so fun.”

"I never played Ratchet and Clank."

“I’m a little surprised, considering Ratchet and Clank was one of the three franchises competing to be the Playstation 2’s Mascot.” Tanya said honestly.

"I know but we didn't get a GameStop in my town until a year ago." John shrugged. "Considered buying them but mail takes forever to be delivered. Amazon doesn't even deliver to my house."

“Okay, that’s understandable and very weird.” Tanya said honestly.

"It's always snowing and roads suck so, understandable. As is mail from out of state is flown in. Heck, mail in the state is flown from place to place more often than not."

“Eh, fair.” Tanya shrugged. “And yeah…I know about road’s sucking, ton’s of snow and a bunch of stupid people on the road or walking around…ugh.”

"So, what should we do when all this is all over?"

“Well…I don’t know.” Tanya said, lightly playing with her wing. “We’re in a brand new world, in brand new bodies…and we’re fighting against All Makers…I think a stiff drink and me getting my ass pounded sounds like a good start to what to do after this is done.”


“We’re literally in a war right now, there’s so much shit going on that neither of us know or understand…I just need something to just completely ignore what the hell is happening…and I’d especially not like to know whatever the fuck Amon did with all the Griffon’s he kidnapped…”

"True… and we ain't getting out of here until we do that so you can produce… sucks our kids are literally going to be born to be soldiers…"

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” Tanya huffed. “We’re the strategists of this bunch, I’m not going to let our kids become soldiers.”

"It's literally how you're supposed to breed for your own hive. We were told as such…"

“Ugh…this sucks…” Tanya groaned. “I don’t want our kids to be soldiers…but we’re in a damn war so that has to happen…”

"Well, I guess… like you said we're the strategists. We just gotta make a strategy that keeps them all alive."

“Yep.” Tanya nodded. “Just…wish this place could give us something to work with, can’t really try and strategize with nothing but the two of us and the Void.”



“Okay what the fuck?”

"I'm assuming that's either an intentional feature or a bug… well… either way, before we can even leave here we have to… get that part out of the way…"

“Well…let’s figure out how to…get the bits out I suppose….” Tanya said, blushing a bit as she looked down and tried to think about how to get the chitin out of the way to the fun parts…

To her surprise… it quite literally retracted. Both down there and on her chest.

"... Woah… that's uh… different… now how does…"

John's did the same.

Both were blushing. John for the act to be committed. Tanya because of John's size.

“W-whoa…” Tanya muttered in awe. “That’s…pretty big…”

"Uh… thanks… perks of a new body… I guess…?" John said. "So… who's top and who's bottom?"

“Does it really matter?” Tanya asked. “Now get over here and make sure I can’t walk straight.”

To be continued...